Fyr & Flamme Denmark Eurovision 2021

Saturday saw eight acts take to the stage for Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021. They were all hoping to take home the trophy and earn the right to represent Denmark at Eurovision 2021. But in the end only one could emerge victorious and that was Fyr & Flamme with their song “Øve os på hinanden”.

Fyr & Flamme – “Øve os på hinanden” (Denmark Euroivsion 2021)

Fyr & Flamme win Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021 with “Øve os på hinanden”

The result of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021 was determined entirely by the public. In the first round of voting, the public had to vote for the three acts that they wanted to move onto the superfinal.

The three acts that moved onto the next round were as follows, highlighted in bold on the running order:

  • Chief 1 & Thomas Buttenschøn – “Højt over skyerne”
  • Nanna Olivia – “Hvileløse hjerter”
  • The Cosmic Twins – “Silver Bullet”
  • Claudia Campagnol – “Abracadabra”
  • Mike Tramp – “Everything Is Alright”
  • Fyr & Flamme – “Øve os på hinanden”
  • Emma Nicoline – “Står lige her”
  • Jean Michel – “Beautiful”

Each of Fyr & Flamme, Chief 1 & Thomas Buttenschøn an Jean Michel then performed once again. The public were tasked with voting between these three acts for who they wanted to fly the Danish flag at Eurovision 2021.

Once the votes were all counted, the final result was as follows:

  1. Fyr & Flamme – “Øve os på hinanden”
  2. Jean Michel – “Beautiful”
  3. Chief 1 & Thomas Buttenschøn – “Højt over skyerne”

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021: Show details

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021 was broadcast from DR Byen, the headquarters of Danish public broadcaster DR in Copenhagen.

This year, the show was hosted by Tina Müller and Martin Brygmann. Tina Müller is best known in Denmark as a sports journalist and presenter. Meanwhile, Martin Brygmann is known as an actor, presenter and musician. In 2005, Brygmann co-wrote Sweethearts’ DMGP entry “I Must Be Crazy”. He has also previously appeared at DMGP as a member of the professional jury.

The popular live orchestra also returned. DR’s 15-person orchestra, led by conductor Peter Düring, provided accompaniment for all eight acts as they performed on stage.

What do you think of the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021 results? How do you think Fyr & Flamme will do at Eurovision 2021? Let us know in the comments below!

Read more Denmark Eurovision news here

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3 years ago

let’s say it’s pretty accurate in capturing 80s or early 90s eurovision vibes. but that’s about the only positive thing i’ve got to say about this. huge letdown if compared to ben & tan. and i don’t think there’s any ironist ironic enough to actually spend some money on voting for serious schlager.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nils
4 years ago

My favorite so far! Denmark, brilliant job!

4 years ago

Denmark once again on the childish side.

4 years ago

Did I… read the year of the entry correctly? I suppose some variety will be nice though

4 years ago

Denmark went from actively trying to win, then to actually winning, only to go to not even bothering to try to do well. What happened?

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Lots of daydrinking during quarantine….

4 years ago

This is just as generic, language makes no difference

Yudhistira Mahasena
4 years ago

This is my winner! I can’t see why people hate on Denmark this year. The song is in Danish, the first time we’ve heard the language in Eurovision since 1997.

Let’s go! Copenhagen 2022!!!
If Denmark doesn’t qualify this year I’m crying out loud.

4 years ago

You can scream very loud

4 years ago

Generations 1930-1950 will vote for this. Shocked.

4 years ago

From the heavy padding jacket to the awkward dancing to the ngf of the bass player, this entry can really do bonkers

4 years ago

What a nice throwback & I love their energy. The audience will know exactly what it’s trying to do. This will be a qualifier, generations from 1990-1975 will all vote for this, as they should.

4 years ago

This is a hit or miss song. You either hate or love it. I doubt it’s going to work in Eurovision, but I love it! It’s so catchy. This and their other song Kamæleon went straight to my playlist. ???

4 years ago

Melfest 1997 reject

4 years ago

Way too retro to qualify past the semis! It’s a ‘no’ from me.

4 years ago

Retro in a good way and catchy. Great it’s in Danish! But the singer should improve his singing.

4 years ago

So the disco train keeps going on. I actually liked the use of native language and vibes in the song. But it is clear to me something is missing to surely say “It is gonna qualify!”. There were many detoned and ordinary songs last night. My personal guilty pleasure was Abracadabra, at least she sang it crystal clear! Anyway, best wishes to F&F.

Last edited 4 years ago by Berco
4 years ago
Reply to  Berco

Sweetie, this isn’t disco.

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
4 years ago

The article doesn’t mention it but when they revealed the top 3 the % of votes were mentioned. 3 place got a whopping 29% of the votes and the winner only 37%. So number 2 must have got 34%. This is probably the closest vote I have seen in Denmark usually we agree pretty much on a winner. This shows we were split. Maybe it even shows lack of interest it would be interesting to know if amounts of votes are lower than normally

Internet Person
Internet Person
4 years ago

It’s not bad per se, just… weak. Should pick up points here and there but it’ll ultimately fail to reach the final

4 years ago

2021 is going to be more interesting day by day.. can’t see it qualify but it’s interesting and colorful

4 years ago

Oh dear – let’s hope they at least sing in tune with a bit of practice!

4 years ago
Reply to  ABC

I’m sure they will practice on each other.

4 years ago

Jesus Christ…what the actual F is this?

4 years ago

What happened to Eurovision in the last 2 years? The songs are starting to become garbage

4 years ago

Jesper should get a vocal coach and they should save Kamæleon for melodi grand prix

4 years ago

I have to say, I’m shocked. I didn’t think Denmark would pick a danish language song, but they did. Granted, I would’ve preferred if it was Står Lige her But this song topped the odds and the odds were right for once. That said, I’m still uncertain about Denmark making it to the final. I’ll wait until all the songs are out before I can make my qualification productions, but then Mark is unfortunately one of the ones at risk. Good luck

4 years ago

What the actual f… is going on with y‘all! You all seem to be professional music experts haha

4 years ago

TBH, I really can’t see this qualifying…

4 years ago
Reply to  ...

I can see them qualify. This brings nostalgia of the past in this world in crisis and uncertain futur, virus pandemic, global warming…

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

I like the song and I hope they will keep it in Danish.

4 years ago

It’s a grower song on me, the more i listen to it the more i like it

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
4 years ago

Yes the news say they will keep it in danish and that we will sing in Danish for the first time in 24 years. Now it’s the chance for the people wishing all language rule back to prove us wrong. Personally I think we will flop as the part of the charm is the lyrics.

Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago

This year all it´s very crazy – Denmark in native language and Portugal for the first time in English….. and Germany is so much better than Italy.

4 years ago

In general, I feel so sad because the Rotterdam 2020 entries were way much better than 2021’s. If we do a sort of skimming, this year only 10 are worth it. Sorry, but Rotterdam 2021 is a sort of weird edition.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kirby

Everyone says that every year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kirby

Belgium: Everyone prefers The Wrong Place to Release Me Cyprus: El Diablo is certainly more popular than Running Estonia: Fans in general preferred other songs in Eesti Laul this year, but everyone agrees that Uku’s 2021 song is better than his 2020 song Albania: Considering Elvana-gate, and the fact that nearly everyone agrees that the Karma revamp is among the better ESC revamps, people probably prefer Karma to Fall from the Sky France: People savaged The Best in Me, Voila is far more popular with fans Moldova: I personally prefer Prison to Sugar, but most fans much prefer Sugar Croatia:… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Azaad

A well written and factual post. Hallelujah !

Last edited 4 years ago by Frank
4 years ago
Reply to  Kirby

Shut up Kirby

4 years ago

DR literally kicked out Ben&Tan for this? I mean even Jean Michel was better than this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pancake

Pick knock off of monster and men and get disqualified will be a even bigger shame than this?

4 years ago

So far.. This year is overall tragic compared to last year. Some really really poor entries. And this is one of them.

4 years ago

Denmark is BACK in EUROVISION.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

You joking ?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

Yea, in the semis……

4 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

I think Nicolas means “back in time” – or maybe on the backside of the scoreboard.

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
4 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

If I’m totally honest, this might be my favourite Danish entry in years. Finally Denmark is taking some risks and not playing it totally safe.

4 years ago

Tried to watch with an open mind, but still Ben and Tan would have easily fit in this year. Winners were OK, I don’t mind 80’s inspired, but this sounded outdated rather than a take on the music’s decade. Non qualifier I feel.

4 years ago

Feels like someone has brought this song and the duo in the Tardis from about 1987. It does have its charm the 70’s disco production but the leads staging is children’s TV style. Is this the Fire Saga effect

4 years ago

You caught my attention With your use of the word TARDIS? Are you a Doctor Who fan too? I am. In fact, I think Lesley Roy’s maps sounds like a Whovian song, especially with the mention of wearing too many faces (regeneration). She even makes me think of the 13th doctor while she’s running in the music video because her coat is a similar shade of light blue like the doctor’s.

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
4 years ago

Well actually I must say that it has its charm. Even if it sounds like very oldskool Danish Eurovision. Will they stick to Danish in Rotterdam? That would probably mean the first entry in Danish since 1997?

4 years ago
Reply to  Leendert Jan

That’s probably the one cool thing about the song. We really haven’t heard Danish in full at Eurovision in a very long time. We’ll see whether it helps or hurts them in May

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

We will sing in Danish and yea first time since 1997. I guess we will struggle to quality. Our language doesn’t sound pleasant to anyone even Swedes and Norwegians dislike it ?

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
4 years ago

It’s not the most melodious of languages but I do not dislike this.

4 years ago

Did Eurovision do something awful to Denmark in the past?

4 years ago
Reply to  tylos

No, Danes have bad taste,

4 years ago

Love It !

4 years ago


4 years ago

Should’ve asked Keiino to step in… yikes

4 years ago

The Nordic countries are being weird this year. Are they beginning to run out of steam when it comes to bringing quality to ESC? Granted Finland is good-ish but it’s relying on the “ahhh ah ah” in the song to make it memorable. Norway is a massive step back to late 00s Eurovision, especially from a country like Norway that we know can deliver quality and then Denmark is….I don’t even know. Okay, I like that it’s Danish, it’s been a while since they done a song in their native language. This is like Eurovision from the 80s – and… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I think it is difficult for artists and broadcasters to “bring it” every single year. There are always going to be less stellar years. It makes sense to me that there is a slight regression in musical style during the Covid crisis and lockdowns, etc. I rather choose to be grateful for what we have, if that makes sense.

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

I agree that not everyone can be on top of their game all the time but, the Nordic bloc always took it seriously and professionally, entering songs that can have a long life outside the ESC bubble.
But this year, it’s not even that their not trying, it’s that they’re sending joke /kitsch entries.
I was always glad for the Nordics for steering Eurovision away from that kitsch by entering quality and producing quality for other countries.
Personally I set them as a benchmark. But this year is crazy bad for them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

DMGP has always been one of the more bland national selections in recent years though. Denmark got lucky with the three qualifications they received from the winners they’ve sent from 2015 onwards but looking at every single slate, it hasn’t been as competitive compared to its fellow Nordic counterparts.

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

How can you say it’s difficult for broadcasters to ‘bring it’ every year when Norway literally had 9 other songs which were better than fallen angel? What kind of crack are you taking

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Ooo such a personal question. Don’t crack me up. 🙂
Norway is only one country; Darren was referring to all Nordic countries. And Norway don’t always have it that good anyhow.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

As an Icelander myself, Denmark is the only “weird” country in my opinion when it comes to this. TIX won purely for his popularity and his backstory which hopefully will serve him as an advantage (can’t forget that the slogan is “Open Up”), and Finland has a solid rock entry that will qualify but not win the whole thing (maybe top 10). Iceland and Sweden will bring it back for sure, just as long as Tusse doesn’t win, Jesus how overrated is that song

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Lexithor01

Or, if Arvignana wins in Sweden? 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Lexithor01

Looking forward to Iceland’s song this year, I had them as winners last year. Exciting to see what will happen.
As for Sweden, hoping for Saade or Dottir really.
Ah I know what you say about TIX, but back story shouldn’t come into it, it’s a song contest and his song plus staging is terrible in my opinion.

4 years ago

I’m ready for 4 results not liked by me today . The only song in Portugal I like is NEEV . Italy has 4-5 I like so maybe someone wud upset Ermal . Else it’s going to 0/4 for me today .

4 years ago

First the good part, it is sung in Danish, feel the vibe of the late 80’s….but it’s going nowhere… No storyline at all… I don’t feel the music at all by this performance…

mark dowd
mark dowd
4 years ago

The poor man’s Joe and Jake.

Juries will slaughter this.

4 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

This doesn’t sound even a tiny bit like Joe and Jake

4 years ago

The only compliment I have is that it’s cool that they stuck to danish. Otherwise….struggling to find good things to say. Not even sure if I can say good things about their singing voices even…..I’m sorry but this is my bottom.

4 years ago

Weird choice. It’s not that bad but I refuse to believe there wasn’t anything better. I’m gonna take a look to the performances cause in their studio versions both “Silver Bullet” and “Star lige her” were far better.

Denmark will stay in the SFs.

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
4 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

The twins were horrible live. It was my favourite from the studio versions but live was so bad.

4 years ago

Leading singer is adorably weird and i love that this is in Danish! Not the song of the year, but performance is very likable.

4 years ago

I love it so much.. The old days of Eurovision are back.. I’m full of joy! It’s so gay, poppy and fun and I’m here for it..

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Pfff the dislikes aren’t bothering me, still dancing….. Hahahhaha

4 years ago

It’s one of those songs that is so awful that eventually you start enjoying it for its level of awfulness…P.S. dislike-to-like ratio on youtube is painful…

4 years ago

Simply dreadful… Now Ben & Tan were revenged, justice will be made when this atrocity won’t pass the semifinal

4 years ago
Reply to  Monika

And if it does?

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I don’t think you can call anything yet. I hadn’t thought the last two Danish entries would qualify before the contest and both times I was wrong. I’m not necessarily putting money on this one to make it, but I’m not ruling anything out until all the entries have been released.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Clearly, if it makes the final, Ben & Tan’s vengeance will remain un-sated, and they will be rended into the netherworld screaming the screams of doomed mortals. Cthulhu Ftagn.

Last edited 4 years ago by Joe
4 years ago

I hate Cyprus song, it is super overrated and unoriginal. How do you guys like it I do not understand

4 years ago

The Cosmic Twins couldn’t carry a tune if you paid them for it, now calm your entitled asses down…

Tobias Andersen
Tobias Andersen
4 years ago

Agree 100%

4 years ago

The songs stays in Danish