Did you think that Stella sounded like a man at Norway’s Melodi Grand Prix?

Apparently the team behind the 24-year old did, so Stella—that’s S.T.L. for those of you who know her from Norway’s rap scene—hit the studio, practiced singing in a new key, and re-vamped “Haba Haba.” It’s higher-pitched and more feminine, and apparently it will have greater appeal to Europeans put off by women who occasionally sound like dudes. Have a listen:

Wiwi liked the song just fine before, but what do y’all think? Is this version of “Haba Haba” actually better than the original? Let me know by casting your vote below! And stay tuned: Wiwi will be publishing his recent interview with Stella later this week! Love, Wiwi

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13 years ago

Where can I hear the new version?