The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has travelled to Denmark to review the songs competing in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2019. Today our focus is on Humørekspressen with the song “Dronning af baren”. Did we get the humour? Read on to find out.

Humørekspressen — “Dronning af baren”

“Dronning af baren” reviews

Natalie: Let’s get the obvious out of the way first — if Denmark want to bring the contest back to Copenhagen, this song isn’t the one to do it. And it doesn’t come close to Rasmussen’s magic. But for singing along to with a flagon of fine ale, it gets full marks. It’s a real blissful romp through Danish love and that deserves a lot of respect. For a regretfully monolingual Aussie, it’s not that accessible and gets a bit boring and repetitive, but the heart and soul is undeniable.

Score: 5.5/10

Julian: I’m not sure what to think about “Dronning af baren”. It kind of entertains me and I like the Danish language on one hand, but on the other hand this song goes nowhere. It doesn’t develop during the 3 minutes and I can’t imagine any staging that could elevate this song so much that many people would vote for it. It’s funny when it’s on but nobody will miss it when it’s off.

Score: 3.5/10

Robyn: “Dronning af baren” would be terrible as a Danish Eurovision entry, but I’m very happy to see it in DMGP. Humørekspressen are a dansktop band and that’s a genre that should be represented at DMGP. The song itself doesn’t have enough international appeal to work as a Eurovision entry, but it will be a wholesome addition to the national final.

Score: 6/10

Florian: This song doesn’t really belong to this year’s Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. It sounds more of a throwback to years I’m happy we’ve moved beyond by now. On the other hand, they’re bringing some Danish flavour in the competition which has to be appreciated. Overall, this has its place in the national selection but shouldn’t go anywhere further than that.

Score: 3.5/10

Deban: “Dronning af baren” speaks blue rinse in spades. Even when judging this by schlager standards, it sounds like a tired rehash song from the cassette era. Humørekspressen have notched an impressive catalogue of hits in Denmark between all four individual members. Unfortunately, their appearance here at Dansk Melodi Grand Prix adds little value to the playlist.

Score: 3/10

In our Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2019 Wiwi Jury, we have 11 jurors but only room for 5 reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:

Antranig: 2.5/10

Jordi: 5/10

Oliver: 2/10

Luis: 3.5/10

Patrick: 2/10

Cinan: 5.5/10

Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 6.

Wiwi Jury Verdict: 3.78/10

See our list of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2019 rankings

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5 years ago

At least we have some Asian male representation

5 years ago

I think it’s cute. ::shrug::

5 years ago

I know you guys need to review every song in the selection but don’t you feel that you’ll never get that time back in your lives again?
Me? Instead of re-listening to this song, I was listening to Polina Gagarina KILLING it on Singer:

Not saying that you have to…but it’s something to think about. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

For me, reviewing is a fun process, even if the song is terrible. It’s always working on discovering yourself, because the issue isn’t whether the song is good pr bad, but what makes it good or bad, and especially what makes it good or bad to you in particular. Same goes for reviewing movies. There’s a time for everything. 🙂

Thanks for sharing this link. Polina is indeed SO GOOD! Powerful and emotional performance. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Haha ok. You got me. I just really wanted to talk about Polina. 😉

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Well I used to enjoy reviewing music in depth, until some very bad things happened legally. Sigh

5 years ago

Only now did I hear the whole selection and while I agree that it’s not on the pair with the last year’s, I did find four songs to be at least quite nice. One song is particularly good and one is particularly bad, but I’ll reveal it only when they come with the reviews. 🙂

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

“This would make the perfect TV light comedy series theme song” – this is what I wrote down. Beyond that, I confess that I don’t remember much about it, which is a bad sign. I just listened to it again, and it’s quite nice. I agree with Robyn. It’s good to have this at DMGP, but it’s a potentially a non-qualifier at Eurovision.

5 years ago

just to inform you guys, Dora snippets are being released today at 5 pm 🙂

5 years ago

Dronning af baren – For those who didn’t translate it, it’s about a young and attractive woman who is a “Queen of the bar” and men like her. Maybe I am missing some implications, but this doesn’t sound that funny to me. It has a light tone and a big plus is hearing Danish, but if they want the idea to reach the audience, they have to work on the staging. As a song, it’s neither good nor bad. – 5/10

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

they’re supposed to be sellin humør but nobody laughed……next

5 years ago

this is the only one I kinda like, but still not very good