The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 40 competing songs in Eurovision 2022. Finally, we review Spain, who have chosen Chanel with “SloMo”.

Were we hypnotised by the booty? Read on to find out!

Chanel – “SloMo” (Spain Eurovision 2022)

Review: Chanel – “SloMo”

William: Fans of Spain’s Eurovision 2022 act have been using the mango emoji to share their love of Chanel’s juicy entry. But given the spice and enduring burn of her performance, a chilli pepper seems more appropriate. “SloMo” catches fire thanks to its infectious beat and enticing raggaeton feels. But Chanel takes the flames even higher with her eye-popping choreography, which would leave even J. Lo needing to stretch. From the strobe light effects to the killer dance break, this production is a dizzying slice of joy and awe. If a Eurovision winner is based on entertainment, this is easily the most perfect entry of the year.

Score: 10

Renske: Without a doubt, Chanel is brining all the confident Latina vibes to the contest. “SloMo” has strong international appeal, which will be understood by a foreign public without trying too hard. It’s a club pleaser and a total stage song. But what’s especially nice about it is that it shows there can be more Latino-induced songs that don’t have to sound like a rip-off of “Fuego”. 

Score: 8

Luis: Jaw dropped. Hasta el suelo-lo-lo-lo. Spain’s Chanel has one of the strongest, if not the strongest, performances of the year. She elevated what would be an otherwise regular upbeat song to performance perfection. There’s this sense of comfort, and I’m now speaking as a Spanish fan, in Chanel: you know she’s going to nail it every time. And that’s a weird thing to get used to but I guess it’s what’s supposed to happen when your country competes at Eurovision?

Score: 9

Angus: Just when you thought Eurovision had had enough of female dance bops, Chanel Terrero strode over the horizon and threw down the gauntlet with the most striking dance breakdown of living memory. Much has been made this year of the dance break, but “SloMo” has plenty going for it too. At last a strong entry bouncing off the prevailing Latin pop trend in the charts and the smartly put together chorus matched against excellent choreography. Booty hypnotic? Consider me hypnotized. 

Score: 7

Antranig: Picasso, Matisse, Da Vinci, Chanel. This is fine art, make no mistake! Seeing the national final performance of “SloMo” for the first time resulted in every cell in my body being slayed on all levels. That magic hasn’t faded on subsequent views. The choreography is already flawless – they just need to make the most of the Eurovision stage in Turin to make this really pop. With a lot of ballads and mid-tempo songs this year, “SloMo” inherently stands out. Spain’s results are notoriously hard to predict but at the very least, Chanel gets my douze points.

Score: 10

Spain Eurovision 2022 ranking

In the Eurovision 2022 Wiwi Jury, we have 18 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Cinan: 9

Deban: 9

Jonathan: 8

Josh: 8.5

Lucy: 9.5

Natalie: 7.5

Oliver: 9

Pablo: 9.5

Robyn: 9.5

Ron: 10

Sebastian: 10

Suzanne: 5

Tom: 9

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 8.91/10

What do you think of Spain’s Eurovision 2022 entry? Share your own score and review for Chanel’s “SloMo” below!

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2 years ago

This was the standout performance of the night. Despite other countries incorporating a Spanish flavour into their lyrics and rhythms, Spain’s entry was amazing. Chanel out danced the pro dancers while singing completely on point. This could have been a super bowl performance! She may not have won but undoubtedly this performance will have launched her professional career and she will hit it big. Well done Chanel! Well done Spain

2 years ago

order that his 10 shouldn’t be removed. But there were more perfect 10…, so it wasn’t be remove but any means and Spain should have won the Wiwiblogs jury and not Sweden with 8,94. That strategy had non sense.

2 years ago

Nothing special. She’s a great dancer and performer, though tries way too hard to be sexy, and that’s what totally kills it for me. The song is just an average latino club song, the lyrics dock your IQ by ten points with each listen. Would be an ok club song if it wasn’t so overrated, this way it just unbearably irritates me.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

Spain is in the way to win ,thanks to all the coments from the haters ,thanks to then too in the name from Salvador Sobral,Duncan ,and other winners what a week before the final was with so many negatives coments ,Spain no doubt is in the right way ,good luck

2 years ago

Take a video and watch it slomo!

2 years ago


2 years ago

Maybe a big FLOP?!? It reminds me of Malta 2021 or San Marino 2021.

2 years ago

If you have to do flip flops in the air and shake your ass as if your little life depends on it, it’s a sign of a weak song that needs to be saved by a flashy performance. The song is trash.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Shake your ass, little life… Sexist comments and from a woman? Wow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

So Beyoncé, Rosalía, Jennifer López, Shakira… you are all wrong! You will never get to yave a music career! Hahaha!

2 years ago

Meaningless lyrics. I can’t stand songs and performances like this any more. Just sex sex sex.. Maybe I’m getting old and have seen stuff like this on tv all my life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Milla

There’s just too much of this in music already. All those wet, sweaty seductive “sexy” songs that sound exactly the f**king same. Passion, fire, desire and I go higher. And to be honest, there are so many that are much much better than this one. Who? Who on earth needs another one of those?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Say that to the 12 thousand sad girls copying billie eilish this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Green

I will take 20 thousand sad Billie Eilish knock offs over this tired tune that was rejected by JLo 10 years ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

It seems you are really on the hating side…it is ok girl you are old and you dont like Slomo/sex… Good for you have a tea and enjoy your ‘big’ boring life and whatever song you like. You have 40 to choose from.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

What will the older population vote for? They have seen this so many times. I think this will not be it. Maybe men will haha.

2 years ago
Reply to  Milla

Yes. You are getting old.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Well ask some twenty year old persons about this performance and you will see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

And it’s great.

2 years ago
Reply to  Milla

It is not that it is sex, I like sexy songs. it it the way it is portrayed that is disturbing. It is not interesting or intriguing. Just outdated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

How is anything she is doing disturbing? Its just the blatant sexism in the eurovision community that is disturbing to me

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

maybe you need to learn spanish to have an understanding of the song. not sure where you see sex. is about a powerfull woman with latino vibes but you probably dont know anything about latin music and how they express themselfs through the shape of the body and the dance moves and been sexy and desirable but with power and inteligence, something that you also dont have. this latino songs dont need to be elevated by a dance to be saved they are coming with a dance because of the nature of the song so when you talking about something… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  C.B.

Well except English and I do understand Spanish, speak Swedish, French, Italian and some German. How many language do you speak? So you don’t think this lyrics are sexist?
Here’s the mami
The queen, the tough one, a Bugatti
Everyone’s crazy about this party
If I have a problem, it’s not monetary
I make all the daddies go crazy
I’m always first, never secondary
As soon as I make doom, doom….

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Why is this sexist? Do you have problems with sex?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

No is not. Is about a powerful woman than knows how to manipulate men instead of the other way around. As I said you also do not know anything about latin music and the meaning of their lyrics, the passion behind, the history of countries in latino America were a woman has to overcome the men the best way posible to be heard. Like many other did in the past. Like Marilyn Monroe who everyone thought that was a silly blond woman and she was more intelligent than all the mens around her. So please do everyone a favor and… Read more »

2 years ago

Oh my god.
On the positive side, the wiwi jury for 2022 is over, so we won’t be subjected to more of this.
Yeah, I know nobody’s making me read it, but I’m excited for Eurovision and can’t resist the free content.

2 years ago

Is it maybe because I’m blonde? But I really don’t understand thé hype about this one! This is not that as many think. It’s actually quite annoying,. I think this might go the same way as Barei in 2016,. Big hype before thé contact, big flop on thé night itself. 8,91/10 is ridiculous high!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

° that good

2 years ago

SloMo is my 2nd favorite this year. It’s an amazing song and it has the best dancing I ever seen at Eurovision. Sometimes I adore SloMo so much I feel it’s tied with my #1. In any case, I’d be so happy if this won.

2 years ago

Totally deserved. What a bunch of jealous haters I see here in the comments. Good luck next time, maybe next year you can also have a successful song and an artist as good as Chanel. Well I doubt anyone can be as good as her but I’m trying to be polite. Spain is the deserved winner this year without a doubt.

2 years ago
Reply to  LMN

I will come back to this comment right after the results are up, to wipe your tears. Spain doesn’t do very well in Eurovision in the recent years despite some decent efforts. This song is not good enough to suddenly make them win. I doubt it will even end up in the top 10

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

I dont really understand this “hate”… So will you be happy if we end up bottom 5??

2 years ago

That was close. Congratulations Cornelia and Chanel!

2 years ago

Suzanne we are coming for you with the booty hypnotic

Chemtrails otcc
Chemtrails otcc
2 years ago

Lol. Why so overrated?
Fuego didn’t win, neither SloMo

2 years ago

Fuego: Beyonce from Ali Express
Slo Mo: Fureira from

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Nothing foureira did was even touching the level of Chanel. Slo mo is better than fuego

2 years ago
Reply to  12points

It is not. As a song it’s much weaker. Vocally Chanel might be a better performer, but I wouldn’t say it’s a great achievement since the bar was pretty low already.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Go look at both performances and decide for yourself which is harder to execute. Be realistic, choreography wise, vocally wise and song wise Chanel is elevating

2 years ago
Reply to  12points

Eurovision is not a dance competetion. Yes SLOMo is a great dance performance and difficult to do. But the song is like zero. I did not like Fuego either but this is worse. The dancers sorrounding her are are so tacky. It is pretentious in the wrong way. It lacks charm and humour.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

It lacks humour?? As in jajaja? Which Eurovision act has humour? Your comment has humour though.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Maybe I need to explain. to be able to make anything put if Slomo it would have been good with some sense of double meaning, that it was not taking itself 100% serious. The song is not serious it is just stupid so the performance should have had something that makes you smile. Some comment upon it not being serious. Now it is going the other direction. In melodifestivalen there have been this kind of performances that have a glimpse of fun or humour in it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Yes yes… To make you smile. You are right. Bye

2 years ago
Reply to  12points

Fuego’ s coreography was great but it was mainly performed by the dancers. Eleni was just doing the moves in the less tiresome way possible. If you watch the performance again you see that Eleni raises her leg half as high as the backing dancers.
In Slomo’ s performance Chanel is another dancer and sings at the same time.
Both coreograpies are great but you cannot compare Eleni’ s performance with Chanel. Eleni just marked the steps while Chanel is actually doing the moves exactly the same as the dancers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I agree, Chanel is a way better dancer and her choreography is miles better than fuego. I dont know if my point came across in my original comment

2 years ago

9.5/10 Just a great bop! I actually really liked the studio before Chanel’s performance too! Yes, the lyrics aren’t deep or anything, but that doesn’t matter! They’re fun lyrics for a fun song!! The amazing dance breakdown will go down in ESC history! I hope this at least comes top 10! (It will)

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

This year is europolitic song festival ,and we know already who go to win ,is not really nothi ng exiting,Spain is the only one bring a los interest this year ,hope become second o third ,deserve it

2 years ago

The only reason this is compared to Eleni is because she is a woman who dances. Thats it. No one compares the 30 ballads or ethno bops, but the latina woman singing a denmbow( a latin genre) is a copy?

2 years ago
Reply to  12points

That is it and this is sexist as hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui


2 years ago
Reply to  12points

Everyone compares ballads all the time. Even mid-tempo songs, and slower linear entries are packed with ballads (usually with a complaint that there’s too many of them, regardless of blending ten different genres in one category).

But yes, Slo Mo and Fuego are sonically different, and each has it’s own unique identity. The only comparison is that they are both uptempo, charged with eroticism, and have complex dance routines.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Why no one compares Greece and Netherlands then?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

They do. What board do you read?

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Ahh ok so which one is the other 2.0??

2 years ago

Esc eurofans might be the most incoherent of them all… Year after year they speak of how important staging is because this is a tv show and blabla… This year, Spain presents THE BEST staging (like it or not) but this year it is just the song. Staging is of no importance it seems but then to contradict themselves even more they look in awe to the stages expecting them to be a mixture of a Spaceshift and Disneyland… Why do you need a magnificent stage with pyro, drones, a spinning wheel, 2 thousand milllion lamps, leds and robots if… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Yes, and normally the performance is important. But, no, apparently this year neither the staging nor the performance is important. Just the song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorena

Usually both are important. Or actually four things are important in Eurovision; 1 the song, 2 the charisma of the performer, 3 the vocal ability of the performer and 4 the staging that should fell fresh and new. Not all winning songs have all of these. I think SloMo song is like 1, charisma 10, vocal ability 4, and staging 2. The last one is because it is without any interesting new elements. So it all is about her charisma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

New elements as with what song exactly? What are 4 you “new elements”??

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorena

But anyway for ‘just the song’ they need a stage that spins with a waterfall and drones and 2 million gadgets…

2 years ago

Overhyped trash

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Well trash no… Just a song you dont like… And you are who?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

And you? You think your opinion matters more than anyone else’s? So silly of you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

My opinion is just my opinion and this is why i dont say things like ‘this is trash’.

2 years ago

Fun, drunk in a gay bar somewhere in Europe. Not winning material.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

Sweden big favourite to win have around 50 coments CHANEL have nearly 200,oeoeoeoe,that mean how much interest we have ,amazing

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Arthur

Probably because every year Sweden is a favorite but Spain hasn’t been one for a very long time.

2 years ago

i know most eurofans are probably a little slomoed out since the weeks following benidorm, but it’s undeniable that when you first saw chanel’s nf performance it was totally mesmerizing and obviously decisive. slomo seems to have both jury potential and televoting potential, if chanel can pull of a stage show like we’ve never seen before i would be satisfied with her as the winner even if i wouldnt personally listen to the song outside of eurovision. out of all the entries this year, it has the most mainstream appeal and i expect it to go viral during eurovision week… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

*divisive not decisive

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

also why is my correction of my own message getting downvoted?

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Haha…the original message gets upvotes and a spelling correction gets downvotes. That’s just brilliant.

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Because people dont forgive errors.

Anna Annita
Anna Annita
2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Jury potential ?????? You mean top 20…

2 years ago
Reply to  Anna Annita

it won the benidorm juryvote on both occasions

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Do you really wanna talk about that?

2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

when spain places top 5 with the juries i hope you can admit that you were wrong. i dont really even like slomo, but its probably the most complete package of the year and i think juries will get behind that

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

I don’t care how it places with the juries. This is a bad song and it’ll be on 15th May too.

2 years ago


2 years ago

As Jade sung We’ve been down, down so long… I mean we Spanish Eurofans… Be nice and let us enjoy a bit. It feels so good to, at last, be noticed. On May the final result will be whatever but please while we still have the chance let us face the music and dance!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Ok, pero parad de spammear todo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

Tanxugueira’s fan maybe?

2 years ago

Haha this is a joke! Have you guys listened to the lyrics. She’s a great singer and dancer but I wouldn’t even give a 2 for the song.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
2 years ago

Fast and slick Dembow rhythms drive this song to choreographic bliss. It might be a bit too sexy for some markets, but for me it goes perfectly with the club scenes from Spain-made Netflix hit “Elite”, which has current international appeal. Normally I find it difficult to rank fast dance tracks in my top 10 because the musical content repeats itself. However, the whole of “SloMo” is layered with rapid syncopations, which when crossed with the Dembow beat produce some pretty awesome cross-rhythms. The Pre-Chorus contains a nice build up of some melodies and raunchy harmonies before the Drop moment.… Read more »

2 years ago

This could either do really well or flop. There is no middle here. I don’t see it as a winner because it’s something we have seen before on eurovision stage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Lo hemos visto antes en el festival de Eurovisión? Creo que es el primer país que lleva en medio de su canción un flashdance y música tan latina de este tipo no lo recuerdo…

2 years ago

No es la mejor canción, pero señores no se la pierdan! Porque si sera el mejor espectáculo! Dará mucho que hablar para bien! No se si ganará, si hará un top 3 en Eurovisión o un Top 10… Lo que si se que ella hará MAGIA sobre el escenario eso no me cabe ninguna duda!, Seguro que su actuación marcará un antes y un después… Canta, baila, actúa y tiene buena presencia escénica…. Llegó la Mami a Eurovisión! Pase lo que pase los eurofans Españoles estamos orgullosos de ella y del gran cambio que ha dado RTVE con el Benidorm… Read more »

2 years ago

Oh dear. I do love Chanel and her performance is exceptional; however this song is not going to do very well in the final. It’s just not a good song.

2 years ago

I agree with Suzanne for once haha ! Not my cup of tea. But objectively a very good performer.

Pablo Nava
2 years ago

Chanel’s the artist I feel is more likely to bteak through and make it big. She is fantastic.

Spain had to send this kind of music eventually, and they got not only a great song, but THE performer of the season.

It’s fun, fresh, and despite being picked in January, still feels as good as the first play.

P.S: “I liked it before live performance” gang represent.

Anna Annita
Anna Annita
2 years ago
Reply to  Pablo Nava

Its not performance…its just some dance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anna Annita

Also known as a performance

Anna Annita
Anna Annita
2 years ago
Reply to  12points

Strip tease too…

2 years ago
Reply to  Pablo Nava

Says “Pablo”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pablo Nava

It isn’t Spanish, it’s Latin. Stop confusing the two. That’s raceist.

2 years ago

I don’t think this will win, if you ask me a Eurovision winner needs to have the whole package. Chanel has the vocals and the performance, but she doesnt honestly have the song and i think shes so much better than the song itself. I still think tho that Spain can get on of their better results in years bc the Eurofans normally likes this type of music (top 10 probably).

2 years ago
Reply to  Filip

Si Toy de Netta o Fuego de Fureira… Te parecen mejores que la de Chanel para estar arriba del Top 5 tienes un problema…. Eurovisión es Espectáculo en solo 3 minutos y Chanel de eso va sobrada! La canción ni es la mejor ni tampoco está tan mal, cuando os da por algo os da!

Anna Annita
Anna Annita
2 years ago
Reply to  Filip

Are there any vocals ????

2 years ago


Esc addict
Esc addict
2 years ago

Well ok… Slo Mo among THE ULTRA BEST EUROVISION SONGS EVER according to the wiwi jury since its creation. That’s the comment.

Esc addict
Esc addict
2 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

Yes Booty hypnotic is one of the best song in Eurovision History loool hilarious, some people have really a weird image of Eurovision to dare to think that…anyway the wiwi cult have choosen this year, it’s Spain or Sweden or Greece, all the others don’t exist, or are not considered at all, but some people will eat their words very soon, drama queens and pathetic cries and complaints are coming because the results won’t be as the bookmakers ansnd as the wiwi biased team has decided, see you in 2 weeks.

2 years ago

Wooow, i’m quite happy with the score, even if it’s a bit too high if i’m being honest. But i was hoping it will win this year’s wiwi jury

2 years ago

Here are my personal top 40 before the show. Will that change after the show? It might. So far, here it is: My top 10 (my *love them* category): Poland / Estonia / Norway / Netherlands – 10/10 5. France – 9.5/10 6. Sweden – 9/10 7. Italy – 9/10 8. Serbia – 9/10 9. United Kingdom – 9/10 10. Greece – 9/10 Entries I also have playlisted, and will likely continue listening to them. I’d be totally fine with one of them winning: 11. Lithuania – 8.5/10 12. Portugal – 8.5/10 13. Ukraine – 8/10 14. Spain – 8/10… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Nice summary Colin, there is only Norway in your top 10 that I don’t want to win, but that is for personal reasons. I think all of
your top 10 seem quite popular in the fandom so I think you’ve got a good chance of being happy in a few weeks time!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Thanks, Kosey. 🙂 What would make me genuinely happy is all of my 4 winners qualifying, and an overall winner being someone from my top 15. I hope so. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I think both of these goals will be easily achieved 🙂 . It is possible that I on the other hand will not have some of the songs from my top 10 in the final. Also just noticed that you have also ranked Iceland high. This song has been growing on me for the past couple of days because I’ve been constantly playing it while doing something that requires concentration, like for example a university project. It’s such a calm and peaceful song for this purpose and may soon climb higher on my list.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I think all of your winners are safe qualifiers and I can’t see a country of your top 15 winning. My satisfaction would be much more complicated to achieve, since 6 of my favorites are in the first semi and I guess at least one of them will leave us prematurely on Tuesday. There’s also a reasonable chance that a song from my 2nd group happens to win the whole thing and maybe I won’t feel angry about it, but probably underwhelmed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

So far, all 4 of my winners feel like easy qualifiers, but after Finland in 2017, I take nothing for granted before it’s confirmed. 🙂 But yes, I do expect all of them to make it, and perhaps even in all among the top half of the qualifiers. I am a bit worried how Poland will stage it, though. The ones I’m really worried about are Lithuania and Portugal. Something tells me that Serbia will make it, and much higher than expected. I hope I’m right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Colin, your top is absolutely impeccable. We almost have the same taste, with slight disagreements!

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I posted mine in the original Wiwijury article since a few other people were posting them there (maybe I should’ve put mine here? I think posting it twice might be a bit much). Happy to comment on yours here though! We’re really similar this year. All of my favourites that didn’t make your top ten are mostly just sitting in the next few positions and could easily slot in if Poland, France and the UK weren’t so high. Your bottom is pretty much the same as mine, song-for-song. 29-33 are all songs I liked a lot more though so that’s… Read more »

2 years ago

lol at Suzanne’s score, just a running joke at this point

2 years ago
Reply to  zelenovi

Suzanne is a joke. Wiwibloggs got two press passes this year. William gave one to himself and the other to… Suzanne.

That’s an insult to everyone who reads Wiwibloggs. She knows nothing about Eurovision, and gives nothing to the community except her stupidity, and she gets a press pass because she’s William’s sister. She’s a joke.

Lil Krumpy
Lil Krumpy
2 years ago

33.Spain – Great performance, amazing dancing. It’s a club banger, but might be too safe. Big five’s safe songs end up bottom five. Hope they keep it in Spanish.

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago

SloMo had been out for an entire month prior to that NF performance and I don’t really remember there being too much hype about it at all. I mean, I don’t mind it either, but is some Cuban booty shaking actually enough to sway people’s opinions that much? Why did it only get around 4% of the televote at Benidorm if the Spanish fans love it as much as they seem to? Is it pointless even talking about its chances to win considering that last year the fandom’s holy trinity of bops (Malta, San Marino and Cyprus) could barely score… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

Spanish fans don’t like it. It’s an embarrassment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

True for Tanxugueiras (72%), but not for Rigoberta (17%). Ay Mamá was Number 1 here for about six weeks and just received the award for Song of the Year from Radio 3.

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

And Galician government was supporting and paying for votes to Tanxu…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui


2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

That’s not true. Stop spreading lies.

2 years ago

Just an opinion (which is just mine). I don’t believe there is a song this year (excluding Bulgaria) that is receiving so much hate (and that is possible even considering it’s placed high in the odds and general charts). It seems to be a bad choice this song, considering it belongs to a group of songs many in Europe do not like. It sounds to many as some kind of extraeuropean music, done by people from poor countries, and that is not acceptable. In particular if the song is about shaking your booty. What I find here is an act… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Momomo

Slomo is is a Dutch production, it could be accused of being a kind of cultural appropriation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

So your point is completely invalid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

I was addressing momomo

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

One of the producers is Dutch but it’s far from being a Dutch production. All the people behind it live in the US which is pretty much influenced by Latin culture.

2 years ago

Boring person. That’s all I’m saying.

2 years ago

There’s always at least one person who says this

2 years ago

Colin once called “SloMo” a “compact bop” and I loved this definition so much that I took the liberty to borrow it. I mean, if we analyze the song for its intentions, everything works with a precision even some very successful bops in Eurovision’s history failed to achieve. But of course the biggest selling point is the amazing choreography and how Chanel sells it like a huge star. It’s that kind of performance that grabs your attention and doesn’t let you focus on how the song is average and its lyrics questionable. 7/10

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

To whom it may concern, here’s my full ranking: 1) Netherlands and Serbia 9.5 3) Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine 9.25 6) Sweden 9 7) Portugal 8,75 8) Greece 8,5 9) France 8,25 10) Iceland and Poland 8 (I would be in peace with any of those as winning entries, though some still have a lot to do or something to prove in terms of presentation) 12) Belgium and Cyprus 7.5 14) Czech Republic and Estonia 7.25 16) Armenia, Slovenia, Spain and the UK 7 (Not winners in my books, but all solid entries with performers I’m fond of, probably my… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina


2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Still not sold on Hold Me Closer, ahn? I can understand it, the song itself is conventional. But I love how Cornelia sells it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I like your top ten. It’s got songs we agree on but also, a couple of songs that you have really gone to bat for. If I was picking songs outside of the favourites to gatecrash a top, I think you could go a lot worse than going with Lithuania and Serbia. :3

2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Both Lithuania and Serbia are “love or don’t get it” entries. Which means that when I love them, I normally have a huge soft spot for songs that break the mold. If they manage to get a top 10 like “Russian Woman”, it would be already great.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

“Russian Woman” ended up being my third place so I can appreciate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Fun facts from my part:

Last time that my top 10 have been in my bottom 5:

  • Poland – 2018
  • Estonia – 2021
  • France – 2020
  • Norway – 2000
  • Netherlands – 2015
  • Sweden – never (1996-present)
  • Serbia – 2013
  • United Kingdom – 2007
  • Greece – 1998

Last time that my bottom 5 of 2022 have been in my top 10:

  • Moldova – 2017
  • Israel – 2010
  • Malta – 2013
  • Bulgaria – 2021
  • Denmark – 2018
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I’m not that organized to know my rankings to this point! But I can say this is the 2nd time in a row my previous last place rises to the 1st group. France went from last (though I never properly ranked 2020’s entries, it was pretty clear “The Best in Me” would get a terrible review from me) to the top 3 last year. And now Poland got to the top 11 (what a ride!).

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I think a lot of this is due to the variety of performances that certain countries bring in comparisons to others, Countries like France and San Marino tend to go for it and have oscillated between my top 5 and bottom 5 over the past few years depending on whether the gamble paid off or not. Then there are countries like Sweden which tend to go for similar things each year which have never hit my top 10 or bottom 10 since I started ranking in 2015. And then there is Norway, oh Norway, my consistently favourite country since 2015….and… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Aww… I feel happy for you quoting me, Sabrina. I totally agree with this review. It’s a ”compact bop” with Chanel’s energy being its prime asset.

2 years ago

I’d just like to point out that this is an all time top 5 wiwijury rating over the last 10 years with the likes of Euphoria, Arcade and Occidantelis Karma.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zisk

(if you’re wondering, the other song in the top 5 is the rating they’ve given to Cornelia this year too)

2 years ago
Reply to  Zisk

We can’t compare them… I think that this rating is too high. A good performance, nothing more…

mark dowd
mark dowd
2 years ago

as a general rule, the more you hear fanboys yell, “Queen” and “she SLAYED”, the more wary you sho

mark dowd
mark dowd
2 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

should be of the song’s genuine ESC chances.

2 years ago

I think Spain could win the televoting so it really depends on the jury voting.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

Well Sweden big favourite to win have 34 coments ,Spain more than 130,that say really much how important and how mucha attención have our Chanel, one star is born ,xxx

2 years ago

The fact that SloMo’s reaction has been so controversial only makes me more confident she’ll win in Turin. ALL publicity is GOOD publicity, especially at Eurovision.

Let’s not forget how controversial Netta’s ”TOY” was in the fandom. Chanel and Subwoofer are the only acts that people are seriously hating on, which is a good sign for them both!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

It doesn’t always go like that but we will see. I personally don’t think Slomo will do as good as people say it will. But I could be wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

Also, am I the only one who mostly actually agrees with Wiwibloggs rankings so far?

It’s definitely better than OGAE’s ranking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

Have you seen the reaction to Sweden? Not very positive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Not surprised by that. A consistent theme for Sweden’s entries.