Mahmood Italy Eurovision 2019 Soldi

It took almost a month. But we have a new poll topper — Italy’s Mahmood. He won Sanremo on Saturday, thanks to overwhelming jury support, and now he’s captured the hearts of Eurofans.

He might have blown hot and cold on his decision to accept the ticket to Tel Aviv, but that didn’t dissuade  y’all from voting for him in your thousands. Of the 14,534 votes cast, the “Soldi” singer picked up 3,936 (27.08%).

Mahmood’s number one position remained unchallenged all week. However, there was much movement elsewhere in the rankings. At the mid-way point France’s Bilal Hassani sat in sixth place.

However, after a little bout of canvassing, he galvanised his fanbase and surged to second. You gotta werk to get those votes!

The Destination Eurovision champ saw 3,755  votes go towards “Roi”. That’s 25.84% of all votes cast.

In third spot we have former poll leader Miki. After three weeks on top, the Spanish charmer has been toppled. Nonetheless, “La Venda” took home a very impressive 2,143 votes (14.74%). That tally would have secured him victory in any of the previous weeks.

For the fourth consecutive poll, the OT star is immediately followed by Albania’s FiK winner Jonida Maliqi. The “Ktheju Tokës” songstress attracted 1,620 votes (11.15%).

The top five is rounded out by Australia’s Kate Miller-Heidke. Her skyscraping skirt took her to new heights in the inaugural national final down under, and “Zero Gravity” won over 1,291 of you (8.88%).

Meanwhile, Montenegro’s D-Moll take the unenviable last place. “Heaven” garnered them just 149 votes (1.02%). Luckily for them, they’ll have a chance to bounce back next week. Because now it’s time for the votes to be reset. The poll will reopen after the weekend when entries from Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania will join the race.

What do you think of the current standings? Does Italy deserve to be number one? Who’s your Eurovision favourite? Let us know below.

Your Eurovision favourites on 15 February (8 acts)

  1. Italy: Mahmood with “Soldi” 27.08% (3,936 votes)
  2. France: Bilal Hassani with “Roi” 25.84% (3,755 votes)
  3. Spain: Miki with “La Venda” 14.74% (2,143 votes)
  4. Albania: Jonida Maliqi with “Ktheju Tokës” 11.15% (1,620 votes)
  5. Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke with “Zero Gravity” 8.88% (1,291 votes)
  6. United Kingdom: Michael Rice with “Bigger Than Us” 8.32% (1,209 votes)
  7. Czech Republic: Lake Malawi with “Friend Of A Friend” 2.97% (431 votes)
  8. Montenegro: D-Moll with “Heaven” 1.02% (149 votes)

Total Votes: 14,534

Your Eurovision favourites on 8 February (4 acts)

  1. Spain: Miki with “La Venda” 40.96% (2,328 votes)
  2. Albania: Jonida Maliqi with “Ktheju Tokës” 25.6% (1,455 votes)
  3. France: Bilal Hassani with “Roi” 20.34% (1,156 votes)
  4. Czech Republic: Lake Malawi with “Friend Of A Friend” 13.09% (744 votes)

Total Votes: 5,683

Your Eurovision favourites on 28 January (3 acts)

  1. Spain: Miki with “La Venda” 49.29% (2,328 votes)
  2. Albania: Jonida Maliqi with “Ktheju Tokës” 26.36% (1,245 votes)
  3. France: Bilal Hassani with “Roi” 24.35% (1,150 votes)

Total votes: 4,723

Your Eurovision favourites on 26 January (2 acts)

  1. Spain: Miki with “La Venda”. 67.12% (3,070 votes)
  2. Albania: Jonida Maliqi with “Ktheju Tokës” 32.88% (1,504 votes)

Total Votes: 4,574


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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Erm, “Wiwibloggs: Odds, Lyrics, Polls, Reviews.”
The sign on the door.

6 years ago

My Top 8 as of now;

1. Italy
2. Australia
3. Spain
4. Czech Republic
5. Albania
6. United Kingdom
7. France
8. Montenegro

Let’s hope for amazing songs to be chosen tomorrow! Looking forward to it!

6 years ago


6 years ago

the best is definitely Italy. Spains votes are influenced by spanish eurofans so i wouldnt take it seriously. They did the same with almaia. Miki has the worst song.

6 years ago
Reply to  Marn

have you saw France eurofans… always speaking about spanish ;).

6 years ago


It's me
It's me
6 years ago

Am I the only one who likes Montenegro’s song or Czech’s song?

6 years ago

Boring….. Really boring, do not understand the hip about this song (my opinion, respecting all the others)

6 years ago

My Top (So Far):
1. Italy
2. Spain
3. Australia (She needs to change the staging though)
4. Czech Republic (ditch the dodgy London accent)
5. Albania
6. United Kingdom
7. Montenegro
8. France (What where they thinking?)

6 years ago

You can like or not ”Soldi”, but it’s a fact that it stands out among these. I think it will do well in ESC too. I like also Spain’s fun song, others are just meh to me.

6 years ago

Love: Albania
Like: Spain, Italy, Australia (unpopular opinion, I know)
Meh: Czech Republic
Dislike: France, UK
Hate: France, Montenegro

That’s my 2c. I’m going to avoid ranking till all the songs are out.

6 years ago

actually no act really makes me “wow” – Mahmoods live voice is really anoying… Bilal is live weak although his song is great and has a nice message… all songs at melodifestivalen… sound the same… the Spain entry is sth we heard already 1000 times in the age of despacito…. still waiting hoping 4 a good entry 2 come…

6 years ago

Soldi is a boring, forgettable song

6 years ago

Mahmood is the best so far, but others are nice too,much or less,well there are no songs yet i considering really horrible lol

6 years ago

That’s what you get when you didn’t pick 2000 and Whatever, Australia! People want something new from you but not this campy mess!
Italy is by far the best entry this year.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

Soldi is such a great song and Mahmood’s voice is unique 🙂
Happy to see Albania at least 4th here :3
Can’t wait to have more entries! Hopefully including Raiven’s Kaos for Slovenia

6 years ago

Looks like Bilal’s fans have discovered Wiwibloggs…

I would guess it bodes poorly that Australia is already in fifth and finishing behind folks like Albania.

6 years ago
Reply to  Evan

I understand why you couldn’t stand the song, but why couldn’t you stand HIM though? Do you know him personally? What has he done to you? It’s confusing

6 years ago

“However, after a little bout of canvassing, he galvanised his fanbase and surged to second. You gotta werk to get those votes!”

Happy you included that very important fact. I hadn’t checked this poll in some time so when I saw the results and the distant 5th placer suddenly surge to 2nd didn’t make much sense.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

*6th, my bad I was being too generous

6 years ago

France second and Spain third?? Really?? Can’t believe how Bilal is so overrated!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Edu

Spain 3rd is indeed shocking! It’s my 6th place at the moment and I am not joking! 😉

6 years ago

Poland already announced their artist! It’s a folk band named Tulia! Check theirs cover of Nothing Else Matters.

6 years ago
Reply to  rev

ooh cool!!

6 years ago

I am voting for him because of Rayquaza shirt

6 years ago

Okay, I’m sorry to write a lot haha but I hope you understand, we are here to share opinions so in case it’s too long comment just don’t read it. I love Soldi. Not as much as I loved Non mi avete fatto niente and Occidentali’s karma but I love it. It’s so different and I have a feeling it’s so sincere. That pre-chorus thing is a masterpiece. Currently it’s my number 1 track of ESC 2019. France is… Well, it’s too much. I have no doubt Bilal is talented, but it’s not good they try to cover the weak… Read more »

Catriona Colville
Catriona Colville
6 years ago
Reply to  nemi

Australia is the best song so far in my view. I know you don’t like it, but saying they can do much better is contingent on the voters in May agreeing with your which I don’t think they will.

6 years ago

Trust me Australia will do better than most of you thought. Most viewers during semis and finals are first time listeners and viewers of the performance. Remember Denmark last year and with their televote score?

6 years ago
Reply to  Kyler

Come on!! Denmark 2018 was EPIC!! The live performance was really good too. Australia 2019 is just ridiculous. I am sure it will be in the final for its WTF factor but it won’t do well there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kyler

Denmark had a good song, though.

6 years ago

France’s results are obviously invalid. The poll was shared to his Youtube fandom. But I agree with the rest.

Italy <3

6 years ago

Still nobody wrote anything about Serbia! I mean you had time to tell us something about the bus infrastructure in Tel Aviv and you got time for reviews on the low quality Danish entries (sorry, but there aren’t many good songs this year in dmgp). Are you doing this to prevent trolls from hating on Serbia because of their past? It’s just strange to ignore them completely. Nevertheless I also think that Italy has the best song out of this bunch, but Albania is very close in quality. The rest is meh, except for Australia and the Czech Republic. These… Read more »

6 years ago

Go Mahmood! He’s creating a suddenly large fan base here in Italy, and I have the feeling he can have crossover appeal to both juries and televoters. Fingers crossed!

I wouldn’t mind France’s song, if only it wasn’t sung in two languages! Just pick one and go with it.

My ranking so far (excluding Italy because I’m obviously biased):

1. Spain
2. Albania
3. UK
4. France
5. Australia (from here on in I really don’t like the entries)
6. Montenegro
7. Czech Republic

6 years ago
Reply to  Acrobat

I’m really hoping he finds a way to convey the meaning of his lyrics to an international audience. The song is very good by itself, but the lyrics push it into another dimension of goodness.

6 years ago

I am 40 + years old, and I think I represent a different demographic (I suspect we are the ones who cause these shocking upsets, when we pick up our phones). We do not care about much if something is ‘dated’ (Except for Romania 18 maybe). We also do not care if something is ‘ridiculous’, so let me tell you young folks something: I think both Australia and France do pretty well. 😉
However, I agree with the poll- Italy is the biggest favourite to win, even for my old ears.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago
Reply to  NickC

I don’t think there is anything conclusive on demographics for the whole of Eurovision in recent years. Someone should probably do a study.

6 years ago

These polls are pointless and ridiculous.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

They’re just a bit of fun and act as an indication, not to be taken so seriously.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

they’re no indication of anything when you have a big community of eurofans like the spanish voting for a song just because it’s from their country

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
6 years ago

That’s a cool pic of Mahmood. Spilt milk indeed. At least the trolls only made it to second place.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

All it takes is spilt milk. 😛

6 years ago

Why are all the good songs so underrated?…

6 years ago

Oh Italy, France and Spain are in the top 3, what a surprise. Overhyped entries that will flop in may. Australia at 5th is a crime.

6 years ago
Reply to  eurovision6

Literally no one hypes France.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

Or Spain. Except for spanish eurofans, like every year!!

6 years ago
Reply to  eurovision6

“Australia at 5th is a crime”. So true. It should be last. That is a novelty act. I love opera and she is talented. But who in their damn minds mixes opera with dance tune? That’s just ridiculous my friend.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Australia’s entry is really embarassing. It’s impossible to take that serious. I think that some people like it because of her voice.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fiore

She will appeal to those who love campy stuff in Eurovision. I thought Croatia 2017 was horrible but it was still saved by the televote. So I can forsee this doing really well with televote.

6 years ago
Reply to  Uyo

I agree. But Australia’s only power in Eurovision are juries and this entry won’t just work with them. I can’t see many Europeans picking up their phones and vote for Australia in Eurovision. xD They are not Croatia or Romania.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gio

Australia did pretty well with televote in 2015 and 2016 so I don’t think they only have juries power. They recently lack televote power because the performances from 17 and 18 were too weak and not memorable enough. This year is way too campy so it can go either way, imo.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I respect it, but why is “opera with dance” ridiculous? It’s about creating something new and no generic, boring mainstream heard 1000 times before.

mamma mia
mamma mia
6 years ago
Reply to  ESCFan2009

Sorry to say but if you forget about her singing skills, the melody and lyrics are so generic, it’s just a pop song with a big swirl in the end.

6 years ago
Reply to  mamma mia

Trust me, I’ve already packed my suitcase for #Syndey2020 😀

6 years ago

Italy is so overrated, his voice live sounds awful. He sounds like a goat live. And the song is nothing special. I really don’t understand the hype.

6 years ago

Honestly I don’t like his song, but this t-shirt with Rayquazza… Just let Chris interview him! 😀

6 years ago

France was 3rd to last before the attack, and it’s pretty much where Roi sits on.

6 years ago

These were the results before Bilal fanboys found the poll:

1st – Italy
2nd – Spain
3rd – Albania
4th – Australia
5th – UK
6th – France
7th – Czech Republic
8th – Montenegro

And afterwards, France moves to second place! Something must be done!

6 years ago

When will the Polish song be released?

oh my
oh my
6 years ago

I still like Ktheju tokës the most 😮

6 years ago
Reply to  oh my

Jonida just finished the recording of the revamped version of Ktheju Tokes in Gothenburg.
You can listen to some snippets of it in her IG stories.

6 years ago

Who reminded Bilal fanboys about Eurovision? -_- They were gone for good since Bilal was chosen.

6 years ago

Can we go like one week without having a poll stormed by some annoying fans? Roi was so far down the poll… Mahmood led it with 32% for DAYS, followed by Miki with 18% or something. Wtf happened? At least the Bilal stans didn’t manage to push him through to the 1st place… I don’t want to be rude, bc in the end it’s just an internet poll, but it’s still annoying.

6 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I assure you Bilal will get bottom 5 result in May and he’s actually competing for the last place. You may ask why am I so sure. Simple. Eurovision jury will totally ignore it because I don’t remember such a weak performer in Eurovision final since Manel Navarro. And he won’t do well with the televote either. Even Eurovision fans did not like it. He can only do well within France because he is a Youtube persona and he has some fans there.

6 years ago
Reply to  DavidR

Yeah, maybe he won’t be last but he’s not going further than 20th place in my opinion. We should wait until we have more songs to fully judge tho.

6 years ago
Reply to  DavidR

He will get some points from the LGTBI community too. But I also think”Roi” is bottom 5 material

6 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I honestly don’t see LGBT getting behind France 2019. This is not the Conchita case. Our boy Bilal can’t sing, he has zero stage charisma and the song is just super cliche.

6 years ago
Reply to  DavidR

Does that make you happy? You have the right not to like an artist but to wish him a last place when the final version of the song has not even been released makes no sense. It’s childish.

6 years ago

He does deserve the last place! There were much better entries in Destination Eurovision. He won for non musical reasons and that’s no secret to anyone. He has fan base in France for being the Youtube persona.

1. He can’t sing!
2. The song is ridiculously clichéd.
3. He’s trying way too hard to use LGBT card to achieve success and that’s just embarassing (I’m gay too.)

6 years ago
Reply to  Ori

« He’s trying way too hard to use LGBT card to achieve success and that’s just embarassing (I’m gay too. » I’m sorry but that’s just not true. Bilal is just being himself, he has always been like that, and he has just decided to submit an entry for DE. But he hasn’t changed anything about himself just to « achieve success ».

6 years ago
Reply to  Grftn

Oh comee ooon!! He is not the only guy who likes wearing wigs in this world and we have had them in Eurovision for years. But none of them walks around like “Oh I’m getting threats because who I am. Oh I’m getting bullied on social media. I’m gonna sue them all.” He is a Drama Queen and not so many people like people as such, just saying.

6 years ago
Reply to  Elli

he receives more than 10 insults by minute, literal death threats, people wishing he and his fans die in a terrorist attack, but yes sure he’s a drama queen lmao

6 years ago
Reply to  Elli

You clearly have no idea of how the situation is in France right now towards him so just… don’t talk about things you ignore. He is receiving serious death threats (people wishing that « 13 November attacks had happened to one of his shows ») so sorry if he’s taking legal measures ? What should he do, stay silent ? I just wish I wasn’t able to read comments sometimes

6 years ago
Reply to  Ori

1. “He can’t sing”. That’s obviously untrue. Yes, there are still things to improve in his stage performances but he can sing. You can check it in the live shows he gave on the radio. Amir and Alma received the same criticism continuously, from January to May. France is used to it. 2. “The song is ridiculously clichéd”. There are very few songs on the theme of harassment at Eurovision, and yet it is a global scourge. This may be a cliché in your eyes, but this song has had the merit of bringing the theme of harassment (especially school… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  DavidR

I suspect he’ll get votes from Belgium and maybe Switzerland. His fanbase seems to extend there as well.