Ani Lorak has dropped the video for her new song and this time the controversy is not about an eyebrow-raisingly short nude corset. No, she’s grabbing headlines by giving her two cents on the crisis in Ukraine.

“Maljvi”, which translates as “flowers”, offers a stark contrast to her back catalogue of dancefloor hits. It attempts to capture the bereft feeling that mothers endure when they lose their sons in battle. Ani speaks from the heart on the issue. She lost her brother after he enlisted to fight in Afghanistan. That, she says, justifies her using footage of the Maidan tragedy in the video.

However, exercising her artistic licence to start a conversation on this issue has been met with backlash. Many politicians, and indeed some fans, have accused her of exploiting the tragedy for her own PR gains. In response, Lorak quotes Mother Teresa.

… If you are kind, people will accuse you of hiding greed under the guise of your kindness. Still remain good: it is only your relationship with God that matters.

Keeping fighting the good fight Ani. We salute you!

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Just being honest
Just being honest
10 years ago

Please tell me she’s against the pro-Russian terrorists in this video…..

10 years ago

Shockingly good video.

Deserves to be seen and disguised.

10 years ago

Apart from the meaning of the lyrics and its political content and interpretation, this is the kind of song I will never hear Ukraine bring into Eurovision and specially sung in Ukrainian … and this showcases how Ani is really good as a singer and not all dance crap … people have to restart using music to tell stories and not using it as MacDonald’s food to entertain. This is one great story regardless all the hypocritical opinions on the issue. It’s rings true and says something people in Ukraine can relate to. Yet Ukraine rather send half-naked Ani Lorak… Read more »

10 years ago

Very good!!!

Marcelo N
10 years ago

Any homage paid to the mothers of fallen victims deserves our respect. That is a pain too hard to explain or understand. I salute this and any artist who will sing for them.