The entire Spanish musical scene and most especially its former Eurovision singers have warmed up to Edurne’s selection as Spain’s singer for Eurovision 2015. From Ruth Lorenzo to Daniel Diges, everybody is posting kind words and sending their best wishes to Spain’s latest Eurodiva.
Felicidades @Edurnity!!!Todo mi apoyo incondicional para ti y tu gran equipo @sanchezohlsson @oscartarruella!!! Creo en ti y en tu #Amanecer
— Pastora Soler (@PastoraSoler) enero 14, 2015
Pastora Soler wrote on her Twitter account: “All my unconditional support for you and for your team. I believe in you.”
Daniel Diges said: “I’m so happy with this year’s selection” and added “You will make all of Europe fall in love with you”.
But the most impressive message came from Ruth Lorenzo: “Don’t let them build wings for you, grow your own.” That’s rul poetic.
Enhorabuena @Edurnity! No dejes que te construyan alas y las peguen con súper-glue, deja crecer las tuya propias. #CreoEnTi 😉 Cómete Viena!
— Ruth Lorenzo (@RuthLorenzo1) enero 14, 2015
Muy contento con la elección de este año para ir a #Eurovision!! #Edurne compañera, vas a dejar a toda Europa enamorada!!! @Edurnity
— Daniel Diges ™® (@DanielDiges) enero 14, 2015
More and more reactions are on the way. But what about you? Are you happy with Edurne?
Enhorabuena @Edurnity por ser nuestra representante en Eurovision. Disfruta de este momento como tu sabes hacer ????
— Soraya Arnelas (@SorayaArnelas) enero 14, 2015
Cómo me alegro de que sea @Edurnity nuestra próxima representante.Suerte y a disfrutar!!ganas de escuchar la canción @sanchezohlsson jjj.!!
— Lucía Pérez (@LuciaPerezMusic) enero 14, 2015
That’s nice.
These are all Spanish Eurovision artists showing support. I thought there are other supporters too, you know, from countries aside from Spain!!!