Festival da Canção 2021 is underway in Portugal, and on 27 February the Iberian nation will complete the line-up for its final. Semi-final two is stacked with fan favourites, but one act has emerged as the clear winner of our poll — NEEV.

NEEV is your favourite to win semi-final two of Festival da Canção 2021

A total of 1.845 votes were cast and your top 5 was clear. If it was up to you, NEEV would sail through to the grand final with his song “Dancing In The Stars”. He was your top preference with 41.46% of the vote, or 763 votes specifically.

The contemporary ballad with commercial appeal has been a fan favourite since its release and that showed in our poll. NEEV won in a landslide, picking up over 390 more votes than the runner up.

The second spot in the final, according to you, should go to Pedro Gonçalves and his infectious pop-song “Não Vou Ficar”. He was the chosen one for 14.42% of our readers, that’s 266 votes.

Third place is gracefully occupied by songstress Carolina Deslandes. Her gentle ballad “Por Um Triz” gathered votes from 12.63% of our readers. That’s 233 votes.

The fourth ticket to the Final should go to EU.CLIDES with “Volte-Face”. A total of 9.21% of our readers want to see him in the grand final, which equates to 170 votes.

If it was up to our readers, Joana Alegre would snatch the last available ticket to the final. “Joana do Mar” received 8.29% of the vote, which is 153 votes.

Based on these results, that would mean Graciela, Ariana, Tainá, Da Chick and Ana Tereza would have to end their Festival da Canção 2021 run tonight.

Full results: Who should win semi final two of Portugal’s Festival da Canção 2021?

  1. NEEV – “Dancing In The Stars” – 41.36%  (763 votes)
  2. Pedro Gonçalves – “Não Vou Ficar” – 14.42%  (266 votes)
  3. Carolina Deslandes – “Por Um Triz” – 12.63%  (233 votes)
  4. EU.CLIDES – “Volte-Face” – 9.21%  (170 votes)
  5. Joana Alegre – “Joana do Mar” – 8.29%  (153 votes)
  6. Graciela – “A Vida Sem Acontecer” – 4.12%  (76 votes)
  7. Ariana – “Mundo Melhor” – 3.20%  (59 votes)
  8. Tainá – “Jasmin” – 3.09%  (57 votes)
  9. Da Chick – “I Got Music” – 2.22%  (41 votes)
  10. Ana Tereza – “Com Um Abraço” – 1.46%  (27 votes)

Festival da Canção 2021 – Rules

The 50/50 voting system is back, but with different forms for the semi-finals and the grand final. A single jury and the public televote will decide which songs will advance to the final. In case of a tie, the professional jury will decide which ones advance.

In the grand final, the decision will be split by televote and seven regional juries. This time around, if we have a tie, the televote will prevail.

The second semi will be presented by Tânia Ribas de Oliveira and José Carlos Malato. The grand final will be hosted by Eurovision 2018 host Filomena Cautela as well as Vasco Palmeirim. Inês Lopes Gonçalves will be the green room host.

The second semi-final of Festival da Canção 2021 will take place at 22:00 CET on 27 February. The final is set for 6 March.

Which songs from semi-final two of Festival da Canção 2021 are you most excited about? Let us know in the comment section below. 

Read more Portugal Eurovision 2021 news here

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3 years ago

It is not my favorite song, but I would very much like to see NEEV win to see what this kind of songs can actually do for Portugal in ESC.

3 years ago

Beautiful song…He´s by far my favorite to win. Let´s see how it goes on stage…let´s hope RTP makes an effort this time…which I highly doubt.

Internet Person
Internet Person
3 years ago

Is this the same NEEV who collaborated with SeeB a few years back, or a different one?
Link to song I’m thinking of > https://youtu.be/SyRv0-oPfKE

3 years ago

Haven’t heard his songs.. but he looks cute in the pic so might give him a listen

3 years ago
Reply to  Az*rbaijan

Nvm juat ur average generic ballad lmao

3 years ago

It will be historical if Portgual send this song, because if he win it will be the first full song in english from Portugal 🙂

Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
Reply to  Viggz

Portugal will not send an english song to ESC.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

It is indeed not Portugal’s usual style, but can you see into the future? Everything is possible.

3 years ago

This is a strong semi and assuming all the performances go okay, these five would also be my picks for qualifiers. I can see Carolina, Pedro and Neev all doing really well at ESC. Eu.Clides really is the “Jack in a Box” entry, who could easily end-up last or win the whole thing. I can see Joana, Taina or Graciela surprising too. Can’t wait for tonight.

3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I don’t particularly see much besides qualification and a 20th at ESC with any of these songs. Not unless this year really goes heavy on up beat tracks. Even then there are bound to be better slower songs. But yeah, Pedro, NEEV and Karetus are the only ones likely to give us a qualification, but not guaranteed by any means. I’d say Carolina but I’d be lying, I think she is nearly guaranteed to stay in the semis if she goes, which is extremely likely. Just don’t see the people voting for it and we certainly won’t have the jury… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

That’s the issue. This year is shaping up to be very strong, but heavily on the upbeat side. Neev or Carolina would stand out for the audiences who like ballads and calmer songs. So far, we only have three ballads, all of which at least somewhat border on mid-tempo at parts. Majority of announced internal picks (Greece, Slovenia, Iceland, Serbia, Russia, Moldova… ect.) are also alluded to be uptempo. So, yeah, I believe that Carolina’s chances this year would be bigger than Elisa’s were last year by sheer statistics. It’s a slow-burner, so it would go better if it gets… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Colin
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Like I said, it’s possible but I just see it as unlikely. I’d rather temper expectations. While yes, we do seem to be going towards a very up tempo soundscape this year, we never know when we can be surprised with very great ballads. I’d say NEEV is likely the safer choice not only because it’s in Englsih, but because I see that it’s more likely that more female led ballads are to show up than male ones. Not to mention I think the hype surrounding the female led ballads will likely be more than for the ones defended my… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DDRaven
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

That’s my theory about Portugal this year—same thing happened with Salvador—he had little in terms of ballad competition. I actually think they have an inside straight of doing well by going with an emotional slow ballad—NEEV clearly being the most accessible to European ears. It has a bit of Germany 2018 vibes. The biggest hurdle from their semi would be Switzerland—NEEV has similar voice to this singer. What Portugal really needs is to bring in someone special to elevate their staging. Memorable ballads typically have amazing staging.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jake

That is the problem. RTP seems to have something against trying to do more than the basic when it comes to staging, with the only exceptions being if it’s the same as what was in the NF. NEEV seems to be going for a simple sing at the piano staging for the NF, which on it’s own is already bad as I doubt Europe will be to keen on voting on another guy singing a ballad about his failed love life/death of someone precious while sittingin front of a piano yet again after one won. And yeah, Switzerland will be… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by DDRaven
3 years ago

I would like to see these qualifying(no order): Joana Alegre, Ana Tereza, Neev, Pedro Gonçalves, Carolina Deslandes.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago

His voice is so beautiful. I would like to hear this song in portuguese, maybe it makes it more special. Good luck tonight!

3 years ago

Now I just hope for a Blasted Mechanism 2.0

3 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

as a portuguese, same lol

3 years ago

Eu.Clides for the win. It’s a simplistic song, but hopefully Portugal will realise it’s a masterpiece within those 3 minutes on stage.

3 years ago
Reply to  ERUS

Yes, the 0 televote points at ESC masterpiece. Being different doesn’t mean masterpiece. It just means alienating to the average viewer.
Unless you wanna tell me Rain of Revolution is secretly the best song ever sent to ESC.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

ok at this point I think everybody has had enough of you bashing Euclides just because you don’t like their song. it’s time to stop and sit down, ddraven.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

Except I don’t dislike the song. Congrats in assuming. I’m simply speaking the truth. It’s a song that will do terribly if it goes to ESC. It will not do wel with the general public. Not my fault you don’t like hearing the truth.
So how about you shut it

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
3 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

No xx

3 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

I bet Miss DDRaven is one of those “Portuguese fans” who typed the same message 20505702394 times in this blog babbling about the ZERO chances of Salvador Sobral even qualifying to the final in 2017…

Last edited 3 years ago by Alaska
3 years ago
Reply to  Alaska

Not really no, but do go on making assumptions you moronic hipster. Also I do have more of a right to an opinion about my country than you, so how about you shut it.
Also assuming genders, adorable. Truly a mark of a genius when all you can muster is assumptions.

Last edited 3 years ago by DDRaven
3 years ago

Tainá ahead of Joana and I think those will be the actual qualifiers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I’m not sure if EU.CLIDES will qualify. Has a nice shot at it, but it heavily depends on people at home getting it. The jury is also a question mark. While experimental generally does better here it isn’t a sure fire for qualification for the final. See “Claro como a agua”, sadly. Although his stage performance will be rather simple instead of offputting so he has that in his favour by comparison. Really, only Carolina and maybe NEEV are guaranteed to qualify. Even Pedro I could see a scenario where he misses out. After Carolina and NEEV, just about anyone… Read more »

3 years ago

Joana – Da Chick – NEEV are my Top 3.

3 years ago

Obviously!!!!! =)

Last edited 3 years ago by Cláudio
Michael Green
Michael Green
3 years ago

This semi is much stronger. Graciela, Tainá and Ana Teresa could be also deserved qualifyers. In my top 2: Neev and Eu.Clides