Big Five Running Order Draw Eurovision 2018

Today the big five countries – France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom – will draw their places in the grand final running order. Portugal already drew 8th at the HOD meeting in March.

The draws will take place during each country’s press conference after their second rehearsal. We will update this post throughout the day, so check back for more updates.

Big five — Eurovision 2018 Running Order Draw

United Kingdom: First Half

Spain: First Half

Germany: First Half

France: First Half

Italy: Second Half



Featured image: EBU

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6 years ago

… and you have your hateful agenda towards everything that has to do whith Sweden. You and your consperations theories that you make upp in your own head based on some facts.

6 years ago

Here my top 10 after second rehearsals :

6 years ago

4 of the automatic qualifiers in the first half. The DRAMA is real

6 years ago

Someone that know what results songs have in the semis resent years that have started as 13 in the runingorder?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

2016 Australia. She won her semi.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Last year Portugal which had won his semi

6 years ago
Reply to  Ric

Aha, so then we know that 13 means a winner from a semi.

Netta will win
Netta will win
6 years ago
Reply to  Elis

Then we already know that Netta will start as number 13 if she draw first half.

6 years ago
Reply to  Netta will win

No I think France will have 13. So many ballads allready in first half so they have to put France as late as possible.
If Netta wins her Semi maby before France. Good contrast between those songs. And 12 is still close to second half.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ric

Portugal was 11th, Croatia was 13th.

6 years ago

Would love to see an interview whith Will Forell. He is an ESC fan and looked at the reheardels accoring to swedish Aftonbladet. Wonder what he is doning?! Will he be apart of the show?
Benjamin Ingroosso talked whith him and told him he was a fan and askes if he could ta photo whith him. Will locked at Benjamins rehersal in front of the sceen.

6 years ago

The most funny part is that you’re shouting “F*cking eastern Europeans go home! Deport them all”, but if a refugee rape a woman then you’re like “Ofcourse he can stay, please don’t call me a racist!” XD

6 years ago
Reply to  Haha

A refugee raped a 13 y/o boy in Germany, and the rapist is free because he claims he couldn’t understand the language when the boy said ‘no’. Let the West live with itself. Just leave the sinking ship.

6 years ago

You have no idea how much western europe steals from east : land for agriculture, forests destroyed.

6 years ago
Reply to  delusional

Yes, ”bought legally” is so easy, but now the forest are 20% instead of 80 % (20 years ago). I hope EU will be destroyed, and just don’t think it was ever a charitable organisation. It was always for the elite.

6 years ago
Reply to  delusional

eastern europe never thought EU is charity, don’t put words in my mouth, I’ve said that because it seems YOU think EU gave charity.
Please, start deportation, treat them badly, make them go back to their families in their countries, I agree with all that. I’m from eastern europe and I’m fine with everyone going back to their homes. What don’t you understand?

6 years ago
Reply to  delusional

Yes, I gave you a like.

6 years ago

On blue carpet Madame Monsieur was asked what they would prefer : to win eurovision and get divorce, or to lose eurovision and stay together. They needed too much time to think………. They want so bad to win.

6 years ago

France is now 5 th by bookmakers!!!!!Oh non please don t vote for Netta ´song.Vote for France or Bulgarie or Estonia

Mr Gold
Mr Gold
6 years ago

Fire-Ball Enterprise (FBE) for intelligent open-minded people (not for idiots, which can not understand it, despite the radical simplicity of my idea) Fire-Ball Gniezno (FBG) Fire-Ball Radom (FBR) Fire-Ball Kutná Hora (FBK) Fire-Ball Zvolen (FBZ) Fire-Ball Leoben (FBL) Fire-Ball Cegléd (FBC) What is FireBall supposed to depend on? This will be the hottest and the simplest combination of handball (hall) and indoor football in history. It will be 10 rounds of game in a year with 3 matches. 1st round – January 2nd round – February 3rd round – March 4th round – April 5th round – May 6th round-… Read more »

Catriona Colville
Catriona Colville
6 years ago

Betting odds do not decide any outcome at Eurovision. Especially in a close year like this. France’s actually chances of winning haven’t changed at all just because they were drawn first half.

6 years ago

With regards to Bjorkman or whoever in EBU choosing a fixed running order for the participants instead of a random one, he should have done that in the previous years, especially back in 2012 and 2013. Having UK and France start the grand finals during those respective years were all too underwhelming and look at where they ended up in the scoreboard. This year, I think having that now also has its injustice as mentioned by others here and I too agree with them. Most of the favorites in the Big 5 excluding Italy will be in danger if they… Read more »

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Curve

Joe and Jake for the UK In 2016 were handed a prime position in 25th place but still ended up at the bottom half of the pile. If the song is good, it will prevail. UK opening the GF would be a good introduction I think, uplifting, crowd pleaser, Surie is telegenic. Sure, she won’t win, but she wasn’t anyway. France will get 9-13 for sure as it’s a bookies favourite. Spain are doomed if the best performers of the semis draw 1st half too, they’ll be sacrificed.

6 years ago

All are doomed except France/Germany. Songs with a chance to win.

Uk and Spain cringeee. Portugal is weird. Everybody will fall asleep in the second half with songs like italian’s one. Boring as hell.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tomm

There’s literally only one song placed in the 2nd half so far lol

6 years ago

France will sing 13 th , only that plac e will go to Sweden or EBU baby Australia is they draw first half in final.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pera

Baby my ass! Dam Im won the second semi in 2016 so she got the spot. Last year, they got the worst running order in the second half. You call that EBU baby? Get your facts checked.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steward

Yes, a winner from a semi will get 13 or France. Good to know fore those who bet money

6 years ago
Reply to  Pera

Petra, I think so to. France will compete as nr 13 since there probably will be a LOT of ballads in first half and they want to spread them out. Since Frans is the favorite of the big five and have a chance to win, CB will put france in a good position. 9-13 but late because of all ballads.

6 years ago

Repeat myself:

The runing order in the final has to do whith the results in the semis. Intresting for those who bet money.

I have checked now.

Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting, boath opened the show 2016/2017

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Yeah, and they were both performing last in their semi-finals. I think Bjorkman choses upbeat songs to open and close the show, so it’s natural, that energetic song is the first one to be performed in the grand final. So this year it’s possible, that Ukraine or Cyprus will open it. But it’s not a rule (looking at previous contests, like 2015 or 2014).

6 years ago

In over 60 years, Germany never had to perform second… Christer, don’t you dare!!

6 years ago
Reply to  M_K

No chance a big 5 song will perform as second song. They need more help since they don’t partisepate in a semi. Don’t understand how those countries can continue whith that. They don’t get same chance as those who goes throw the semis.

If some one of 5 get early runingorder it’s because there are so many of them in first half and many of the are balads.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

France did in 2015, and they performed at 1st in 2013.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Hm, ok. Well maby then. But I don’t think he would put a favorite as the secound country. If it will be a Big five country, then someone that they think have no chance to win.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The song that’s second in the running order is usually a ballad, so either Germany or Spain so far.

6 years ago
Reply to  M_K

There’s nothing money can’t fix, just like Germany always chooses to sing in the second semifinal. I’m sorry for your singers, they are always the victims of your despicable behavior.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Well, Germany voted in the first semi between 2008 and 2010.

6 years ago

I’m not comfortable with Mr. Björkman picking France’s running order… But if he follows the betting odds like he did in the past, France would get 9th to 13th and UK would be sacrificed with 1st to 4th. This brings the big question: if he had to place one between Germany and Spain too early, who would get the worst spot? I hope we don’t get many frontrunners on this half, otherwise we can have the same situation concerning the unbalance between the semis.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

No, he follows the results in the semis ofcourse. But for big 5 that’s not possible. Then he use other sources. Yes, France will uhave a late runingorder in the semi as one of the top favorites this year.
UK will not start the scow, to weak to start and the second will be a ballad that almoust didn’t quallyfy. UK will have 6th, 7th or 9th place if I am right.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

Literally a reverse 2017 expedition! Wish France had gotten second though.

6 years ago

If the producer would give the winner from semi1 a startnumber in the end of the show and the winner of second semi would get a runningorder from the bigining – it would matter a LOT. forexample if the winner of semi 1 would have the startnumber 3 and the winner of semi 2 startnummer 25. But if the producer give the winner of semi 1 a late startnumber. 13 for example and the winner of semi 2 a erliy runingorder 18 for exempel in second half it whould be more fair. Compare whith 2016 Then the producer have made… Read more »

Liam Lindsay
Liam Lindsay
6 years ago

Hi Eugene. Seeing as the UK are in the first half of the final, what do you think the chances are for SuRie?

Also given the lack of support from the BBC do you think it’s time for the BBC to give the rights of participation of Eurovision UK to ITV?

6 years ago
Reply to  Liam Lindsay

What lack of support? Frequent radio play; press on TV, radio, magazines; nearly all of the pre-parties.

6 years ago
Reply to  mad-professor

Some people love to misscredit those whith power. They love to hate them and write things to get people on their side. Lack of support?

6 years ago

If Crister will choose an upptempo from the 3rd or 4th place in the semis then it could be:
From first semi: Chzech republik or Cyprus
From second semi Australia or Moldova

If Israel ope the show, we know that the song didn’t do well, so IF Israel would be 3rd or 4 th Christer ptobably wouldn’t have Netta to start the show any way. Then people could understand that the song didn’t do well and that would destroy the exitement. And those who don’t understand that the song didn’t do well would blekmedel the running order.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

If the odds whould be correct, and all four draw 1th half Cyprus will open the show. Most fair since Cyprus is the only act of those four that has a late runingorder in the semis.

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

Cyprus won’t be sacrificed lol
UK is opening the Grand Final for sure. Cyprus will place 1-2 in their semi so definitely won’t open the show. Plus Christer has a strong connection to the Cypriot team, if they draw 1st half they’ll be placed at the very end of it:

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

The cyprus song is swedish. Two swedish songwriters, four swedish dancers, and the swedish Sasha as the coreograf. Problems whith that?

6 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

Someone wrote that boath 2016 and 2017 the openingsongs ended third in their semis. I looked at the odds for the semis on eurovisionworld. If the result for the semis will follow the odds we have these four songs I mentioned.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I have checked now.
Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

Eugene whith his consperation theories.

6 years ago

imagine spain and lithuania if will qualify in the first half.. that will be akward

6 years ago

Not having random draw is one of the biggest crimes in Eurovision and I can’t believe that this is acceptable in 21st century. It’s not a fair contest, as simple as that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Marin

Look at the shows from the time before the changes. It could mean three rooksongs after eachother, those who hade rock change channel, or the show starts with a bad song so the viewers changed chanel etc

The show must be good entertainment. Not only a show for us, the escfans who probably don’t care if it would be three ballads in a row. We would watch when the rest has gone to away or fallen to sleep

6 years ago
Reply to  Marin

I like that it’s not random anymore…. Nobody would like to see 5 ballads in a row. That’d be bad for the Viewers but also bad for the countries, because they wouldn’t be able to shine. I don’t quite trust Björkmann tho.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I think you can trust Björkman. IF you have time you can see a pattern for the way he set the running order. Look at the results in the semis and the runingorder. A tips for those who bet many. The runingorder tells us a little about the result in the semis. Those who has a running order after 20 probably didn’t end upp top two and maby three in thier semis. Not when Crister set the order anyway.

6 years ago

well, Italy will win Eurovision by a landslide

6 years ago

Been thinking.
I think Björkman will start the show whith an upptempo whith good staging that endes 3rd or 4thin their semi.
After that a ballad that had the worst result i the semis.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I have checked now.
Belgium I have checked now.
Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting.was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting for those who bet money

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

It’s most likely the Czech Republic that’ll open the show if they draw first half.

6 years ago

All first half except from Italy. Almost half the spots are taken by the automatic qualifiers. I can see U.K. as a good opener and France around 10-12.

Music is Art
Music is Art
6 years ago

Spain will be perfect closing the first half with a kiss hehe

6 years ago

Please give France the death slot. Make them perform 2nd.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elmo

No way, 9-13 as France are big favorites. There will be a ballad that ens 9th or 10th in their semi that start as 2nd

6 years ago
Reply to  Elmo

If the song was as good as you people think it is, running order shouldn’t matter, right? If it’s a winner, it should be able to win from any draw. Right?

6 years ago
Reply to  Elmo

I think, In the past the 2nd song has been a ballad that almoust didn’t manage to reach the final.

6 years ago

Don’t you think france will have 9-13 as their runing order since they are favorites.

6 years ago
Reply to  Malin


6 years ago

Eugene, a question since I know you like statisics.

Can you see a pattern i the runingorder for those who end up 1-3 in their semis. I have a feeling that Björkman put them – and the biggest favorite from big five – close to 9-21.

Not to early if they are in first half, and not to late if they are i secund half.
I just think it’s that way, I don’t know. But maby you?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I think I will check if the pattern is based on the result from the semis. Especially 2013, 2016, 2017. Those who bet money should to.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Untrue cause Bulgaria won it’s semi last year and was 25th!!

6 years ago

Lol last year was completely opposite. Italy in the 1st half and the rest of Big5 and host in the 2nd one.

6 years ago

I like how Matthew became Sarah within seconds…

6 years ago
Reply to  Sera

And “Roxelle” after midnight lol.

6 years ago

Don’t wory, EBU want UK to have good result. The contest need the big five. If they always end up last – EBU are afraid their countries will get tierd of the contest, and EBU need the mony and eurovision need UK.

6 years ago

what is wrong with you

6 years ago

what are you talking about? Eurovision is much better than it was before.. ._. Do you want Eastern European countries to dominate the results again or what??

6 years ago
Reply to  Sera

I prefer to have a contest where bjorkman DOESNT decide everything. For various reasons… 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Sera

Yes and yes!!
It was much more fun back then.Now it’s called SWEVISION full of mainstream ballads and songs that pretend to be quality and are not actually!

6 years ago
Reply to  Sera

I would like Eurovision to be dominated by Eastern Europe again to be honest. They always put more originality and their cultural side.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolz

Ehh many of the Eastern Europeans uses Swedish songwriters and staging. Like Russia, Bulgaria, Azjerbadjan. The same with Cyprus. France or Italy would never do that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolz

Originality? More like songs people won’t even bother listen to after the contest.

6 years ago

yes cuz she was gonna win the whole thing if they’d put her in 2nd half

6 years ago

almaia and surie will flop togeeeeeether foreeeeeeever remeeeember

6 years ago

Justice for Valentina

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago

The Uk will be put on first. Energetic, get the crowd going and not challanging for the win really, so why spoil someone else’s chance? Plus Surie wants to enjoy the rest of the show, so her wish will be granted to her by putting her on first!

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

I think it has not that wow staging. Think UK will have a late runingorder. And that is good for them. I guess 9-13.

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

No way.
9-13 is reserved for the best perfomring semi-finalists or a favourite from the Big 5 + host.

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

Hosting country already has a start number 8.

6 years ago
Reply to  Timo1962FI

Then 7 and 9 will be more powerfull, maby rock or an upptempo.

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

Matt C Yes, I change my mind. You are right. But maby 6-9?

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

If she’s luck she’ll get up to 7th. 8th is Portugal already and from 9-13 are the best performers of the semis and the Big 5. I still maintain she’ll open the Grand Final though

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

I have checked now.
Belgium I have checked now.
Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting.was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

if surie comes first everyone will turn off the tv

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Then we should put France on 1st and get everyone depressed on the first listen. Or even Spain, that would anger the Almaia fans..

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

The first song must be something that make a first good impression. Same thing as when you have your first date. Maby Suries song is’t the best card in Björkmans opinion.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I have checked now.

Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting, boath was opening the show 2016/2017

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

Yeah, Surie will probably end up being 1-4 in the running order.

It’s not exactly gonna do well no matter where its placed so might as well have them early on

6 years ago

I predicted both Ukraine and Portugal’s victories right. Italy is going to win this year. 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Gudrun


6 years ago
Reply to  esc1234

You will remember this comment after the show. You can continue laughing now. 🙂

Bye Felicia
Bye Felicia
6 years ago
Reply to  Gudrun

Italy will be lucky if they even crack top half. If Il Volo and Francesco Gabbani can’t win it, ermal and fabrizio won’t win it either.

6 years ago

Yes!!! Second half for Italy!!! Slayyy ??????

6 years ago
Reply to  Visenya

Guess a rather late numer for Italy sinse they are not a top favorite but in the big five. My guess 20-24
Big five need extra help since they miss the oportunity to make an impression in the semis.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Well they háve that opportunity also, to enter the contest in the semi-final, it is not that they are not allowed in the semi.
They choose for a instant-final-ticket themselves.

But they aren’t compensated, that’s nonsense. Engelbert Humberdink started as 1st, so they did their duty on that for a while!

mark dowd
mark dowd
6 years ago
Reply to  Visenya

First half with a good song is better than 2nd half with a poor one…..

6 years ago

We know Bjorkman is not a fan of ‘Mercy’ from Destination Eurovision. Now I fear they will end up in 2nd or 3rd in running order. Damn.

6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

No way. France will be 9-13 in the runingorder. They are favorites and Björkman favor songs that have a good chanse to win from big five because they haven’t got the exposure that the other contries throu the semi. They have their rutines for this.’

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I hope you are right!

6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

Fan or not. He is not a judge now so he is professional:)

6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

You can be calm. Has he said something negative about Merci?

Even if he has, he looks what songs that are favorites. It’s easier for him whith those acts that are in the final throw the semi though. Then he can see what songs that is the three top acts in the semis. Harder whith big five but he has probably good information from different sorses.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

He didn’t really SAY something negative about Mercy, but I think what NickC means is that in the final of Destination Eurovision Bjorkman gave Mercy only 2 points so he seems to not like the song

6 years ago

In that case he would NOT give france a bad runningorder. Rather the opposite so nobady can throw that on him.
Think the opposit. If his best song would have won, it would be more difficult to give a good runingorder IF they were favorites. But I think he would do IT anyway. They have their frames.

6 years ago

rybak will open the show if he will draw first half.. and that is how you open a grand final :))

6 years ago
Reply to  florin

I don’t think he will, he already opens the second semifinal
It would be awkward

6 years ago
Reply to  florin

Not likely. Someone who opens semifinal wont open the final. Same with who ever performs last in semi wont perform last in final. Providing all makes it of course.

6 years ago
Reply to  florin

No way. Maby close the show if his result in the semi is worse than 4th place in the semi. But that won’t happen.

Ryback, Austalia and Sweden will probably end 1-3 in second semi.
If they draw first half they will probably start 9-13.
If they draw second half probably 14-21.

mark dowd
mark dowd
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Oz are now struggling to qualify and not coming top three

6 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

I have checked now.

Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting, boath was opening the show 2016/2017

6 years ago

Lmao seems like it’s the opposite this year: all the other big 5 +host are in 1st half, only Italy again different by being in 2nd half.

6 years ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if the UK opens the show now!

6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

No, the act is’t enoght uptempo and good. The first song has to be little extra whith stagin and uptempo. Maby Albanien, Cyprys, Moldavia, Finland or Sweden if someone of them will be in the first semi.
Norway could end the whole think. A populair uptempo and since it started semi one CB could go that way to compensate. Or Cyprus.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Moldova’s very likely if they draw first half

6 years ago
Reply to  Aaran

Not impossible, if it enas up 4th place or worse in their semi.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I have checked now.

Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting, boath was opening the show 2016/2017

Dave F
Dave F
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

You’re right. But if, for exemple, Azerbaïdjan and Finland don’t qualify, it Will be hard to put Cyprus as an opener : A favorite never opens the show.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave F

If Eleni gets 1st or 2nd place in the semifinal. Otherwise, she could open the Grand Final. Maybe that’s why they didn’t put Moldova to open it last year, since they finished 2nd in the semifinal. The same thing for Rybak.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Think you are right about Moldova last year

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I remember there was a video on ESC official YouTube channel when Mr. Bjorkman and co, were creating the running order for 2017 contest and they initially had Moldova first. I wonder if “Hey Mama!” would achieve 3rd place from this position anyway.

As it is, the first half needs uptempo songs like a fresh air.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave F

Dave, you are right. But I think that they look at the result from the semis. I think if they end 1-3. Then they will not open or close the contest.

Those who are 1-3 from the semis are probably between 9-22 together whith france.

Bye Felicia
Bye Felicia
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Belgium and Israel opened in 2016 and 2017 despite coming 3rd in their semi.
I could see the same happening to eleni aswell

6 years ago
Reply to  Bye Felicia

Ok, then he maby goes the same way this year. Intresting. So maby an upptempo that ends third in its semi will open then?

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Bye Felicia

Belgium and Israel weren’t 4th in the odds right before the semi final though… think about that. A hot favourite never opens the GF, this will be no exception.

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

I repeat myself
I have checked now.

Belgium was 3rd in their semi 2016 and Israel was 3rd in their semi to. Intresting, boath was opening the show 2016/2017

Matt, we are not talking about odds, we are talking about the real result in the semis.

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Very unlikely for Cyprus to open the show. It’s probably a contender for the win in it’s semi so there’s no way even if Cyprus draws first half, they’ll be put near the end of that half. Christer is a fan of Eleni, plus it’s a Swedish production with SJB, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt their chances.

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

Matt, If cyprus end 1-3 in semi no they won’t start the show or rnd it. But maby if they end 4th or worse in their semi.
I think Björkman would love to open the show whith a spicy fanfavorite if he can see that it won’t win.

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

It’s going to be a tough semi but I can’t see Cyprus not placing Top 3. It’ll be a 1-2 of Estonia and Cyprus, in no particular order. Christer won’t ruin Cyprus’ chance since it’s a Swedish team behind it and it’s SJB best chance for a win this year… they work together on Melfest you see. I’m putting my money on the UK to open the show, get the crowd going, middle of the road song though but uplifting nonetheless!

6 years ago
Reply to  Matt C

If Crister will choose an upptempo from the 3rd or 4th place in the semis then it could be: From first semi: Chzech republik or Cyprus From second semi Australia or Moldova That’s if the result will follow the odds right now occoring to eurovisionworld If Israel ope the show, we know that the song didn’t do well, so IF Israel would be 3rd or 4 th Christer ptobably wouldn’t have Netta to start the show any way. Then people could understand that the song didn’t do well and that would destroy the exitement. And those who don’t understand that… Read more »

Matt C
Matt C
6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

At the moment if Czech Republic qualify and draw first half, they’ll be on first as an alternative to the UK. It’s been hyped up but now it’s died down a bit, in the opinion of the press and the bookies. But the UK is a sure bet to open the final, so I wouldn’t be worried about any of the favourites or best performers from the semis to open the GF.

6 years ago

Lets put it frankly. If your song is a winner then position doesnt matter. I think Loreen, Måns, Emmelie etc etc would have won even if they were placed 2nd in the running order. But of course for most songs position could matter in terms of placing 26th or 15th etc

6 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Yes, it was weird of the producer to have two of the favorites as the last and next last 2015. Russia and Italy. They should have an earlier number, close to the first part. Then maby it would have been a cloaser result in the telvoting between Sweden and Italy regarding the telewotes. Think Måns would have won the televotes if Sweden started as 26 th place and Italy. 11th place.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Frankly? It does matter. Not only the position, but also, and maybe most importantly, what is surrounding the song.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Agree that it is importent what songs are befors and after.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Running order play a part. Though not as major as before. However it also depends on what comes before and after. A ballad following an up tempo song would probably do better than a ballad stuck between two uptempo songs

6 years ago


6 years ago
Reply to  joseph

They will place them 9th-13th.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that…we will see.

6 years ago
Reply to  konik

They did that to Cascada, Amir and Francesco, who were considered favourites before the Grand Final.

6 years ago

In melfest he usaly put favotites close to eachother. And an upptempo in the start and the end. I like that. Then the acts that need a lot of preparation after a comersalbreak. I think the favorties in the contest from the woting of the semis are later in the first half and those who are favorites and will compeate in second half is not to late. That’s a way to do it more fair. Think they have some frames to work from. Like 2015 when two favoriter was last and next last. That’s not a fair thing to do… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I wish “he” didn’t do it, the draw should be random as it was when more people actually watched the contest

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

Look at some showes before the producers had this power.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

I agree – the running order should be only decided by drawing lots.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

I prefer a as good as possible show above random order (which has the risk of drawing 4 ballads in a row)

6 years ago

Guys, does this mean that Italy will perform in the second semi final? pls answer

6 years ago
Reply to  critii

No. Portugal, UK and Spain got 1st half. But there are still 10 spots left in the 1st half, and more 13 in the 2nd one. Italy could either way.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Germany got 1st half too.

6 years ago

Imagine if Lithuania performs before or after Spain XDD

6 years ago
Reply to  joseph

that’s why the running order is made by the EBU, to prevent such unfortunate coincidences.