It looks like Jessica Mauboy was only a taste of things to come. Early this morning sources close to ORF told wiwibloggs that the Austrian broadcaster and the EBU would announce that Australia will take part in Eurovision 2015 as a competing country. Understandably, many of you asked us if this was an April Fool’s Joke.

Well, a few hours have passed, and this has now been confirmed, bringing the total number of countries competing in Vienna to 40. Australia will qualify to the final automatically and therefore 27 will be competing in the grand final.

Despite the time difference, Australia will also vote in both semifinals. Australia’s participation will be a one-off initiative and it’s up to Australian broadcaster SBS to decide how they will select their entry.

The EBU has clarified that in the event Australia wins, we will not be packing our bags and heading Down Under. In that scenario, “SBS will co-host the Eurovision Song Contest in a European city, together with an EBU Member Broadcaster. Their participation is intended as a one-off, but in case of a victory, Australia will be allowed send a participant to the Eurovision Song Contest next year.”

Our sources tell us that this would most likely be Germany. Germany is traditionally put on standby as a back-up host because of its location in the center of Europe and its high-quality facilities.

Last year Jessica Mauboy sang for Australia as a part of a very Australian interval act.

wiwiblogger Deban had also a chance to speak with Jessica in Copenhagen. Watch our interview with her down below.

Reactions to Australia at Eurovision 2015

Australia at Eurovision before 2015

Australians have, of course, competed at Eurovision before albeit for other countries. Here is a taste of their greatness.

Olivia Newton-John

It all started in 1974, when British-Australian superstar Olivia Newton-John competed for the United Kingdom with the song, ‘Long Live Love’. She placed a respectable fourth place, losing out to ABBA’s ‘Waterloo’. Since Eurovision, Olivia has had an enormous film and television career, and is perhaps best-known for ‘Grease’ and ‘Xanadu’. She recently opened the ‘Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre’ at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

Johnny Logan

Then came, arguably, the most successful man in Eurovision history — Johnny Logan. Not many people realise that Mr Eurovision was born in Melbourne. He represented Ireland twice as a singer, in 1980 and 1987, and won both times. He also composed Linda Martin’s entries for Ireland in 1984 and 1992, and came second and first respectively.

Gina G

The use of Australian artists went a little quiet for a few years, until the United Kingdom chose Brisbane-born Gina G to represent the country in 1996 with the upbeat dance track (and my personal favourite), “Ooh Ahh… Just a Little Bit”. The song finished eighth, losing out to Ireland. The song went on to have huge commercial success throughout Europe, Australia and the USA, and was even nominated for a Grammy in 1998 for Best Dance Track! YAAASSS!

Read all of our Australia Eurovision news here.

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Dami Army World

People need to understand Australia has been following Eurovision for over 30 years with SBS as the Broadcaster. SBS is also a Member of the EBU & whilst it’s Eurovision’s 60th Anniversary, SBS has contributed to Eurovision by bringing the singing contest to Australian homes, whom many are of European decent. Melbourne alone has the second (2nd) largest Greek population in the World after Athens. I’m excited and would be more excited if Dami represents Australia.
Australia & Dami for Eurovision!

10 years ago

@Bronson – Bosnia doesn’t participate.

Ramadan Besim
10 years ago

This is very exciting. Who would have thought that we’ll be in the contest as a competitor and vote. I’m not a fan of us being it in it, in the long run but it’s nice we’re in it for the 60th show. People are overreacting a ‘little’ and I’m not surprised. Sometimes Eurovision fans can get so emotional over the littlest of things. Some things I’ve seen on Twitter is just over-the-top. Haters gonna hate.

10 years ago

I still can’t believe that they did this! Like they took all the past ESC years (all 59 contests) and burned them down!

10 years ago

Why is Australia allowed to qualify directly for the final and also vote in both semifinals?
Since a country from the Asia-Pacific region is taking part in ESC, why not inviting New Zealand, Korea and Japan?

10 years ago

As far as I’m concerned the 60th anniversary should be about the past winners and the history of the contest not all about Australia. It’s going to distract and it’s a shame.

10 years ago

ABU Song Festival is a joke. My country refused to participate and for a good reason.

The EBU may have shot themselves in the foot but I think it’s a great idea.

The only angry people are those from countries who never qualify. May I reiterate that this does not decrease your chances in qualifying, and if you think it’s unfair, why don’t we ask you to stop voting for Mother Russia or Serbia/Bosnia?

10 years ago

I hope this isn’t a joke!!! oh my gore!! the Aussies so deserve it!!!! It will be awesome, and it is so effing great that the Eurovision is breaking so many barriers!!! I mean they were only 6 countries back in the old years!! 6!!!! I’m so glad by this, Eurovision should always invite one outside-EBU country each year, likeeee I don’t know maybe ejem Mexico jajajaja so jealous of the Australians!! GO AND SHOW THEM!!! Eurovision rocks!!

Just being honest
Just being honest
10 years ago

I think its a cool coincidence how a country named after Austria(which is true) is competing this year. The more the merrier 🙂

Just being honest
Just being honest
10 years ago

………AWKARD……………but it does make a good tourism advert for EU to check out Australia 😉

10 years ago

impressed that you guys got this published before the EBU/SBS. i think the likes of @harry fee and early commenters owe you an apology 🙂 now tell us who your secret agent is!!

10 years ago

@Titaniumsparrow: You WILL find someone to represent Australia. I’ll bet my horse money that, as is the case everywhere else in the world, there is always someone on the edge of stardom looking for that one big push to get that big break that he or she has been waiting for. I stopped watching ‘American Idol’ after 2011, and never watched ‘The Voice’, because at this point, the talent shows here are no longer fun to watch, and are no longer in the business of making stars; only champions, who now have to do all the work themselves, from that… Read more »

10 years ago

@mocosuburbian: I see I may have left you having misunderstood that post. Let me rephrase it: Australia and North/South America are nowhere near Europe, as OPPOSED TO (or in comparison to) some regional countries like Azerbaijan and a couple of North African countries.

10 years ago

Lol, those of you claiming this will kill Eurovision, you’ll still watch it this year and next year as if nothing happened 🙂

As others said let’s just enjoy this one time thing. I doubt their voting will really throw anyone under the bus. The Aussies are diehard fans and will vote for the best SONG regardless of country just as it should be.

10 years ago

@CookyMonzta at least countries like Azerbaijan and Israel are apart of the EBU. We (Australia) are not. One of my main concerns is who will represent us. Most of our decent artists are too big of a name to participate. The rest aren’t really worthy. But i guess we will wait and see what happens.

10 years ago

I hope they won’t bring some kitsch to the contest again.

Marcus (Day One)
Marcus (Day One)
10 years ago

I don’t know why but it got me mad for a few reasons 1. Why is it fair that they are allowed to qualify for the grand final? 2.Why are they allowed to vote in both semi-finals. Why can’t Austria or the other big 5 do that? 3. If Australia’s vote causes a country to not qualify then that country is going to be pissed. 4. What if Australia’s vote changes the winner? 5. They wasn’t even on the EBU’s list of confirmed participants and in the allocation draw. I like the Idea of more countries participating but that isn’t… Read more »

10 years ago

ALSO EYD already had Canada participate-more than once.

10 years ago

Ofcourse they say its just a one-off, but im quite sure that Australia will be in after esc 2015. Just look at the signs, its there and it will happen. Im happy for the Australian fans, but at the same time i wished it would stay a contest for European countries and some other countries close to Europe. Just to keep it special 🙂 it’s just the way i feel about it. As much as i love the USA, it just would be so out of place IMHO to have them in esc, this is just another example. I know… Read more »

10 years ago

Ok lets handle a few issues here: 1) Eurovision does not equal Europe – Examples include Israel, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia. Including other countries such as Tunisia and Lebanon who tried to compete previously. 2) Australia has followed the eurovision more than most countries have taken part, thats 30 years of broadcasting it. 3) Outside of Europe, Australia has the largest following of eurovision within the country with the broadcaster allowing its viewers to vote in their own polls etc. 4) Its a one off, for the sake of the anniversary, if they do win it is stated in the… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m actually excited for Australia to compete. They’ve been involved for a long time and I’m happy they finally get a chance. Let’s just hope they send a good song!

10 years ago

I understand you’re all upset and don’t want to let us in with fear that it will open the door to the rest of the world. However we’re different to other non European countries. A. Take a look at our flag… Yep, that’s the Union Jack… who’s our Queen.. oh yeah its the Queen of England. We have the highest population of Greeks outside of Athens. We were settled by Europeans. Australia has unique ties to Europe and that’s why we love Eurovision so much. We know you’re all going to boo us when its our time to perform but… Read more »

10 years ago

I guess I thought you were referring to Azerbaijan/Morocco as ‘nowhere near Europe’ but whatever

10 years ago

I know where Azerbaijan is. That is why I mentioned it as a borderline country.

10 years ago

and to the last person who commented:
Azerbaijan is partially within the boundaries of Europe anyways. Just because it has a funky-sounding name doesn’t automatically mean ‘not in Europe’

10 years ago

@Titaniumsparrow: Confusion is upon a lot of us here, mate. This is a dicey situation for the EBU to get into. After all, this IS supposed to be a Euro competition, and Australia (and I might add, North/South America) are nowhere near Europe, as are some regional borderline countries like Azerbaijan and a couple of North African countries.

10 years ago

@Mark: If the Aussies win, the EBU will have opened a can of worms because if the agreement is honored, the Aussies will be allowed to send another participant next year. What if they win again? Soon enough, the biggest economic powers from the other continents (of which there are millions of ESC fans) will want a piece of this. What’s to stop the U.S., Brazil, China and/or S. Africa/Nigeria from enticing the EBU with big bucks to send one of their own? I have no problem with letting the Aussies compete in the final, because they are the biggest… Read more »

10 years ago

I am from Australia and this so the worst thing I’ve ever heard of.
Eurovioson is for EUROPE!
I hope this is a joke!

10 years ago

I just want to call out the person who suggested Australia start its own Eurovision-style competition with Asian countries–just for the record, Australia has already started two:
-ABU TV Song Festival
-ABU Radio Song Festival

10 years ago

They are killing ESC! i hate this

10 years ago

This is absolutely ridiculous and I am not happy at all! As much as I like Australia and the concept of more countries joining ESC, I think this is an absolute farce and I hope its just a hoax by the EBU or ORF. Its called EUROvision for a bloody reason, if Australia like the concept so much, then why not get a few South Asian countries together and have their own contest? Or maybe a contest between the different Australian states, but seriously, Eurovision?? No chance! Its also annoying how they are automatically qualified for the final as well,… Read more »

10 years ago

Well it’s a “one-off” so i don’t see why its so horrible to have them in and for the people who say ” why not this country , why not that country” ( main Kazaghstan which i see in comments everywhere), well Australia sends their own commentators, televises all the shows (including the junior eurovisions) and they have a massive fan base so they’re more than welcome to join the Diamond Jubilee edition

Melissa J
10 years ago

I was hoping for another interval act, but this is FANTASTIC! Australia has been wanting this for awhile so I am very happy for them! The more the merrier in Eurovision, I say! Well, except for my own country…we all know America would miss the point.

10 years ago

This is the day when Eurovision dies, thank to silly decision by EBU and ORF.

10 years ago

Maybe they will bring USA next year

Tobias J
Tobias J
10 years ago

Mark: They pay money each year without even compete, You can think of it as they are The big five that always is in the final.

Tobias J
Tobias J
10 years ago

I Love this! This is freaking awesome 😀 I have waited for this so long to happen! For one weekend they feel practical European while the whole country are watching ESC, I love that they do this. One Simple Question tho, What if they win? Are they going to have it in Melbourne or Sidney next year? :O

10 years ago

Wtf? it is eurovision not whole-world-A-vision!!! Actually I am ok with that but they should compete in 1st semifinal! why to qualify just like that?

10 years ago

When I first read this the participation wasn’t confirmed so now I’M SO HAPPY!

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
10 years ago

One Side yes second Side no!
Australia is not in europe!
Australia is in the final!
They vote in both semi-finals
And it makes more people watching!
+ there are 27 countries in the final!

Dan Marino
Dan Marino
10 years ago

Dami Im or Samantha Jade please!!!!!

10 years ago

Still kinda loopy to me but if anything, PLEASE consider sending Bobby Andonov to Eurovision. After Junior Eurovision, he’s been maturing as an artist and it would be incredible to have him thrown into the bunch.

10 years ago

You’ve completely missed one vital point Eugene UK.

IT IS A ONE OFF OPPORTUNITY FOR AUSTRALIA!!! UNLESS they go on to win the whole thing in Vienna.

10 years ago

Ok it’s just for this year!

Btw: i think the spokespersons will be quite confused when giving points to austr-alia/ia 😀

10 years ago

Lets just hope that Australia wont vote for their neighbours. 🙂

10 years ago

If this joke was true, then I hope The Netherlands will win this year and give Indonesia a place in ESC!????

10 years ago

it would be better if EBU has helped return to Ukraine

10 years ago

Australia as an interval act = great!
Australia as a competing country = nope. Sorry Aussies.

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
10 years ago

Amazing!! Great news!

I would love a WORLDeurovision 😉