Ben And Tan Denmark Eurovision 2020 Yes

They initially said that they wouldn’t compete in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021. But now it seems Ben & Tan actually changed their minds and said yes to the chance to compete once more. The broadcaster DR, however, said no.

Ben & Tan’s entry rejected for Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021

Eurosong DK reports that the “Say Yes” duo submitted “Iron Heart” to Denmark’s national final, writing that their record label The Arrangement confirmed the story. The track is written by Jimmy Jansson, Marcus Winther-John and Emil Lei. But it didn’t make the cut with DMGP producers.  The article also says the song was sent to Sweden too, where it was also passed over.

The Danish decision has already raised more than a few eyebrows. Since the news broke, some fans have taken to social media to call for Ben & Tan to be added to the contest as a wildcard act. There’s more than enough room to squeeze them in, given that the 2021 DMGP final will have two fewer songs than normal. The inclusion of Ben & Tan would also fall in line with what’s happened in the likes of Sweden and Finland, where the 2020 artists returned to compete in the 2021 selections.

Such social media campaigns are unlikely to make much of a difference. But fans will still be able to hear the rejected entry. Ben & Tan will release “Iron Heart” on 5 March, the day before the Danish final is set to take place. A snippet is already available online.

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2021

Denmark won’t get to vote for Ben & Tan next month. However, they will have eight other songs to choose from:

  • Chief 1 & Thomas Buttenschøn “Højt over skyerne”
  • Claudia Campagnol “Abracadabra”
  • Emma Nicoline “Står lige her”
  • Fyr & Flamme “Øve os på hinanden”
  • Jean Michel “Beautiful”
  • Mike Tramp “Everything Is Alright”
  • Nanna Olivia “Hvileløse hjerter”
  • The Cosmic Twins “Silver Bullet”

What do you think of “Iron Heart”? Would it have made a good addition to DMGP 2021? Let us know below.

Follow all of our Denmark Eurovision 2021 news.

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4 years ago

Wait a sec guys! It was April 3 that wiwiblogs announced that B&T wouldn’t be competing in DMGP. Jonathan (wiwi journalist) quotes Tanne speaking to Danske Radio that “they would rather leave on a high.” We all can imagine how long it takes to organize a national selection already, connect artists with songwriters etc, but then add to the issue of the pandemic. DMPG already cut down the line up to 8. I really believe that this shouldn’t raise any eyebrows as Padraig mentions. And I think maybe we should be celebrating the entries for this years contest, despite some… Read more »

4 years ago

Why are all the scandi countries turning evil this year?

4 years ago
Reply to  Bamborough

It’s not evil. It’s just that their national finals are arguably the most established in the continent’s, bar Italy’s. Cancelling an edition would be borderline sacrilegious, especially when for a show like MelFest, it’s an institution even beyond it’s main purpose of finding an ESC act, it’s a show for the nation and one of the biggest annual events in Sweden.

That said unless Iron Heart is an absolute dud Ben and Tanne should’ve been allowed to at least make the lineup.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bamborough

At least Finland, Sweden let the last year winner participate, and Estonia and Lithuania. But what Denmark did is kind of a shame…

4 years ago

Say No i-

Rebekka DL Jensen
Rebekka DL Jensen
4 years ago

As a Dane, I’m upset by this. It’s just plain stupid. DR, you can do better!

4 years ago

I kinda find it unfair that they didn’t get invited back to DMGP while Uku Suviste, Aksel, The Roop, and The Mamas were able to at least get to earn those victories back and Denmark is sitting here, having the most appalling NF in 2021.

Last edited 4 years ago by Pancake
4 years ago

‘Iron Heart’ is far better than all the other MGP songs, and that’s judged only by the 40-seconds long snippet. I’m not saying the song is great, it’s not ‘Say Yes’ but still, they deserve to compete in the show.

4 years ago

I hated BandT last year. Like they were near last in my ranking. I loathe generic indie girl boy cute crap.

But its malicious NOT to offer them a spot. How mean Denmark.

Ben & Tan stand
Ben & Tan stand
4 years ago

I am a bit confused, how in the weakest DMGP ever they don’t have a place for Ben & Tan that only from the snippet sound better from all the songs in the competition?

4 years ago

What I would be curious to know is when B&T, via their representation, submitted their song. Was it before all the logistics for DMGP was organized?

4 years ago

The snippet sounds better than any other songs in the Dannish selection this year. Clearly, they don’t wanna pass the semifinal, as all their songs are weak. They could have got a chance with Ben & Tan, but since they let them out..

4 years ago

I’m not a B+T fan, musically-speaking, but why? They’ve already won one selection, you have fewer songs this year and basically everyone thinks your selection is really bad. How does it hurt to include them?
This seems outright malicious on DR’s part.

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
4 years ago

It’s truly surprising how inconsiderate DR is about the duo.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago

When the song is better than literally all of the selected songs

Last edited 4 years ago by Ashton Schier
4 years ago

Their song is better than most of the song that compete lels

4 years ago

No matter if you like or dislike the song, it would have not hurt DR to include this song. I dont think it would be good at Eurovision, but they just deserve to be in this years DMGP.

4 years ago

This really makes me angry. How did this song not manage to get passed the selection process? Surely with everything that happened last year, DR should at least make an exception (I remember seeing an article here about Ben and Tan not wanting 2 compete in DMGP 2021, but that was in early April last year, and people can indeed change their minds). Imma just say that I will totally download their song when it’s released as the snippet sounds promising. Far better sounding than the 8 songs in DMGP.

4 years ago

this is ridiculous, they should have invited them back just like Finland did with Aksel and NRK offered to do with Ulrikke. Even Sweden got Mamas in Melodi this year.

Funny how some bitter eurofans attached RIK (Cyprus) for not inviting Sandro back (even though his song was weak and he is completely unknown in Cyprus) but didn’t attach DR for ignoring Ben & Tan whose 2020 entry was a hit.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
4 years ago

dr has NO excuse, they have eight songs instead of ten as per usual this year so they should’ve included ben&tan’s song which is better than most things they accepted this year anyway

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago


4 years ago

Honestly, the song was better than most of what they accepted it seems. Very unfair of DMGP

4 years ago

I kind of always got the feeling DR didn’t really want ‘Say Yes’ to win last year (which I kind of agree with – I found it huge irritating). They gave it the number two (death slot) in the grand final of DMGP. And other than a cursory ‘thanks for coming’, I never heard anyone speak particularly highly of it or Ben and Tan in the wake of last year’s ESC being cancelled.

4 years ago
Reply to  CRAIG

I really liked it, so it definitely had some fans

4 years ago

I don’t get it. The song seems great to me, better than Say Yes btw. Such a shame they weren’t selected…

4 years ago

Regardless of the song… I think that every 2020 artist should have been invited to this year’s national finals. You don’t have to give them the ticket directly but at least let them participate…

4 years ago

I really don’t understand it? I really like this snippet?

I really don’t understand why they weren’t selected? It’s very hard of DR to do this …

Ben R
Ben R
4 years ago

Oof. Danmarks Radio (DR) screwed up big time, morally and musically.

Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
Alfonso Moreno Domínguez
4 years ago

This isn’t only about Denmark not giving their 2020 act a chance like everyone is doing in Europe. This snippet already sounds better than all of the songs of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. I understand that if this wasn’t one of the weakest preselections of the season it would make sense to cut some submissions out. But if most of the songs in the competition are simply not enough for Eurovision and there were two spots in the final that remain empty, what’s the point of leaving them out apart from cruelty?

4 years ago

It’s just a snippet, the song may have problems that we can’t hear from this, but… yeah, based on the snippet, I already like it more than most (if not all) songs selected.

4 years ago

No day without drama on ESC. 😀 😀 😀

Spirit Animal ^^
Spirit Animal ^^
4 years ago

This is shocking…. DMGP need Ben&Tam – their selection is DIRE! Add them to the selection now!

4 years ago

It’s better than the other songs in their selection :X

4 years ago

Let them in! The snippet sounds great and they seem like really nice and very talented people.

Stian F
Stian F
4 years ago

Denmark was one of my favorite acts last year… Just love “Yes” – and i RARELY like the Danish entries so that says some. I have a feeling i will really like “Iron Heart” as well, and yes it does sound similar to “Yes” but that is just the duo sticking to their sound. I guess it might have been rejected for sounding to similar as “Yes”, but as its the same duo it is no reason to reject it. At least 4 of the songs in Danish MGP are way way way way worse this year. At least i… Read more »

4 years ago

Sound like a pretty decent entry from the snippet. Definitely compare to a very lane national final with only one interesting somg

4 years ago

Let’s just be honest- regardless of the quality of the clip, if they were due to represent Denmark last year, they should have been accepted into the NF automatically.

4 years ago

I prefer yes but this was better than all of the songs competing at dmgp.

4 years ago

I agree with the broadcaster’s decision. The new song is just weird, like they desperately tried to recreate “Say yes” and mask the evidence.

4 years ago

Wait what!! This song from snippet sounds better than all songs they have in National Final. I don’t get it!
Even tho, they should’ve respect them as 2020 winners and give them pass. But with this song pass would be absolutely justified. Song is great!!!! I don’t understand rejection, what was going through their heads

4 years ago

this is not ok on denmark’s part… especially with the extremely low quality selection they have this year there is no reason the act who won the right to represent their country at ESC shouldnt be given an opportunity to try again. ben & tan were at the bottom of my ranking last year but this is just unfair

4 years ago

Broke: Norway made a mistake

Woke: DENMARK made a mistake

4 years ago

I don’t like this song at all…But let’s be honest, It’s still better than half of DMGP entries this year. TV producers should invite them, for sure

4 years ago

I wasn’t a big fan of “Say Yes” but this one is far better than the chosen ones.

4 years ago

Not worth attention no wonder they didn’t bother.

4 years ago

I guess they are afraid to host

4 years ago

Wow, we could’ve had Ben and tan back but they got turned down? That’s a self own. That snippet Sounds a lot more promising than the songs we actually have for this national final. Good luck Denmark, you’re gonna need it

4 years ago

Uhm… It’s better than all of the other songs in Dansk Melodi Grand Prix this year. What is going on with the Nordics this year?!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kent

I think Finland , Sweden, and Iceland will be fine. Denmark and Norway do seem to be the more vulnerable countries this year. But I’m not making any predictions about qualifications until all the songs are out

4 years ago
Reply to  Kent

Maybe we should participate as the Kalmar Union….

4 years ago
Reply to  ArveprinsKnud

Haha.. Funny comment

4 years ago

Very Smith & Thell isn’t it? And given their success recently – it’s VERY surprising this was passed over.

Lorenzo Celli
Lorenzo Celli
4 years ago

Denmark I don’t understand you 🙁

4 years ago
Reply to  Lorenzo Celli

It’s DR, not Denmark!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  ArveprinsKnud

It’s not even DR, just a couple of idiot employees.

4 years ago

Denmark clearly sabotaged themselfs this year

4 years ago

Ben&Tan were one of my favorite entries last year and I’m really sad to hear that they were not able to compete this year, especially after hearing the snippet that sound so promising and, let’s be honest, above the quality of the selected entries. I hope that somehow they will end up competing but I know it won’t happen.

4 years ago

It’s a snippet but based on the snippet I think that Iron Heart is (much) better than all the other 8 songs that we currently have.

4 years ago

That’s just evil. They won so at least let them come back again. And it’s better than all the others