William: Daniel Kajmakoski’s presentation improved a lot with the new camera angles. As Daniel dances in front of the ancient columns, the the camera now zooms in as Daniel + MERJ dance and the LED leaves swirl behind them. You feel like you’re passing through the columns as a result. The dancing also looks less awkward — partly because they’ve had more time to practice, but also because the angles hide potential missteps. This felt much smoother and much more R&B. That said, a fellow blogger in the press centre still thinks that Daniel needs to ask MERJ for a refund. It’s not clear what value they are adding. 

FYR Macedonia’s second rehearsal at Eurovision 2015

Padraig: Macedonia ain’t qualifying. Sure the overall performance has improved since Monday, but there’s only so much polish in the world. The staging remains completely incoherent – what’s the connection between urban dancers, ancient Greek pillars and white trench coats? Frustratingly, the song itself is nice and Daniel’s vocals and dancing are great. If only the show was better!

Daniel Kajmakoski: Reviews and Reactions

Coming soon!


Photo: Elena Volotova (EBU)

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9 years ago

He looks like a lost 30’s aviator singing on stage. Good luck, Daniel!

9 years ago

Frustrating, I really like Autumn Leaves and with the right staging it could’ve done so good… This doesn’t feel like the right staging. MERJ… I still don’t understand what they’re doing there… I wouldn’t mind them as much if they were kept in the background just as backing singers and maybe bring 2 other people to dance with Daniel… but them dancing and singing along with him… it seems and feels weird, it’s just not working for me 🙁 I hope for a miracle this will qualify cause Daniel deserves it but I can’t see it happening right now ><

9 years ago

@Mario My Vision of Gay Love

then chill, no one can prove anything or take anything away….Enjoy the music 🙂

9 years ago

They should just play the videoclip in the background..I love the song (it’s on my phone, even), but this performance kinda ruins it for me.

9 years ago

Totally amateurish. It looks as if they’re still learning the dance steps. Another one (like Armenia) that you wish to see finished as soon as possible.


Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Well of course the Balcans has been inhabited by many races & civilizations through the thousands of years & i did not claim the otherwise.. I aimed at these people that because they were told that they are true macedonians in very recently because big part of their lands belonged to the Great Macedonia of Greece as our col?nies they started believing that they are real ones & babtised totally unjustifiably & wrongly their newborn country Macedonia.. THIS HAS TO STOP better i say.. And of course i know that us Greeks obviously were mixed with different races in… Read more »

9 years ago

There are three problems with this….

9 years ago

@Mario My Vision of Gay Love The Balkan as an area has be occupied by so many people, so many cultures have been here and left and demolished and did things. How can anyone claim something from the Antic are as their own, yes it is more similar to some cultures than other but it leaves a certain impact on the entire history on the Balkans and ofc countries that are closer to each other have a more similar historical heritage ….. So what I am trying to say is this discussion about who is from the ANTIC and who… Read more »

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Davve
I did not discuss whether this country has been accepted by that name by most of the countries in the world & it is not my point here..
But me personally as not only Greek but real Macedonian as well i will never accept the claim of this ex yugoslavian land that tries to steal my country’s history presenting it like its own…I have all the right in the world to do mind about that..

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Leaf
Well i did not post that comment of mine out of the blue as it was a reply to another user that challenged me to answer like that..
I would not bother writing about the Macedonian issue or who is who under Daniel’s article..

And NO we are not here on WiWiBloggs to actually talk about EuroVision at all but to only discuss about hot sexy gay babes like Benjamin & Arian… <3 <3 <3 <3
Now we are all waiting 4 William to interview the 3rd hottie hunk babe volunteer in Vienna <3 🙂

9 years ago

This is awful, the act is awful. This looks like a mimic

9 years ago

Mario, it really doesnt matter what your backwards thinking is.. because Macedonia IS a country and is called Macedonia everywhere except for a few formality occasions such as Eurovision.

I think it is sad that Greece focuses so much on the whole Macedonia vs Greece situation instead of trying to solve internal problems like the economy etc…

Macedonia is Macedonia and Greece is Greece. Whether you like it or not 😉

9 years ago

Macedonia all you needed to do was have Daniel singing his song in front of the LED screen showing that very cute video of yours. That’s all you needed to do to qualify with an awesome score. You did this and while I do find it some what amusing and cool that shuffle just adds too much cheesiness. Still wishing you the best of luck Macedonia and I hope you guys make it to the final because you still definitely deserve it :-).

9 years ago

@Mario My Vision of Gay Love
I think you seriously need to stop, let’s enjoy the rehearsals not everyone is here for a Macedonian/Greek history lesson …

We are here for the lighting, backgrounds, presentation and to support our favorite songs so JUST STOP !!!!!!

Mario My Vision of Gay Love
Mario My Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

@ Well the real Macedonia is Greek & is in Greece.. Im genuine Macedonian actually.. This country is not the authentic Macedonia.. I call them just FYR…Without the M letter of course because it is pointless to add that.. And NO we will never get over this fact because these ex yugoslavian people do NOT have the right to call them selfs just Macedonia.. With no offense to these people in this small country land but i will not just go silent if i see anyone challenge me with provocative comment.. And i do not think though that Daniel will… Read more »

9 years ago

Hmm… this staging is weird. The song could do better without that boy band choreography. The harmonies they did at the end were insane. They should do more of that, and less… um shuffling around.

9 years ago

I think I’ve found my toilet break/pour another drink song!! Oh dear!!

9 years ago

Loooool could the choreography be any more stupid?

9 years ago

I like this, especially his voice … It brings a certain “OMPH” to the song …. And overall it is very lovely …… And R&B deserves a comeback at the Eurovision stage so I really do dig this.

9 years ago

@davve Fyrom is not even going to be in the final so practically they cant place higher than Greece.

9 years ago

“Autumn Leaves” – good
“Autumn Leaves” plus the choreography plus the backing vocals – absolute no no!
I think Macedonia will not see the final after all. :/

9 years ago

Much better! The backup singers actually worked well with the song here and they moved around stage well! <3 Love this song!

9 years ago

Macedonia is Macedonia.. and Greece is Greece…. Greeks has to get over that fact. Macedonia will most likely place higher than Greece this year anyway.