Andra Chansen 2016 duels winners panetoz samir viktor

Andra Chansen — the second chance round at Melodifestivalen — takes place in Halmstad tonight. Eight acts will sing for their lives — and a spot in the Melfest 2016 final. Four will emerge as victors. Four will hobble out of the arena as the vanquished. But where will the chips fall? Sweden’s Melodifestivalenklubben conducted an audience poll of 303 people immediately after the Friday night rehearsal, and their results paint a very clear picture.

Samir & Viktor won the audience poll in a landslide, earning 119 votes — or nearly 40% of all those cast. The next closest act — Panetoz — only earned 60 votes, or around 20%. Between them these two acts account for a whopping 60% of the vote. After that the numbers really start to fall. Boris René and SaRaha claimed around 10% each. They each come from a different duel. If the audience poll is right, they will be the four acts to advance. That leaves Dolly Style, Molly Pettersson Hammar, Isa and Albin & Mattias out in the cold.

Andra Chansen 2016: Audience Poll Favourites

  1. Samir & Viktor, Bada Nakna, 119 votes (40%)
  2. Panetoz, Håll Om Mig Hårt, 60 votes (20%)
  3. Boris René, Put Your Love On Me, 32 votes (11%)
  4. SaRaha, Kizunguzungu, 29 votes (10%)
  5. Dolly Style, Rollercoaster, 26 votes (9%)
  6. Molly Pettersson Hammar, Hunger, 16 votes (5%)
  7. Isa, I Will Wait, 14 votes (5%)
  8. Albin & Mattias, Rich, 7 votes (2%)

Of course, Andra Chansen isn’t about being the most popular among the eight. It’s about being more popular than your opponent in the duels. Let’s look at these numbers side-by-side, heat-by-heat, death-match-by-death-match.

Remember: The votes are based on the audience favourites across all eight acts, so the percentages will not add up to 100%.

Duel 1

  1. Panetoz, Håll Om Mig Hårt, 60 votes (20%)
  2. Molly Pettersson Hammar, Hunger, 16 votes (5%)

Duel 2

  1. Boris René, Put Your Love On Me, 32 votes (11%)
  2. Albin & Mattias, Rik, 7 votes (2%)

Duel 3

  1. SaRaha, Kizunguzungu, 29 votes (10%)
  2. Isa, I Will Wait, 14 votes (5%)

Duel 4

  1. Samir & Viktor, Bada nakna, 119 votes (40%)
  2. Dolly Style, Rollercoaster, 26 votes (9%)

Andra Chansen Betting Odds: UNIBET (March 5 at 00:30 GMT)

Melfest odds andra chansen 2016

Who do YOU think will advance from each heat? Can upstart SaRaha really slay Isa? Can footballer Boris René sneak past Albain & Mattias? Let us know in the comments box below!

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9 years ago

The most boring Andra Chansen ever … average in quality underwhelming songs … and the fact that Sweden is going nuts for two naked guys who just came out of reality shows and YouTube vlogs just sounds utterly embarrassing and reminds me of a very shameful Germany back in 2000 when 2 Big Brother contestants were recording bs songs for n reason and sadly with success and no talent. This is like Germany 2000 all over again … with naked torsos included for … no reason whatsoever.

9 years ago

I really think Sweden will make a mistake in not putting her through to the final.

9 years ago

Boris all the way, I don’t mind the other three!!

9 years ago

I will probably never get why the Swedes seem to prefer almost every song to “I Will Wait”. Yes, it’s my personal favorite, but even if it wasn’t I would still think it’s a really good song. 14 votes… I don’t get it.

9 years ago

Of course.An AC act to win the Melodifestivalen has happened only 1 time in the past.
It was the last time that Sweden was the host of ESC in 2013.
It was Robin with ”YOU”

9 years ago

Can anyone tell me has the participant of Andra Chansen EVER won the whole festival or is this just a way of prolonging it?

9 years ago

I predict as the audience. Do you remember last year, when Hasse did slay? This prooves that swedish people like more fun stuff than serious stuff. That’s what I think will happen in duel 3 and duel 1. I do also actually want Panetoz, Boris(My favourite in the whole competition), SaRaHa and S&V to go through.

9 years ago

Who I want to qualify: Molly, Isa, Boris, S&V
Who I predict will qualify: Panetoz, Isa, Boris, S&V.
I seriously don’t get the hype about Kizunguzungu, she doesn’t even dance.

9 years ago

Maybe ISA is not that good? I realy like her song, so much that I think it is the only right winner in the whole show. Screaming refrain, nice staging = ESC win. She just needs to remove the tatoos and change dress.

9 years ago

In social media it’s Oscar Zia that leads the poll despite Frans success on Spotify and on Youtube. He’s only on third place.

9 years ago

Samir and Viktor is the most accurate choise here. And probobly Panetoz. Saraha.. what? That woman can’t even dance! I really hope for Isa instead. Boris is good too.

9 years ago

As, in my opinion, the only good song is If I Were Sorry by Frans, I don’t care about Andra Chansen at all. They all suck.

9 years ago

How is a poll of 303 at all a meaningful sample given how large the voter base is?

Amor A.
Amor A.
9 years ago

Dolly Style! Whoooooo!

John Christian
John Christian
9 years ago

Sweden will be out if Dolly Style and Isa will be out. There is no way the Dollies be out. Samir & Viktor are too annoying to qualify, like Wiktoria. Had Krista made qualified from semi-final 2 or through Andra chansen, she will be in the final for sure. I think Panetoz, Albin & Mattias, Isa, and Dolly Style will fill the last spots, because if “Kizunguzungu” and “Bada nakna” both qualified, Sweden won’t win this year.

9 years ago


Neither Molly PH.

Isa, Molly Pettersson Hammar, Boris Rene and Samir & Viktor qualifies.

9 years ago

Interesting that on betting odds for victory at MF Isa is one place higher then Saraha .

9 years ago

I agree with result in duel 1, duel 2, duel 4 they , but not for result in duel 3.
Isa is so much beter than Saraha she don t have harisma for that kind of song. But we see that nordic countries love song with tropical or african sound at MGP we have Haba Haba, Bombo, Feel the rush… and I m afraid that Isa wili flop in second chance and we see Saraha in final For me best 3 at MF are Wiktoria, Isa, Robin.

9 years ago

There is no chance Isa loses to SaRaha.

9 years ago

This makes me happy, I loved Molly last year but this year she sounds like a screeching cat trying to pull off all of her vocal gymnastics tricks at once. The song sure doesn’t help: flat, boring and repetitive.

9 years ago

Both naked? Wasn’t bath naked? I’m Ok with the favorites poor Molly and Isa but I think they are out

Kjetil H
Kjetil H
9 years ago

Very few votes but I guess they’re an OK guide.

Panetoz should rightfully pass, the best song in Andra Chansen imo.

Looks like Samir & Viktor’s fans are going to bring them through. I actually think “Rollercoaster” is a slightly better song than “Bada Nakna”, even though I don’t care much for either..

“Rik” is pretty screwed by the rapping but who knows. I guess Boris should go through.

Hopefully Isa will defy the odds and qualify over SaRaha

9 years ago

Poor Molly PH…. ;-(