In the run-up to each heat of Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK), Finland’s selection for Eurovision 2015, the Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — will rate the songs from that heat. Up next is Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät with their song “Aina mun pitää” (“Always I Have To”). This is one of bookies’ favourites to win UMK 2015. Read on to see if we agree…
“Aina mun pitää” reviews
Deban: Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät aren’t good ambassadors of Finland. To outsiders, they are caught in an ugly time warp. Despite their sob story that music in general and “Aina Mun Pitää” in particular offers solace to the elderly and handicapped, the reality is that they’ll never be the kingpins of social mobility. To enjoy this, you need to zone out on a cocktail of barbiturates.
Score: 1/10
Josh: This song get’s a flat out no from me. There is absolutely nothing pleasant about this. The music is too loud for his voice and he sounds like a grandpa trying to do screamo music. And it doesn’t even last for two minutes! No. Just no.
Score: 0/10
William: I have a mentally handicapped sibling so am naturally moved by their personal story. We should all applaud their efforts — and their team’s efforts — to fight the invisibility that plagues people with special needs. However, UMK is a song contest and we have to evaluate the song. In their number screams replace any sort of chorus, and shrieks fill the gaps in between. This is not music. It’s noise with a good backstory.
Score: 2/10

Ramadan: This is one of the hardest things to do in my life. They have a disability, yes, but I’m just not a fan of this style of music. Not only that, the song is way too short for Eurovision. I just don’t know what to say, really, as it’s a touchy thing.
Score: 2/10
Robyn: I love these guys – a group of special needs adults who are using the raw power of punk rock to rage against the everyday frustrations of life. And despite the rawness of the performance, there is a song hiding in there. At less than 90 seconds, it’s a really short entry (hey, it’s punk!), and while it’s not likely to make it to Vienna, it will certainly give UMK some attitude. Are you bovvered?
Score: 6/10
Sami: I really hate this kind of music. It’s way too loud, it sounds like they are just banging on their instruments and there’s not even real melody there. It’s also quite forgottable — all you remember is the name line. I really hope we don’t end up sending this to Vienna, as I’m pretty sure this would just get us to the last place in our semifinal. These guys have my total respect, though, for doing what they love, no matter what people say.
Score: 1/10

Sopon: There’s all kinds of rock that Finland can send. Chick rock (like Hanna), heavy metal (Lordi), death metal (that band from ’08), alternative rock (Softengine), and… this. I’m sorry, but lesbihonest here. This is really, really bad. I know all about the backstory and everything, but in the end of the day, it’s about the music.
Score: 0/10
Patrick: I’m really sorry to say this, but it’s just a bad song. This style of music doesn’t appeal to me, and it reminds me a bit of Lordi’s winning number from 2006. Anyways, I have big respect for them and they should still be proud of themselves. Keep on working guys!
Score: 1/10
Mikhail: I simply don’t like the song. It sounds really annoying and I can only switch off the sound.
Score: 0/10
The highest and lowest scores have been removed before calculating the final scores to avoid bias. We have removed a high of 6 and a low of 0.
The Wiwi Jury Verdict: 1/10
You can read all of our reviews and rankings for Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) 2015 by clicking here. You can also keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team from on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.
Photo: YLE
We should only let beautiful people take part in the contest. Because they’re pretty and people like to look at them.
First things first, I like PKN, but my critique of this review is not even gonna be that biased. You people seem to lack context in music past eurovision. You don’t seem to like anything more abrasive than your average eurovision song. I’d say this is the most interesting song to enter the eurovision in a while, as it actually has musical context beyond “EUROVISION ENTRY”. Finland has long had a punk scene, and even though PKN does not quite fit into the narrative, they are absolutely an authentic punk band. I didn’t even realize they were disabled and I… Read more »
These guys are NOT asking you to respect them because they are disabled so f*ck that. This is not about disabilities, this is punk-f*cking-ROCK!
Don’t you just love it how the panelists are literally squirming in their desperate efforts not to seem like they’d simply want to lock up all disabled people and hide them from public view? As if that’s what really matters here? Just for these comments alone I think having PKN in ESC is a delight: “Despite their sob story that music in general and “Aina Mun Pitää” in particular offers solace to the elderly and handicapped, the reality is that they’ll never be the kingpins of social mobility.” Yeah… f**k the elderly and the handicapped! Keep them in their place!… Read more »
Good news, punk is alive. The work of this band may not be perfect but the soul of punk is there, and that’s refreshing.
Bad news, after almost 40 years people haven’t learned much about punk music. So you can get a string of bad reviews from bad reviewers. This lack of knowledge and historical perspective baffles me.
You said teräsbetoni is death metal? wtf? u must be dumber than PKN
Pretty basic and good punk, you gotta be a f*cking *sshole and not know nothing about music to give it a 1/10.
You haters are just racist! You don’t like different kind of people. You want pure aryan race without disabilities or norm breaking appearances. I loathe you all facists!
I´ll be back the day they win; just to shove it up your purist a$$es.
“This style of music doesn’t appeal to me, and it reminds me a bit of Lordi’s winning number from 2006”
I dont like the music, and punk rock reminds me of glam metal.
If they aren’t going to win they will be in the best 10.
Since when have Eurovision been about the music?
What kind of ‘professionals’ are these people trying to be?? “The music is too loud for his voice”, “It sounds really annoying” & “This is not music.”? I mean, honestly, have these guys even heard of punk music – you know, one of the biggest genres of music during the history? Punk’s not meant to be pleasant or quiet, it’s about making statements. And this is exactly what this band is doing. Personally, I’m not that fond with punk music either but I still understand what punk music is about and let everyone play and listen to the kind of… Read more »
yeah, they dont represent homosexuality so they are shit, needs idiotic EDM and good looking women and men to be good. No brain = good anything with a bigger meaning = bad
Grow up
This is absolutely the best entry ever! It’s a bad song and will fit in just perfectly due to what it represents. It goes to the same category as Lordi’s Hard Rock Hallelujah, it’s mocking the ESC and what it has become over the years. The Eurovision Song Contest lost its appeal to me many years ago, it’s nothing but pop songs that all resemble each other, “perfect” people in tiny clothes and tinier attitude. I can’t believe that you people still give the contest some credit!!!
I am so shame that we are going to send this “song” to Vienna.It`s horrible !!
Go PKN. To all you haters: fucking idiots if you don’t like punk that’s yer fuckin problem bithces. I’m really sorry to say this but there aint one single good track in the history of some fuckin Eurovision song contest shit. If anyone actually likes the usual Eurovision camp shit music he or she must be a fucking idiot. Go PKN and fuck haters. Shove yer glitter up yer asses. Nuff said
And still they were chosen, great!
Oh the irony of these reviews…
This whole blog post: Racism. You really just have to understand.
I think this website is a good example of why people with no understanding of music should keep their opinions to themselves; though the whole Eurovision-theme did pretty much give it away right from the get-go.
This is horrible trash, and eventhough i have sympathy for their disabilities, I still rank the song to it’s own merits. 0/10 YUK
I hope that Finland have juries instead od 100 % televote. Same was in Serbia, first RTS say that wili be 100 % televote, and few past weak they say no 100 % televote, 50 % televote 50 % juries like at Eurovison.
Interesetin on betting odds they have best odds for victory. On You tube now most watched video have now Opera Skaala than Norlan who is now on 2nd positih, who was on first positino few week ago.
I hope that Finnish public won’t waste such a strong year with Siru and Satin Circus – both have potential Eurovision winning entries.
I was almost afraid to listen to the song…but it wasn´t as bad as I thought. There´s actually a good song there, with good guitar riff in the back, it short, straight forward and gives no mercy, just like punk rock should do. My score would be 6/10, because deep inside, I am also a metalhead, who loves this type of music 🙂
For once I agree with Sopon!
I’m not sure anymore that there will be televote-only. At the first Yle told us that public will decide 100%. But then suddenly yesterday 2th. february Yle changed the information on its UMK-site.
“Voittaja ratkeaa yleisöäänestyksen ja kansalaisraatien yhteistuloksella.”
In english: The winner will decide by televoting and civil jury(or somethin like that).
Thats only in final and I’m not sure is this true or somekind of mistake. But that is fact that in semifinals there will be 100% televoting.
This is not really first time when Yle has really wague information on its website about UMK.
I am really, really scered that we are going to select this one. It would be real a disaster.
It’s true that UMK is televote-only this year, but I don’t think that means that this band will necessarily win. A heartwarming story can only get you so far.
This is honestly one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard in my life. I don’t care that they have learning disabilities the song is terrible. And to think this is betting agencies’ favourite to win.