Last night the Wiwi Jury–our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals–traveled to Estoril, a fashionable playground by the sea and the home of Europe’s largest casino. After our pockets had been emptied we sat down to review Suzy’s Eurovision 2014 song ‘Quero ser tua’ (I want to be yours). Did we want to be hers? Or did we rush back to the blackjack table? Read on to find out…

Wiwi: Whenever I think of Portugal at Eurovision, I think of melodramatic ballads, sad women and a lot of dark lighting. Enter Suzy, a ray of sunshine who blasts through all that bland with three minutes of flesh, pina colada and hips that don’t lie. From the moment she says wah-wah-way-wah-way, I want to throw my back into it. This song is danceable, energetic and happy. That’ll serve Suzy well in the first semi-final, where she performs after a series of ballads from Belgium, Moldova, and San Marino, and just before the Netherlands and Montenegro. Her act is about a lot more than hot nights on the dance floor. She tells the story of Portuguese explorers who, from the 15th century, took religion and culture abroad, but came back with the music and of Brazil (samba) and Africa (tribal drumming). Don’t hate on The Suzy. She may surprise you and make the final!

Score: 8/10

Deban: In a contest where artists are handpicked, and/ or repeatedly compete year in, year out with almost zero opposition, it seems unduly harsh that Suzy had to fence off hate mail and strong accusations of vote rigging. I followed the Portuguese national selection closely, and in my view, Suzy earned her spot. “Quero Ser Tua” is a declaration of a woman’s undying passion for her lover. It doubles up as a metaphor for completely surrendering to one’s dreams and passions. With a fierce samba beat, the track takes on a Brazilian influence, making Eurovision truly exportable. The vocal harmonies need work, but hey, perfection in itself is going against the Latin Spirit. I liked this entry on first listen, and now, I simply LOVE it!

Score: 8/10

Angus: Feel the Iberian passion y’all – it’s samba time! This song grows on me with every listen and the ‘woah-ohs’ are beyond an addiction once your past the second listen. Suzy is also beautiful and reflecting her consummate training as an air hostess she makes sure your every need is catered for – something fun to shake to, awkwardly samba-ing backing dancers and backing dancers with great big d-rums. É realmente fabuloso!

Score: 5/10

Billy: This is just funny. Nothing else. Portugal stole Ireland’s 2013 drummers, a weird guy from Brazil and Suzy sings an indifferent and boring song which is so worse that it would not be accepted as the soundtrack for a Brazilian soap opera.

Score: 1.5/10

Portugal, Suzy, 2

Bogdan: I really don’t understand the drama in Portugal. The other song was alright but not very well performed, while “Quero Ser Tua” has much more Eurovision potential and Suzy does a great job on stage! It was love at first listen for me and I was relieved to see that Portugal is not sending another Fado song again (as much as I love those, the rest of Europe doesn’t seem to share my affinities). Granted, it sounds more Brazilian than Portuguese, but we’ll take it! It’ll warm our hearts – and feet – in Copenhagen and I do hope to see Portugal back in the Grand Final. Boa sorte!

Score: 8/10

Katie: Now, I understand that this song isn’t the best in the world and it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I actually quite like this. It’s really fun! It’s a summery song that makes me feel like I’m on holiday and I’ve just turned on some obscure radio station. Suzy is certainly not the most talented singer, but she does okay considering the fact she’s dancing. Who cares about the musical dynamics of this song? Let’s just have a laugh and dance!

Score: 6/10

Portugal, Suzy, 3

Padraig: When Spain’s Lucía Peréz “ouo uo uo ouo uo uo”-ed in 2011 I jammed my fingers in my ears and cried “no no no no no no”. It was an agonising 3 minutes, but after much counselling I managed to repress the memory deep within my subconscious – until now! For as I listened to Suzy the awfulness came rushing back, from the “uauaué uaué”s to the “oh oh oh oh”s it’s like Lucía the sequel. Who the heck asked for that? To be fair, Suzy’s efforts aren’t nearly as irritating as the her Iberian sister’s, nevertheless, I won’t be dancing to this come Mardi Gras.

Score: 4/10

Sami: Portugal has always been one of those countries which never makes my list of favourites. The tradition continues. I didn’t really watch the Portuguese selection but I’ve been playing “Mea culpa” a lot after it. It’s a great song, but I’m sure it wouldn’t have done better than this at Eurovision. Suzy seems to be a sweet girl, but she really sounded quite bad in the final. The song is very old-fashioned and it could’ve been the Portuguese entry back in 90’s. I think it won’t have any chance to reach the final, but I’m glad Portugal is back.

Score: 1/10

Vebooboo: Suzy sings about wanting to “be yours”. Well, she sure wowed us with her charisma, her sultry dance moves, and her hot bod in Amsterdam. Suzy’s voice, um, doesn’t wow me as much. BUT, I’m just so glad to see something a bit more exciting from Portugal after years of dreary, predictable acts and then absence. At Eurovision in Concert, the crowd got super into this. It’s catchy and reminds me of Lucia Perez from Spain in 2011. Um, too bad little Lucia ended up third from last…

Score: 7/10

Zach: After Filipa Sousa and her wonderful “Vida Minha” in Baku, I was very sad to see Portugal withdraw from the 2013 contest. But when they announced their comeback, I was very excited to see what they would bring to the table in Copenhagen, and I’m not disappointed. Suzy brings an entry that has an Iberian flare, reminiscent of “Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao” from Lucia Perez, one of my favorite Spanish entries ever. It stands in sharp contrast from Portugal’s normal ballad entries, opting instead for a listener friendly dance approach. Her vocals are decent, there are no acrobatics a la Ruth Lorenzo here, so she sounds fine for the song. Basically, it’s friendly, it makes you dance, and I wouldn’t be shocked to see it surprise everyone and qualify.

Score: 7/10

All 19 members of our jury rate each song. However, we only have room to share 10 written reviews. Here are the remaining nine scores.

Anthony: 3/10

Mario: 4.5/10

Francheska: 1/10

James L: 4/10

Maxim Montana: 5/10

Mike: 1.5/10

Patrick: 7/10

Ramadan: 6/10

William C: 3.1/10

The highest and lowest scores are removed before calculating the final score. We have dropped a low of 1 and a high of 8.

The Wiwi Jury Verdict: 4.8/10

You can check out our latest Eurovision 2014 reviews and rankings on the Wiwi Jury page. You can keep up-to-date on the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

Suzy has a beautiful voice, she sing awesome and the song is absolutely contagious and makes me very happy. I play it all the time.

10 years ago

The sample [Lambada by Kaoma] is tired and even JLo couldnt revive it with “On the Floor”

this is a few decades late. Would’ve nailed it in the 80s

10 years ago

Wow, when the song started I thought I was listening to “the lion sleeps tonight” but things improved as the beat kicked in.
I see Suzy has borrowed the two semi clad drummer boys from Ireland last year and added her own hand held drummer man!
I can see them dancing in the aisles and Samba dancing in the standing area to this
Welcome back Portugal

10 years ago

Even on the coldest night in the coldest part of the world this could not be considered good in any way. It’s almost like Portugal are sending It to be ironically dismissive of Eurovision. I love the Portuguese language and that they refuse to sing in English. There song with the people with placards a few years ago was so funny, I loved It but this year It’s like an attempt to be half tounge in cheek and half serious. It’s not fun. It is bad.

10 years ago

This is a fresh and summery song indeed, muchly needed as it is still snowing in Calgary during Easter weekend. Suzy has good stage presence, a good stylist, and a beautiful voice. I like all the different cultural elements to this song, however I have no appreciation for the men in shiny leather pants. Furthermore, the awful sounds burped out by that drummer is revolting. Make that man stop singing, please! It’s highly distracting. The interview done by Deban gives us good insight into more of what Suzy is like. Thank you for that! I pray that the man is… Read more »

Pastora Soler haha
Pastora Soler haha
10 years ago

8?? maybe drunk, yeah

No comments

10 years ago

This is great fun! I can see myself at the Carnival dancing this song! However, I am not entirely sure this is the sort of thing the Eurovisioners will like…it is too jolly and not one bit pretentious, which seems to be a must for Eurovision songs this year

10 years ago

This is not samba. This is not a brazilian song.
Don’t compare it, please.

Paul D
Paul D
10 years ago

Wow so many comments for a song that is considered weak lol
I enjoy it very much actually

suzy will win
suzy will win
10 years ago

she has the best dresses too. and best name.

10 years ago

Essa musica so passa se o ESC quiser dar as boas vindas que fizeram a Italia segunda colocada em 2011 e a Suica na final em 2011 tambem.

10 years ago

I think that this song can be the dark horse of this year, it will qualify in the middle of a sea of ballads

10 years ago

this song is very danceable and nice. i think it could surprise everyone in the semi and make the final.

10 years ago

@Marcelo N: Sorry, still can’t find any similarities … aside from the use of the accordion (which is used in lambada as much as in any basic popular/folk portuguese song). It sure gives me a pimba vibe, not a lambada one. Oh well, like i said in my comment: it is what it is XD

10 years ago

@Marcelo N, don’t worry, you don’t offend me. 🙂 I neither come from a country having a slavery history nor am a Muslim. I’m just afraid some people may get hurt. Thank you for your maturity. You’re right, I’m familiar with your comments and your world view. That’s why I kinda felt surprised. Peace! 😉

Marcelo N
10 years ago

@ Rashad – Of course you understand I am against stereotypes (we’ve been reading each other carefully for some time!) and, noblesse oblige, I apologise for my rather shocking comparisons. I could never take your comment as an offence, and I am glad you have not taken mine as such. Next time I will be more careful, for I tend to get carried away and yes, it may be hurtful. Thanks again and peace!! @ Willi Lee – I know there are samba-like elements in lambada or pimba (which is what this is). It is only I was a little… Read more »

flower crown
flower crown
10 years ago

Love the song or hate, you can’t deny Suzy adds some zest to the contest and doing a fine job with what she has. Great on stage and very fun in appearances, she stands out among many acts that are a tad boring. Let the girl shine, go Portugal!

10 years ago

A latin sound with lots of stage distractions. ‘ I want to be yours’ is lively with a good party sound; the idea of complete surrender of yourself for another makes me uncomfortable. 6/10

Dan RO
Dan RO
10 years ago

When it comes to Portugal at the ESC, one song comes to (my) mind: Vania Fernandez’s ‘Senhora do mar”! I think it is the best thing to ever come out of Portugal (at ESC, of course) – the song was fantastic and Vania’s voice and overall performance were perfect! I still don’t understand why it didn’t make the top 10…

I bring this up because even after 2014, Vania will (comfortably) remain my favourite Portuguese at ESC… I have nothing else to say about ‘I want to be yours’ ;).

10 years ago

I’m portuguese and even if i don’t like the song i think Suzy is doing the best she can with it, so props to that. It’s not a masterpiece (there aren’t many of those in ESC anyway), it is what it is and people actually seem to have fun with it, so that’s good. The only thing i can’t understand is the general comparison with ‘Lambada’. Just cause it has a latin feel to it? Can’t find the similarities, but maybe that’s just me.

suzy will win
suzy will win
10 years ago

my fave album is mellon collie and the infinite SADNESS, and even I get you want to tune to the ESC on tv and dance a little around the snack table after the ballad snooz fest

10 years ago

I’m kinda surprised to see such a “high” score on this one… a nice surprise, because from the comments I’ve read everywhere I thought this song was way more underappreciated, I thought it would receive another 1.5 or 2 from the wiwi jury 😛 That being said, I’m another one who actually enjoys this and I don’t care if it is indeed Samba or not, if you think is a rip off of of Lambada or if it’s not “original” or Suzy’s vocals are weak, etc. sometimes a song is to be enjoyed just by itself. It won’t win ESC,… Read more »

suzy will win
suzy will win
10 years ago

it’s awesome, it’s summery and beach-like, like portugal.
If it sounds retro that only favors the song, music was better back then, so hard to find new music that it’s not crap.


10 years ago

Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on the Portuguese entry this year …. I love it ! Personally, I would prefer the hear the so called “Not Samba, but copy-paste Lambada wannabe” song rather than half (or more) of the songs competing this year. I know most of you probably watch Eurovision with friends and relatives, and songs like “Quero ser tua” actually are a great representation of what the Eurovision song contest should be ….. FUN !!!!! So my point being, while YOU can enjoy the snooze fest listening to some second hand Celine Dion copycat in a… Read more »

10 years ago

I love Suzy!!

10 years ago

@Marcelo N: “Lambada” was exactly what I was thinking when I mentioned Brazil. That is why I don’t think it will qualify. I’m sure there are lots of people in their late-30s or older who still remember that song (I do), especially in Europe, and “Quero Ser Tua” is too reminiscent of it.

Deban Aderemi
10 years ago

@Marcelo N, I owe you an apology, and anyone else I may have offended with my review. I took Samba classes in Brazil last year, and one of the things that the instructors honed in on is the ‘free’ nature of Samba. As a cultural expression, it doesn’t hinge on what ballet or some other forms of contemporary dance do. Perfection isn’t synonymous with its form. It was inferred that there are many forms of samba as there are samba dancers.. It’s a melting pot of African, Caribbean and other island cultures. It was this ‘instruction’ that led me to… Read more »

10 years ago

@Marcelo N, please don’t be aggressive. I can get the point that you’re implying. I don’t like stereotypes either, but there are two kinds of them, the normal ones and the offensive ones. I don’t think Deban meant anything offensive about Latinos. But actually what you said is pretty offensive. I know you’re just trying to give an example to emphasize the fact that how bad stereotypes are. But I guess you should make your examples without offending some groups of people.
I hope you won’t get me wrong. 😉

10 years ago

I actually like it. It sounds Latin and reminds me of dancing in a Latin club surrounded by sexy Latinas and Latinos who dance amazingly and I’m the only one who dances so “white”. 😀 Good luck Portugal!

Marcelo N
10 years ago

“SAMBA”? Are you off your rocker?? That’s what we get when we have no idea what we’re writing about. I’m sorry, but there is no samba to “Quero Ser Tua”. I am a Hispanic (born and bred in Argentina) living in Brazil (5 years now) and no Brazilian I have played this to has even hinted at it. Of course it sounds exactly like Kaoma’s “Lambada” (remember, those over 30? late 80s? Brazil?). I’m not going to give my opinion, though. But please stop talking about *anything coming from the Latin world* (namely, Spain, all of Latin America, including Brazil)… Read more »

10 years ago

Don’t call it brazilian. I am brazilian and don’t want any kind of association with this crappy thing

10 years ago

Wow Eugene, great job respecting other people’s opinions.

10 years ago

Don’t believe it stands a chance in qualifying. Portugal should bring Fado back if it wants to do better.

10 years ago

I really love this song and I hope it qualifies
1. Israel
2. UK
3. Portugal

10 years ago

Interesting song. Maybe a hit in Brazil, perhaps? I don’t think it has much of a chance to qualify, though.

10 years ago

This will flop, no doubt about it:)
Come on the lambada is old school, this song has absolutly nothing new about it even her dance routine is old school, nahh Portugal has no change for going into the final with this song, I am just being realistic.
(Suzy looks like a nice person I have nothing bad about her to say)

10 years ago

At first, I thought that this song was ok. And I still do, but the song has grown on me. Her vocals are a little weak, and the song gets a little repetitive at times, but it’s still enjoyable. While it is by no means one of the more memorable, powerful songs in the competition, it is surrounded by ballads in the semi-final, and I expect it to qualify.

10 years ago

The Portuguese final was very poor this year, but this one stood out as the party anthem, even if Mea Culpa was a (slightly) better song.
This is my 7 year old niece’s favourite, she calls it “the Madagascar song”. I try to point out its more like a song from Rio! 😉

10 years ago

I originally wanted Catarina Pereira’s song “Mea Culpa” to win Festival da Canção, but the more that I listen to this woman the more I fall in love with here – she is so cute!

10 years ago

she is the fantastic person and i hope it qualify