Ever since we heard that Junior Eurovision Song Contest artists Anita Simoncini and Michele Perniola will represent San Marino at Eurovision in 2015, we have been dying to chat with them about how their musical union came to light. Well the wait is over! Our New York correspondent Sopon recently interviewed the Sammarinese stars and learned a little more about their impending duet, the future of the Peppermints, and their Eurovision tastes.
Guys, thank you so much for taking time to talk to us. After following you guys at Junior Eurovision, it was a pleasant surprise to find out that you would be going to Eurovision this year. But how long have you guys known about this duet? If you knew before JESC, was it hard to keep a secret?
Anita: I knew about the duet only a few weeks ago, it was a wonderful surprise!
Michele: Despite all the rumors that this was the project I couldn’t talk about in Malta, I only found out on the car ride to San Marino for the press conference announcing it.
Whose idea was it to form this duet?
It was the idea of Antonello Carozza and Alessandro Capicchioni, two of our producers.
Both of your songs in JESC were a bit retro. Do you know your song yet, or the style that you will be singing?
We don’t know yet, but we’d love to sing something funky arranged in a modern way.
Both of you will be sixteen in May, which is the youngest age allowed on stage at Eurovision. Do you think being young will give you an advantage over the older singers?
We don’t know, we can only hope. It will be difficult, but regardless, we will have fun and make it a wonderful new experience.
What was the reaction of the other Peppermints when they found out? There weren’t any catfights, were there?
Nah, they were super excited for us!
Michele: What does your sister Rafaella think of the project? Is she jealous or supportive?
Rafaella is super supportive! She doesn’t know how to be jealous, especially to her big brother!
Are the Peppermints finished as a group? If not, will Michele record a song with them?
Anita: No, we are far from over! We want to continue our adventure!
Michele: And I would certainly love to collaborate with them.
Two songs. One choice. “Breaking My Heart” or “O-o-o Sole Interno A Me”?
Anita: Well, they’re both beautiful but I must say… BREAKING MY HEART!!!
Michele: I love both!
Three songs. One choice. The Social Network Song, Crisalide, or Maybe?
We both love “Maybe” the most.
Speaking of Valentina Monetta, how does it feel having to uphold the legacy she left behind?
Anita: It’s a big responsibility, but also a big opportunity. I’m the happiest person on Earth!
Michele: We’ll do our best not to disappoint the Sammarinese Eurovision fans!
What was your reaction when San Marino qualified last year?
Anita: It was incredible! I felt extremely proud to be Sammarinese.
Michele: I was there, and the atmosphere was incredible. I was so amazed.
Do you have a favorite Sammarinese or Italian Eurovision song?
Anita: I like the recent entries most, especially “Maybe” and “L’essenziale“.
Michele: Of course! I believe “Maybe” is a masterpiece.
What are you doing besides music?
Anita: I love dancing and going out with my friends, but also reading and taking pictures.
Michele: I like motorbikes a lot, and hang around every now and then.

How does all of this work fit around your studies?
Anita: It’s a bit difficult, but don’t worry! I still have good grades!
Michele: I agree, it is quite difficult, but you can’t betray your passion.
Do you have a message for wiwibloggs?
wiwibloggs, we love you! Y’all are the best journalists in Eurovision, thank you very much! We’ll see you soon!
What great kids! Good luck! I’m really looking forward to their song.
“We’ll do our best not to disappoint the Sammarinese Eurovision fans!”
ummm do they exist?? xD
good luck guys, I support you!
I hope that San Marino will surprise us with a cool song – that means which has not written by Ralph Siegel. One like Ace’s “Busy Doing Nothing” may be a great choice for this very young duo; or a strong electronica song like the international hit “Royals”. I hope that SMRTV will arrange a cool song for them – maybe a colloboration with Sweden could bring them a top ten placing in the final? And I do believe that San Marino is able to acchieve a cool result this year – as a micro country, the very successful Malta… Read more »
Heck yeah, Michele and Anita are rising stars! They should sing a 80’s style song in Vienna, and they will absolutely go to the final!
I think they should sing something that is glee styled because 2 teenagers my age singing a Che’nee and N’Evergreen style ballad just wouldn’t work. I couldn’t picture myself singing a ballad. I would sing a more Andras Kallay Saunders or Mujahid Zoltan styled pop song. Or even Pink Pistols. 😀 😀
They both seem really sweet! I hope they qualify.