She’s a gladiator, a Korean pop sensation and a bookies’ favourite to win for Eurovision 2016. But is she also a trendsetter who can predict the winner of this year’s contest?
In a recent chat with SBS, the national broadcaster for Australia, Dami Im shed some light on some of her favourites and, dare we say, rivals, to take the crown in Stockholm.
Dami previously spoke with wiwibloggs about her favourites. But now she has revealed a full top five ranking. And in true Eurovision tradition, she did not vote for herself, even though we wouldn’t blame her if she had. “Sound Of Silence” is amazing!
1. Spain – Barei with “Say Yay!”
In her chat with wiwibloggs, Dami elaborated on her favourite song “Say Yay” — from Spain’s Barei.
“I love the song and the film clip is great. I would pick up my phone and vote for Spain.”
She continued to say yay to SBS: “It’s a great, happy party anthem.”
2. Sweden – Frans with “If I Were Sorry”
Dami has no shame when it comes to professing her love for Frans from Sweden and his song “If I Were Sorry”.
The song from the host country may be slipping in the betting odds, but Dami maintains her stance: “It’s a really nice song – but I actually really like him! He’s young, fresh and hot. It’s nice to see fresh new talent.”
Eat up that fresh meat, Dami!
3. Russia – Sergey Lazarev with “You Are The Only One”
Like so many other Eurovision fans, Dami is also loving Russia’s Sergey Lazarev and his song “You Are The Only One”.
“Everyone seems to love Russia,” she told wiwibloggs. “The video is really epic and has everything in it.”
She echoed these sentiments to SBS:Â “THIS VIDEO HAS EVERYTHING! Thunder, lightning, fire… You really can’t beat a big spectacle in Eurovision. I can’t wait to see what he does on stage.”
4. Ireland – Nicky Byrne with “Sunlight”
Perhaps the biggest surprise is Dami’s love for “Sunlight” by Nicky Byrne from Ireland.
She is eating up the former Westlife star’s safe, radio-friendly pop, telling SBS that “Nicky is a really great singer and he seems really comfortable in his own skin.”
Upon finding out Nicky was in Westlife, Dami went on to say, “Oh wow! No wonder – he’ll be one to watch on stage then.”
5. Israel – Hovi Star with “Made Of Stars”
Rounding out Dami’s top five was the sassy and gorgeous Hovi Star from Israel with his song “Made Of Stars”.
Dami told wiwibloggs that she likes the song because she’s a sucker for a big emotional ballad.
Speaking to SBS she seemed to suggest Hovi owns this genre this year. “It’s a good classic ballad. You have to have at least one good ballad in Eurovision.”
What do you make of Dami Im’s top five for Eurovision 2016? Let us know in the comments below!
Dami and I share the same #1, so I’m happy with this 🙂
People’s argument to explain why they like the Russian entry: the over produced expensive VIDEO … a VIDEO … which can be seen on MUTE to spare my sensitive ears … BUT still … it’s not the video that will represent Russia in Eurovision, for those who still haven’t truly woken up to reality (*bang bang my head against the wall*) LOL
omg Ira sings like a diva, but she is not a diva off stage, but a warm and kind person
Poli seems sweet and kind to me either, and Nina is just unique and seems down to earth as well
well maybe we like Malta, Bulgaria and Croatia because we have good taste in music 🙂 🙂
well they are not overrated, rather underrated at OGAE and 6th at betting odds they can be above Sweden and annoying Russia if you ask me 🙂
but then again this shows your lack of good music taste lol
We have the same fifth, that’s it.
From her choices only Israel is in my top 10 (my 1st). We are made of stars – stars of love <3
Spain is soooo overrated. But not surprised Dami likes it, she repeats Sound of silence 110 times in her song. Barei says yay 200 times. Master pieces both of them LOL
I totally agree with Dami. Sergey is my favourite in this year. His song is very exciting and similar to theatre`s spectacle;)
Gosh I love her now! I share the same sentiments as her. I wouldn’t mind if Australia pulls in a Conchita-esque victory this year~!! Go Dami Im.
Malta is very overrated. :))
Oh yes she always predicted the winner yawn ????
Better taste of music have Lys Assia , much better than Dami Im .
1. Malta
2. FYR Macedonia
3. France
4. Serbia
5. Russia
6. Austria
7. Italy
8. Bosnia & Herzegovina
9. Czech Republic
10. The Netherlands
11. Australia
12. Ukraine
13. Switzerland
14. Iceland
15. Israel
16. Bulgaria
17. Croatia
18. Poland
19. Sweden
20. Armenia
having such favorites… I started to worry for Barei and Hovi, will they do alright? this lady has very, khm, specific taste.
Completely agree with you. But remember those who criticise the best songs only do so because they can’t stand that they’re better than their favourite. Can’t wait to hear the winner so they can finally shut up!!!
Not everyone likes Croatia Bulgaria and Malta. There are a few here who do nothing all day but promote and write endless comments repeating the same promotion for the same singers. Look at the odds and ogae polls – it’s between Russia France and Australia. Spain is getting close too. Trying too hard ends up annoying people so in the end the best song will win.
Thank you so much for supporting Ireland Dami <33333
Australia is Australia, can t be winner in EUROvision. In this competition must vin country from EUROPE. My type is POLAND, UKRAINE or BULGARIA. Poland – very good voice , Ukraine – interesing, Bulgaria too.
You are so right… every one have different taste in music and dami is not different then any body else……i think she is awesome 🙂
And by the way i also dont like divas, But i do love one Divo- Hovi star 🙂 🙂 🙂
Are people actually trashing her for having an opinion?
Just because you all love Malta, Bulgaria and Croatia doesn’t mean everyone must love them. Everyone think differently and Dami isn’t the only one who doesn’t love them. Not everyone love divas..
i think the the top 5 of dami is very good, beside Russia, i thinks Russia has a old fashion song, though the Russian singer is very nice and kind person 🙂
Same number one 😉
For saying IRELAND Dami Im I will vote for Australia now. Thanks so so much!
My top 5 now.
01 – Bulgaria
02 – Australia
03 – France
04 – Spain
05 – Russia
06 – Ireland
07 – Croatia
08 – Azerbaijan
thank you, and well said she’s really sweet and down to earth
also 3.1 million YouTube views,
and i also liked her song 7th wonder, still one of my favourite eurovision tracks i listen to currently 🙂
well they are not paying me anything, and last year my nerves for them was way worse, now i’m very relaxed and i just pray for the best like everyone else does for their favourites i guess
last year i voted for Elhaida, because i thought she was slightly nervous, and i wanted to give her a second chance in the final, and her performance was better for me in the final 🙂
just to let you know what i voted for last year
and if you’re maltese be proud 🙂 🙂
Dami has a good taste , i can see it in the way she dress.. that tells a lot about a person.. but any way, the songs that she choose are good, and she has the right to choose whatever she wants. .. other singers choose different countries , every one has different tastes and that what beautiful in the eurovision…
@Nicky91 sorry but is Maltese tv paying you to talk about Ira Losco? If not they really should be, I mean your giving them free promo
All of a sudden I realise why she chose to compete with a song that doesn’t live up to her vocals… simply cause she has a terrible taste.
of course my apologies for that, and what’s your personal opinion on Ira and Gabriela?
well i think so too, i’m gonna vote for Malta, because they just missed out of the finals last year, and the same reason goes with Czech Republic as well, also missing out due to lack of public vote
but maybe the fans of Molly Pettersson Hammar would also want to vote for Malta, since she is now part of Ira’s team 🙂
thanks from israel
Malta is pretty safe to qualify, good running order. It will be higher in juries than public.
I’m from Spain.
Who do you think Dutch people (televote) will vote for? (Top 3 In final, and don’t include Armenia due hateful diaspora voting)
lol, this is so funny, thank you for making me laugh 🙂 🙂
Watching Australia and Sweden kiss each others butts is starting to make me ill
I really like “Sound of Silence” but I lost all of my respect for Dami’s taste lol.
JK, I support her but I completely disagree with her top, especially with n.1.
well Briekimchi can have a own opinion, and good for you though you also have good songs in your top 10
but it is weird that doesn’t choose some other female artists like Nina, Ira or Gabriela who really have good songs, maybe just coincidence or she does see them as her competition, but if that’s true then it’s ridiculous 🙂
yeah everyone can have their own opinion, respect for you 🙂
The “terrible choices” and “awful taste” by a big amount if you are so stupid. People have an opinion and every opinion is okay.
Ira is a good singer, and she has perhaps the best backing vocalists she can get in her team, Molly is a good singer, and she said on instagram she really loves Malta 🙂
and where are you from Marc? and do you think Ira can make the final?
@Nicky91 It depends hahaha. In semi or final?
I think Ira will not get more than 2 or 3 points from my country televoting in semi (maybe more if the performance is outstanding). But, based on who we have as a jury I think she’ll get at least 6 or 7 points from them.
@Redfox…Sweden is the most contemporary song in the competition and therefore is “boring”
yeay! Frans is on a list!
I knew music experts would praise all of these songs, and she didn’t disappoint. They do see things differently from fans and know what hey are speaking of. Unless fans who just wants a good show and who ponder to the gay audience, especially if they are shirtless.
could i convince you of voting just once for Malta? 🙂
you’re welcome, i really love Gabriela, her voice is really magical to me
and could you cheer for Ira in return? 🙂
IRELAND??? and even Frans??? boring, tedious songs. I guess she likes to go make sandwitches
** im sure hovi star also like dami song
Dami thanks from Israel, i think u are the most pretty singer at the eurovision i’m sure u are a model also, and your voice is perfection!!
I’m sure hovi star also like our song … kissesss
Thank you for your voting for Czech republic! 🙂
thanks from Israel 🙂
peace and love
we are all made of stars
I’ll be rooting for Sweden, Italy, France and ofc Netherlands (I’ll vote 5 times for Douwe and some of my friends will do it as well. It will be top 5 in semi 1) 🙂
I like Dami but, apart from Israel, these are terrible choices.
Thanks from israel 🙂