Based on the results of last night’s jury final, the EBU has determined the voting order for the grand final of Eurovision 2015. As they explain on, “an algorithm has been created to try and make the voting as exciting as possible.” It’s all meant to leave us on the edge of our seats and wet in our pants as we wait to find out where we will be going for Eurovision 2016.

Some have already suggested that the presence of two Nordic countries at the very end of the voting order suggests a win for bookies’ favourite Sweden: Iceland presents its points 38th, while Norway goes last. If the contest is tight, perhaps they can help push Måns Zelmerlöw over the line at the last minute?

Others have said that it makes sense for the winning country to present its points late in the game. You can’t vote for your own country, so naturally this would reduce their lead. Russia, Italy and Norway all present their points in the final five. Did one of them win the jury final?

Voting order: Eurovision 2015

1) Montenegro (Andrea Demirovic)

2) Malta (Julia Zahra)

3) Finland (Krista Siegfrids)

4) Greece (Helena Paparizou)

5) Portugal (Suzy)

6) Romania (Sonia Argint Ionescu)

7) Belarus (Teo)

8) Albania (Andria Xhahu)

9) Moldova (Olivia Fortuna)

10) Azerbaijan (Tural Asadou)

11) Latvia (Markus Riva)

12) Serbia (Maia Nikolic)

13) Estonia (Tania)

14) Denmark (Basim)

15) Switzerland (Laetitia Guarino)

16) Belgium (Walid)

17) France (Virginie Guillaume)

18) Armenia (Lilit Muradyan)

19) Ireland (Nicky Byrne)

20) Sweden (Mariette Hanson)

21) Germany (Barbara Schöneberger)

22) Australia (Lee Lin Chin)

23) Czech Republic (Daniela Pisarovicova)

24) Spain (Lara Siscar)

25) Austria (Kati Bellowitsch)

26) F.Y.R. Macedonia (Marko Mark)

27) Slovenia (Tinkara Kovac)

28) Hungary (Csilla Tatar)

29) United Kingdom (Nigella Lawson)

30) Georgia (Natia Bunturi)

31) Lithuania (Ugné Galadauskaite)

32) Netherlands (Edsilia Rombley)

33) Poland (Cleo)

34) Israel (Ofer Nachshom)

35) Russia (Dmitry Shepelev)

36) San Marino (Valentina Monetta)

37) Italy (Federico Russo)

38) Iceland (Sigridur Halldorsdottir)

39) Cyprus (Loukas Hamatsos)

40) Norway (Margrethe Røed)

What do you think all of this means? Do you have any sense of who won the jury final?

Eurovision 2015: Jury final review

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9 years ago

De dc3a4r granarna gc3b6r mig glad, sc3a5 bealghiga att se pc3a5. Vc3a5r minsting Hugo skulle c3a4lska att bc3a4dda ner sig sjc3a4lv och dockorna och alla njukisdjuren under den, och jag skulle tycka att hans kaosstc3b6kiga rum skulle bli trevligare att stiga in i om granarna fanns dc3a4r. Vi c3b6nskar oss filten med grc3a5 kant.

9 years ago

I was disappointed when I saw this article’s subheadline about Norway voting last, because that pretty much told me immediately that Sweden would most likely win. This running order “suspense” thing doesn’t work when the last country just makes things totally obvious. They need to fool around with the algorithm so that it obscures things like this a little.

9 years ago

6:23 P.M. in NYC. It’s looking like Moscow or St. Petersburg next year. Sweden is getting the big points, but the little points for Russia (along with those 12s) do add up.

9 years ago

No matter on jury my favorite and only is AZERBAIJAN!!

9 years ago

To leave almost all favorites till the end…such a tease! Voting for Azerbaijan!!!#24!

9 years ago

Sweden got Iceland, Denmark, Finland out so they will have more points. About Finland the singer from Sweden explicitly singled them and said they have a bad song. It means this year they want victory very very desperate for some reason.

9 years ago

I think Ireland will give their 12 points to Australia. I don’t know why people on here are saying Ireland’s 12 will go to Sweden or Norway. Lots of Irish have relatives in Australia and vice versa. The same with the UK.

9 years ago

Lots of former contestants reading out the scores :)!

9 years ago

Why announce the jury order when it so obviously indicates the winner, or at least rules out 25 of the entries. It has just completely ruined the anticipation with a runaway Swedish win likely (…and finally from Norway, our 12 points go to our neighbours Sweden….shocker) Moat people I know loathe it, for his smugness and arrogance, as well as his homophobia

9 years ago

I think Albania won the last night, and think that she is going to win the eurovizion

9 years ago

You never know how the juries vote. For example, I thought that Belgium would definitely give 12 points to the Dutch or the Armenians but they ranked the Armenians last in the jury. Also in 2011, many juries voted for Italy and I was especially shocked that Norway gave 12 points to Finland instead of Sweden. Looking at the order, its just as favorable for countries such as Norway , Estonia and Latvia.

9 years ago

I believe Greece is most definitely capable of getting into the lower top 10 and Maria-Elena showed near perfect vocal competence and managed to stir raw emotion like only few can match this year. It was a tour-de-force performance in its genre: the only question is whether the build-up to the climatic ending lingers too much. but once you get there, it’s worth the wait.

9 years ago


Norway presented vote last in 2009, because of tehnical problem not becuase they won that contest in huge margin over second, third place.

9 years ago

Does anybody else believe that Greece might did well or is it only me?

9 years ago

I just really love that Nigella is doing the UK points

9 years ago

I think that Italy won the jury vote. Iceland & Norway are there just to make more drama -> this is based on the jury vote alone. I do believe that the televoting in these two countries will favorite Sweden as well. So, Italy or Sweden, hello 2016.

9 years ago


This voting order is created automatically. It’s not created by a real person, so therefore this voting order is not created to ”trick” anyone.

9 years ago

I hope the winner is among Belgium, Latvia and… that’s all! 🙂

9 years ago


I think the UK will give 10 to Sweden, and btw 8 to Cyprus? Ha, that would be hilarious

9 years ago

No way Sweden will get 10pts from UK, Michael…

Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia & Australia have huge vote bases in Britain.. They should be the top 5 in the televote.. will the jury vote help Sweden that much?

12 – Australia
10 – Latvia
8 – Cyprus

That is how I feel the UK will vote.. We always vote for the ‘cute’ songs (SUI 2011, MLT 2013 & 2014) and CYP will get that vote.

9 years ago

I would like Greece or Cyprus to win but i dont think its going to happen.
The performance i like the most is Russia amazing…… beautiful……..
And Guy from australia is so gorgeous……………. Im excited anyway no matter the winner…

9 years ago

Here are the points that will be given to Sweden tonight: 1.Montenegro: 5p (5p) 2.Malta: 10p (15p) 3.Finland: 12p (27p) 4.Greece: 5p (32p) 5.Portugal: 7p (39p) 6.Romania : 7p (46p) 7.Belarus : 5p (51p) 8.Albania : 6p (57p) 9.Moldova : 6p (63p) 10.Azerbaijan: 5p (68p) 11.Latvia : 10p (78p) 12.Serbia: 6p (84p) 13.Estonia : 12p (96p) 14.Denmark: 12p (108p) 15.Switzerland: 7p (115p) 16.Belgium: 10p (125p) 17.France : 8p (133p) 18.Armenia: 5p (138p) 19.Ireland: 10p (148p) 20.Sweden : – (148p) 21.Germany: 7p (155p) 22.Australia : 12p (167p) 23.Czech Rep: 6p (173p) 24.Spain: 10p (183p) 25.Austria: 7p (190p) 26.FYR : 4p (194p)… Read more »

9 years ago

It’s funny how everybody here is saying “I don’t want Sweden to win” over and over again. The competition is not over (actually it’s not even started yet) so if you don’t want Sweden to win, that’s very easy: just don’t vote for them. The order is based on the jury’s vote, and even though it screams victory for Sweden, it’s nothing without the televoting.

9 years ago

I really hope Sweden will win tonight, best song for sure! Stockholm 2016!

9 years ago

last year the jury order was concentrating at a win for Sweden, but austria won
maybe this year will be the same.
you never know :S

9 years ago

Ugh, I really don’t want Sweden as the winner. Very mediocre performance, if it can even be called that, and a copycat song. The guy’s homophobic comments don’t win him any extra points either.

I’m hoping that either Italy or Spain wins, great songs and extra points for them not being in English. Norway is my third favorite, also would be glad if they won. A great dark song, in contrast to all the repetitive “love, peace, together, forever, happiness, rainbows-unicorns”. It really gets tiresome and trite.

My top 5

Fingers crossed!

9 years ago

Correction: Israel (34) spokesperson’s name should spell ‘Nachshon’ and not ‘Nachshom’…and Israel’s 12 will go to Sweden (judging by the past 4 years). Anyhow, ‘At this point, what difference does it make??” this order of countries screams victory for Sweden. In previous years, we know that as much as the EBU artificially creates a false sense of nail-biting suspense, the truth is that the winner usually has at least a 50 point advantage over the runner-up in the end, so there is NO REAL COMPETITION: it boils down to an annual ritual where we all willfully accept the manipulations of… Read more »

9 years ago

It is interesting that in the first half of this order we have mainly countries from Eastern Europe, and in the second half – from Western and Central Europe. It may indicate that the winner will be a country from the West (Italy, Belgium, Norway, Sweden?) or Estonia. But of course it refers only to the Jury. The public may vote differently. My vote is for Belgium.

Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio
9 years ago

Or maybe everybody right here are expecting the 12 points from Norway to Sweden…. And maybe that won’t happen…

Okno kidding, that’s impossible!

9 years ago

good point Pipas pal pajaro

9 years ago

1. Montenegro : 12pts Serbia 2.Malta :12pts Italy 3.Finland: 12 pts Sweden 10 pts Norway 4.Greece: 12 pts Cyprus 10 pts Albania 5.Portugal: 12 pts Italy 10pts Spain 6.Romania : 12pts Italy 7.Belarus : 12 pts Russia 8.Albania : 12 pts Italy 9.Moldova :12 pts Russia 10 pts Georgia 10.Azerbaijan : 12 pts Russia 11.Latvia : 12 pts Estonia 12.Serbia: 12 pts Montenegro 10pts Italy 13. Estonia : 12 pts Latvia 10pts Norway 14.Denmark: 12 pts Sweden 10 pts Norway 15.Switzerland: 12 pts Italy 16.Belgium : 12 pts Azerbaijan 17.France : 12 pts Belgium 10 Azerbaijan 18.Armenia: 12 pts Russia… Read more »

9 years ago


Pipas pal pájaro
Pipas pal pájaro
9 years ago

Alright, I think they are trying to trick us.They made a very clear thing by puting those two countries in the end: haven’t you considered the fact that maybe they are trying to make us think Sweden is gonna win so we don’t know who the real winner is? I mean, in this moment lots of us think Sweden is gonna win because of the voting order. Do you think organisers would be happy with us knowing how everithing is gonna end up? Don’t think so: the winner is someone else. They want to mislead us.

9 years ago

@Daniel In 2009 Norway wasn’t meant to announce the votes last, but they did so because Norway had (mathematically) already won.

9 years ago

@Sal: You took the words right out of my mouth…

9 years ago

Urgh, I’m really really dreading a Swedish win -.- Such an insepid, vapid and banal overproduced pop song that, if it wins, only suggests that iPhones are truly causing us Europeans to become brain-dead robots. Rant over/

9 years ago

You know how I think Norway is going to win this year right? Well in 2009 when Norway won they presented their points last…Coincidence?

9 years ago

By seeing this , Italy will be in advantage then the last 3 countries voting will give 12+10+12 = 34 points to Sweden (cause Cyprus will give 12 points to Greece) and it will win :/

9 years ago

San Marino(36) and Cyprus(39) will definitelly support Italy. So italy will pass Sweden at that point and for the end we have Iceland and will get to see if the Icelandic vote is enough for Sweden to pass Italy.So it will be betwen Italy and Sweden. But that’s just jury vote.We shouldn’t know the order .This think with the algorithm should should apply after the compined results of juries AND televoting.

9 years ago

It shows that Sweden or Australia won the jury vote. Remember the unpredictable vote in 2011 when Azerbaijan won.

Austria last year got 12pts from the 2nd country announcing the votes (Greece).

9 years ago

I think it’s Italy.

mark dowd
mark dowd
9 years ago

This suggests that if anyone is leading from Sweden with the last votes to come, they had better have a healthy lead.

9 years ago

Picture of the winners in the article 🙂

9 years ago

it may also mean that Norway won jury vote

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago


Ian D
Ian D
9 years ago

This strongly indicates that Sweden won the jury vote.

9 years ago

Wasn’t there a system which the countries were presenting their points in a way that it whould extend the suspense??? Am I wrong?

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago

we ( netherlands) will give our points pretty late and i think i now who will get our top points
12 points belgium or sweden
10 points sweden or belgium
8 points australia
russia will also give points late and they also like the belgian song and maybe some points for the baltic states

9 years ago

Certainly looks like Sweden is doing well. But if it’s a tight contest, there’s always the chance of the televote upending the jury vote.

9 years ago

OMG… I will be disappointed if Sweben win with that copy song from David Guetta – Lovers on the sun
What a shame for Sweden and ESC.