You’ve already started voting for your favourites in the first semi-final of Moldova’s national selection O Melodie Pentru Europa. Now it’s time to turn your attention to the second semi-final. As last time, you can listen to all of the songs below, listed in the running order drawn by the contestants two weeks ago. Then you can vote for your favourites. Voting closes on the day of the second semi-final, 26 February, when we will announce the poll results.

1. Vera and Diana Popa – Faith

2. Valeria Pasa – I can change all my life

3. Carolina Gorun – Sublime

4. Stela Botan & The Cadence of Heart – Save me

5. Cezara – Am devenit straini

6. Doinita Gherman – Inima fierbinte

7. Dana Markitan – Love me

8. DoReDos – Maricica

9. Vitalie Todirascu – Tu singura

10. Julia Sandu – Fire

11. Lidia Isac – I can’t breathe

12. Miss M – Lonely stranger

You can vote for as many songs as you’d like, but you can only vote ONE time. Be sure to click the box next to each act you want to support before pressing submit.

[polldaddy poll=8664529]

The two semi-finals will take place on 24 and 26 February, with the national final planned for 28 February. Seven songs from each semi-final will qualify to the final based on the combination of votes from the public televote and votes from the jury. An 8th qualifier will be selected by an additional televote between the remaining non-qualifiers and will be revealed during a semi-final after-show.

Follow all of our Moldova Eurovision news here.

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10 years ago

omg SUBLIME, please! we need a HAPPY song like that.

10 years ago

I love (really DO) Cezara`s !! 🙂

10 years ago

Julia Sandu or Dana Markitan

10 years ago

Miss M really? I don’t like that song at all.

10 years ago

Miss M’s song is gorgeous and painful, and she has a very nice voice and tons of stage presence.

10 years ago

If Miss M and Stela Botan qualifies then i’m happy

10 years ago

Julia Sandu <3 <3

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
10 years ago
