He’s the Swedish hunk that has set heart rates racing since he placed third at Eurovision 2011. 

And in heartwarming news to start 2019, Eric Saade has announced his engagement to longtime girlfriend Nicole Falciani.

Sharing the news, Saade wished his 128k a Happy New Year and said simply, “she said yes”:

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Happy New Year.. and she said YES. ?????

A post shared by Eric Saade (@ericsaadeofficial) on

Falciani could not contain her joy either, in an all caps post on her own page:

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I SAID YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES ? @ericsaadeofficial

A post shared by NICOLE FALCIANI (@nicolefalciani) on

Who is Nicole Falciani?

Nicole Falciani is one of the most popular influencers in Sweden. She has over 300k followers on Instagram and 44k subscribers on her YouTube channel, where she shares vlogs, makeup tutorials and more.

The duo began dating four years ago and rumours of marriage have followed them ever since. Falciani has made no secret of her desire to marry. She’s shared posts on her blog talking about her desire to wed, including one when the couple were guests at a wedding in Rome.

Falciani sent the rumour mill into overdrive at the start of December. In a Q&A on Instagram, when asked about an engagement, she jokingly asked Saade when he was free. It seems homeboy was listening.

Nicole also shared a candid snap of a celebratory cocktail by the pool:

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The day after the proposal ???

A post shared by NICOLE FALCIANI (@nicolefalciani) on

Mellostars including Måns Zelmerlöw, Sarah Dawn Finer, Tone Damli, Andreas Weise, Molly Petterson Hammar and Oscar Zia have all sent well wishes in the couple’s comments.

But despite the happy news Eric’s attention is now firmly fixed on Melodifestivalen 2019.

In another Instagram post – uploaded on Thursday night – Saade expressed his focus on what really matters:

A date for the wedding remains to be set.

Although there are dates in the calendar for Melodifestivalen 2019, when Eric will be in action is still to be determined.

That’s because as teased way back in November, it may be the case that not all hosts will present every week of the competition. Instead as in past editions of Melodifestivalen (2010, 2012), the lineup may rotate and alter week-to-week. But even if the hosts aren’t all physically present, they will feature in some form.

wiwibloggs offers sincere congratulations to Eric and Nicole on the happy news. 


Sources: Expressen, Aftonbladet, SVT.se

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6 years ago

All the time thought he’s gay …

Cesar's salad
Cesar's salad
6 years ago

Barbie and Ken’s life in plastic, it’s fantastic.

6 years ago

He went from Molly Sanden who’s a gorgeous and a talented singer to someone whose occupation is “influencer”.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ron

To be fair, Nicole is probably the main breadwinner in that household.

Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
6 years ago

Sobral: married
Saade: engaged
Rybak: recently expressing his love to his girlfriend via Instagram
What a romantic way for these male Eurovision artists to start the year 2019

6 years ago

I’m waiting for Slavko.

Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

That makes him appear like a negative integer.

dual lipper
dual lipper
6 years ago

forgettable no-ones

6 years ago

If “influencer” has become an actual occupation, this planet is ready for an asteroid.

6 years ago
Reply to  Milan

It’s basically a living advertisement.

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago
Reply to  Milan

That asteroid is long overdue.

6 years ago

If Nicole was so desperate to marry, she could have asked him. This is the 21st century. Women can propose too. She could have bought her own ring too. These heternormative charades are so outdated and cringey. Congratulations nonetheless, I hope they have a long and happy life together.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

You’re right she could have asked him but some women like it the old fashioned way. There is nothing wrong with that, it is her life. You don’t have to sound so whiny about it

6 years ago
Reply to  Amor

If women want to live up to patriarchal clichés, yes, that is their choice. I’m not judging…okay, I am…does the guy get a ring too or no? Seems unfair.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Judging from your rhetoric it sounds like you are judging. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your boyfriend to propose and it isn’t patriarchal. How is that oppressing her? I think a lot of women do that because they give so much in relationships and would like to see it reciprocated. Plus men wear wedding rings as well.

6 years ago
Reply to  Amor

I agree with the old fashioned way. To buy a ring for yourself is tragic.

6 years ago
Reply to  taifa

Why get an engagement ring at all? Again, why doesn’t the guy get one?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Both will have wedding rings. About engagement ring, I guess it can never be perfect equality because is always one of them who starts the conversation and is the first that has the idea of marriage (in any kind of couple). I believe both of them like for the other one to have a sign of the relationship, but I guess you are looking for perfect equality, and I don’t think something like that exists anywhere in the Universe.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I mean the whole concept of (legal) marriage is outdated.

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Not really, it’s a practical contract that bestows legal rights on the couple – the whole concept of “engagement” is the ridiculous part. The actual wedding ceremony probably won’t take place for a long time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Giving married couples more rights than any other couple is discrimination. Having marriage be defined by law assumes that the government has the right to decide who can get married and who can’t, which is ridiculous. Marriage should be an entirely private affair (or religious if you believe in those things).

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I disagree. It’s simply a practical way of proving your relationship, to help sort out financial issues like inheritance rights, next of kin decisions, etc. – for example, if you were in a coma, who would you want deciding how long to keep the life support machine on? How is the hospital to know who the decision lies with? What about tax implications? Nah, a marriage certificate serves as the perfect way to determine these issues – they don’t have any more rights over unmarried couples, they just have their affairs in order. Marriage is open to everybody (or at… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Within a marriage many legal decisions are made. Which is why it is considered a legal union like any other legal partnership.

6 years ago

Congrats to them! They’re such a cute couple

6 years ago
