Photo: EBU / Andres Putting

Rai’s decision about the Eurovision 2022 host city is officially behind schedule.

Speaking at a press conference for the new show Da grande, which starts on Sunday, Rai1’s director Stefano Coletta said:

“Rai is working very seriously and very rigorously on Eurovision. A committee of Rai professionals has been set up and is working hard on the city. We are a bit late in choosing the city for Eurovision 2022 because we have to do things with great transparency and precision.”

And while we will have to wait for news about where we’re all headed next May, we can feast our eyes on some other news. Coletta confirmed that Rai is in negotiations with Alessandro Cattelan to host the contest.

“I’m talking with Alessandro Cattelan also about Eurovision. As you know at this time Rai is focused on the city. The first communicative act that Rai will shortly provide you with. Then later there will be the work on who will represent and tell us about this event, but before you ask me, I’ve been talking about it for a few months with Alessandro, because there is also some technical work needed there. It’s not only the TV code, which is functional, but also skills, and one must have experienced a bit of that international stuff, that speed of storytelling that goes beyond the local and towards the global. For me, Alessandro can really be an important value for Rai”.

Cattelan, who is hosting Da grande, is very keen on the idea of hosting Eurovision.

“Eurovision would certainly be a great opportunity that, if it happens, would mean having to thank a lot of people because it would be a concatenation of lucky events. From Maneskin’s victory, from Maneskin’s choice at Sanremo, from Maneskin’s discovery at X Factor, from Marta Donà taking them all the way there.”

Cattelan presented X Factor and his manager is Marta Donà, who previously managed the Eurovision winning band.

“I would be almost a consequence of what has happened in recent months. It would definitely be a nice opportunity because my path started in those contexts, with MTV, the big MTV awards were the closest thing to Eurovision there is.”

Alessandro Cattelan is an Italian television and radio who host became famous in the early 2000s as a veejay on MTV Italia, presenting programs such as Most Wanted and Total Request Live.

In 2011 he moved to Sky Italia to host X Factor, a program that he stuck with through the fourteenth edition in 2020.

He has also hosted E poi c’è Cattelan, a late-night talk show where he interviewed countless Italian and international showbiz personalities including Ed Sheeran, Robbie Williams, James Blunt, Natalie Imbruglia, Andy Garcia and Spike Lee. And all of this in fluent English.

A few months ago Cattelan left Sky to move to RAI, a move that sparked rumours he’d soon land at the Sanremo Music Festival as its next artistic director. But now the Italian broadcaster has to think about Eurovision…and the timing is perfect!

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3 years ago

Well everyone is grumbling about Italy taking their time to choose a host city, I have good news that Azerbaijan and Georgia have confirmed participate in Eurovision 2022, which makes it a total of 33 country so far confirming to participate.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago

Stop insulting Italy. For being “lazy” they have built Rome or Venice, full of art and beauty. They have monuments around the world because they were “very lazy” that they have conquered the world in the roman period.

What do YOU have??? A good calendar in your room?? Oh, congrats.. Lol.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

no one is insulting italy the country… if thats what you picked up then im very sorry for you. but you cant deny the fact that so far RAI has not been as timely or communicative as other host broadcasters have in recent contests, which is something noteworthy and not iTaLoPhObIc

3 years ago

Those who claim Italy will do a bad job because they did a bad job in 1991 have obviously forgotten the horror of 2001 and excellency of 2014, both organised by the same country, Denmark. So it doesn’t really matter, relax people and wait to see the outcome . Also, watch the Winter Olympics of 2006, Italy did a great job. Watch some other high scale events organised in Italy and then put your judgment to the front. Calling Italians (and now we see Spaniards) lazy just because they don’t do things the way Northern Europeans do, shows very little… Read more »

3 years ago

Bring back the iconic Toto and Gigliola ??

3 years ago

I thought among Eurovision fans there weren’t subtly racist people that think through stereotypes. Anyway I find quite odd that you call lazy af 2 out 5 countries (like Spain and Italy) that put more money to see the show that you follow. your comment is rather pathetic, like the other racist comments posted below…

3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I am allowed to have my opinion. So you are a racist xenophobic. Having lived in a city (not an entire country) for just 1 year doesn’t give you the knowledge of the entire culture and identity of that country. Also it does say a lot that you don’t have the gut to name you country (somewhere more Northern part of Europe). What is it? A riddle? Or are you ashamed to name your country? I am sure other racist people have lots of stereotypes about your country!!! Grow up!

Last edited 3 years ago by Vale
3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by sucof
Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago

Guys stop comparing NOW with the 1991’s show, it doesn’t make sense, the show has evolved and it’s not the same approach as in the 90’s so let’s see what Italy will do, not really confident in RAI but let’s see. The only bad things I remember about the esc in 1991 are the presenters and the results (a trauma and resentment for many eurofans still now), that’s all. About the presenters and about some technical issues Italy can only improve so it’s cool.

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

Preach. Also (1) most people here probably did not even watch the 91 show and are just repeating something they’ve read in the comment section (“HoStInG wAs BaD iN 1991, oMG!”). And (2) the 1991 contest was totally fine and actually very charming. They recently did Eurovision again for 1980, and frankly the host was just as lost and confused during the voting as 91. It’s very common at the ESC.

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Honestly, I saw this contest in 1991 with my family, and as far as I remember nothing was really bad, ok the presenters could have done really better but except that the show was in the same standard as the others shows of the 90’s IMO, the important things in esc are the performances of the singers not of the presenters…. as I said the only thing really bad was the end and the results…..Amina always in our hearts. I’m not the most confident about RAI with Eurovision but I want to see before judging and I think they do… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

I’m looking forward to a less slick, Swedish flavoured Eurovision.

Esc addict
Esc addict
3 years ago
Reply to  Roo

Guys stop with your hate towards Sweden too, firstly Sweden is the country among the participating countries who respect and love the contest the most, it’s a huge event for them on the contrary of others. 2016 is one of the best edition of the last decade. Ok with Sweden eveything is very prepared very organised and it doesn’t let place for improvisation so it makes lost a little bit of charm, but it’s not the end of the world. When Sweden is involved or host, some eurofans are not happy or satisfied, but when it’s another countries like Italy… Read more »

3 years ago

Well, at least we have some news at the moment. It’s not an easy choice, so many great options (kind of a good problem though). I trust they’re doing the best to put on a great show. Forza Italia!

Last edited 3 years ago by Alvaro
3 years ago

The contest is in more than 8 months, chill out. They are busy choosing among a list of great cities, there are no bad options on the table.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bella

No kidding. Literally any of the cities that put in a bid are capable of hosting a far more than suitable show. Things will be done when they need to be. Pretty sure that Rai is not accountable nor will they care about randos complaining on the internet.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
3 years ago

Come on, Milano should be the host city

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
3 years ago

Why are they giving so much importance to Alessandro Cattelan??

He is not Rafaella Carrá or a big italian world star… I don’t get it

3 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

Because he is being heavily requested by Italian themselves. Mostly by young people, who are the vast majority of Eurovision viewers in Italy

3 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

Since Carrà sadly passed away, we don’t really have many choices here. Italian TV hosts are mostly older or they don’t speak English. Being a “big Italian world star” doesn’t make you automatically capable of being a TV host.

3 years ago

About the host, well no surprises… i can’t find someone else who’s better than him for an event like Eurovision! RAI will go for a host that already works for RAI so i doubt they will pick any random celebrities unless there are no skilled candidates. Am i the only one who’d think that the dude from 365 days would be cool to host? I mean he’s got a big fanbase and he speaks English lol. but it’s just a joke, i knew that there are strict criteria which obvs were not applied in Azerbaijan because they had no one… Read more »

3 years ago

Regarding the host city announcement: I wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t say so 🙂
Edit: It’s a joke, though I’m not concerned at all, Italy knows how to put on a show

Last edited 3 years ago by Luc
3 years ago

my only concern is how radio folks are pronouncing “maneskin” here in brazil, makes my ear bleed

3 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

How are they mispronouncing it is?

3 years ago

Can’t wait for Eurovision 1991 again.

3 years ago

I’m not worried. Italy knows how to put on a show and I can only assume that the time they’re taking is being used to make sure they can showcase the best of Italy and to create a fantastic Eurovision Song Contest. People really need to chill out 🙂

3 years ago

Well we will wait it seems. I mean there’s still a lot of time to go so it’s okay. I really hope for a well-organised contest too, but it’s really too early to start throwing accusations. Let’s see what Italy has in store for us!

3 years ago
I guess RAI 1 is waiting for the last payments from all the cities ^^ - who pays the most to Mr. Coletta will get the deal ...and the director has enough money for his retirement. Okay ....just kidding.
3 years ago

Knowing Italians, this doesn’t sound that crazy anyways XD

3 years ago
Reply to  Luc

EBU is overseeing the negotiations and process.

3 years ago

I imagine part of the reason for the host city delay is that Italy has a lot of options to choose from with regards to where to host Eurovision. If a smaller country like Estonia or Switzerland were hosting, they would have decided on the host city much sooner as they have fewer options.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

Right? Even with the options narrowed down, there are a few choices that seem equally viable

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Milan, Bologna and Turin tick all the boxes (venue, airport, facilities etc) so of course they want to take their time and pick the best. I am sure there is a lot of pressure from the cities as well, it can be a political game.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

exactly. All the previous host countries knew in advance the city and the candidates were dar less.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

That certainly wasn’t the case in Netherlands.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

We’re having council elections in 2 weeks, including in Milan, Turin and Bologna. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d wait until the results are out so that Eurovision can’t be used politically

3 years ago

Well, Italians are messy and unorganized so this isn’t a surprise that they haven’t chosen host city yet

3 years ago
Reply to  Ugnius

Please keep your xenophobia private, we don’t all need to know you hold such repulsive views.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dolemite

He’s not wrong though is he. Downvote him all you like, doesnt change facts

3 years ago
Reply to  Shuma

Well Danes used to have a very good reputation (unlike Italians) but guess what… they got a debt from Eurovision 2014, corruption and overspending.

3 years ago
Reply to  Shuma

A subjective opinion in the form of a generalization is not “facts”. And even if that were true, the fact that the host city hasn’t been announced more than *8 months* before the contest doesn’t equal a lack of organization.

Generalizations and derogatory language weaponized against an entire nation is indeed xenophobia though.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dolemite

where’s the lie tho?

3 years ago

Perhaps this is just a financial impasse.

3 years ago

Better late than never, I say. The host city’s interesting enough, but right now I’m more interested in seeing who’s competing.

3 years ago

I like Marta getting some appreciation. Alessandro is loyal, it seems.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

She’s still his manager so ofc he is loyal?

Polegend Godgarina
3 years ago

eurofans are so overdramatic chile… the host city could be revealed in january and the show would still go on as planned. y’all are impatient to book your flights and airbnbs huh ?

3 years ago

yes we are – time is money my mother told me …..and early bookings grant you a low-cost flight and good hotel for less money.

3 years ago

Multi-million-euro broadcasts do not revolve around a privileged few.

3 years ago

Ukraine 2016: Sorry, we are late, we don’t have choose the city yet !
Fans : boooooh, Ukraine should never have won, they can’t host the contest correctly !! withdraw !!
Italy 2021: Sorry, we are late, we don’t have choose the city yet !
Fans: It’s ok, we loooooove you Italy !!

3 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

and Germany 2011?

Last edited 3 years ago by sucof
3 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

Spot on!!!

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

No offense, but ukraine 2017 had like 2 million other problems and dramatic things happening besides being late with chosing a host city. The drama was real

Last edited 3 years ago by Frisian esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

3 randoms on twitter do not represent the entire fanbase

3 years ago
Reply to  Celeste

Apples and oranges. There was A LOT more than just delays going on in Ukraine in 2016. Like, an armed conflict with a neighbor that happens to also participate in Eurovision, but no big deal.

Alon Pratt
Alon Pratt
3 years ago

Since when does the local TV station choose the city?? It is the EBU’s choice, not RAI’s.
Israeli government was furious when Tel Aviv was chosen over Jerusalem. But it wasn’t KAN who chose. The EBU did

3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt

Sorry but this is absolutely incorrect. The choice is of the TV station. EBU can voice its concerns if there are significant issues of security or logistics, which was the case of Jerusalem (the issue of not being able to work Saturdays). Other than, if the city has all the minimum requirements, EBU has to accept the decision.

3 years ago
Reply to  L’oiseau

Not only that, but the city itself has some say in things. Had Rotterdam not agreed to allocate €6M to be host on 2021, NOS, AVTROTROS, and NPO would’ve had to deal with the problem, and the EBU would’ve been at their mercy, as would literally everyone else would have been.

Alon Pratt
Alon Pratt
3 years ago
Reply to  AdD

Of course the city has a say, they made a bid! They can’t be chosen if they don’t even apply, can they?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt

Of course not. My point is that the EBU doesn’t have a choice in the matter. The city itself has a say on everything too.

3 years ago
Reply to  AdD

Yes, absolutely!

Alon Pratt
Alon Pratt
3 years ago
Reply to  L’oiseau

What you’re saying doesn’t fit the selection process history. The decision is the EBU’s and the statement about the decision comes out of the Ebu. KAN had ZERO say as to where 2019 would be. It was 100% EBUs choice. It is the EBUs show, after all, the local TV producers it for them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt

No, sorry that is not how it works and it was not the case for Israel either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt

Since the 1950s.

3 years ago

Well, some older remember that Rome 1991 was a fiasco. The rehearsals started and they didnt have chairs in the studio, and the stage wasnt ready.
So dont expect something different this time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

I’m hoping for a little bit of chaos, it might be fun. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be a great show.

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

y’all are so casually racist towards italians it’s scary

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Give me Rome 1991 anytime over the funeral broadcast that was Malmo 1992.

3 years ago
Reply to  sTommie

Hahaha, so true!

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Now, this types of comment about Italy 1991 hosting are becoming quite annoying. Given that Toto Cutugno wasn’t a presenter by profession and he was bad (and also he didn’t deserve to win, compared to Domenico Modugno, Raf and Tozzi, Mia Martini and so on), the Eurovision city was moved at the last minute to another city. In fact, because the outbreak of the Gulf War, the host broadcaster RAI decided in January 1991, to better ensure the security of foreign delegations to move the contest to Rome. This caused serious organisational problems and delays. Plus the contest was held… Read more »

Alon Pratt
Alon Pratt
3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

This is news to me that Rome wasn’t the original supposed-to-be host of 1991. Where was it supposed to be?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt

originally it was supposed to be in Sanremo, but due to the sudden outbreak of the war in the Gulf, Rai moved the event to Rome (a cinecitta ‘) at the last moment for a security question. Comparisons cannot be made with 30 years ago, it was another mentality, another type of television and above all Italy was not interested in making Eurovision. I challenge any country to produce Sanremo every year, a great live show for 5 consecutive evenings, with great scenographies and national and international guests, nobody does it, besides Italy, in the rest of the world, so… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by sucof
3 years ago
Reply to  Alon Pratt


3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

It was literally over 30 years ago, move on

3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

A lot of Malmo 1992 was in swedish language, rewatching it some months ago refreshed my mind. And that surprised me, ’cause no one remembers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

EBU: The General Assembly chooses the official languages, which shall in any event include French and English. Then, they are not the official languages. Obviously they did a mistake to let them present the competition, but the tallying was both in English and French. So technically, they included those languages. At the time, they could make an effort to provide subtitles from Italian. Why did they expect everybody was speaking those two languages?

Last edited 3 years ago by Vale
3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is due to English being the most widely understood language around.

3 years ago
Reply to  AdD

One of the major contributor to the English language is an Italian called Giovanni Florio.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

To be honest, I’d rather the UK left instead of Italy. I mean, BBC isn’t willing to change their bad habits towards Eurovision and they always get lame results because of their indifference, do we really need them? They don’t even work as some sort of comic relief!

3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

So, you do confirm that 1991 was a fiasco because of the Italian decisions, presenters, change of city etc.

Eurovision was going on for 14 years with Italy out. Eurovision is bigger than Italy or any other country.

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Your xenophobic comment says a lot about you. You wrote: ‘don’t expect something different this time’. Why? What stereotype do you have towards Italians? As I wrote Toto Cutugno was bad as a presenter and he didn’t deserve to win, and also the delays were caused by the move to another city, but that doesn’t mean that all contests held in Italy are chaotic and disorganised as you imply. Yes, Eurovision is bigger than Sanremo because it is a competition organised by dozens of countries. So your comment is non sense EBU tried to convince for many years Italy to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vale
3 years ago
Reply to  Vale

It is called arrogance. They though Eurovision was like an Italian trash show like Domenica In, and they treat itnlike this

And I am afraid they will do this again in 2022

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

Donenics in is not exactly a trash show. I am wondering where you are from, for being so nasty towards Italians…..

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

It was messy? Yes! Does it have to be messy again: absolutely not! I think you are jumping into conclusions and being a bit pre-judgemental.

3 years ago
Reply to  Helena

That was back in the 90s when the show was produced by the broadcaster and NOT EBU. Educated yourself.

EBU is the boss now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Oh no darling. The one who puts the money is the one who controls. EBU just takes the profit.

3 years ago

Italy, like Germany in 2011, is heading towards a late announcement: as for big countries, there’re more cities and venues to choose from and so are sponsorships and a lot of derivative options on table. There might be an internal race to which city/council will hand more money on the plate.

This “delay” is nothing to be worried of. Dusseldorf, announced in the second week of October 2010, was a fantastic show

Last edited 3 years ago by Extinguir
3 years ago
Reply to  Extinguir

well, the bidding phase for 2011 was a bit odd, especially in the case of Berlin’s bid (which was a tent instead of the O2 World, now Mercedes Benz Arena). Hamburg was also odd, offering their exhibition centre instead of O2 World Hamburg, now Barclaycard Arena.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rifki
3 years ago
Reply to  Rifki

Well the show in Dusseldorf was fun but there were a lot of problems behind the scene. I remember our delegation and a few others having lots of technical problems, there was a problem with the transmission, voting and the announcement of the votes. I don’t think that had anything to do with the city but I certainly wouldn’t call it a fantastic show.

3 years ago
Reply to  willchrisiam

the technical problems had nothing to do with Dusseldorf being announced late. ESC2013 had technical issues during the shows. Even this year there were technical issues, it happens in LIVE shows.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I also said that (“I don’t think that had anything to do with the city”). I was commenting on a statement that it was “a fantastic show”. I know that there are always bound to be some glitches when you deal with live shows but I still think that, together with 2017, it had the most technical issues. At least for my country based on the delegation’s comments.

3 years ago

The usual hysterical fans who want to know everything right away. They can announce everything tomorrow, but Eurovision will still be in May. So I don’t see all these problems if the city is announced today or in a week. There will be time for tickets and travel arrangements from now until May. Please, You have to rinse your mouth before speaking ill about Italy.

Ulvi-Roko Oosterhuis
Ulvi-Roko Oosterhuis
3 years ago

The host city will be Paris because Italy should’ve been disqualified for taking cocaine during the Grand Final.

3 years ago

How are you a Eurofan if you’ve been living under a rock until now?

3 years ago

Are we really still talking about this fake news???

3 years ago

Oh, FFS, Nobody snorted cocaine at Eurovision! That was a bit of fake news that went way out of hand.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I ofc never believed that happened but does anyone know if something like that would even be forbidden/affect the results if it were to happen? I don’t remember any rule that covers such a situation. I actually expected them to be sanctioned (as in scolded) over the lyrics in their winner’s performance. I’m glad they weren’t but I’d also prefer if no one messed with the rules . (before I get attacked I’m also talking about Dami Im’s Facetime lyrics)

3 years ago

I thought everyone was over this fake news already

3 years ago

well, I might start doubting RAI’s capability to put an excellent 2022 show, if even they can’t somehow manage their time. Italy is not Israel, nor Azerbaijan. Italy has some suitable venues to choose, and three months is more than enough. I don’t know why Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Portugal can do it while Italy, which is a big 5 country, somehow can’t.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rifki
3 years ago
Reply to  Rifki

rest assured that in May 2022 you will see Eurovision on TV.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
3 years ago
Reply to  Rifki

The headline: Italy is somewhat later with picking the host city than usual.
Your conclusion: Italy isn’t capable of hosting eurovision?

3 years ago
Reply to  Rifki

Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Portugal had crystal clear options on the host city; see capital cities. There was no doubt about that, we already knew the host city in each year. Italy has more than one capable city with strong proposals (Turin, Bologna to name the biggest ones). Eurofans should calm down and focus on their lives..

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

well, Sweden 2013 was not in the capital, YET it was still early. and it is not necessarily a capital city. as long as a suitable city is found, use it and announce it A.S.A.P..

Young At Heart In Austin
Young At Heart In Austin
3 years ago

I don’t know much about Cattelan, but with RAI going after him to host does that have help indicate what city they’re leaning towards?

3 years ago

Alessandro Cattelan (born 11 May 1980 in Tortona) is an Italian television personality known for presenting TRL Italy, the Italian version of Total Request Live broadcast by MTV Italia, and Le Iene, broadcast by Mediaset’s Italia 1. He hosted the Italian version of The X Factor (Italy) from 2011 to 2020. Cattelan is a devoted fan of the football club Inter Milan and is often present in the stadium and training sessions of the team. During the 2018–19 season, Cattelan presented with Chadia Rodriguez the Italian daily talk show “EPCC – e poi c’è Cattelan”, on-air on Sky Uno. He… Read more »

3 years ago

He is born in Tortona, province of Alessandria, which is in the Piedmont region. The capital of Piedmont is Turin. Anyway Cattelan worked and is working in Milan.

But I don’t think the choice of Cattelan indicates the possible host city

3 years ago

At least we have some news.

3 years ago

“We are a bit late” this made me laugh lol

3 years ago
Reply to  CatcoolH