It’s been one month since the sequins shined and the voices cracked at the first Eurovision semi-final—and Wiwi can’t get Sieneke’s “Ik Ben Verflied” out of his head. Sha-la-lie, sha-la-la/ Sha-la-lie sha-la-la/ ‘t gaat niet uit m’n kop…
That Wiwi would compulsively play the song of a contestant who didn’t advance past the semi-finals isn’t surprising: Eurovision songs that fail to inspire audiences on the big night frequently become the most timeless. Remember Britain’s Gina G. from the 1996 contest? Her dance number “Ooo Ah….Just A Little Bit” only placed 8th, but it’s now a staple on dance floors from New York to Nairobi (big shout out to Wiwi’s readers in Kenya — we’re going to make AfricaVision happen).
So Wiwi wants to know: Which Eurovision Song Are You Still Listening To? Take a look at your iPod’s most played list and then cast your vote below! Polls close on July 24.
Manga with the best song “We could be the same” and performance
maNga-We Could Be The Same
manga 1st we could be the same is very nice song
maNgaaaaa!!! 😀
we could be the same – maNgaaaaaa!!!! 😀
of course maNga – we could be the same ? i luv maNga and this song is amazing^^
1º Azerbaijan!!!… The Best Song This Year… after Safura… 2º Run Away – Moldova… 3º In A Moment Like This – Denmark… 4º It’s All About You – Albania… 5º Satellite – Germany… 6º je Nes Sais Quoi – Iceland… 7º Playing With Fire – Romania… 8º Apricot Stone – Armenia… 9º Ovo Je Balkan – Serbia & 10º Opa – Greece!!…