After Ireland’s semi-final knock out this year, RTÉ have been reluctant to fully divulge their plans for 2015. So far details have been drip-fed to us. First the mentor system was scrapped (good riddance), then an open selection was announced, and an appeal was made for potential entries. Now that the submission deadline has passed, they’ve revealed some more details.

Speaking to Today FM on the day of the deadline, the Irish HoD Michael Kealy confirmed that five songs will battle it out in Eurosong 2015. But first, nearly 400 submissions will need to be opened and cataglogued. Next an independent panel consisting of five stalwarts from the Irish music and showbiz industry will draw up a shortlist of 40 to 50 songs. This list will then be whittled down to the final five by a second panel. So far we don’t know the names of any jury members, but Mr. Kealy did confirm that there would be no one with “vested interests”.

When asked if the national final will continue to be broadcast as part of The Late Late Show, Kealy said that it hadn’t been “definitively decided yet”, adding that “finances obviously come into play a lot”.

This year’s Eurosong is shaping up to be the most exciting in years. In the latest Wiwi Round Up we discussed some of the entries. Watch from 21:58 for more.


Photo: (EBU)

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10 years ago

I agree – 10 -12 in the final would be better than just 5. When do they announce the finalists?

10 years ago

If 400 songs submitted RTE of course must have more than only 5 songs in final!

10 years ago

late late show has the wrong audience for eurovision. and i prefer a national final to not have ‘expert opinions’ on the songs. My ears are sufficient opinion.

don’t be surprised if LIIR is one of the five. That’s clearly a thing they’ll wanna make happen.

10 years ago

As Bb says, it would be really nice if RTE expanded its national selection to have at least 10 songs. I don’t have much faith in RTE to select 5 good songs, to be honest. But I’ll cross my fingers for Ireland.

If this Late Late Show format doesn’t give a good result in ESC next year, then hopefully the lesson will be learned and they’ll make a bigger change.

10 years ago

With 400 submissions one would think that there would have been justifiable for a bigger show, at least the standard 10-12 that we see in a lot of NFs from other countries, but the news seems promising nonetheless. I just hope that they decide to have a dedicated program rather than using The Late Late Show again. Epic drama from a certain former Eurovision winner aside, it was a really weak selection method in my opinion.