The 12th series of Swedish Idol is underway and among those to successfully audition is Charlie Grönvall. The young Swedish singer, who earlier this year competed at Dansk Melodi Grand Prix with his band Bracelet, impressed the judges so much that he received a golden ticket, letting him go straight to the final audition stage.

In front of the Idol jury, which includes Melodifestivalen songwriting legend Fredrik Kempe, Charlie sang Pink’s hit “Just Give Me a Reason”. His performance impressed the three experts, who were happy to award Charlie a golden ticket that will let him pass straight to the final audition.

The jury was also quick to discover Charlie’s musical heritage. He is the grandson of ABBA’s Benny Andersson, and his mother is Melfest queen Nanne Grönvall. And both Nanne and husband Peter Grönvall represented Sweden at Eurovision 1996, where their group One More Time placed third with “Den vilda” (The wild one).

But Charlie is starting to build up a name for himself. In 2014 he competed in Melodifestivalen with his emo rock band Little Great Things. Their song “Set Yourself Free” placed sixth in its semi-final and did not progress to the final.

Earlier this year, Charlie entered Dansk Melodi Grand Prix as part of the band Bracelet, along with his brother Felix and the Danish bass player Rebecca Krogmann. Their pop-rock song “Breakaway” did not qualify for the super final.

Idol’s auditions continue, and we will soon discover whether Charlie Grönvall makes it to the live shows – and indeed if he can make the same impact as 2014 winner and 2016 Melfest breakout star Lisa Ajax.


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8 years ago

Usually winning idol gets you to melodifestivalen. He’s doing it backwards. He’s clearly already connected in the music industry and has had some success. Isn’t idol about finding the next superstar?

8 years ago

Both Breakaway and Set yourself free were underrated! Hope he does well in Idol!