Things can be tough in lockdown, but North Macedonia’s Kaliopi has created an online contest that rewards creativity during the current quarantine. Kaliopi — who represented her country at Eurovision 2012 and 2016 — has launched the Kaliopi Fan Art competition, with prizes including spending a post-lockdown weekend in North Macedonia with the diva herself.
As a star in North Macedonia and beyond, Kaliopi is addressing the current isolation by making her fans’ homestay more fun and creative. Over the past two weeks, Kaliopi has been singing live to her fans that regularly tune into her on social media.
Posted by Kaliopi on Sunday, April 12, 2020
Kaliopi Fan Art competition
Based on the positive feedback from her online shows, Kaliopi has launched a competition for her followers around the world – Kaliopi Fan Art. Fans have the opportunity to create art in the categories of singing, playing an instrument, dancing and drawing — all connected with songs from the Kaliopi Karaoke YouTube playlist. With a successful career spanning decades, that’s a lot of hits, y’all!
The prizes vary by category and include online singing lessons with Kaliopi (vocal category), playing a musical instrument at a Kaliopi concert (music instrument category), appearing in the next Kaliopi music video (dance category) and designing the cover art for Kaliopi’s next single (drawing category). The main prize of the competition is spending a post-lockdown weekend in North Macedonia, where the lucky winner will be able to hang out with Kaliopi herself.
Speaking about her contest, Kaliopi said:
“In the past few weeks, I have introduced people virtually into my home to share my colourful world of music and emotions. I wanted for just a moment to get away from the day-to-day events that are surrounding us at this moment and of course overcome the fear and mistrust with a song. And then I realized how many possibilities and creativity are hidden in each of you. So that’s why I decided, with the help of my team, to create a place where each of you will realize your creative moments and will be closer while being apart from each other, by the motto #stayhome. Can’t wait for your reactions! WELCOME TO – KALIOPI FAN ART, I love you…… Kaliopi”
The competition will run during the month of April and it allows multiple entries.
See Kaliopi’s social media for more details of the contest: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Kalipoi will share all participating creations on her Instagram Stories. The semi-finalists will be posted on Kaliopi’s social media profiles. So get creating!
Kaliopi is such a warm, kind-hearted person with an incredible voice. Definitely of the biggest talents to grace the Eurovision stage. My dog, who happens to be black and white (or crno i belo), is also low-key named after her.
Müsste ich eine Top-Liste der ESC-Beiträge der letzten 10 Jahre machen, würde ich “Crno i belo” auf die 1 setzen. Was habe ich dieses Lied geliebt (und tu es heute noch). Tolle Stimme bei diesem Heimkonzert. Einfach eine Legende, diese Dame.
Sorry, for this German comment lol. My bad.
English: If I had to make a top list of all songs of the last decade then “Crno i belo” would be my number one. I really loved this (and still do). Great voice at this home concert. This woman is just a legend!