They challenged Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a trouser wrestling match before they were even selected for Eurovision. Yet despite calls for them to be blocked from entering the country, Iceland’s Hatari have arrived in Tel Aviv and completed their first rehearsal.
Following their run through, the “Hatrið mun sigra” performers caught up with our William. The discussion covered the typical Eurovision chit chat — staging, symbolism, fire.
But given their previous outspokenness and the latest flare-up in tensions, William had to ask the performance group’s frontmen — Matthíás and Klemens — for their thoughts.
Alluding to the escalation in violence between Israeli forces and Hamas militants, which has resulted in 20 deaths at the time of writing, William asks if this has changed their perception of their trip to Eurovision.
Matthías answers: “Of course, we’re very conflicted about being here in this contest. But I feel as participants we have the power to address the absurdity really of having a contest like this, which is a beautiful thing that is founded in the spirit of unity and peace, but hosting it in a country that’s scarred by conflict and disunity”.
“It’s of course really political and contradictory. And there’s bound to be tension in all the participants”.
Klemens reveals that some members of the group visited Hebron, a Palestinian city south of Jerusalem, on Saturday. “We had Palestinian guides take us around the H2 area, which is in the middle of the old town where there are three Israeli settlements and a military base. And there are these streets that we walked along which are called ‘ghost streets’ or ‘ghost town’ and all the Palestinian businesses have been closed down and the segregation is so clear because Palestinians are not allowed to enter these ghost streets”.
Matthías adds: “So of course, the occupation has many faces. A clear one is definitely the one you mentioned in the south now around Gaza. But you can also see it so obviously on the West Bank and many other places here in this country. The political reality is really conflicting and absurd. And the apartheid was so clear in Hebron”.
However, Klemens hopes that the group can shine a spotlight on the matter through their Eurovision appearance: “We still believe that we can bring this critical conversation or make awareness of the situation here with our message and our gender setting powers. And hopefully, we will make awareness to the world through Eurovision”.
Hatari (Iceland) Interview at Eurovision 2019
And what of their performance? Is their prop a grenade?
“It can also be interpreted as a globe. It’s from our logo, or the logo of our holding company – Relentless Scam Incorporated. It portrays something that constrains you, obviously, like a cage. Something dangerous like a grenade. But it’s also because the state that we address in our song is a global one, so there’s a globe on the stage”.
And on a lighter note, what is the most bizarre question they’ve been asked on the Eurovision promotional tour? — “Do you like donuts”?
Both men confirm that they do indeed like the deep-fried doughy treats. Although Klemens misheard the interviewer and thought she was asking about Donald.
Follow all of our Iceland Eurovision 2019 news.
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Looking at these comments….not just on this article, but all wiwi articles in general…why is it that people who hate on performers always happen to have worse grammar and english skills compared to the people who don’t do that?
Is PabloK an employee of the BDS (BE THE ASS) movement???….. This is a music blog platform dear – not a nauseous propaganda diarrhea
oh hush Frisian esc we all know the main reason you keep giving Hatari a hard time because people see them as actual competition for Duncan
Israelis are masters of communication (they even had a TV show called “The Ambassador”, to find the person that’s the best at bullsh*tting to create a better image for Israel abroad – google it). Every time someone calls out their illegal settlements and their apart heid regime, they immediately shift the conversation to: 1. “Oh, so you support terror ism?!”… which is ridiculous cause OF COURSE no one supports that, not against Israel, not against ANYONE. 2. “We support gay rights”… Sure yeah, cause as everyone knows, gay rights give you the right to occupy foreign land and then moan… Read more »
So according to you, there is absolutely no problems with the immigrants from the middle east and north Africa?
Nice dodging, thank you for perfectly demonstrating my point.
Israel does not need a good image (it already has!!! (Advanced Society, Technology and Economy)). From your comment – one can only learn that Europeans like YOU PABLO K simply need some more Education…..(especially History). Israel does not occupy any land – It just liberated its OWN land from the squatters that occupied it – from the exodus of the local Israelites (forced by the Europeans at the start of AC) – till their return home 70 years ago. Cèst tout!!
Funny how not one single country in the world recognizes that “liberation” (because of a little detail called “international law”). But I guess all 194 countries need history education (preferably taught by some Israeli government agency ;)).
As of December 2018: 163 of the 193 UN member states recognize Israel, Only 30 UN member states do not recognize Israel (From which 22 are Arab states). Learn dear… Learn…
And you learn to read: I was of course not talking about Israel but about the territories illegally occupied through the colonisation policy and the Golan Heights. But again, nice dodging, once again perfectly proving my point.
Proving nothing dear (aka your point). Israel does not need recognition of ANY nation (whatsoever) to it´s Historical and Biblical land – which in fact is instated thousands of years even before the birth of any of the 194 nations you have mentioned (you fool). If you have any issues, complaints or grievances – consult and address to the Bible (not wikipedia) 🙂
Sure, Israel doesn’t need recognition… which is why you copy-pasted the number of countries recognizing Israel (when you mistakenly thought this is what I was talking about). If you supposedly don’t care, why did you bother? Don’t waste time answering, I know the answer. 😉 If all the countries were behaving like yours and randomly claiming foreign territories regardless of international laws, the entire world would constantly be at war. My initial comment was related to communication: every time someone calls out Israel’s illegal settlements and their apart heid regime, they immediately dodge the comment and shift the conversation to… Read more »
You call it “bother” – and I call it “Education”. You see PabloK…, I even gave it to YOU completely FREE!!…. Well mannered people would say now: Thank You! (Now Pablo, it`s time to show us all – how mannered YOU are) 🙂
Ha ha ha ha ha…… The most hilarious (and totally delusional) comments from Hatari…. When the heck they changed their act from music to “Stand Up Comedy”?? Ha ha ha ha ha …… R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S (!!) is still an understatement 🙂 Ha ha ha ha
About 3 months ago – glad you’ve finally got it!
….since some years ago, satire has always been a key ingredient of the award-winning anti-capitalist bdsm performance art electro-industrial EBM dadaist synthpunk ice-pop unicorns of doom in black leather Hatari…
Great interview, they are brilliant, …Duncan Donalds..
They’re not only aesthetically insulting but pushing their political agenda blatantly. They should be kicked out or even better flop.
No votes to iceland from israel…miserable people looking for attention on the back of the host country, shame
Found the racist.
Frisian esc, stop talking to a wall. History will repeat itself, because people never learn, not even from what happened on their own continent. This is Europe where half of it killed capitalism, and now is a mess for European Union to solve. People never learn. I’m romanian and I think freedom is still better than being a slave for a central government ruling your life (including s e x life, even hetero). You have no idea.
Do you think the postcards that will be shown in the live finals will show a fair and balanced view of Israel?
@Frisian esc
Don’t bother. I’m romanian, and at this point I think “history repeating” is inevitable. It will come again the system that my country fought so much against. It’s so painful to me, but maybe this is how history works, it repeats itself.
And this is the point of Hatari’s song, I really wish you could see that they are trying to avoid history repeating itself.
And how is that so? By drilling israel into the ground?
Reading some of the comments in this thread makes me want Iceland to win even more. I can’t think of anything more important than sending a message about what kind of human society most people want to live in.
You mean a communistic islamic one? Yes i hope , iceland wins. Then i can post my political messages all year trough just like they did. + It would probably break netta’s record of most disliked eurovision video on youtube. Remember all publicity is good publicity when you are a eurofan 😉
H a t a r i were fun for awhile, but it gets too serious. They will lose votes from now on.
You should know better. expect hordes of care-bears screaming “Islamophobia” at you In 3… 2… 1…
You know, the usual way of shutting criticism against the barbarity of Islam.
and also:
Hagrid Mun Sigra, mon ami
That sounds like an excellent idea, this thread would have been a lot better without the negativity you have been spreading. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought is important to me, but every time someone tries to say something which is trying to find a solution, it is shut down, so yes, it would be good to have people trying to work towards something better rather than continuing this crazy hatred which will get everyone nowhere.
Hatari: “wE HaVe tHe pOwEr tO AdDrEsS ThE AbSuRdItY Of hAvInG EuRoViSiOn iN A CoUnTrY ThAt’s sCaRrEd bY CoNfLiCt aNd dIsUnItY”
With all due respect, this interview and post is completely unnecessary and against the spirit of the contest. If Hatari was so against the contest being hosted in Israel, they should have never taken part in their national selection.
learn what apartheid is….no education in iceland???
If you read the article, you’d see that this is exactly what they’re addressing: “We’re very conflicted about being here in this contest. But I feel as participants we have the power to address the absurdity really of having a contest like this”
Of course, you didn’t read the article, you just read “Hatari” and you jumped to the comment section to attack them.
I whould love to see Iceland win the ESC, but not whit this …song. iceland are my favorit land, and love al theres song since – 86.
I disagree with H a t a r i completely. Capitalism is not a bad thing, and if you want to protest against huge multinational companies, and support local businesses, this is still capitalism and it’s fine.
And about Israel, leave it alone, because you will not find your beloved s e x shops in West B.
As someone who lives in a country where people frequently DIE because they can’t afford meds like insulin due to the fact that the price of insulin has WAY MORE than doubled in the past 10 years, I feel the need to say that capitalism is like literally your worst enemy if you don’t have perfect health.
Health is one issue that must be addressed, but killing capitalism altogether means killing freedom. You become a slave to the government that can decide to give you nothing, not even a soda that tastes like u r i n e.
Have you like…paid attention to what they’ve been saying even a little? They’re against capitalism, but have repeatedly admitted how hard it is to live in today’s society without participating in it at least a little bit. They even sell merchandise to get funds because they know the price of what they are trying to do is expensive, for Christ’s sake. Also, from the very beginning this band hasn’t been 100% literal on what they say. I’m pretty sure Hatari would happily settle with just having the biggest issues involving capitalism get put to attention, such as the fact that… Read more »
“You can’t kill capitalism, but it’s still a beast”
Sorry, I don’t want to talk about politics here, but beware. Capitalism can be killed completely. I’m not talking about North K., but about my country Romania. For 50 years, until 1989, capitalism really was killed totally, completely. Please don’t tell me is no danger, it is a slippery slope and just needs a second.
This is probably the interview of the year.
This criticism on Israel by Hatari is so cliché, predictable and in many aspects unfair, please focus on the song and performance (which is great)
in 5 years western Europe falls completely to Islam. mark my words
Sure yeah. I would even say Europe will “fall to Islam” in 2 weeks, and also Germany will be renamed Wurstland and Santa Claus will become Prime Minister of Finland.
You’re daring to mock my comment? Look at London, Malmo, Paris and Berlin. Look how Sharia laws are slowly creeping in into the European Law Look how the most common name for a baby boy both in the UK and Germany is “Mohammad”! Even Macron said “Political Islam is seeking succession in France”! How are you going to stop it when you make the victims oppressors and the oppressors victims? How are you going to stop it when millions of Muslim immigrants are flooding your continent and slowly change Europe to the Middle East?! How are you going to stop… Read more »
Yes, I “dare to mock you”, cause you’re a laughing stock. 😉
“Open your eye and grow up!”, such a creative catchphrase to end a meaningless post. I’ll try to say that when I leave my business meetings, next time I don’t agree with my boss. xD
You should read academic work by Alberto Alesina from Harvard about perception bias.
you should the newspapers dear.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing much more lately about terrorist attacks done by far-right white supremacists that kill both muslims AND jews than i’ve been hearing about muslims attacking westerners.
then you should read more news. for every white supremacist terrorist you name, I can name 20 Muslim terrorists.
“Islamophobia”, “white supremacy”, “racism” are all excuses made by the far left and the Muslim community to distract criticism on islam and Muslim terrorism.
number of people died in the hands of white supremacy is not even 1% of the number of people killed in the name of islam in the last 10 years.
it’s like saying “ive been hearing more about flue killing people lately than abola, then abola is not so bad as you think”
Instead of reading yellow press, you should read scientific research
I read newspapers, and I am doing research on the topic. Be careful who you argie with, because I am a world recognized authority on the topic.
“Valid concerns”, you mean like those raised by Hatari? 😉 This is my last comment cause I’ve already wasted too much time on you, but dude, what the hell are you talking about? “When someone raises valid concerns, everyone goes automatic”… I think it’s pretty visible to everyone (including you) that I never said that, and in case you’re not sure my comments are right here above for you to read again and again. Also, millions of people live and/or have visited London, Berlin, Paris and Malmö (I myself used to live in 2 of these), millions of people know… Read more »
Or worse yet– Capitalism.
Lol don’t bother, If hamas would do a terrorist attack during the eurovision show im sure the eurocommunity would still find a way to blame israel. In amsterdam , once the gay capital of the world, it’s unsafe to walk hand in hand at nighttime nowadays because gay people get all their teeth knocked out by certain people. Luckily for me i don’t live in one the larger urban areas.
Thanks you for providing a little common sense. As an Israeli, I stand with you. we are all victims of Islamic extremism.
The Netherlands and Israel can be good friends with technological, medical and economical cooperation. It’s a shame the politically correctness that infected Europe like a plague prevents us from accomplishing it.
Hagrid Mun Sigra mon ami
lol… There’s no common sense at all in his comment (inventing fake news is not “common sense”). You’re just happy he goes in your direction.
Ridiculous… I’m gay and live in downtown Amsterdam (and apparently you don’t), there’s no such thing as “people getting their teeth knocked out”. And even if that happened, that doesn’t give the right to any other country to occupy foreign land (like, please, explain the correlation between criminality in Amsterdam and a 60 year old conflict in the Middle East?). Stop spreading bs just to legitimize your political views.
Why don’t you repeat the Israeli motto: “It’s about love and music, let’s forget about all the rest”. Apply it to yourself too, please.
They can really be the winners. This gives me hard Lordi vibes.
The closer we get to the contest, the more I can see Iceland get their first win (they’re currently #6 with the bookies). They make me think of Lordi in the sense that they don’t “fit” (they’re the most standout-ish entry this year), and of Loreen who was the only contestant to meet up with human rights associations in Azerbaijan in 2012 (literally the only one who had the balls to put her head out of the sand and address the situation). And I LOVE the fact that they come with a BDSM, dark rock entry to a contest that’s… Read more »
They won’t win. The televotes might like this (just because they have a big fan base, not the general public), but there’s no way the juries will like it so much for it to win. I can see them being 5-6 max at the juries
they can totally win, trust me.
Who is the blond guy and who is the one with brown hair? I always mix up Matthias and Klemens (and before you make jokes: I know that William is in the middle :P).
Matthias has the brown hair/is the screaming man, and Klemens is the blonde guy who has the falsetto-ish part
Thank you! Now I can finally make compliments about Matthias’ beauty XD
stfu and mind your own business…dont talk about things you know nothing about…pigs
Gilli, how many times are you going to comment and be bitter on Hatari posts? The massive amount of dislikes you get clearly shows that nobody ever agrees with you.
In all their interviews, they alternate between trolling for meaningless questions, and giving rather daring responses to meaningful questions. They make the regular cheesy answers look very silly. A great addition to the contest, they are.
I stand with Israel having the right to host after winning!
such a good interview with a MESSAGE!
For those who haven’t read my opinion on this matter before, here it is again: Eurovision is political. Why? Because it involves nations being represented. For example, “Roi” v. “Wake up” is not political, but France v. Belgium is political. That is the distinction. The ESC rule 2.6 is therefore a glaring contradiction in written terms. Island’s band are, clearly, not following rule 2.6, but neither is the contest as a whole. I just watched the meet & greet with the band, and in that interview is possibly my favourite ever press moment, when Mattías said: “BDSM is of course… Read more »
The rule is important, even here where it is treaded as a fine line.
H a t a r i circumvent the rule through subtlety, indirection, and metaphor, which is also ironic because their techno BDSM is loud and provocative. That is the beauty of art in the place of politics, and the power of music and performance to communicate something more sensitively than the bluntness of political tract.
They are so contradictious! Anti capitalism but using the capitalism for their conveniences, and now against Israel but they still come in Israel to compete in a song contest………#bipolarity
This is literally what they talk about in this interview, did you even read it? ““Of course, we’re very conflicted about being here in this contest. But I feel as participants we have the power to address the absurdity really of having a contest like this, which is a beautiful thing that is founded in the spirit of unity and peace, but hosting it in a country that’s scarred by conflict and disunity”. They’re trolling, and this is delightful to watch. Just the fact that they come with a BDSM, hard rock act to a contest that’s known for mediocre,… Read more »
Everyday is an opportunity. to learn about this conflict and to have his own opinion, nobody ignores the situation in Israel but no need to wait for Esc for this no need Hatari for this. Don’t mix Esc with the politic it has no sense.
Esc is one week a year don’t pollute it with statements like that.
Eurovision Rule 2.6: Non-political event
The ESC is a non-political event. All Participating Broadcasters, including the Host Broadcaster, shall ensure that all necessary steps are undertaken within in their respective Delegations and teams in order to make sure that the ESC shall in no case be politicized and/or instrumentalized.
Okaaaaay but the EBU has been ignoring various rules for years now.
Netta’s song last year technically broke rules because it referenced multiple trademarked brands and mascots
I would have liked that line to be changed, but that rule involves promoting brands. The intention there matters, and it’s clear Netta wasn’t trying to give more business to toy companies with her song. What Hatari did is a much clearer violation, and it concerns me to see so many fans defending them here.
OF COURSE the world was waiting for HATARI to know the situation in Israel LOL but who are they thinking they are ?
Moreover JON OLA SAND has said and warned no political messages no polotical recoveries and controversies in ESC , you seriously do this to be highlighted but it’s a bad way, as much as you are “maybe” sympathetic be careful guys……
Are we now saying that promoting love and peace is political? Oh, what’s that I hear…the sound of Leonora getting arrested?
go to sleep kosey, these pigs have nothing in common with peace and love
What a thought-provoking interview from a thought-provoking act. Eurovision is a song contest, first and foremost, and long may that continue. But it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Music is all about human emotion and so inevitably it has to reflect the many emotions that we as humans experience. Eurovision has a long tradition of celebrating love and peace and for me, Hatari’s message fits snugly into that ethos. The question remains how can we promote love and peace in a place where both are in short supply? There is a contradiction there and all they are doing is pointing… Read more »
Thanks for this comment. I completely agree.
I think they are using this for extra attention and maybe gain the political vote against Israel from European viewers but i totally see their point and it’s sad what is happening in Israel. All in all, they are not wrong but they are wrong for using this on Eurovision stage for their profit.
I don’t think it’s about getting more votes per se. They are using the Eurovision stage to spread a message they believe in and what their song conveys. That’s probably the only sensible goal a Eurovision stage can be used for.
Wow. Thank you for the article. Also thanks to William for the interview. I look forward to the discussions about the contest and its place in international politics.
They are legends!
Thank you Iceland for this wonderful entry and thank you William for your amazing interview!