The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to listen to and rank the 20 songs competing in Eesti Laul 2018. Next is Frankie Animal with “(Can’t Keep Calling) Misty”. Did it make us want to have them on speeddial? Read on to find out!

Frankie Animal – “(Can’t Keep Calling) Misty”

“(Can’t Keep Calling) Misty” reviews

Angus: There is the sense that in another universe “(Can’t Keep Calling) Misty” might have mimicked a theme for a 1960s espionage thriller. Unfortunately any allusion to Bond is lost in the dull lyrics and duller transition to lounge music. Elevator music has no place on a Eurovision national selection stage.

Score: 3/10

Chris: Cool, throwback sound with a gorgeous Elle King-meets-Halsey vocal? Sign me up. But why, oh why, would you throw in such a prolonged guitar solo in a song like this? It feels like it’s almost there exclusively to ruin the song’s chances of making it to Eurovision.

Score: 6/10

Deban: There’s a fragility to Marie’s voice which is beautiful to hear. Unfortunately, pairing it with a lounge beat presents a missed opportunity. Strong verses here, but the unfortunate electric guitar and the limp chorus upstage the song’s merits.

Score: 4.5/10

Robyn: There’s a lot of like about this. Lead singer Marie delivers a fragile vocal, but one with simmering emotion threatening to emerge. The chorus delivers a cool loungey feeling and the sense that Marie has a posse there to back her up as she deals to her straying lover. And just at the right time, an obnoxious guitar solo comes along to throw a handful of sonic gravel into the mix. If this song achieves anything, it will ensure Misty never gets phoned again.

Score: 8/10

Sebastian: “(Can’t Keep Calling) Misty” is pure Topshop change-room sound filler. It’s there to create an audible sound, but really doesn’t achieve much more. It’s clearly a song not designed for Eurovision – although incredibly easy to listen to, could never translate into a stage performance. Maybe more your local fashion show.

Score: 3/10

Steinunn: This song has a loungy feel to it which is boosted by Marie‘s raspy voice. It starts strong with a cool verse that makes you want to keep listening. However the verses are fairly stronger than the chorus, which is a rather bland repetition of the same words with no real impact to speak of. Too bad that the song dies out in a rather weird blend of a weak chorus and guitar riffs, that one could think that were put in there to give the song a bit of a boost but in fact does quite the opposite. Still a good voice and good verses.

Score: 6/10

In our Eesti Laul Wiwi Jury, we have 16 jurors but only room for 6 reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:

Antranig: 4.5/10

Barnabas: 7.5/10

Cinan: 7.5/10

Jonathan: 5.5/10

Josh: 5.5/10

Jovana: 7/10

Luis: 6.5/10

Lukas: 6/10

Rick: 4/10






Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 8.

Wiwi Jury Verdict: 5.65/10

See our list of Eesti Laul 2018 rankings

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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

This is my Eesti Laul winner. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. A song about a woman who’s so distraught over no longer being with her lover (who may or may not actually exist) that she fades into the background of a screeching guitar solo. Did she jump out of her very high-rise window at the end? I can’t wait to find out. 🙂 The band’s electro-strings and guitar effects-laden backing track evoke a wall of 60s experimental drug-fuelled bliss, but instead have used it to create a dark vibe. Is almost feels like Misty is only in her head. Or maybe… Read more »

7 years ago

There’s a mistery here. Like it. Beautiful melody and voice.

7 years ago

this is NOT lounge music sorry what
i stamp this is the type of music that only pops up in the ESC bubble at eesti laul and you gotta value it because diversity is what makes this contest succeed ! go away bird, I Wear* Experiment, Wilhelm, NimmerSchmidt, elephant from neptune… there are so many good indie bands that enter eesti laul and i hate it when people who are largely europop fans bash a great but eclectic song that they don’t get
(also elina born could have submitted this and y’all would be going wild for it)

7 years ago

Time for me to grab some elevations and burn them. This is gem, well executed yet bringing style and diversity. Can’t expect much from staging but believe that retro style with noir touch would suit this atmo piece.

7 years ago
Reply to  Zebb

Ofc if they’re mature enough to try it and also add acting. Dare they?

7 years ago

Me no likely! Very static and repetitive.
A 4/10

7 years ago

It’s soothing and nice, but it never builds-up to it’s full potential. It has some 80s vibe, which I like. It is easily forgotten, though. There are several songs in Eesti Laul which are okay and nice and all, but never achieve a WOW moment.

Likewise, a 6/10 from me.

7 years ago

I think that jury was a bit too harsh with this song. This song definitelt doesn’t fit on Eurovision stage but with good staging it has a good change to end up in finals. Love it 7/10

Milan S.
Milan S.
7 years ago
Reply to  Marx

Jury apparently doesn’t judge the quality of the song but its fitness for Eurovision.

7 years ago

Guess the Jury don’t like lounge music by the comments. I, for one, like this. Lyrics are smooth, good bass and I like the grating guitar solo, as well! I don’t think this is going to win but I would like it to make Estonia’s final.