Pabandom is Naujo 2021 Heat One Acts

Lithuania will begin the search for its Eurovision 2021 act on Saturday. Ten acts will compete in the first heat, which has already been pre-recorded. But what five should progress to the semi-final?

Pabandom Is Naujo! 2021 — Heat One

Lithuania is unique in that songs are released at the discretion of the competing acts and their teams. This means that we often don’t hear entries until the early rounds of the show air on television. This is the case for much of the Heat One line-up.

At the time of writing, only four entries have been released publicly:

  • Voldemars Petersons “I Never Fall for You Again”
  • Donata Virbilaitė “The Way I Am”
  • Twosome “I Love My Bear”
  • Aldegunda “Sit Down”


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Therefore, our poll is asking you which act you are most excited for and not who should win — because, of course, that’s impossible to say without hearing the songs. Use your best judgement and pick your favourites from the options below. Check out our Heat One preview if you want to know more about each of the ten entries before casting your ballot.

You can vote for as many acts as you want, but you can only vote once. So, if you’re waiting for more songs to drop, it might be best to wait until later in the week before you make your final choice. Results will be published on Saturday morning, ahead of the show later in the evening.

Running Order

  1. Black Spikes & Indrė Launikonytė “Don’t Tell Me”
  2. Thomukas “Wish”
  3. Be U “Love Yourself”
  4. Voldemars Petersons “I Never Fall for You Again”
  5. Martyna Jezepčikaitė “Thank You Very Much”
  6. Donata Virbilaitė “The Way I Am”
  7. Twosome “I Love My Bear”
  8. Milita Daikerytė “Shadows”
  9. Aldegunda “Sit Down”
  10. Titas & Benas “No”

Poll: Who are you most excited for in Heat One of Pabandom Is Naujo! 2021?

[crowdsignal poll=10713080]

Who you think will qualify? And which song are you most excited to hear on Saturday? Let us know in the comments below.

Follow all of our Lithuania Eurovision 2021 news.

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Sergod Legendzarev
Sergod Legendzarev
4 years ago

Lithuanian selection will be the weakest of them all this year.

4 years ago

None to be honest. I’ll rather wait for the final.

Jayy R
Jayy R
4 years ago

Been listening to “I Never Fall For You Again” more than I was expecting recently. I definitely find it one of the catchier ones, might not do well at Rotterdam unfortunately but I’d love to see it go far in the national selection!