1. They get personal.
2. Eric and those backing dancers.
3. They nail eye-to-camera connection #SWOON
4. Even simple hair scratching is an adorable art form.
5. Nobody ever werked leopard print better.
6. Speaking of Danny: he so spexy #geekchic.
7. The progression of Eric Saade from man boy to popular:
8. When Darin was at the Second Semi-Final Interval and it was like Anna Bergendahl never happened.
9. Anton Ewald playing air guitar.
10. Oscar Zia is basically Eric Saade’s younger brother from another mother #hottie
11. Ralf Gyllenhammar is a total flamer who knows how to set a “Bed on Fire”.
12. Danny hosted most of #melfest shirtless.
13. No, really.
14. They sing ah-mazingly.
15. And even if they need some backing vocal help…they SMOULDER just fine on their own.
16. YOHIO serves anime-realness – moon prism power makeup!
17. Their hair game is on point at all times.
18. They’re totes romantic.
19. And aren’t afraid to get touchy feely.
20. #Melfest hunks are works of art. Some of them literally:
21. And most of all we love them, because even at their worst…
…they’re soooooooooooooooooo much better than the hot mess that was ‘Songbird’.
To view more of our lists, click here.
Photo at top: DN.se
I love Songbird it was one of my favorites.
Josh – learn to behave…good luck! I agree with Uorated. Nothing wrong with being gay, but the gay/ESC link is SO dull…a stereotype. Such a cliche…and not true!! 🙂
“Songbird” is awesome and Ellen Benediktson will win MelFest one day. No complaints otherwise.
@Charles: I am a heterosexual woman, and I could give you 21 more reasons why I love the men of #melfest. KEEP THEM COMING! <3 Danny. I seriously think #melfest guys are hotter than One Direction
Linus is an absolutely stunning man as far as looks go (you should’ve shown the whole shot there!), and he’s a really strong vocalist too. I’d love to see him in Melfest again.
And of course Fireman Danny was awesome too 😉
@UOrated “gayish”? Less ok? Fuck you.
21 gifs that can be all summed up by one simple word … unscramble this: Y-G-A and build this sentence: be – we – gay.
Is #19 Eric Saade making out with someone? Wtf…how did I miss this?
This looks a bit “teen girl fan euphoric” (which is OK), or too “gayish” (less OK….)
The point is good music….strong, original musically rich entries (i.e. not schlagers….!) not if they are sung by males or not….