Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko have only been Albania’s official Eurovision contestants for a few hours, but they’re already under fire. That’s because Eurovision fans across the Balkans have noticed similarities between the duo’s ESC song “Identitet” and “Plavi safir” (Blue Saphhire), a 1980s number by Bajaga i Instruktori.

Is this just a coincidence? Or do you think something else is going on? Listen below and let us know what you think.

Adrian & Bledar:


Alleged examples Eurovision plagiarism:

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11 years ago

Actually both ‘stole’ from them Gypsies… Sorry to break it to both parties.

11 years ago

If there’s one thing, you worst neighbours all around shouldn’t fight with us Albanians is litterally talking about “Identity”. We all remember the epic plagiarism of Zeljko Joksimovic, those tziganski plagiatures of Goran Bregovic, so don’t be “glad” very fast that some albanian song in Eurovision actually plagiated one of your songs. These guys aren’t representative of our very ancient history of culture.After all, this song contest is full of kitsch, old-fashioned, ridiculous productions and practically a kind of cold war between the soviet union, slavs, west and the immigration flow all mixed up. Nevertheless, to be purely honest: this… Read more »

12 years ago

Yes those two songs are totally different:). The song of Bajaga is beautiful, you feel love all over, it is hot so catchy, u feel the talent all over the song. The voice of the singer is great. It sounds really like someone had some shots or some pot and sings about his girl, shows admiration for hot sexy girl and feels happy to have her. So spontaneous, it flows so naturally, full of positive energy. The one who tries to imitate is the voice of someone from the grave but mute, no power. He tries not to miss a… Read more »

12 years ago

the only similiarity is that both songs are based in folk music thats the way both are based in albanian folk not serbian one..but there is no place for plagiarism..not at all

12 years ago

i think u are not a musician at all.GO home buddy.There were also 7 notes in the time of Beethoven but do u find any similarities in that time???Pffffff…so ur saying that they(albanian) made it a bit shorter because they didnt want it to be a plagarism??there are not 8 bars but lesssssss???hahahha that’s funny 🙂 so that’s the reason they made the original a bit shorter 😛

12 years ago

Have you set up the appointment with the hearing doctor lately? I’m sure most of you have forgotten about it. 😉 But anyway, for the *trained* professional ear, is clearly obvious these two songs have no similarity whatsoever except for the short intro part included in Plavi Safir which is yet not completely the same with the motifs used in Identitet, but still the similarity does NOT pass the crossing line of 8 musical measures, thus these 2 songs are in no way the same and the plagiarism accusations are invalid. You can find similarities of that observed in this… Read more »

12 years ago

they sound they think that we are stupid??? guess what: we are not 🙂