Heat four of Sweden’s Melodifestivalen 2022 took place through Saturday evening. The final seven acts of this year’s competition presented their songs for the first time.
Two of them booked a spot direkt till final. Klara Hammarström and Medina will head straight to the Melodifestivalen 2022 grand final at Friends Arena in Stockholm on 12 March.
Furthermore, another two acts will have a second chance to reach the final. Anna Bergendahl and Lillasyster secured a place in the second chance semi-final, due to take place on 5 March.
Klara Hammarström and Medina win Melodifestivalen 2022 heat four
The heats of Melodifestivalen 2022 feature two rounds of voting.
Following the first round, the winner earned the first ticket to to the grand final – that was Klara Hammarström.
Klara Hammarström wins the first round of voting and qualifies direkt till final #Melfest ?? pic.twitter.com/4sWitdAc1Q
— wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) February 26, 2022
A second round of voting then took place between the remaining six acts. After the votes from each age group were revealed, it was Medina who came out on top and who will also progress to the final.
The next two highest-placed acts earn a spot in the second chance semi-finals. These went to Anna Bergendahl and Lillasyster.
Anna Bergendahl and Lillasyster are through to the second chance semi-final pic.twitter.com/i6ROPgOr55
— wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) February 26, 2022
Heat four running order
- Anna Bergendahl – “Higher Power”
- Lillasyster – “Till Our Days Are Over”
- Malin Christin – “Synd om dig”
- Tenori – “La stella”
- Medina – “In i dimman”
- Angelino – “The End”
- Klara Hammarström – “Run to the Hills”
Upcoming Melfest 2022 shows
Now all four heats have been completed, the next show on 5 March will be the second chance. The eight acts who have qualified to this round will be split into two semi-finals – the draw for this takes place during the coming week. The top two from each semi-final will qualify to the grand final of Melfest 2022.
The grand final follows on 12 March, where the four second chance winners will join the eight direct qualifiers for a 12-song show. The winner will earn the right to represent Sweden at Eurovision 2022 in May.
What do you make ofthe results? Are you glad to see Klara Hammarström and Medina qualify from Melodifestivalen 2022 heat four? Let us know in the comments below.
Det är ingen överraskning att Klara är i final, men att Medina blev uttagen är en överraskning för mig. En jag verkligen inte förstår. Vi har haft alla förberedelser nu, och jag är ganska säker på att Cornelia kommer att vinna. Jag ser egentligen ingen som kan hindra henne från att vinna. Kanske Liamoo eller Klara, men det skulle vara en överraskning.
Klara debuts at 1 at Spotify Sweden.
Swedes wanna run
As a Swede i can confirm that we do indeed wanna run
Oh, Anna Bergendahl….bless you. Another year is going pass without her chance at redemption on the Eurovision stage. Her song is weak compared with ‘Kingdom Come’ last year.
How the split of songs will look like? Based on who finish 3 and 4 or randomly?
Yeah, I wonder how they’re going to split the eight semifinalists into the two groups.
I think they’ll make sure the distribution between 3rd-and-4th placers is even. They did that in the duel era
Thanks to this new system of announcing the results of the Democratic Televotes, we now know who placed third and fourth in heats two through four, but I don’t know where the heat one semifinalists placed because the app crashed that night.
I think I see what You mean. 2 3rd placers and 2 4th placers per group.
Those who want to tell Swedish Mellofans to vote for Cornelia please do, Good luck… they are crazy about Baggie!
Not all of them. I am member of that group and there are many Swedish people who want Cornelia to win
Stop interfering in national selections. It isn’t your song. Concentrate on your own song.
I’m starting to think/feel Klara might the closest thread for Anders. Even more than Cornelia. At least with Swedish public. I’m not in Sweden tho and I could be very wrong. With juries I have no clue tho
Cornelia or John maybe Anders too 🙁 Feel sad for Liamoo, Medina or Klara 🙁
It’s 50/50 on Bagge/Cornelia if you look on Swedish social media. The most comment’s I read about Klara is bad, she will end up around 5-6th i think. Will not get many votes from the public.
Klara’s song is giving me Edurne – Amanecer vibes…
The main issue is that she does not have good control in high belting notes, and she is also using too much support from the backing vocalists elsewhere.
Bagge and to lesser extent Cornelia won landslide win due to being in weaker heat. Had Bagge been in the 4th heat I doubt he would made it direkt. But for final I think Swedes realise there are better than Bagge. Obviously we know he suffers from stage fright so I dont think we would just put him through it..
Do you think people are going to overthink it? It’s just a lot of people voting and free vote. And you can vote for many songs as you want. I don’t know. If they like, they will likely vote I guess. We tend to overthink, but people don’t. Same for Eurovision and other national contests.
Oh if they did we wouldnt have Tusse winning, thats for sure. And a better result than 14th place..
Liamooo, Klara, Tone, Alvaro, Theoz, Cornelia or Medina to win PERIOD
Theoz is great, and “som du vill” is very catchy indeed 😉
Liamooo has a bad vocals, Klara songs is a mess. I don’t see anyone more deserve that Cornelia to win
Your opinion – u just do not like pop house songs and Its Ok …. Liamo sound better than studio version and Klara has good vocals …. Its song Contest and not voice 🙂
Can’t stop playing since yersterday In i dimman and Run to the hills
Why a Run to the hills??? Is a mess
Ik. It’s a mess and dated and that’s why I enjoy it. I can’t help. Like Keiino.
And it’s just catchy and simple to get.
Sweden needs to embrace and send something like this at some point
It is rather funny because this is by far the worst edition of melfest in years, but at the same time it includes the best song Sweden has ever had in years (Cornelia’s). So Sweden, choose wisely 🙂
I don’t think 2021 was that much better than 2022. Or 2019/2018.
Cornelia is very good but there’s more great entries to enjoy this year
Its not the worst though. 2018 was weak. 2021 was weak. 2013 was worse than 2022 also
I do agree that it is one of the worst melodifestivalen with the same songs on and on again and Cornelia is indeed the best entry but not the best song they had in years
Next year, SVT should introduce a “music video mandate” for which all participants must film a proper music video for their Melfest entries prior to their corresponding semi-final.
Melfest doesn’t let their participants release their music at all before the semi. I am a fan of the way Eesti laul and UMK do it with the music videos, so if everyone would have enough time and money, a music video would be welcome for each Melfest entry. Having a clean studio version of any kind should still be the primary thing, though.
Next Year they should banned international people to watch Mello – cause they are way tooo more toxic …. Go cry jo*er
It’s better to go to youtube or something instead of here. I think it reflects reality more. People here are so negative all the time and always look for those weird and different songs. It really is boring now! I so enjoy Klara and Cornelia! Hope one of them wins for Sweden.
Cornelia really is popular on YT. Even Swedes think she should win. But you know, we also usually vote wrong so…
In this Mello edition it took me by suprise that a big factor for the votes seemed to be the name of the artist and the hype around him rather than the appeal his song has. I mean, if we look at the paste years result they voted for Tusse, The Mamas etc who are not that famous, whereas at the same time they did not choose Eric Saade, Danny Saucedo or Molly Sanden. My point is that if this is true, in this year’s edition Cornelia might have a problem against Bagge or Klara (who is hyped since her… Read more »
Klara isnt that big of a name yet. She only is hyped because she had the last song and those are usually seen by SVT as the winner
Actually it is the other way around. Usually the winner comes from the first heat the last few years….. and we have Cornelia first. Plus I don’t understand why they release the votes form the first semi final
1. Klara
2. Medina
3. Cornelia
I see many still have an urge to bash on Sweden no matter what. Even though it’s a Sunday morning when one should relax, enjoy, and maybe, but just maybe – not spread hate on the internet.
When people don’t buy whatever Sweden is giving is called hate?
I’m not even Swedish but I do know Melfest has always been bashed by some Eurovision fans in certain ways for many years.
Just because we feel that Sweden is sending the same songs on and on again. Finland and Spanish final was so diverse and had so much options
U do not need to wach Melo if u dont like it every Year – like Its Swedish competition for Swedish people not for international and not for u …. Lol
Cornelia’s song is literally Shallow. I’d rather hope for Klara
I agree. As I’ve already said (and been downvoted for that…), Swedes and Norwegian have a tendency to vote for what they believe to be cool and/or popular in their respective national selections, as if they were obsessed with being “international enough” in the eyes of the rest of the world, particularly at the ESC. They send good songs but as you said, most of them are indeed very predictable with the same old recepe (English lyrics, breakdowns, crazy outfits, high pitched notes, same songwriters…). I had a pleasant surprise with Dimani though 🙂 And I like Cornelia too. But… Read more »
I think ppl in Sweden and Norway vote for what they like. And since all ages vote even Birgitta 67 years old has something to say about it. And she’s not likely to vote for the modern songs. It is ppl like the imaginary Birgitta 67 years old that vote for Anders Bagge because he is likable, has a good voice and a song that isn’t too modern. I think Cornelia will win anyway because the difference in quality is so big (in my opinion) but I think Medina could be a dark horse that could surprise us in the… Read more »
TeamKlara all the way for me
such a epic journey she has been through
Nobody (decent debut, i was sad it stayed in the semi)
Beat of Broken Hearts (really really good song, happy she made the final through andra chansen)
Run to the Hills (wow complete package of great earwurm of a song and a amazing stage show act to go with it)
i also find her so likeable, so sweet
Liamooo for the win!!
He needs proper singing lessons
Same like u – u can go on Stage and sing – everyone behind computer is clever – p**a
Agree or Medina
I was watching SVT MFest yesterday night (from France). When Klara started singing, I smiled, thinking: “she should have teamed up with Oda Gondresen: the one is stealing the Hammer of Thor while the other is running to the hills in a Power Ranger outfit to make à diversion” 😉
It’s so hilarious to read all your comments. Most of you are so negative. You don’t like anything. Get a life.!
Yeah, I don’t understand it either. Imagine being a “fan” and watching something even though you like 1 or 2 songs each year at most. I wouldn’t even watch.
Cant wait for anders bagge to win this lackluster edition
As long as I think that according to the bookmakers and the popularity of the singer, Anders Bagge is going to win it disgusts me in advance!!! Because frankly, abandoning Cornelia Jakobs who can claim victory or a top 5 would be really grotesque!
I hope the Swedes will wake up quickly because I want to see Cornelia win!!! (or at least Liamoo because I like it too!)
There will be an international jury and I doubt they will vote for him that much..
Anyway, look at YouTube views and comments. Cornelia has far more views, likes and positive comments than Bagge so there is that..
yes but the televote is 100% Swedish, and as in his country he has a strong notoriety, unfortunately it will perhaps catch up with the juries… I really hope for Cornelia!!!
Medina DTF, best thing of the evening! What an absolute joy they were, and it’s not only my nostalgia talking. It’s the kind of crazy dance banger Mello used to have that always goes to final. It reminded me of the Swedish-Macedonian group Andra Generationen, very Balkan sound. Loved it! Regardless result it will be a summer hit..
What’s wrong and nobody is rooting for Faith?! We have a war in Europe and ”Freedom should be the one standing out…she has the voice, she has the song, she has the staging and she’s 10000 times better than the boring Mamas and John!
The song, really. It’s just not good.
Well she’s not 1000 times better but. I agree with you
It’s not that weird though. She has that Charlotte Perreli thing going on. Competent singer singing old-fashioned songs!
Cornelia or Liamoo (his staging is not perfect though) has to win, i like Klara’s song but not the staging (the outfit and the static performance) also Anna’s song is good but not her best
Liamoos song is kinda repetitive and boring for me
Same like Cornelia and every song in ESC 😉
Jesus who is dressing Klara and why they are doing this to her?
Anders Bagge is currently leading the odds and I’m like OMG, how can that be? I mean, he’s a big name in Sweden, but he does not have a song. Hopefully he won’t be the winner.
I am a fan of Klara Hammarström and I want her one day to represent Sweden, but this year it should be Cornelia’s year. It would be something different for Sweden, and a very decent act.
PS I really enjoyed Medina’s performance
P.S. 2, gonna sound like a hater, but please Sweden no Anders Bagge
Cornelia has more views, likes etc on Youtube than him
Cornelia has now overtaken him. He is slipping fast..
Why would people bother caring about the odds?
Cornelia has to win, Swedes will vote for Bagge, he is gonna go and he will bring one of the worst results ever because singing a meh song in front of a windows screen saver was not even interesting when ulrik munther did it in 2013 (with better graphics)
I hate to say this, but I really hope that the international juries will save us from Bagge winning
I doubt they will think a middle aged bald man who can’t move is something Sweden should send..
Why are Eurovision fans always so obsessed with looks? If the song was sung by a handsome hunk, everyone in this Fandom would go crazy.
Now, but we are obsessed with age. Young people are the ones voting and they will vote for young people with fresh sound.You think they really think a dated song performed by a man with stage fright is something they will vote for?
It’s a swedish matter…
Yes and as such Swedes should be concerned with sending songs that stand a chance in a contest..
Lol Klaras performance was ridiculous, it reminded me of Slovakias Horechronie hahaa
Who dressed her like that?? She is also stiff as a board.
And Sweden voted for it the most… Ah they are not to be trusted… They are picking Anders arent they…?
Wtf ?!?
visually looks like a very entertaining show act
also you don’t necessarily need to dance with uptempo songs
Melfest used to be more careful when spreading strong acts through different semis and Angelino paid the price. Anna was competent as always, even if this is far from her best attempt. I loved the chic cowgirl outfit! Medina was very entertaining. It felt very Mediterranean, but Swedish at the same time, they’ll be a nice addition to the final. Klara’s song is probably my favorite uptempo entry on the selection, but what they were thinking with that staging? That outfit was awful too. Her luck is that she’s so beautiful she could pull off even the cosplay look. That… Read more »
I agree in basically everything you said. This was the strongest semi. Run to the Hills is probably my favorite uptempo song of this Melfest (and likely my 2nd overall). Anna and Medina were quite good too. I liked Angelino too. I expected him to do better in voting. Surprisingly, I liked Lilasyster’s song this year much more than last, so I am totally fine with them going to the semi. The only obvious NQ was Malin, but not because the song was bad (it was definitely not), but because it lacked any immediate hook. And yes, I root for… Read more »
We have the same top 3 then. “Run to the Hills” has a “Tower of Babylon” vibe, but in a more radiofriendly way (still mourning Dora 2019’s results, as you can see :D).
Yeah, Tower of Babylon should have won Dora in 2019, as it was the only song that could have qualified. I also liked Jure’s ballad, but I’m not sure would it be competitive enough. Other 14 songs stood no chance, and the winning song was not even among the better ones among them.
Aside, Sweden being represented by a woman would be a refreshing change, as it last happened in 2014 (sure, The Mamas won in 2020, but… yeah).
The allocation draw for the heats is done randomly I think
Its not random. The producer decide the heat. Songs deemed as stronger will be in the last two heats.
The producers miscalculated with Hold Me Closer, then, as it’s the strongest song IMHO. However, the last semi was the best when taking all songs on average.
Go on Klara! You can win this this time!
That’s me when I desparately want some nf act to win lol
i hope so, i don’t support sweden often but i would definitely support Klara, especially with this song, such a great bop
What do people here think about Medina qualifying? Just curious.
I’m happy about it. Its catchy and quite charming. I dont understand the hype with Klara or Anna. Medina was the only one tonight who was a thumbs up.
Deserved qualifier. For me it was the biggest grower of the night, imo if the old voting system was still in power, it could’ve perhaps become the overall winner tonight, and I say this as a fan of Klara Hammarström
A breath of fresh air! Some would say nostalgia factor played a part in the win but it was just a fun party banger. It will be a huge summer hit played in re-opened clubs
Actually it’s my favorite from the whole selection 🙂 Catchy and in Swedish, I love it !
As a swede when everyone is out there. I hope that Cornelia are the winner this year, if she doesnt make it I hope for Liamoo or Medina. Omg, I have a crush on the swedish a ”la casa de papel”-song. Klara, Anders Bagge and all the rest….please, they are horrible.
I think most Swedes want her to win, according to YouTube. But Swedes also know we rarely do get it right…
Hopefully this year!
Liamoo and Cornelia will be in TOP 2
Klara has the banger that Sweden needed.
Loved her song but the staging ruins it, she does not emote the right emotion/attitude that the song really needs. Looks weird, but I have added it to my workout song list though
The staging is something that can easily be fixed for Eurovision.
Nooooo, omg she cant sing and the look doesnt fit her. The cute girl next door tries to imitate Lady gaga. Please, can we send her to norway instead?
Klara can’t sing? Now you’re just being a hater.
No I am not a hater. I dont like the song,she is a cute girl who have dressed up in Lady gagas closet. Thats my feeling. Sweden are always criticized for the generic songs, this was the type – A example of it.
You wrote ”omg, she can’t sing”. That’s fundamentally a lie.
Actually we got it from Medina!
Ok Cornelia just must go to ESC, hers is the only live performance that beats the sh*t out of the studioversion!
I am going to stream the sh*t out of her song on spotify now so she makes the world top spotify list. As long as she gets a place in there (place 100 or whatever) she will get free PR in the press here and Swedes will understand that people outside Sweden perfer her instead of Anders and the rest!
Are all the entries already out? OMG I’ll be listening to it right away! I thought they were gonna be out after the final
Nope they are all out
Nope the just released all the studio versions and their performances as well. Ive been blasting Cornelia’s song for like hours
Cornelia wont be in the spotify global charts ahah but you can try
she’s an honorary centenarian <3
Just watched the performances back. It looks like Sweden had a good night tonight. I liked six out of seven, so it’s sad that only four could go through.
By the way, Anna Bergendahl is a higher power, indeed. 🙂
I just figured Anna’s staging out! She realized Polina Garbagerina can’t come back and thought to herself ‘Finally! It’s my time to sing A Million Horses!’
Lynda Woodruff, we miss you!
Polina is great! I don’t get the hate towards her!
I am obsessed with Anna Bergenahl´s voice! I find it so unique! She never disappoints with the songs! Strong semifinal btw, loved Medina too like always!
Klara or Anna? Thats the question? No one of them will win this year for sure so we can stop the discussion. I am from Sweden and this year will be about Cornelia Jakobs, but since 2015 the swedes are to drunk during the voting so Anders Bagge can be dangerous but hopefully will the european jury be sober enough to not let that happen. Medina can also be in top five with Liamoo. The only female finalist who can win this year is Cornelia, Anna and Klara can continue planning for next year melfest. They will be there for… Read more »
Oh yes, I mean I just love Ana Bergenahl´s voice and her songs in general but my favourite for Eurovision 2022 from Sweden is by far still Cornelia Jakobs. And totally agree with you I do believe that unfortunately Sweden is gonna send Anders Bagge according to Odds at least, and that´s gonna be a terrible choice. The song is so plane, boring and don´t get it why Swedes are so into it! If they finally send him to Eurovision I really doubt if Sweden is gonna make it to the finals! 🙁
Klara will win this year and I hate it, I am so prepared for a new failure. Cornelia will be the new Dotter. Melfest can f***off! Tired off my own country!
Anna should have qualified over Klara.
As I expected from the snippet—loved Medina. Even if it borrows at liberty from Bella Ciao. I can’t help it. Maybe it’s why I love it so much. And I genuinely loved Run For the Hills—but I don’t understand that staging. Klara loves these elaborate cosplay costumes but I think it detracts. This song really needs something modern in the staging. I don’t understand why SVT reveals the points the way they do. Why have the last points be all about the winner vs going back and forth to create tension. It’s basic reality talent competition tv 101. Who did… Read more »
She’s gorgeous and has an amazing voice, stage presence snd smile, but she has no style whatsoever. Starting with the fake tan.
I love her so much but that was quite a let down.
Klara’s staging was actually decent and all the chinks can be fixed for Eurovision.
I feel the beat of In I Dimman is some sort of mash up between Bella Ciao and Pepas, and I liked it
Do not know what it is with Medina’s song. No deep text and uptempo. But I get chills and tears in my eye. Thinking of Ukraine when I hear it.
Now we will dance until we die etc… now the hole world will know .. that we will rise again… etc. Feels like a battle song I need now.
I was not expecting that I whould me a fan of their song. But I am. For me it is Clara and Medina.
angelino robbed wtf
Fans going for Hold me closer or Run to the hills and the first song I went to Spotify was In i dimman. A banger
I’m sorry but Klara’s staging was so poor. With a song in that tempo and genre you need to have energy and dancers and she just stood there alone for the most part as if she was glued to the floor and giving us basically nothing? Ruined everything! Klara and Liamoo need help with the staging asap, OK songs with terrible performances.
but the concept they designed wasnt too terible in the end
Liamoo tried to copy Benjamin’s staging and failed, Klara saw Jamal’s tree and thought ‘That’s pretty’.
She just enjoyed and that’s what matters. It was colorful and fun. She knows her target is the kids and young audience and she just embrace it.
Anna does the same with the older audience
If you wanna win you have to make everyone your target audience. Especially with Melo’s voting system.
I liked the staging but it can be fixed for Eurovision. It’s not that hard. I liked both Liamoo and Klara’s stagings and their voices are good.
They do not need anything to do. Its song Contest not Stage Contest ….