Six acts will perform in the first heat of Finland’s Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) 2016, but only three can advance to the final. On January 18 we asked our readers to vote for their favourites. After counting a total of 1,224 votes, we can now reveal that their favourite is Saara Aalto with her song “No Fear”.

Miss Aalto, who we recently spoke with on Skype, led the way with 479 votes — or nearly 40% of all those cast. She’s melding dance-pop with Indian sounds and you guys are clearly ready to throw down whenever you hear it!

Disco queen Eini came second with her number “Draamaa”, earning 216 votes, or around 18%. All those extra aaaas seem to be appropriate, as our readers praised the high-drama of her music video, which sees her in the woods with a broken-down car and some very muscular men. Fun at any age!

Our readers’ final qualifier is Stella Christine, who placed third with 196 votes, or around 16%. Her song “Ain’t Got Time For Boys” melds jazz, soul and R&B and has y’all feeling slinky and sexy.

Our readers have passed on Clemso, a Nigerian-born singer serving afro-beat realness; Mikko Herranen, who knows how to dish out cheese; and Pää-Äijät, a raucous duo who want to tell you about their “Champagne Heaven”.

Do you agree with the results? Who are your favourites to qualify? And do you think actually will?

UMK 2016: First heat (Poll results)


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9 years ago

I’m betting Saara, ClemSO and Eini. I would like Stella Christine to qualify instead of Eini, but I doubt that’s gonna happen. I don’t think Pää-Äijät will qualify. Finnish trolls have been quiet this year. 😀

9 years ago

It would be amazing if these could be the real results, but i think Finns will vote for Pää-Äijät.

9 years ago

Not only the semi final 1 winner, but also the umk 2016 winner! I hope Draamaa will go to the final aswell, idc about the last semi finalist as long as PäÄ-Äijät is out after the semi 😉

Yudhistira Mahasena
9 years ago

I bet Saara Aalto, Eini, and Clemso.
BTW, I listened to Clemso’s “Thief” and if you listen closely, it sounds like a Stargate-produced song.

9 years ago

Hope Eini ,Stella Christine and Saara Pass to the finals

9 years ago

Well, wiwiblog voters don’t vote in UMK, so I’m not convinced the top 3 in this poll will make it through…Saara? Likely. Eni? Probably. Stella? Unlikely. Don’t be surprised if “Shamppanjataivas” makes the third finalist (it’s one of my faves). 😀

9 years ago

It is the best song from this heat but I am not convinced it will be Finland’s entry.

9 years ago

I hope you are right Mario!

9 years ago

Shamppanjataivas, Finland must send that one, we need some fun on ESC 2016

9 years ago

@Mario, I hope so. Saara is my favorite and at first, I said Eini and Stella, but now I find Paa-Aijat’s song much more fun than Stella’s.

9 years ago

She won’t win. Finland will probably send a weird song like Shamppanjataivas.

Mario = Legend
Mario = Legend
9 years ago

I bet Saara, Eini, and Pää-Äijät 🙂