
She has been serving killer vocals and polished performances like they were going out of fashion.

And it looks like the British public has finally warmed to Saara Aalto. Our Finnish snow queen has made it through to week four of the live shows of X Factor UK, without falling into the sing-off! Yaasss.

After a surprise performance of “Year 3000” with Busted at the beginning of the show, and appearances by Shawn Mendes and John Legend, the serious business began. The tension was unbearable. The top seven acts were announced, and Saara was amongst them for the first time.

It seems that her shamazing take on Björk’s “It’s Oh So Quiet” last night (which the judges adored) was enough to win the hearts of the British public. Relive those glorious few minutes below.

Saara Aalto – It’s Oh So Quiet

Before the results were announced, the judges were asked to name the act who they felt was the most improved. Both Simon and Louis chose Saara. A good omen perhaps? Combined with the fact that there was no mention of Saara’s nationality and the standing ovation she recieved from the judges, this may have nudged the British public in the right direction. Such relief!

Before the show, Saara shared a photo of herself being beautified in anticipation of tonight’s result.

Saara’s fanbase has grown since her time on the show, and now includes Duncan James and Piers Morgan. However, her most loyal fan remains the same. Just how cute is Lilli? Could we see her on stage next week?

LILLI ???? #kleinspitz

A post shared by Saara Aalto (@saaraaalto) on

So, what do you think about the X Factor result — did you think Saara was going to go? What does she have to do to survive again? Let us know in the comments section below!

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7 years ago

Some comments here are odd. Of course people don’t hate Saara in Finland. She’s had her own fanbase for years and she won the public vote in last year’s UMK. It’s true though that she hasn’t really had a breakthrough before, but homophobia has nothing to do with it. She has only had gay relationship for some time and had a boyfriend before.

7 years ago


Saara has never been very popular in Finland. Her songs are never played on radio. She has a lot of haters. Mainstream Finnish public finds her “strange”. Homophobia may also play some part in her unpopularity.

Of course she has a lot of fans, but her fans are scattered around the globe and are a minority in most places.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
7 years ago

Forgot to say well done to Brian Friedman as well. He continuously tries to up the production for Saara each week and it looks like it finally worked!

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
7 years ago

She’s far more entertaining than that joke Trashy G. Hope she stays till Top 5

7 years ago

I LOVED THIS PERFORMANCE and I think she might sing phantom of the opera in the next live show, hope she does, it would be epic!! She most def deserves to be in the top 5 at least, maybe finals if she continues to deliver like this!! SUPPORT SAARA AALTO, she is the only one in the competition who takes risks!

7 years ago

If that little foo foo dog gets anywhere near the stage I hope her elimination is immediate and soul crushing.

Outside of that, glad to see she got through with minimal anxiety this week. Probably hard to sing when you have an ulcer.

7 years ago

@Timbardur62: do people actually hate Saara in her home country? :/

7 years ago

@finescguy- you actually believe that’s why she got through this week.???? She has been building a fan base since judges houses. She has been growing and growing. Also, look at what she said “whatever happens, thank you!!” She is show optimistic and dedicated to enjoying her time that she spends her on X factor. I for one think she is great and more I watch this performance the more I realise that I love her. I am so grateful that people are starting to vote and wish Saara much luck if that comes from X factor or not. GOOD LUCK… Read more »

7 years ago

Her performance was not that good.
Having said that, I do not really understand these shows at all.

7 years ago

I really enjoyed her performance! Echos of Melodifestivalen skirts and fake falls. It was great fun and well delivered. Her reaction at getting through also was a delight. Congratulations Saara for giving me a Eurovision kick and providing some good TV.

I can’t wait for an album! And she has got to come to London Eurovision party next year – right?

7 years ago

Finally, this week I even called to give her extra votes and I really hope she continues to shine but after seeing Ryan being saved agian by the lifeline, I think she may go next week. I’ll still be voting for her until she goes though.

7 years ago

@Finescguy, if there still is a major public in the UK voting on their own terms and considering that, it’s just a wonder Saara is in after all. And btw, I’m a Finn too. Let’s not underestimate her talent.

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Omg, pull thru! I thought this was her least good performance to date and I was 100% sure she’d go tonight, but I guess not today fatty, not today!

7 years ago

Artificially inflating her popularity isn’t going to do her any favors in the long run. It may make the difference between the bottom 3 or 4, I don’t know, but it’s hardly a good base to build a career on. That’s what this show is supposedly about.

7 years ago

Felix: yes but u make new id and u can but r homeadress for example to london zara shop. It works. Like pokemonGo. Before it came to finland people made new apple id and downloaded the game before it came to finnish apple store. U can google x-factor voting. Couple years ago foreigner downloaded the x-factor uk app and vote via that 🙂

7 years ago

Timbardur62: no but ofcourse it can help 🙂 every vote is important like in eurovision!! Peace and love for everydody 🙂 we might be small country & nation but we r very strong one!! <3

7 years ago

The app only allows users from the UK to vote

7 years ago

@finescguy – you really think some possible stray votes from little Finland where almost everyone seems to hate Saara could have affected the result that much?

7 years ago

There is loophole how finnish people can give vote for saara….. u can create new apple id which is base in UK. Then u can download x-factor app and vote for saara. I think wiwiblogss blogger sami can tell u taht this is true story. Finnish tabloids tell this loophole last week… ask him