He’s the Irish television and radio presenter who yesterday shared some photos from an Irish Eurovision listening session. And now the Irish Junior Eurovision host Eoghan McDermott has revealed more details about the Irish shortlist. He revealed all yesterday on his RTÉ 2FM radio show The Eoghan McDermott Show.

In mid-September, broadcaster RTÉ opened its entry period, specifically wanting entries from songwriters and performers “preferably with a proven track record of success in the music industry”.

Eoghan McDermott is the Irish JESC commentator

McDermott revealed that from all the entries received, the broadcaster had shortlisted a final ten — and that’s what he and his fellow panellists were being asked to assess. He also noted that his particular group wasn’t the only lot who would be listening to and assessing the songs.

McDermott described the process as, “You give it a mark out of ten and you write your remarks. And then, I suppose, all those scores are added up and the winning song is the song for Eurovision.” Simple!

But he had some criticism for some of the shortlisted songs. Namely, he felt that about six of the ten songs sounded too much like other famous songs. He felt one song was so much like Adele’s “Skyfall” that, “even if I wasn’t a lawyer I’d get a degree in law to sue that person.”

However, there were two songs that McDermott felt were very strong contenders. He described one song as being in the style of  “a Justin Bieber current pop song. But it did have a little something about it, was very good. And what’s important is, is good on first listen.”

His other favourite was “a more ballad duet type thing.” He also noted that while all the performers are Irish, not all the songwriters were. However, one of his favourites also came from an Irish songwriter.

He said there was nothing distinctly Irish about the two songs — no “fiddly-aye” factor — but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing as that style hadn’t worked at Eurovision in the recent past. “I think it comes across as twee.”

But could either of McDermott’s two favourites do good things for Ireland at Eurovision 2018? He wasn’t giving anything else away, but he said his favourite of the two “is as good as anything that’s up there.”

“But,” he added, “who knows what wins. Is it down to the staging? Is it down to the song?”

At the same time, rumours have been swirling in the Irish fan community around the alternative folk-pop duo Heathers. Some are even claiming the pair have already been internally selected by RTÉ, but it’s also possible they are just one of the ten shortlisted acts.

The duo consists of sisters Ellie and Louise Macnamara, and they take their name from the cult 1980s high school film. The alternative folk-pop duo has been active since 2007.

Their breakout success came in 2010 when the Irish Tourist Board used their song “Remember When” in a major promotional campaign. The track became a big radio hit in Ireland and reached No. 11 in the charts. The sisters’ most recent single “Midnight Train” dropped last August and has been well received in Ireland.

Heathers already have a Eurovision connection. In May, Louise sat on the Irish Eurovision jury. In the grand final her top marks went to Bulgaria, Israel and Romania.

Whoever RTÉ decides to send to Lisbon, the broadcaster has around two months before they have to reveal their act.

What do you think? What sort of song and artist should Ireland send to Eurovision 2018? Would Heathers be a good pick? Share your thoughts below!

Additional reporting by Padraig Muldoon.


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Liam Holton
Liam Holton
7 years ago

Have to admit I’m thrilled with the way we’re doing it this year! Hopefully we’ll kick Sweden right up the arse!

7 years ago

Ireland needs to bring back the ‘National Song Contest’ or ‘Eurosong.’ You know to drive up interest from the Music Industry.

7 years ago

I like Heathers!! A song like “it’s alright not to feel ok” would be great for ESC.

7 years ago

So, an internal selection?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

I wonder what the people who attended the University lecture/summit on Irish Eurovision entries last year think about all this?

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Someone should ask them.

7 years ago

”one song was so much like Adele’s “Skyfall” that, “even if I wasn’t a lawyer I’d get a degree in law to sue that person.”

Adele’s Skyfall is nothing original.His criteria is revolting. Stop thinking that music started with Adele.

7 years ago
Reply to  sami

This is the perfect example why anglo-saxon music is in crisis. They live in another world, where what they already have must be the ultimate. Anybody else don’t have better music…must be bloc voting, because it can’t be better music. Anglo-saxons…….and their ego.

7 years ago
Reply to  sami

It’s not just Anglo-Saxons. I’d say all western European Countries plus Russia hold this belief.

7 years ago

I’m guessing Heathers must be the ballad duet. It was already strongly rumoured they were in the shake up this year and Eoghan said that one of his top two songs was Irish written and performed (Heathers write all their own material).

7 years ago
Reply to  Ron

They took their name from the 1980s film ‘Heathers.’ As did the Veronicas; however they chose a different character.

7 years ago

Justin Bieber and ballad? Smells like another DNQ for Ireland.

7 years ago
Reply to  Polyna

Without knowing the song or singer…wise.

Marcus (Day One)
Marcus (Day One)
7 years ago

Isn’t it funny how up until 2016 Ireland had never used an internal selection for the singer and song but now it looks like they’re pulling a UK and will only use it from now on.

7 years ago

2006 and 2007 were internal selections.

7 years ago

So one of the people responsible for picking Ireland’s entry comes up with, “But who knows what wins. Is it down to the staging? Is it down to the song?”

Really reassuring. I hope he has more to offer than that since you know, it is his job to know what could possibly win.

7 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

In a way it’s reassuring having someone like this on the panel, we want someone who has the eyes of you’re average voter during Eurovision.

7 years ago

I think by sharing so many negative thoughts, he is killing the buzz, and the potential momentum for the Irish representative. Dude, sometimes less is more.

7 years ago
Reply to  NickC

Nothing wrong with being honest in this regard.

Michael Adam
Michael Adam
7 years ago

I have to admit I don’t know this lad Eoghan McDermott, but would it at all be possible that he is the chosen artist himself and he was judging songs that were written for him? ;P

I have NO idea whether this man can sing, but you never know, do ya?;)

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael Adam

Mate he isn’t even a singer (probably not even as a hobby) he is literally just a TV Presenter.

Michael Adam
Michael Adam
7 years ago
Reply to  Cathal

Well would you call Slavko Kalezic a singer?;)

Kidding, I was just joking about Eoghan. 🙂