Eurovision 2019 has now come and gone, but our Spotify playlist remains online for your aural pleasure. And in our latest weekly update, the Netherlands’ Duncan Laurence has achieved the most weekly streams for the very first time. He may not have won the televote, but that hasn’t stopped him from winning on this streaming service.

With the contest over, the streaming figures on Spotify give us an impression of what fans have on replay…and which songs will stand the test of time (or at least the summer).

Eurovision 2019 Spotify weekly streaming charts (19 May)

# +/- Country Streams # +/- Country Streams
1 +1 +2.087.143 The Netherlands 3.718.666 22 -2 +222.822 Germany 325.068
2 -1 +522.574 Italy 2.384.510 23 +8 +229.089 San Marino 298.050
3 = +702.699 Sweden 1.386.343 24 -1 +198.612 Portugal 289.781
4 = +889.515 Switzerland 1.249.002 25 = +184.687 Ireland 268.001
5 +1 +676.765 Norway 981.139 26 -4 +171.595 Armenia 265.932
6 +2 +561.441 Cyprus 836.655 27 -1 +169.038 Hungary 249.657
7 -2 +430.583 Spain 762.456 28 -1 +167.980 Lithuania 247.146
8 +1 +524.601 Malta 719.996 29 = +165.755 Romania 239.566
9 -2 +388.458 France 682.969 30 -2 +152.241 Finland 230.456
10 +8 +435.212 Australia 541.295 31 +2 +162.962 Latvia 226.521
11 = +388.713 Azerbaijan 528.988 32 +4 +164.881 North Macedonia 225.425
12 +7 +421.361 Czech Republic 524.901 33 -3 +152.676 Poland 222.867
13 +2 +394.209 Iceland 522.135 34 -2 +144.883 Israel 210.717
14 -4 +357.674 Estonia 500.593 35 = +138.325 Albania 200.039
15 -2 +303.832 Belgium 438.123 36 -2 +132.109 Serbia 194.170
16 -4 +287.875 Greece 427.938 37 = +135.409 Croatia 191.012
17 +7 +335.792 Slovenia 423.622 38 = +106.959 Austria 159.690
18 -2 +294.637 Russia 421.149 39 +1 +107.486 Moldova 158.393
19 -5 +273.605 United Kingdom 404.445 40 +1 +101.034 Montenegro 150.034
20 +1 +298.034 Belarus 394.891 41 -1 +90.697 Georgia 142.042
21 -4 +253.525 Denmark 360.856


With this week’s update, we’re also providing numbers regarding the change in streams compared to last week’s figure. Thus, you get a more detailed view of what’s changed.

As of Sunday 19 May, the Netherlands’ Duncan Laurence is now ahead of Italy’s Mahmood. Despite Mahmood still being far ahead in terms of overall streams, Duncan Laurence’s song “Arcade” logs up one of the biggest streaming weeks for any 2019 Eurovision song. Furthermore, Norway’s KEiiNO, Cyprus’ Tamta, Malta’s Michela go up within the top ten while Australia’s Kate Miller-Heidke is back in the top ten of the chart.

Considerable gains this week also come from the Czech Republic, Slovenia, San Marino and North Macedonia. Unfortunately, Georgia’s Oto Nemsadze is back in last position.

Eurovision 2019 Spotify total streaming charts (19 May)

# +/- Country Streams # +/- Country Streams
1  = Italy 51.471.781 21 +1 Slovenia 1.250.827
2 = Sweden 16.967.725 22 +2 Azerbaijan 1.143.353
3 = The Netherlands 16.889.954 23 -3 Finland 1.101.370
4 = France 9.667.223 24 -3 Hungary 1.097.491
5 = Spain 8.308.776 25 +7 Belarus 829.490
6 = Norway 6.099.974 26 -1 Romania 825.746
7 = Switzerland 4.075.898 27 -1 Armenia 818.046
8 = Cyprus 3.200.475 28 = San Marino 816.386
9 = Estonia 2.260.185 29 -2 Latvia 747.454
10 +2 Iceland 1.976.957 30 -1 Poland 719.853
11 -1 Denmark 1.860.318 31 -1 Albania 667.411
12 -1 Portugal 1.753.444 32 -1 Croatia 641.455
13 +1 Australia 1.633.120 33 -1 North Macedonia 641.422
14 -1 Belgium 1.549.396 34 +3 Ireland 625.813
15 = Greece 1.512.098 35 +1 Israel 585.640
16 = Czech Republic 1.492.649 36 -1 Austria 554.621
17 +6 Malta 1.458.954 37 -3 Moldova 554.290
18 -1 Russia 1.373.237 38 +1 Lithuania 530.598
19 = United Kingdom 1.316.132 39 -1 Serbia 508.728
20 -2 Germany 1.276.864 40 = Montenegro 353.864
41 = Georgia 265.430


The table above shows the current number of streams for each song as of Sunday 19 May. Notably, a few earlier versions were replaced with Eurovision edits and thus we’re combining the total count with the earlier streams counted so far.

Italy remains in the lead — and by some distance. Also, they’re the first country to hit the mark of 50 million streams this year. Rounding out the top five are Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Spain. In addition, Norway, Switzerland, Cyprus, Estonia and Iceland also land in the top ten most streamed countries.

Further down the list, Malta’s Michela, Belarus’ ZENA and Ireland’s Sarah McTernan also climb up the ladder. In addition to that, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, Israel and Lithuania all increase this week as well. Serbia, Montenegro and Georgia round out the bottom three.

What do you think about the current Spotify stats? Do the latest numbers indicate chart success for Duncan Laurence? Let us know in our comments below!

Eurovision 2019 Spotify playlist

Follow all of our Eurovision 2019 news here.

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Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

well no surprises there, people rushed to listen to the act that was by far the bookies’ favorite

Brexit Queen Young and Sweet Only 17
Brexit Queen Young and Sweet Only 17
5 years ago

Fake piano and a cheap Ikea lamp won the competition. He sat and spun.

5 years ago

I agree with you, very bad voice and performance, he just repeat few sentences and thats it. I like balads but this is song for funerals

Freckled guy
Freckled guy
5 years ago
Reply to  Keino

Stop complaining, get over it
If you don’t like the song, don’t listen to it. There are plenty people who will! And not only at funerals.

“Fake piano and a cheap Ikea lamp won the competition.” No, you silly little girl –> a good SONG won the competition

5 years ago
Reply to  Freckled guy

Haha you are kiding? He win only because of naked butt

5 years ago

If you re asking why
1. Serhat did great with televote, the answer is..because he is great.
2. Denmark did well…because is non patronizing peace song.
3. North Macedonia…because all women can relate to this song “All the rules are made or you to lose”. Hello, all women have heard 100000 times that is more elegant, gracious, and feminine, to not say anything.

5 years ago
Reply to  cfr44tg

Macedonia and Sweden are real winner of ESC, and Serhat win our hearts

5 years ago

It’s normal that the week before the the final the big favourite is the most streamed on Spotify but I’m sure Mahmood will take the lead again soon, Soldi will be in a very few time an international success.. now Soldi is for example first position on iTunes in Austria Greece Cyprus Malta, second in Israel, 3 Luxembourg, 4 germany and Romania, high in Spotify and Apple music in many countries… and also the other amazing songs of mahmood will have an international success because he’s a complete and wonderful artist, one of the most interesting in the musical scene

5 years ago

I can’t say in words how much I love Serhat and Say Na NA Na. “All your dreams will go away, no matter what you do”. Please San Marino, send Serhat and Valentina. The boring jury will not care, but it will be a feast for fans.

5 years ago
Reply to  cfr44tg

If you don’t like Serhat and Valentina, please go to Dignitas. Is the decent thing to do.

5 years ago

Listen Jamie Woon Night Air and you will se how Netherland song is not orginal at all just bad copy

5 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Hm… both songs are low tempo, male singer with some beats. But I don’t really know what to listen for. The lyrics are not that similar, nor the melody. What makes you say it’s a copy?

5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

I am not the only one who tell that, lyrics not the same but melody is copied

5 years ago
Reply to  Ian

It’s not a copy, stop with your hate campaign, It will not help you… Such a bad loser.

Freckled guy
Freckled guy
5 years ago
Reply to  Ian

yes you are

5 years ago
Reply to  Freckled guy

Thats not true many people dont like this song, we vote for Norway not for this s***

5 years ago

Actually Sweden and Switzerland picked up more streams
than Norway. That is interesting since Norway won the public vote.

David F
David F
5 years ago

Together from January to mid May, the Grand Final can sometimes feel bittersweet because it’s the awesome culmination of our celebration but also the end of it all. No wonder we all know what PED is.

Sending virtual hugs and love to all of us here, always such a friendly and funny group of devoted Eurovision fans 🙂

5 years ago
Hi guys if you could spare a few moments and take a look at this petition, as I want the UK to step up their game for next year, and pick perfectly, that would be much appreciated thank you so much.

5 years ago

I demand Carice van Houten to be the host!

David F
David F
5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

For this Semi Final is dark and full of terrors.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Post Eurovision Depression is dark and full of terrors.
comment image

David F
David F
5 years ago
Reply to  cfr44tg

Together from January to mid May, the Grand Final can sometimes feel bittersweet because it’s the awesome culmination of our celebration but also the end of it all. No wonder we all know what PED is.

Sending virtual hugs and love to all of us here, always such a friendly and funny group of devoted Eurovision fans.

5 years ago
Reply to  David F

comment image

5 years ago

Huge Post Eurovision Depression. I love the class of 2019 the most. But I was shocked how illuminati Nana Banana and Madonna were. Even the stage that they wanted so much to show in wide shots. Can we go back to round stages?
Their desire to show the stage was not just pride “look how beautiful”, it was religious propaganda.

5 years ago

Ya know…since The Netherlands won…do you guys think Luxembourg could come back? Like how Austria came back cause Germany won.

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

That would be amazing, I would also like Slovakia to come back finally, we (Czech Republic) showed them that it’s not impossible to get to the final.. please come back our brothers 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  filipko54

I’d love to see them back, also Luxembourg.

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

I would love to see Luxembourg back, maybe they will. Hopefully Netherlands success can spur them on. Maybe even San Marino’s (surprising) success will spur more micro states like Luxembourg, Andorra, Monaco etc to come back too.

David F
David F
5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

I agree with all these comments! It would be great to see more countries come back and join the celebration. The EBU could encourage them by offering to increase the SF qualifiers to 11, with a GF of 28.

5 years ago
Reply to  David F

I think that most of countries will dont go to ESC next year after this voting, because this voting is good only for North countries. Croatia will not go for sure, Albania also and I hope Germany will not go after this shame. This is only party for north countries, it is impossible to little poor country like Macedonia win. Jury can vote for this country, but people vote for favourites and blogs make favourites ( they didnt talk about Macedonia or Albania singer at all before final). We read only abot Mahmood, Duncan, Mahmood ,Duncan and little about Bilal.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Italy (the runner up) is south of both Croatia and Germany. Consult a map, for crying out loud.

Michela - Chameleon
Michela - Chameleon
5 years ago

Hey guys! Don’t forget to stream Chameleon on Spotify and Youtube! Thank you in advance!

lexical chunks
lexical chunks
5 years ago

I don’t even know who my mister eurovision is this year

5 years ago

Who else is DYING for a KEiiNO/Alan Walker collaboration? Norwegian greatness! Since Alexandra has toured with Alan, and he has collaborated with Sami singers recently I think it’s destiny! Hope everyone is doing great and not struggling too much with PED (post eurovision depression) Sending love to all, see you next year!

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonono

Struggling if I’m honest 😀 maybe the EBU needs a superfinal between the top 5.
Or a best losers round between the NQs ….I need something Eurovision related to watch. Get just Assi to host it and I’ll be fine.

David F
David F
5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Eurovision: All Stars

5 years ago

Love these Spotify update posts. Florian – you’re the best.
Sad to see Australia 13th still, after all this hype. Kate Miller-Heidke is amazing and deserves the recognition.

5 years ago

These posts REALLY help me get over my PED. Just 350 more days then 🙂

5 years ago

In other news, I have serious post-Eurovision depression. I actually think I will miss Assi Azar the most. He brightened up my tv with his infectious smile and attitude for those 3 glorious evenings.
It’s like there isn’t even anything on tv now worth watching haha!

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I feel you, I have a lot of exams now so for me it’s double depression 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  filipko54

Aw no! Student life plus PED. I feel your pain. Best of luck in your exams

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

thank you! 🙂

5 years ago

My most streamed artist are::
Mahmood (spotify)
Chingiz (youtube, most of his stuff is not in spotify)
Tamta (here and there, but I do like her music in general)
Keiino (I’m working on a Sami inspired monster, it helps the rhythm)