It’s the fourth night of the long-lasting Sanremo Music Festival and the competition is really getting going.

Tonight at the Ariston Theatre, the 20 remaining Campioni sought to make the most of their performance and advance to the grand final in tomorrow’s last episode. Here’s how things went down…

First of all, let’s find out the outcome of the Newcomers category. If your favourite is among those singers, you’ll be disappointed since the next Italian Eurovision representative is going to be chosen only among the Big names.

Former Amici alumni Lele with “Ora mai” slayed the competitors and won the coveted trophy. Neapolitan songwriter Maldestro finished second singing “Canzone per Federica” — he has also been awarded with the Critic’s prize; while on the lowest step of the podium there’s former The Voice of Italy contestant Francesco Guasti with “Universo“. In fourth place was Leonardo Lamacchia and his “Ciò che resta“.

We wish each of them a shining career and who knows, maybe you’ll see one of them in the top category in 2018, just like happened this year with Francesco Gabbani and Ermal Meta.

Lots of guest performers also filled this evening. But this is Sanremo so it should come as no surprise!

Karen Harding — yes, you got it, the singer who competed on United Kingdom’s Eurovision: Your Country Needs You in 2010! — rocked the whole theater singing a medley of disco songs by the legendary Italian producer Giorgio Moroder. We also had German deep house DJ Robin Schulz with his latest single “Shed a Light”, featuring vocals by American singer Trevor Dahl.

‘Nuff said, let’s go straight to the names of the 16 finalists! There are two big shocking non-qualifiers out there…




Tomorrow evening, the 16 remaining acts will sing their original entries. They will be judged by the televote (40%), the jury experts (30%) and a demoscopic poll (30%) — a sample consisting of hundreds of people scattered throughout Italy chosen from those people who bought at least one album or saw a concert in the last six months.

Three of the Campioni will then advance to the final round and after another performance of their song, one will finally be crowned winner. Who is your favourite?

N.B. The jury of experts — who decides on 30% the fate of competitors — is made up of several prominent figures. DJ and record producer Giorgio Moroder (head of jury), radio host Linus, composer and conductor Andrea Morricone, singer Rita Pavone, director and film writer Paolo Genovese, actress and singer Violante Placido, youtuber Greta Menchi, actress, tv and radio host Giorgia Surina.


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Angelo Casiano
Angelo Casiano
8 years ago

Yes to Francesco
Yes to the gorilla
See you both in Kyev

???? Spain, Germany, UK: this is how you do it babies. France isn’t doing a big final, but it looks like they’re gonna slay for the second year in a row. Time, effort, and money spent in Eurovision is invested in nation building. Ask Russia.

8 years ago

Francesco Gabbani to ESC, RIGHT NOW! I love, love, love the vibe as well as the lyrics! Namaste, allez!!! Watch the video with english subtitles:

8 years ago

Oh, the songs this year are perfect… Thank you for existing Sanremo, for real. My winner is by far Alessio Bernabei, I believe his song is gonna stand out through this year’s big percentage of ballads. Good luck Alessio! Ti amo molto ????

7 years ago
Reply to  MrsJemsGinoble

I like Alessio too

8 years ago

Alessio is my absolute favorite here, although I just checked the odds and he’s second to last…
Francesco and Michele Bravi round out my top 3.

8 years ago

@ an esc fan I agree and disagree at the same time. I agree Francesco Gabbani’s song doesn’t need any change of the language. It’s already great in Italian. However, I think the gorilla shouldn’t go to ESC together with Francesco. This kind of things are funny, but we’re not used to that by Italy. Personally, Italy doesn’t need anything to draw the viewer’s attention. The song does it for itself. People will probably say ” Oh, there’s a gorilla, how funny” and won’t take the song and the act seriously. And that doesn’t fit Italy. Generally, I see Fiorella… Read more »

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

”Occidentali’s Karma” does not need a single word in english, because it already has the italian words that can be understood by everybody in any country.
Why translate ?
contemporaneo – contemporary
neolitico – neolithic

8 years ago

Fiorella Mannoia seems destine to win, she has dominated Italian iTunes sales all week, but I think she’ll decline the Eurovision invitation. They’ll offer it to the number two, which I could either be Elodie or what has become the sensation of the contest Francesco Gabbani. Occidentali’s Karma is a good song, and I think Franceso could change part of it to English without ruining it.

8 years ago

On all betting odds favorite from start of contest for win is Fiorella Mannoia. Segio up on first position , but after 2nd time not good sang he felt from 2 to 4 place in some odds in some he is second, and in some he is 4 th after Fiorela is Elodie and Francesco.

8 years ago


Patty and Al Bano can t compare . Al Bano have strong voice , Patty don t sing she whispering when she sang.

Tak sa mycken Sanremo :)
Tak sa mycken Sanremo :)
8 years ago

My top 7 : +( the position i predict the song would achieve in case of being sent to eurovision)
1.Francesco Gabbani – “Occidentali’s Karma“ (The winner or Top 3)
2.Samuel – “Vedrai“ (Top 5)
3.Michele Zarrillo – “Mani nelle mani“ (10-15)
4.Paola Turci – “Fatti bella per te“ (Top 10)
5.Bianca Atzei – “Ora esisti solo tu“ ( Top 5)
6.Elodie – “Tutta colpa mia“ (10-15)
7.Sergio Sylvestre – “Con te“ (15-20)

8 years ago

I really hope we get Francesco Gabbani at Kyiv 🙂 His song is up lifting. I enjoy the lyrics, the staging is already colourful and interesting. Could do well in the final.

Toni Esc
Toni Esc
8 years ago

Alessio Bernabei is the only choice! He’s amazing!

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

It is not only about the dancing gorilla, is the song, modern lyrics, and everybody can understand the message without translation in english.

8 years ago

So much complaining this year and a dancing gorilla shows up.. and you think it’s great.. you must be joking. I think it’s ridiculous! I’m starting to give up on esc-fans taste!

Leandrit Ferizi
Leandrit Ferizi
8 years ago

Beautiful. Lovely for me

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

Francesco Gabbani + Occidentali’s Karma + Dancing Gorilla = the ultimate formula to win Eurovision in 2017
Italy can’t lose that opportunity. Italy 2018 for sure.

8 years ago

omfg u are even serious

we would do a very sh*tty appareance(don’t know how it is in English)if we send Gabbani..

i hope this will be the top 3:

Chiara(i wanted Giusy, but..)

8 years ago

Patty Pravo got sixth in the final last year, Al Bano didn’t even reach the final. Both were mediocre vocally, both had the same kind of old fashioned song. Both had a great career, though Al Bano was undoutably more successful overall. But if an elderly woman once again steps onto the stage she’s a diva, if it’s a man, he’s a nobody….

8 years ago

God Bless Sanremo for these amazing songs. Why San Marino couldn’t just pick one from these bunch of diamond?

Alessio Bernabei or Francesco Gabbani to kyiv please!

8 years ago

Though my faves are Sergio, Alessio and Francesco, I really want Italy to send Francesco’s “Occidental’s Karma”–the more I listen to it, the more I love it! We need this in a year full of female ballads! Gorilla and all! Check out his newly released video!

Chris (frostyw)
Chris (frostyw)
8 years ago

Also, I’m glad that Italy will be sending another Italian song to Eurovision, bucking the trend of countries’ sending English songs.

8 years ago

Francesco Gabbani FTW in Sanremo, and at this point I’d say at Eurovision as well.
Incredible song and performance.

Chris (frostyw)
Chris (frostyw)
8 years ago

The dancing gorilla would be a lot of fun and bring a new dimension to Eurovision, but I’m fearful it would be seen as a novelty act and not be taken seriously.
My top 4 in no particular order are Paola Turci, Samuel, Elodie and Ermal Meta.

8 years ago

i would like occidentalis karma a lot better if those lyrics were improved and the dancing gorillas sashayed away but that’s just me

Amor Amankwah
Amor Amankwah
8 years ago

Francesco Gabbani. Why? Two words: Dancing Gorillas.

8 years ago

I thought sanremo will be boring like FiK but its so much better and so much more fun.’Occidentali’s karma’ for say 😀

8 years ago

ITALIA please choose Francesco Gabbani – “Occidentali’s Karma“ 🙂 So funny and fresh!

8 years ago

Yep Francesco Gabbani. Have there been dancing gorillas at Eurovision before?
Maybe it’s time..

8 years ago

My favorites to win Sanremo are
Lodovica Comello
Alessio Bernabei
Sergio Sylvestre
All of them are wonderful. God Bless Sanremo.

8 years ago

I think only Al Bano deserved to go to final of 4 out singers, and I think Bianca took his place in final wiht her tears performance.
My favorite Elodie sound better and look so much better in first evening on stage , this dress is not for her.
Sergio for 2 nd time show us that he can t sing very well live.
I hope Elodie, my second favorite Francesco , then Alesio or Samuel wili be winner of San Remo at go to Eurovision, but I think winner wili be between Fiorella or Sergio.

8 years ago

Giusy Ferreri shouldn’t have been eliminated.

Anyway, my picks for Eurovision are:

8 years ago

Con Te brings me to tears! Its so beautiful.

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

Italy, cancel Sanremo and pick Francesco Gabbani – “Occidentali’s Karma” already please lol just kidding this has been my favourite NF