Earlier today, the Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — continued our journey through Latvia ahead of the big final of Supernova 2015 this Sunday. As we love exciting things, we went canoeing in the Gauja valley and had a lot of splashy, water-fun! Of course, we couldn’t forget to review the song “Take Me Down” sung by Markus Riva. Yes, we already rated the studio version. But did our opinions change after seeing it live?

Markus Riva – “Take Me Down”


Anthony: Personal favourite Rihards Berzins agonizingly missed out, so it’s onto my second choice favourite. A very contemporary and deep R&B pop ballad, I can imagine this song getting frequent airplay on radio stations across Europe. Markus definitely has the looks and the vocals to take this down and onto the stage. If Latvia actually have any common sense for once, send him to Vienna puh-lease!

Score: 9/10

Deban: I wrestle with lustful thoughts as I judge this entry. I barely understand what he’s saying, but when I peer into his eyes and hear the conviction in his voice, all is forgiven. I hear a song brimming with sensitivity as his breathy vocals tingle me in the right places.

Score: 6/10

Denise: This song is good, but I prefer his entry “Lights on” from last year. His second performance was way better than his first, so I really trust in Markus. I’m sure he can make an amazing show out of it. And I have to say, his looks are giving this song some bonus points!!!

Score: 7.5/10

Judit: I love the song, I love Markus, I love everything about it! I can’t wait see him standing on the stage again. If Latvia won’t send him I will cry, because he would be perfect. “Take Me Down” can help me through my worst moments and it could help Latvia end its bad run in Eurovision as well. Finger crossed!

Score: 10/10

Louis: It’s a good song, but nothing to write home about. I feel Markus doesn’t do enough with it and maybe with another singer, I would be inclined to give it the justice it deserves.

Score: 5/10

Mikhail: I liked this song. It is dynamic with a good rhythm.  However, Mr. “I don’t like to show flesh” tries to get a lot of votes with his sexy body and it works, I guess, but it is not the best thing to do. It would be much better for him to pay more attention to his vocals and pronunciation.

Score: 7.5/10

Patrick: This song is probably the best for this year’s Eurovision. Markus is a great singer, surely not the best voice in Latvia, but he can deliver and do a great performance. He was way better in the semifinal than in the heat – I think he felt more comfy! This is modern, has a great beat and is cool!

Score: 10/10

Robyn: There’s a lot of potential here. It’s a dynamic song, but the ending is anticlimactic. Markus has a great look and moves well, but his pronunciation needs to be improved, especially sharpening the often repeated “wid you”. If Latvia are serious about qualifying this year, there will be a lot to work to do.

Score: 6/10

Sopon: My eyes might love Markus, but my ears aren’t loving him so much. The aura of this entry is just so mediocre and mainstream. Like PeR in 2013, Markus is performing a regular song, and there isn’t much special about him.

Score: 6/10

William: If he wants to go down, I’m there. This song sounds very expensive, and it’s a pleasure to hear how far Markus’ voice has come in the past year. This looks great. He sounds great. And I’d be happy for him to sing at Eurovision. Aminita and MNTHA bring something more original. But as Markus proves there is nothing wrong with being mainstream.

Score: 8/10

Wiwi Jury Average: 7.5/10

Read all of our Supernova reviews here.

You can follow all of our Latvia Eurovision news here.

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10 years ago

I hope Latvia will have sense and they will vote in AMINATA!

10 years ago


10 years ago

A dull generic radiofriendly but very forgettable pop song. Can’t listen to it to the end, too boring

10 years ago

His pretty face is just a bonus to already amazing song. If Europe went crazy about Eric Saade,just imagine what would happen if Markus won lol

10 years ago

There is no doubt that his ruggedness and sex-appeal will play a big part in turning this mediocre song into something much more than its actual worth. It’s like I don’t believe that Markus’ heart is 100% behind it: something just doesn’t come across. Out of all the songs chosen so far, I can’t honestly say this one is a game changer.

10 years ago

the dissent between the wiwi jury and the commenters is hilarious

10 years ago

I like the song, but I’d much more highly prefer that Aminata or MNTHA go to Eurovision.

10 years ago

He can’t sing!

10 years ago

Sorry to join the “I don’t know what people see in this song” bandwagon but.. yeah. It’s actually quite boring, doesn’t go anywhere and the end is as Robyn said, anticlimatic, if you add that her live performance is quite lacklustre…
I also second Denise, liked Lights On a lot more.

10 years ago

This song is just functioning at a 5/10 the whole time. Where’s the “oomph”? Where’s the impact?

10 years ago

This is a pretty bland entry. I think it needs to be revamped. I give it 6/10.

10 years ago

Please man ,learn how to speak english properly ,horrible singer for a meh song,this is not eurovision hottie contest ,this is eurovision SONG contest,so latvia dont fail me down,cuz in the past you made the wrong choices ,hopefully this year you wont!
Aminata or MHNTA

10 years ago

One word: meh.

10 years ago

@Calvin Me to. I hate it

10 years ago

My third favourite, his live performance isn’t good at all though. I think he’ll place last.

10 years ago

I really don’t understand what people see in this song.

Edward Nygma
Edward Nygma
10 years ago

Best song from Latvia. If the pick this, they are guaranteed to enter finals. It has both artistic value and mass appeal.

10 years ago

Are we listening to the same song? His live performance is the weakest of the 4 finalists. It’s quite underwhelming.

10 years ago

Yeah, it does not sound that good live :/

10 years ago

Meh. Homeboy makes my nuts itch. Scratch dude away. His second performance in better though but not strong enough to change my mind. If he wins, he’s got some work to do.

10 years ago

the song is cool, but his live vocals need improving. Maybe it’s just stress, idk.