Twenty-eight acts. Four semi-finals. One second chance round. And now 12 finalists.
On Saturday, Sweden will decide who will succeed Benjamin Ingrosso and become its act for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Israel.
Eight acts qualified direct from their semi-finals, four battled it out in the duels of Andra Chansen and now all twelve of them have a shot at the winning the big prize at Friends Arena on Saturday.
So we want to know who you think that should be.
Do you think Queen Wiktoria‘s coronation is long overdue? Or are Hannah Ferm & LIAMOO your firm favourites? Or perhaps John Lundvik is your pick for Sweden to send to Tel Aviv? Whichever act you love, we want to hear about it!
You can vote for as many of Saturday night’s acts as you like in the poll below, but remember you can only vote once, so make it count. We’ll reveal the results before the acts take to the stage on March 9.
Who should win the final of Melodifestivalen 2019?
1. Jon Henrik Fjällgren – “Norrsken (Goeksegh)”
2. Lisa Ajax – “Torn”
3. Mohombi– “Hello”
4. Lina Hedlund –”Victorious”
5. Bishara – “On My Own”
6. Anna Bergendahl– “Ashes to Ashes”
7. Nano – “Chasing Rivers”
8. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO – “Hold You”
9. Malou Prytz – “I Do Me”
10. John Lundvik – “Too Late for Love”
11. Wiktoria – “Not with Me”
12. Arvingarna – “I Do”
[polldaddy poll=10255234]Voting in the final of Melodifestivalen 2019 will be split between the app vote, telephone votes and international juries.
The number of international juries has been reduced from eleven to eight and the app vote has been broken out into age groups, in an effort to produce a more balanced result, after criticism that results do not reflect everyone voting at home.
This year’s international juries come from Portugal, Austria, Australia, Cyprus, France, Finland, the United Kingdom and Israel. What impact they’ll have this year remains to be seen.
From an outsider looking in I have
1. Wiktoria
2. John Lundvik
3. Arvingarna
4. Anna Bergendahl
5. Lisa Ajax
I think the songs chosen by other countries this year are very poor, some excèptions though. So Sweden pick wisely
I morgon är det julafton för mig! Tjohooo, längtar.
I want Lisa Ajax to win, I love it!
from Spain.
Genuinely don’t thing John’s song is very good on first or second listen… definitely not a winner.
Have to say I adore Wiktoria’s entry – it’s so dramatic but from the heart and I would vote for that at Eurovision absolutely, I would love to see her win
John’s song isn’t my favourite either. Not at all my kind of music, but I am convinced that he will win.
Kan man tro att Spotify ger en hyfsad grovhuggen signal vilka låtar vi gillar mest ? Samt att denna bloggs omröstning i kombination med odds ger en viss fingervisning om hur en internationell jury kan komma att tycka? Vet ej men är det så verkar John Lundvik gå mot promenad seger. Inte mitt personliga val dock. Men skulle önska att om någon kan formulera sig på engelska på ett trevligt sätt – kunde förklara för både läsarna och skribenterna på denna blogg – att OM utfallet blir att Lundvik vinner svenska folkets röster – så beror det på att svenskarna… Read more »
Håller delvis med. Jag tror att vi röstar mer taktiskt än med hjärtat. Vi röstar på de som vi tror ger bättre resultat. Och varför inte, det har ju gett resultat. Ta förra året exemplelvis. Felix Sandman hade en bättre låt men Benjamin var bättre för ESC. Det är en tävlingslåt. Jag tror fler länder borde rösta taktiskt. Hade det inte varit en uttagning så hade nog Felix kanske vunnit. Fast håller med att de flesta som streamar Johns låt inte har en tanke på nåt annat, de flesta minns knappt vinnaren från förra året. Sen tror jag John Lundvik… Read more »
Ja, vi escnerdar röstar ju lite med blicken fäst mot esc … och vissa andra.. men för övrigt har jag nog bilden att svenskar ofta röstar på sin egen favvolåt. : ) Möjligen dissar vi svenska favoriter och roliga låtar även om vi skulle gilla dem mest när det kommer till finalen. Tycker mest det är synd att om Lundvik nu skulle vinna att man inom escvärden irriterar sig och tror att alla svenskar kalkylerat röstar på honom för Cesar gick hem hos juries ifjol. Varför skulle de då streama honom mest? Sedan vet jag inte hur det är för… Read more »
det du säger om att det har blivit mycket tuffare att promenadsegra i Mello, fast glöm inte att dom presenterar APP rösterna på ett annat sett i år. nu blir det poäng tillagda från alla åldersgrupper, så chansen finns att det blir större skillnad mellan ettan och tvåan, till exempel.
jag tror också att Lundvik vinner och att han vinner rätt så stort, kanske inte på Loreen, Måns eller Frans nivå men definitivt större en till exempel Benjamin i fjol. jag kan inte tänka mig att jury grupperna kommer ner rösta honom för mycket.
Gissar att folket kommer ge Lundvik, Bishara, Hanna och Liamo och ev Jon-Henrik högst. Men juryn kommer mer gå på Lundvik, Anna, Wiktoria och ev Lisa. Därför jag gissar att Lundvik kommer vinna med mer marginal. Jury och folket kommer ha Lundvik som gemensam favorit som etta eller tvåa. De övriga kommer inte vara lika samstämmiga tror jag.
Nothing in our national final stands out this year. There are already several much better songs lined up for Eurovision and I couldn’t find myself feeling much of anything for any of our competing songs. Everything this year is “mellanmjölk” as we would say in Swedish. Just bland, boring pop that says nothing. Where is the variety?? I was hoping for Jon Henrik at first, but his song this year is the worst out of all his entries. Let’s just send Wiktoria, she’s got the most polished act out of all of them and she also has the best voice… Read more »
Which songs are better?
Seems to me 2019 is a weak year with bland middle of the road entries. Sweden should have no problem reaching top 10 this year.
Lundvik probably is their best shot at another high placeing personally would go for bergendall or fjallgren think Anna might come close but can’t see it winning, and they have buried fjallgren in the opening slot so that’s him doomed lol
Bishara – “On My Own” 🙂
I think John Lundvik could do very well at Eurovision!
Another boring jury pleaser, you are probably right
Well, the song is the most streamed song right now on spotyfy in Sweden. Probably because the Swedish people appichiat the song – and then they will vote for it. Not because they think that the jury will like it. But it’s not my favourite although a think it’s a god song.
4 years in a row they have sent a man artist.
Måns, Frans, Robin and Benjamin
reaction to femminism
You cant judge that way as i said.
And. …
If Sweden want to win they have to send Arvingarna. All other songs will stay in the semifinal 2.
Hard to break it, but none is exactly winner worthy!
That’s it.
Great year with a lot of good songs and i dont know who i prefer. -John ludvik is great song and vocal but something dont let me love this 100 % but still amazing and maybe a winner. -lisa is amazing song and vocal but i dont see this winning. -wiktoria amazing vocal but the song is a little bit not my cup of tea but still amazing and maybe winner. -hannah and liamoo amazing song but it is a little bit screemy and still i think its maybe my favorite. -mohombi has and amazing song thats he kills in… Read more »
I think it’s between John Lundvik annd Wiktoria this time, with the possible upset by Anna Bergendahl. However, next time I’d like to see at least some Swedish language songs fighting it out for the win. It would be something new.
Aren’t the international juries an immediate disadvantage to any Swedish-language song? Which is a shame.
Yes, but sometimes they surprise us. Like UK last year. But yes, the international juries have made it poinless for swedish language songs so far.
Hmm…but how was it with Jon-henriks first attempt? I don’t remember.
What I’d like to see from Sweden in the near future is breaking the mold. A) Of artist – a winner who is either a debutant or one of the really old comeback artists. B) Of genre – a ballad, rock, opera, rap, metal, actually anything other than mainstream pop. C) Of style – go for deep emotion or go all the way into fun and jokey. Stop wanting having it both ways. D) Of language – You know you have songs in Swedish each year! Of course, the best song is what should count the most. This year, I… Read more »
That was alot of wishes. First if all I will never understand why fans always attack Sweden about this matter. They talk about culture and something heartfelt and yadayada.. They seem to forget what kind of history we have. When it comes to mainstream pop music Sweden have played a big part in the music industry. Both with artists and songwriters. That IS a part of our culture. And I think it’s only hardcore fans who really cares. In the end it’s really just about the songs no matter what genre and if it’s a man or a woman. I’m… Read more »
A lot of wishes, sure, but I wasn’t implying all of them should be granted in one year. These are all random ideas of diversity to be considered during the future. Also, I do want to congratulate Sweden for having such a rich and well established pop industry. It is impressive. However, I’d just say you and I probably have different tastes, as I don’t feel like the best song won Melfest since Undo.
BOTH Wiktoria and Lisa Ajax’s coronation are long overdue. Sadly, it has to be one of them who will get to be crowned.
By the way, are Swedes (or even the Nordics) hating on their own language when it comes to songs?
Right? Melfest has a rule of number of Swedish songs, which is so cool to hear, but I wonder if Jon Henrik, Martin, Vlad, Arvingarna, Jan, Arja, Zeena, ect. ever really stood a chance. Even a beautiful song like “En varld full av strider” two years ago was shunned by the jury. 🙁
No swedish song this year deserved top 5 in the final, we had no options to choose from.
We dont, but unlike other countries we don’t want to compete with them. For other countries sending in original language is a way to present themselves. We dont see the need to claim yourself like that
Plus we laugh at countries who go all out ethno. Plus none of the Swedish language songs are that great. Most of them is what Children listen to.
If swedish children listen to songs like Norrsken, then they must have better music taste than adults.
Most of the Swedish songs are either Samir och Viktor, various YouTubers, dansband, novelty acts or an old person singing. None of that is what you send to a contest. And yes, most of them are voted for by Children. But please keep that smartass attitude of yours…
Well some of us from Sweden like etno songs and songs in original lsnguages. Me for example. My favorite 2016 was Italy, 2017 Portugal &Hungary. But I have to agree. Most people from Sweden prefer pop in English and think that’s what we vote for in esc to. Except me. ; )
John Ludvik ? J’adore ! It sourds like a ESC winner ….
Wiktoria and John are their best shots for a top 10 finish. I don’t get the appeal about Anna.
1. Lisa
2. Wiktoria
3. Bishara
Wiktoria or Lisa!!. If Anna win she is going to be eliminated in the semifinals again.
is that a poll? can’t vote here. 2019 is the weakest melo year in this decade(for my taste) – 2018 was poor too but this tops it. i prefer anna bergendahls song but i see no real chance to win that thing. the only other song which is ok is jon hendrik – all other not my taste. bookies favorite john lundvik is another 0815 castingstyle music song – made for the juries but a boring song like this i expect from UK but not from sweden. where is modern pop,rock & metal from sweden? they have so many good… Read more »
Seems today’s Melfest was more fixed towards pop. It might be either the taste of general Swedish public/Melfest viewers + ‘family show’ criteria.
If John Lundvik was a UK entry it would be branded as bland and dull!
well, it is… 😉
Kind of hard to disagree with this, consisting he wrote ‘Bigger Than Us’ which is being rated by many as bland and dull.
But John has the package! That elevates the standard song.
UK sadly hasn’t had the package in decades. They still live on old merits, thinking it’s just a song contest. Thats why bland songs sound bland from UK, they make no effort
John wrote UK! He would be competing against his own song.
John Lundvik wrote the UK entry!
Norrsken ftw!
Copy of Sun is Shining and his worst song of his 3 ever. But still it is pretty good
off post, but Lazarev’s song is probably leaked somewhere, cuz the bookies are getting veeery confident about him right now.
Bookies are mainly the Russian fans. The more a country the loves their entries the more they’re willing to get behind it by placing their bets as support. It’s no rocket science really
Daddy John, preach! Preach to Europe as well..
Though I like Anna Bergendahl too. Malou too. I find all songs enjoyable , which is something I haven’t done since 2016.
1.John Lundvik 2. Lisa Ajax 3.Liamoo/Hanna Ferm 4.Bishara 5.Anna Bergendahl. 6.Arvingarna. Not my personal taste but i feel it will end like this in top 6/12.
Was Wiktoria disqualified in your vision? I can’t imagine her not being in the top 6.
🙂 Her song is bland. all her others was WAYYY better so thats my reason :). a 7th place maybe
Definitely Mohombi! But I also like Jon Herrnrik Fjällgren. The rest of the songs are weak.
My first pick would be Nano. His song has potential but he has to work on his vocals. Lisa or Jon H. would be my second choice. Arvingarna are musically dated but I appreciate the fact that they gave a polished performance. Sadly, based on the comments and poll results, my picks do not stand much chance. Uh well…
I agree, I think many fans underrate Nano’s song because they’re comparing it with his previous effort instead of judging it on its own merits. Maybe it isn’t anything outstanding, but certainly a very solid song.
OK sooo 1 Jon Henrik’s song with Aninia from previous years was his peak, if he hadn’t win with it, then its not fair winning with Norrsken. 2 I was hardcore fan of Lisa’s both songs My heart wants me dead and i dont give a f. But torn is going nowhere, boring.It is like i am torn i am torn bla bla im tearing into piecesss( that pieces shout is disturbing as hell) 3 That fairytales starting with hellos are long way away now Mr Mohombi. Now the loves are starting with ‘ how much money u earn’ and… Read more »
Jon Henrik Fjällgren. It would be nice to finally hear something swedish (and I mean not only the language, but the cultural background as well) and different from Sweden.
Speaking as a Swede, I’d go with Arvingarna. It’s one of very few “Feel good” songs in a ESC year filled with sad/despair or “ARTY” songs, and I would love to see my country represented in swedish lyrics for once (still waiting for that, every year, since 1999)
edit: or Jon-Henrik (But Norway’s KEiiNO already pull off joiking better than J-H’s song)
I find a pity there are only two songs in Swedish, I really like the sound of it. Having said this, I have heard all songs for the first time and the songs which impressed me are by Nano and John. But there are so many great songs and good performers that with Wiktoria, Bishara and Lisa the top 10 is guaranteed too. So whatever Sweden chooses is going to be a good choice. Best wishes from Catalonia!
I really want Lisa to win
I would be happy with Wiktoria, John Lundvik (the best packages), Anna or Lisa (the best songs).
Many great entries! Thank you, Sweden. It’s difficult to choose: John Lundvik, Jon Henrik, Mohombi, Hannah and Liamoo , Wiktoria, Lisa Ajax, Nano.. . You’re going to have a great result once again! Love from Belgium
I know it probably won’t happen but I would love to see Anna win. Her song is my favorite of the selection and the one I keep coming back to. Fingers crossed a miracle will happen and she’ll win 🙂
Sweden should vote for anna just to give her another shot at eurovision and for her amazing song offcourse!
Anna would be eliminated again in the semifinals.
Any of them. They’re all good.
Personally I like John Lundvik’s voice the most, but Anna Bergendahl has the best song and my guilty pleasure is Arvingarna. Also Wiktoria has a very good chance, and the duet is nice. I could go on.
I agree there’s a good majority of songs here that could win. I favour John and Wiktoria for the win too, I think they’d be Top 5 material for May 18th, what do you think?
Possibly, but it depends on what the other big budget countries bring. Also I was disappointed with how Benjamin Ingrosso didn’t score with the televote last year, and I fear that could happen again to Sweden at ESC. Maybe the audience is getting tired of them always being near the top.
Maybe that’s just me, but I just don’t think Benjamin’s song was good enough. Also, I’d like to see Sweden breaking the mold a bit, sending different genres and maybe even something outlandish. They play it too safe, which perhaps has ran it’s course. This is just my opinion, of course. All the best to Sweden this year.
Wiktoria or Anna!! I don’t really want John Lundvik to win but I feel like he probably will… 🙁
Can I just say how much better of a performance Anna gave on Saturday. She elevated it and I loved the colors more 🙂 I think this is between Anna and John Lundvik. Both songs are Eurovision ready and the staging for both as well 🙂
I’d be overjoyed if Jon Henrik or Anna won.
Wiktoria is my favorite this year but I don’t think she’ll win unfortunately.
My top 5:
-Lisa Ajax
-John Lundvik
-Jon Henrik
-Anna Bergendahl
Still no winning song at ESC imo! GL ??
Good Luck?
great choices imo
I want Wiktoria to win. I really wish Sweden tries something different instead of the same male bop they send every year.
That opinion is really weird. So you really think that boys should not compete then at all because you want to ONLY send a woman? I dont agree at all. You have to judge each year ALONE. Not 5 in a row.
I did not say I favour any specific gender ( I myself am male), I just said that I wish they could send something different . I didn’t even say that the gender had to be different, I was referring more to the genre.
It’s true though, except for Sanna Nielsen in 2014 (gratis gratis gratis!!!), Sweden sent male acts in 2015/6/7/8. I am not saying it’s bad. It’s just an observation.
My mind has already made peace with Jon Henrik’s inevitable loss, but my heart keeps hoping anyway T_T
Norrsken is ethereally beautiful, the staging is stunning, Jon Henrik is a delight, and it’s been 19 years since Sweden sent a joik! Plus, have you seen him and KEiiNO’s unabashed support and love for each other? I desperately want them to be able to unite in Tel Aviv!! Sweden please, I’m begging you……. take the risk…….
It was time to send him and Anina in 2016 when they had by far the best song in the competition. This year… not so much.
Ironically, En Värld Full Av Strider was actually my least fav of his entries (though “least fav” of one of my fav artists is very far from an insult!!). I liked a lot more songs in 2017 than I do this year, so our opinions are a bit flipped, but to each their own. 🙂 Norrsken’s sound and especially the lyrics resonate very strongly and meaningfully with me, but I can understand that’s not the case for everyone.
That was an amazing song and so much better than the winking eejit trouser snake on the treadmill.
I was in awe when I watched his performance, Norrsken was my introduction to joik. I loved it. I love KEiiNO too, I was rooting for them.
Ohhh this makes me SO happy to hear ^^ Eurovision has been an introduction for SO many genres and cultures I didn’t know about before! I’m glad you loved it~ Norway 1980 (they showed a clip of it before KEiiNO’s performance) and Sweden 2000 also had joiks, and I ADORE both of those songs! Norway almost sent one in 2017 too (First Step In Faith). I hope you keep listening and enjoying!!
Thank you Kat, I really appreciate that. I have listened to those three songs and enjoyed them. I love Roger Pontare’s voice – new fan!
Lundvik is one of the worst options lol really hope he does not win
Worst? Your taste level is not that high i see.
If bad taste was a crime a majority of wiwibloggs commentators would be criminals haha
Coming from you I will take that as a compliment.
Come on, all of them are talented artists who love what they do, put themselves out there so we enjoy their music, whatever our own preferences are.