Back in May 2018, Austria’s Cesár Sampson slayed with his song “Nobody But You” all the way to the top three of the Eurovision Song Contest, emerging as the jury favourite. Since then, he’s performed at the Life Ball in Vienna, and turned his biggest hit into a duet by collaborating with Famous at the OT 2018 Christmas Gala.  And now, he’s released his much-awaited follow-up single, “Stone Cold”.

“Stone Cold” is a symphonix crafted R&B-pop number with hues of gospel music. Borrowing inspiration from the popular sounds of Rag ‘N’ Bone Man, Cesár delves through a wide range of octaves, and maintains composure in the music video that sees him primarily driving a car whilst being tormented by vexed women. The hate felt real, but Cesár’s stone cold front kept his eyes on the road.

Cesár Sampson – “Stone Cold”

Speaking exclusively to wiwibloggs, Cesar explains:

“For “Stone Cold” I wanted to achieve a couple of different things at once. It being only my second solo release, I felt I needed to show my audience what is the common thread in my music, but also introduce them to a wider range of my musical taste.

In terms of the song’s message, I wanted to keep it fun – something to just move to- and just tell an entertaining story. The story of the man who enters a casual relationship with an exciting woman, but then realises that he wants more , that he actually has serious feelings, only to find out, that she prefers it to stay just the way it is. He finds himself trapped in an arrangement that was hot, but turns cold as soon as he tries to reach her heart.”

Are you feeling Cesár’s new single? Do you like the music video? Sound off in the comments section below.

Cesár Sampson – “Stone Cold” (Lyrics)

Throw my body out to sea
Or keep me here and cope with me
One of these days I’ll push too far
I put my faith in the dopamine

Though I see you’re strugglin too
You’re knife’s too blunt to cut the fuse
Drink until your heart is full
Tell me what you want my hands to do x 2

But you get so stone cold
And you know it’s gonna cut me to my bone
Stone cold to me
And I’m in your choke hold
And I’m trying to get through but you feel
Stone cold to me

Is it you or is it me
Or is this how its supposed to be?
Think I’m gettin too close to see
Tell me where you want my hands to be x 2

But you get so stone cold
And you know it’s gonna cut me to my bone
Stone cold to me
And I’m in your choke hold
And I am trying to get through but you feel
Stone cold to me

I feel like I’m fallin, I wanna be more than close to you
Tell me what you want my hands to do
I feel like I’m fallin, but I keep on coming back to you
Tell me what you want my hands to do

And I know I’ve been fallin prey to your pleasure
And I let you consume all my love without measure
I ain’t even mad at you though
I’d let you feel my gratitude though
You know, I ain’t too proud to go down and surrender

But you get so stone cold
And you know it’s gonna cut me to my bone
Stone cold to me
And I’m in your choke hold
I been trying to get through but you feel
Stone cold to me

Stone Cold is available on Spotify, Itunes, Deezer, Google Play, Apple Music and other platforms.

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6 years ago

It seems he found his sound. It is not so much my kind of music (don’t like the gospel whipes). But that is only my taste. He has much to offer as a singer.

6 years ago

Listened to it yesterday and the verses sound a bit like James Arthur’s “Impossible”. I am not joking!

Cesar's salad
Cesar's salad
6 years ago

Could be a Top 5 contender for the wiwi year-end chart

6 years ago

I bet there are many fantasies involving Cesars hands…

esc stan
esc stan
6 years ago

The only “Stone Cold” we should care about is Demi Lovato’s

Cesar's salad
Cesar's salad
6 years ago
Reply to  esc stan

Autotune Demi I can’t really sing Lovato?