With the Eurosong final on Friday, the Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – decided to clamber aboard the first Ryanair flight to Dublin, and undertake a week long road trip round the Emerald Isle. Upon landing we got stuck into Alex Saint and the MJ’s with “She’s So Fine”. What was our verdict? Read on to find out…

Angus: Were this 2005 rather than 2015 this might be rather forward-looking. Unfortunately we aren’t all ten years younger and this song as a result sounds ten years older than it is. Dated, cringe-inducing and altogether unfortunate.

Score: 1.5/10

Robyn: This is my favourite of all the Irish contenders. I especially like the unexpected mix of hip hop, ’60s Motown vocal group styles and modern electronica. But as sweet as the song is, tragically hip hop never really does well at Eurovision. However, being a Eurosong finalist will no doubt benefit Alex Saint in other ways, so good luck to him.

Score: 8/10

Louis: Loved the first 16 seconds but it went downhill from there. It could easily be a good song without the interrupting rap sections as the choruses weren’t actually that bad. Although the raps became catchier with every listen, I feel they ruin a potentially good and chilled out song.

Score: 4/10

William: She may be fine, but her song is seriously fug. I fail to believe that Ireland’s RTE received worse songs than this, making me think they included it solely for variety, or as a way to rig the selection for their preferred singer. It’s watered down Motown mixed with limp rap, and managed to combine the worst of both genres.

Score: 3/10

William C: “She’s So Fine” would be much better if the rap wasn’t so awful. And rap rarely does well in Eurovision. However the intro makes me feel relaxed, which must be a good thing. The chorus isn’t too bad but the the ending is way too abrupt.

Score: 3/10

Mike: As a wiwiblogger I felt like I had to do my jury duty and take part in at least one Wiwi Jury. So I chose the country with the most Eurovision wins ever, expecting some great national selection songs. Well, after listening to the first song (this one) I was quiet disappointed. Is there nobody in Ireland who knows that Eurovision and rap clash? I am not a girl, but if this was about me I would not be fine at all. Afterwards, I had to flush my brain with lots of Jedward.

Score: 2.5/10

Denise: This is my least favourite Irish entry. Rap doesn’t necessarily mean that a song is doomed, but Alex Saint won’t bring rap into the top ten ( not even the final). It’s just so boring and I wasn’t even able to listen to the whole song once while I was writing this review.

Score: 3/10

Mikhail: There are some really nice rap songs, which I am glad to listen to, like “Igranka” with its stunning chorus featuring Nina Zizic. But “She’s So Fine” is so cheap. The “melodic” parts aren’t that bad, but they’re definitely not good. When Alex starts rapping, I have an urge to turn off the sound completely. His voice is just too irritating.

Score: 1.5/10

Kristín: What the hell did I just listen to? First of all, rap has never been something that has wowed the audience’s ears in Eurovision. Second of all, don’t you have to be just a little bit charming? Because poor Alex is not. And third of all…no, I’ll skip that because I already feel like a bitch for slaughtering this. Better luck next time, and bring something else to the table. Next!

Score: 2/10

Padraig: Where to begin? Because there really are no positives. The lyrics are embarrassing, the rap is woeful, it’s a chore to even make it to the end of the song. And where are the MJ’s, the all-girl support group? I’ve listened to the track more times than I’d care too admit, and I couldn’t here a single female voice. Ireland really will hit a new low if this wins Eurosong.

Score: 1/10




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10 years ago

the Eurosong juries will tear this song apart making it chance-less.

10 years ago

I’ve no idea how this one made the last five or even got near a shortlist of the last 25 or so. You would have expected it to be discarded early in the selection process. Perhaps as has been suggested though, it was deliberately put through as cannon fodder and with the intention of it finishing last.

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

This will not win against Nikki Kavanagh, Erika Selin or Molly Sterling. It’s at very long odds in Ireland when you compare it to Nikki’s 8/11 odds (odds on). Plus, rap and Ireland just does not gel. As the legendary Linda Martin said last year about Andrew Mann and Be mine, “I would DIE if that got to Eurovision.”.

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

No. I only gave it 3.3 out of 10. This absolutely will not win Eurosong.

10 years ago

erika has the best song .. however i want ireland to select something else and to not qualify for the final..
the whole irish approach to eurovision is crap.. its embarrassing as an irish person to have shit entries.. i hope Ireland dont qualify again so it teaches RTE a lesson …

10 years ago

No, no no, please no no. Send Dustin the Turkey instead of this!

10 years ago

@Lollalol I’m all for musical variety and sending different genres to the contest, but not when it’s this awful. There’s no point in doing something simply for the sake of doing it. The song has to back up the reasoning.

10 years ago

Ireland, save this year edition and send this song. We need something different. I hate sentences like hip hop is not succesfull in Eurovision. OK, so we will have 40 pop songs every year? Europe wants every styles. And Who See 5th place by viewers in semifinal is not success? We dont want any other female singer, so Ireland, be so fine and send this song in Vienna and save our anniversary. Thank you

10 years ago

Really annoying….

10 years ago



Mario Euro Vision of Gay Love IRELAND The King Of 7 Victories Only Gay Love Survives!
Mario Euro Vision of Gay Love IRELAND The King Of 7 Victories Only Gay Love Survives!
10 years ago

Really not cool…. A troll ”song” on the bunch when my dear Ryan Dolan & too many others way more worthy candidates did not make the final cut to be included on the lucky spot of this lame act….Very disappointing indeed..

Mario Euro Vision of Gay Love IRELAND The King Of 7 Victories Only Gay Love Survives!
Mario Euro Vision of Gay Love IRELAND The King Of 7 Victories Only Gay Love Survives!
10 years ago

Just nope….I did not like this….The singing part with the rhymes of the black guy is rather annoying by the way..
I hope that this song won’t win & represent Ireland in Diamond Esc Vision of Vienna..
1,5 / 10 from me..

10 years ago

Someone please tell me how this beat out Mary Byrne who is a vocal powerhouse? *shudders* It’s not horrifying but I would only listen to it if I was intoxicated.