Tonight 20 singers competed in the Malta Junior Eurovision Song Contest, but it was Destiny Chukunyere who emerged as the winner. She will represent Malta at Junior Eurovision 2015 in Sofia.
Although Destiny won in Malta tonight, her song will be chosen and announced separately. Valletta is taking 2015 ruul serious.
Destiny was chosen by a 75/25 jury-televoting split. Both the jury and the public ranked her first.
The three-person international jury consisted of Christer Bjorkman (Eurovision Head of Delegation of Sweden), Olga Salamakha (Junior Eurovision and Eurovision Head of Delegation of Belarus) and Carlo Ori (Italian musican).
The show was hosted by Elaine Saliba, who viewers will remember as one of last year’s presenters when the 2014 Junior Contest took place in Malta.
Only the top three was revealed; Veronica Rotin came in as a runner-up, followed by Christina Magrin.
She has participated in numerous local contests, including L-Istrina, Misrah Il-Milied Marathon, and Kokurs Kanzunetta Indipendenza Junior.
However, she became a household name in 2014 after winning Sanremo Junior both in Malta and Italy. In October 2014 she won the international Asteriks Original Song Festival in FYR Macedonia.
She is being tutored by IVA instructor Maria Abdilla.
Are you happy with the decision? Who was your favourite(s) tonight? Sound off below!
abarbara on This is the work done by Paula Gambin, Cherise Greach, Shannon Pace, Graziella Chetcuti and Megan Galea for the YRE comtipiteonabarbara on This is the work of Grace Anne Muscat for the YRE comtipiteon
@Angus, thank you for moderating, I know it gets rough on here sometimes and normally I try not to reply or get involved, but some of these comments had gone well over the line, particularly on a Junior Eurovision article. Thank you for stepping in and cleaning it up a bit. @Mario, Aww thanks for the compliment, I am certainly not trying to be a hero at all and you always do a good job defending yourself. But for some reason this person went even further this time and went even further for no apparent reason. I cannot stand that… Read more »
Guys I’m moderating some of these comments. We have a zero tolerance policy for bulling or discrimination. Just try and enjoy Destiny and her soulful performance 🙂
@ Oh Great, lol do you really think that they would ban someone for multiple comments in preference to banning someone who makes homophobic comments about all gay people.
BTW how did calling the police go? I am assuming you have done so now given the great danger to Destiny that you described,. how did they respond.?
@Mario: I’m enjoying the comments Mario. Keep them coming so that may be WIWIBloggs will have the decency to ban you for spamming.
@Steven: Well done Hero ;-). Keep feeding Mario’s ego.
destiny is not good choice., she looks adult not child! ????
@ Oh really thank you Steven that you defended me…My *Hero* <3 :)) hehe.. I really appreciate that man.. :)) —————————————————————————————— Well this sick troll did not call only me pedophile but all the gays.. I didn't expect such messed up thing even from him…He did a new low for his trollish activity against me.. And now he just doesn't dare to write anything because he knows that he will seem so ridiculous if he continues this.. I do not take him seriously but he really gets on my nerves…Especially now that he dared to call me pedo & write… Read more »
@Mario Yes I agree – rise above it, I found the whole thing (almost) funny in the end. He kept threatening to call the police, and I called him out on it by saying I could do the same to him (for attacking ” all gays”) . He quickly ended the argument when he realized his threats meant nothing, and if he was going to do something ridiculous like call the police, they would probably be more interested in the comments he made himself about “all gays”. That’s if they were willing to look into at all – I highly… Read more »
What can i say really…. At first there was this stupid b**ch Mei accusing me of being racist at my comment that i wrote that Destiny with her voice reminded me of a black soul diva like Aretha Franklin….Totally idiotic of hers right? & after that i wrote a comment here to state that i sent message to Destiny to congratulate her on her victory and she responded back to me thanking me, i saw this wacko sick troll to call me even pedophile as well…But he thinks that all of us gays ARE pedos to him though.. What next… Read more »
If only miss Destiny could go to Bulgaria’s Junior Vision with an emotional power ballad song that would talk about *BULLYING*.. Like the one that kids/children/teenagers are facing in schools all the time.. ~ Homophobic bullying because you are gay.. ~ Bullying because you are pretty & other girls are jealous of you.. ~ Bullying because you are overweight & other mean bullies call you fat.. ~ Bullying because you wear glasses & other bullies calling you weirdo nerd loser.. ~ Bullying because you are loner & don’t have friends.. ~ Bullying because you are not smart or have dyslexia..… Read more »
Interested to see what kind of song she sings at JESC. The song in the national final wasn’t exactly my style but she delivered it in a way that was fun to listen to. I could see her doing really well with a power ballad like The Start or Warrior.
I don’t really care anymore…Like nothing will gonna affect me after all these f***ed up s**t i have seen get posted about me..
I had a couple comments to post about the topic here & im gonna do it…It will be like this ugly situation with the @ replies comments above never happened & i will act that its all fine & ok..
Im not gonna let a person like him to get on my skin & destroy me..
Just rise over the hate.. :))
@ Yeah like its mine & Steven fault that all these comments exist in the article here??
Im really sorry about the maltese dear girl Destiny {that its her own wiwi article..} that the situation got out of line but everyone can realize about who the only responsible person is about this mess…And its not either me or Steven..
@ Steven
This troll stalker only got busted with these ridiculous messed up comments he wrote..
Everyone is aware that he is this kind of wacko..
At least no one will take him seriously whatever may writes about me…Even if its true..
I’m better person than dealing with this crazy disturbed retard..
@ You ARE finished.. I really hope something really bad happens to you… Its YOU that have caused all this anti Mario mess about me here influencing sadly the other users about your f**ked up lies & fake accusations about me.. At least you think that not only me but ALL us gays are pedophiles so this belief really indicates not only your severe homophobia but the fact that you are seriously mentally disturbed.. So you better look your own disturbed ill mentality.. I have all the right to be the one though that can refer seriously to internet police… Read more »
@Oh Great.
Aww someone doesnt like it when their own threats of reporting are used back on them lol.
@Steven: I’ve made no multiple accounts.Anyways let’s end this here or it will get as annoying as Mario’s comments. Addios.
Im not new here at all. And finding someones posts annoying as a few people have said is not the same as inciting hatred. You said “all gays” so that has nothing to do with peoples opinions of Mario anyway. I actually dont think you are Mei International however your writing style is identical to several other accounts and it is clear you are trying to make the problem bigger than it is and launch a hate campaign against people by creating multiple accounts.
. Mei is not me and neither are any other Mario hating accounts except for OH Great. Believe it or not other people are getting sick of Mario’s comments not just me. You may be new here but soon enough you’ll also get tired of all the Mario Homo comments.
@Oh Great . Nope we have freedom of speech here so you dont tell me what to post thanks. However freedom of speech doesnt extend to words of hatred. You are not just attacking Mario , you are attacking a whole community. Your IP address can be traced and the police can be notified about YOU if you are spouting threats and making very serious allegations that have no foundation whatsoever. You have multiple usernames which you are using. There is no army , just your muliple personalities. I seriously suggest you seek some help if you think it is… Read more »
@Steven: Stop s*hit posting bro. Mario has done enough damage and we need to stop him. Of course WIWIBloggs know that he’s bringing in the ad revenue, so they won’t do s*it about it.
last comment was for @Freyah.
@Oh great . What on earth are you talking about. I have never seen any such comments and given you are now talking about “all gays” it is clear you are just a deluded homophobe. You are not going to call the police so stop saying things that make you look so ridiculous.
Totally agree however when threatening comments and targeted accusations are made they should be responded to. I think both Mei International and Oh Great’s (possibly the same person anyway) rants and threats should be deleted as they are threatening and show extreme hatred. They are grossly inappropriate for any article on this site let alone one about a child singer.
Guys, can we keep the comments clear of all this. This is an article to congratulate a wonderful singer and the arguing happening below is not in the spirit of that. So let’s just keep it as it should be and not argue, thanks 🙂
someone forgot to take their antipyschotic medication today i think lol
@Oh great. Just to be clear on what you are threatening…you are threatening to call the police because someone congratulated a child on winning a competition? I’m sure once you give the police your details they will happily fine you for wasting their time. Also – by your logic – if taking any interest at all in a child in junior is a crime, as you opened this article to read it several times you must also be a pervert. Making serious threats that you cannot possibly follow through on really does make you look stupid. You can even bully… Read more »
@ We know how much obsessed you are with me when you troll the place here with all these fake trollish accounts…That is a new low for you to write such f**ked up thing about me..
I would write : shame on you but what i’m talking about….You are just shameless..
Just go and die..
Here is my message to Destiny.. [copy & paste my actual text] ** you are a star now ! :)) congratulations on your victory Destiny! :)) i didn’t really think until today that Malta can win again this year in Junior Vision but now that i saw you i do! :)) Good Luck in Sofia girl! :)) You rock! :)) ** ————————————————————– I do not owe you anything but i copied/pasted my actual message to just expose you more…I really do not have to prove anything to a messed up loser like you.. You are really sick f**ked up…And i… Read more »
Oh by the way I had wrote to Destiny a warm message in facebook to congratulate her 4 her big victory in Malta’s NF & she replied to me! <3 🙂
I'm wishing to this talented girl to gain a hopeful bright music career in her life & even become a future real Star <3 🙂
Even the famous star diva singer of *Vision of Love* Mariah Carey is considered technically black… 🙂
Now with Destiny i think that dear Malta has the potentials and the big chance to increase her victories in the Junior Vision <3 🙂
@ excuse me please.. 🙂
@ Oh yes Steve… I really thank you & you made me feel cool…That im not the one that is wrong at least always all the time…How many times i happen to have the right with my side and this is just a true fact.. As i said…Even if they are prejudized against me negatively WHY accusing me on cases like that?? I have done many s**t here & have sc**wed it up on occasions indeed but they have to leave me alone and not trash write about me at least when i don’t do any bad.. Mei unluckily for… Read more »
No worries, and I enjoy your posts, I hate seeing bullies on here.
What’s also very sad about Mei’s posts is she called you a racist, yet someone before you had already mentioned the singer being black and compared her to Aretha. She didn’t attack that person for being racist. You had only made one small comment echoing someone’s else’s thought and she went all crazy.
I guess she decided it was only racist when you said it . What a sad individual.
And i didn’t even call Destiny really black meaning that she IS indeed black coloured girl…So stupid of her..
But even if i did…WHY should i BE racist for writing that she is black when i can write 4 myself that i’m white?? Not big deal or offensive at all!
4 the record….My greek surname on my facebook means *BLACK* in english! <3
SO….What's next?? Seeing next anyone calling me homophobic as well maybe??
I can pretty much expect from now on just any nonsense sh*t from the others here..
Guys, leave Mario alone. He has a right to post comments on too you know. 😀
Top 5 again for Malta
@Mei Interational. You are clearly a bitter and spiteful person who spends their life on the internet attacking people’s posts using a variety of different names to spread hate and bully. You are the one making these threads miserable and spoling the website with your bizarre vitriol. Accusing people of racism is a low blow. There are very very few black artists represented in Eurovision and even less in Junior so it is wonderful to see and Mario comments was complimentary and positive about that. Nothing bad was said about the colour of her skin. I am sorry that you… Read more »
@ Why you are obsessed with me Mei??
Your moronic low iq brain only thinks that this is sign of racism..
Just shut up..
Back off & stop caring about me..
Veronica Rotin suffered from the Too Many Girls phenomenon. While Destiny had a different soul filled voice ( abd hence different ) Veronica’s while very talented was hardly any different from the 15 other girls competing ( excluding veronica and Destiny ). I really wanted Andy Shaw but he butchered the script song he sang, poor guy.
That was unexpected. Hopefully this year won’t be flooded with girls like last year.
Best choice Malta. As from the start it showed that this soul girl was the no one from all girls that participated. But I can say too that if Destiny was best of all we can also remember the three talented boys too. As from the boys I have to admit that Isaac Mercieca impressed so many people with his great voice and personality on stage. He moved my soul. Great, beautiful and talented guy.
I’m very excited for Malta’s prospects. Destiny has a FANTASTIC vocal range and I think, pair her up with a soulful ballad, one that showcases her incredible voice really well and I think we could be going back to Malta next year. 😀 😀 😀 😀
I’m surprised by the lack of Veronica Rotin rage, as it’s usually everywhere when Malta selects someone else (like last year with Federica).
But this is about Destiny, who is honestly a fantastic singer. I hope they give her something modern which works with her voice or something similar to songs like “Think”. But she definitely deserved to win, she was incredible.
I like her style of singing, butt i think a more modern song is needed for her to win or get a good placing.
I’m impressed! WOW! <3
She is star! <3 She reminded me of the black soul rnb divas like Aretha Franklin <3
With a GreAtY song that girl Destiny can win 4 sure in Bulgaria's Junior Vision! <3
I didn't really expect Malta to win again after only 2 years & their 2013 victory but now i definitely consider this maltese girl a hot favorite 4 the crown in Sofia <3 🙂
I really love Destiny’s voice, rare and unique
destiny is great but Veronica should have won! This is my opinion. Still good luck malta doubt you can win again
amazing voice! awesome and unexpected
Great voice!! Excelent choice, Malta!
She seems really promising; her voice is beautiful! I can’t get enough of girl-power retro-soul, so I’m super excited to hear what she sings.