Although we’re officially into the Eurovision 2023 season, it will still be some time before we hear any national final and Eurovision songs. Thankfully, the music will always continue and a number of Eurovision artists are still producing new songs for us to enjoy.
Contrary to the commonly perpetuated myth about the song contest killing careers, we’re always thrilled to report that singers associated with Eurovision are thriving.
Here is our latest weekly roundup with a selection of just some of the songs and music videos released recently by Eurovision stars.
New music from Eurovision artists: 2022 | Week 44
Kalush Orchestra & Szpaku – “Nasze Domy”
Poland has been one of Ukraine’s biggest allies during the ongoing war, taking in millions of refugees. Now, Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra have collaborated with Polish rapper Szpaku for the song “Nasze Domy” (“Our Homes”). They pray their houses will be spared from the devastation of Russia’s war and that they’ll soon be able to return in order to toast Ukraine’s victory : “Our houses / Don’t let blood drip in here / I will defend myself / Until their hearts are torn out”. In the music video’s description, the Eurovision 2022 champions discuss this message further:
“When your home is in your heart, it never stops warming your soul. No matter how far our bodies are taken by fate, our souls always live in the houses where we were born and walk the streets leading to our schools. Every nation has its history. Polish and Ukrainian nations have experienced similar times of struggle. Therefore, this song is based on true feelings. We know what it is like to fight for our piece of land because we are not guests on this planet. We are the owners who want the light of warmth and peace to shine through the window of every home. Glory to Ukraine!”
Mykola Vynar feat. KALUSH – “Patton”
That’s not it from KALUSH this week. The original rap members of Kalush orchestra have also been involved with the new single “Patton” by Mykola Vynar. This has been a long time in the making, as the song was written a number of years ago and the music video was filmed last summer. The song discusses parents, and how their guiding light remains with us even after they’ve passed away.
Teresinha Landeiro feat. Salvador Sobral – “A Lei da Recompensa”
Eurovision 2017 champion Salvador Sobral has added his vocals to the new single by Fado singer Teresinha Landeiro. The Portuguese artists come together for “A Lei da Recompensa” (“The Law of Reward”). It’s a gentle song that flows effortlessly throughout its duration, with Sobral and Landeiro guiding the listener along this musical river.
Sam Ryder – “All The Way Over”
Sam Ryder may have delayed the release of his debut album by a few weeks, but he’s still giving us some new music to satisfy our appetite in the meantime. Although Sam is know for his cheery and jolly personality, “All The Way Over” sees the British star showcasing a more emotional and vulnerable side to himself. Sam sings about the difficulty he has in mending his broken heart: “God knows I try / But you’re hard to forget / They say there will come a day / When this pain will leave my chest / But I’m not all the way over you yet”. Musically, the song is primarily a piano ballad. However, it swells in the bridge with the addition of an orchestra and the Eurovision 2022 silver medallist’s soaring vocals.
Måns Zelmerlöw – “Sober (Mer för varandra)”
In the most recent episode, Måns gave his own spin on “Mer för varandra” (“More for each other”), originally recorded by Norlie & KKV. The Eurovision winner decided to switch to English, changing the title to “Sober” and singing about companionship: “Will you be the one for me when the night’s getting colder? / When we wake up and we’re stone cold sober / Or will you still be riding alone now?”.
Chingiz Mustafayev – “Vay Vay”
Chingiz Mustafayev’s new song is “Vay Vay”. The Azeri star makes a return to a more pop-orientated sound for the track, but it’s still got the acoustic-guitar rhythms of his other work. Chingiz sings about how “love should be without pride”. Yet, in the music video, the Eurovision 2019 contestant has to deal with his partner constantly thinking about themself rather than taking time to share an intimate moment.
Elena Tsagrinou & Nore Pierre – “Pes”
“Tell me, tell me how much you want me / I know that you’re dying for me / Tell me, tell me why do you need these other girls? / Stop texting them!”. Elena Tsagrinou is making it clear she wants a monogamous relationship with her lover. Cyprus’ Eurovision 2021 star delivers this message through the catchy pop song “Pes”, which nicely blends traditional Greek instruments into the production.
Edurne & Yarea – “Mil Motivos”
Edurne has revealed her eighth studio album, due for release in 2023, will be a throwback to the 2000’s pop she began her career with. We get a glimpse of this through the new single “Mil Motivos” (“Thousand Reasons”). Spain’s Eurovision 2015 star has brought in Yarea to join her on the song. The two of them sing to an ex-partner about their role in the breakdown of their relationship and how this ex still hasn’t learned their lesson: “I’ve given you a thousand reasons / To see, to step back / And restart / And you’re still lost / And still asking me to please / Hang on for a bit longer”.
Greek4U feat. Elena Ionescu – “In Sfarsit Indragostit”
Romanian singer Elena Ionescu is adding a little Greek flavour to her discography. The Eurovision 2012 alum has joined forces with the group Greek4U on the single “In Sfarsit Indragostit” (“Finally In Love”). They deliver positive vibes and transport us back to summer for a short while. The lyrics are all about how having someone who loves you is like a ticket to the stars: “Sunny days / Two fulfilled souls / Opa, opa, I’m loved / Finally in love”.
Trijntje Oosterhuis & Residentie Orkest The Hague – “Het Gaat Niet Over”
Trijntje Oosterhuis is honouring the work of Dutch musician Henny Vrienten, who passed away in April this year. The Eurovision 2015 act is set to release a new album in January where she covers some of Vrienten’s best songs. The first teaser single from this is “Het Gaat Niet Over” (“It Is Not About”). Trijntje switches out the original harmonica intro for flutes, provided by The Hague’s Residence Orchestra. Lyrically, the song looks at what the most important things in life actually are: “It’s not about numbers / It’s not about money / It’s not about possession / But about who matters most to you”.
Tusse – “I Wanna Be Someone Who’s Loved”
Hit Swedish show Young Royals, featuring Melodifestivalen star Omar Rudberg, has returned for season two. When watching the series, make sure to listen out for Eurovision 2021 star Tusse. He features on the soundtrack with the new song “I Wanna Be Someone Who’s Loved”. A steady ballad, Tusse hopes to find someone who will cherish him: “You make me feel like I’m invisible / I wanna be the one who takes it all / Calling for help, but no one hears my call / No, I won’t give up / I wanna be someone who’s loved”.
Kasia Moś & Leszek Możdżer – “Zapomnij”
“Zapomnij” (“Forget it”) is the new single from Kasia Moś. Poland’s Eurovision 2017 singer has teamed up with pianist and composer Leszek Możdżer for the song. Możdżer provides an elegant accompaniment to Moś’s vocal line, where she sings about two people that are drifting apart. On social media, Kasia commented more about what she hopes people will take away from the song:
“‘Zapomnij’ is a story of two hearts that have lost a heartbeat together. At the crossroads, everyone stands alone longing for unfulfilled dreams of a shared future. Broken hearts don’t stop loving, fortunately. With every mistake, there is a lesson. When we lose love, we lose a part of ourselves, and at the same time we become richer, wiser, more mature and free. The most important thing is to allow yourself to close this chapter – even if his point tastes like disappointment. Good things are worth waiting for. It’s worth not forgetting that we are only responsible for our own happiness and, regardless of the circumstances, we deserve it ruthlessly and without debate. ‘Zapomnij’ is not just a request addressed to someone important – it is also a self-suggestion and a state in which we wish ourselves the best, although the common scenario will only gain blank pages.”
Stress feat. Marius Bear – “Again”
Marius Bear will be hoping his new single will be played “Again”, “Again” and “Again”. The Eurovision 2022 alumnus has collaborated with Swiss rapper Stress for the almost anthemic track. Marius sings part of the chorus, with Stress then adding French-language verses. Their lyrics are directed to their partners, with the duo hoping any ill feelings are just temporary and that they can start afresh: “Is it just a phase or maybe / We’re just waiting for the song to end / And play it all over again (again, again) / And if we f*** it up again (again, again) / I’ll be the one holding your hand (your hand)”.
Gromee & Sara Chmiel – “Ostatni Walczyk”
Gromee sadly lost his dad this year. Poland’s Eurovision 2018 DJ has decided to pay tribute to his late father through the song “Ostatni Walczyk” (“The Last Waltz”). With vocals provided by his wife, Sara Chmiel, the song notes that those we have lost will always remain with us in spirit: “And in the ears the melody sounds / Forget the memories he was in / Hope for a better tomorrow and today / He’s here with me / And the waltz is still playing”. Gromee discussed the significance of the song on Instagram:
“For everyone who has ever lost someone close to them. This song has been waiting for its release for over 4 years. Sarah and I decided to release it the day before All Saints because we ourselves faced a great loss this year. My Dad passed away unexpectedly and this is how we wanted to pay tribute. Dad was a man who loved music and loved to sing himself. Let this last waltz also sound somewhere up there in the sky for Him and those who look at us from above.”
Hola, bonjour, “Hi”. AMOS FLEUR is the new musical duo involving Carlotta Truman, one of Germany’s Eurovision 2019 S!sters, and songwriter Simon Leander. They gave us a Halloween treat with their new single. A dark alternative pop song, Carlotta confronts a man over their misogyny and harassment: “don’t call me baby / boy i‘m not ur toy / u can‘t fall asleep / cause my voice creeps / inside u / watch out for me / as i sneak up / behind u”.
Systur – “Goodbye”
Adiós, au revoir, “Goodbye”. Systur are packing their bags and leaving the past behind them. Iceland’s Eurovision 2022 trio have decided it’s time for their relationship to conclude in favour of a new beginning: “Goodbye lover, my old friend / We have come to an end / It breaks my heart to let you go / But I must carry on the show”. Systur sing in unison for much of the dreamy country track, taking listeners away on this new journey with them.
ELENA – “Pirifana”
ELENA has been busy collecting the harvest. Though, her mind isn’t solely on the crops around her. Romania’s Eurovision 2009 star is also thinking about the person she hopes will be the grapes that enrich her own life: “The mind wanders / But the heart does not make mistakes […] My heart sings as it wants / It sings to me because my other half wants you”. Musically, “Pirifana” is a charming folk song that captures the spirit of the Aromanian and Romanian languages ELENA sings in.
Maraaya – “Le Ob Tebi”
“Only by your side I am what I am / You know me in all faces / In my victories, in all defeats”. Maraaya have become known for their love songs lately, and this continues with “Le Ob Tebi” (“Only By Your Side”). Slovenia’s Eurovision 2015 duo offer a rich ballad in which Marjetka sings of the support her musical and life partner Raay gives her. They go into more detail about the song’s message in the music video’s description:
“True love is not a Hollywood movie. True love can be one boring day, a day when you are not doing your best, when you are the worst version of yourself, but you are still loved, respected and appreciated. You still feel the support of your partner and you can only be who you are with them. It is easy to be together when everything is beautiful, and the essence of true love is to grow and rise together.”
Mia Dimšić – “Sunce Moje”
The nights might be drawing in across Europe, but Mia Dimšić has her own ray of sunlight to illuminate the winter months: “I don’t shed tears / No, there is no such evil / But my sun / I would cry for you”. Croatia’s Eurovision 2022 star brings us a steady pop track that’s primarily guitar driven, but it adds in strings for an extra flourish in the chorus. Mia heads out on the road for the accompanying music video, driving until she finds “Sunce Moje” (“My Sun”).
AMAYA – “Rdeče”
Last weekend, AMAYA competed in the 45th edition of Slovenia’s Popevka festival. Performing the song “Rdeče” (“Red”), the Eurovision 2011 star was given the award for best lyrics. AMAYA uses the colour red to represent sensuality, and suggests we all have that feeling within us: “When you bite gently into the contents of my flower / What would you choose today? / Are they roses or strawberries? […] I know, we all would / They drank red / The wine of passion / Which is in our blood”. The Slovenian singer discussed the text of the song further in a post on Instagram:
“Sensuality is the ability to feel and experience the world with all your senses. It is a gift, it is a mystery, it is a deep longing for connection, to know yourself more intimately and to be in touch with your creative spark. To be fully alive, present, playful, joyful. For me sensuality hides the potential for healing, integrity, transformation and liberation and at least for me it creates a better quality of life. Sensuality is part of our being and not something we need to learn. And I wanted to tell you that with this song… to make you feel and ignite an inner spark that shines the brightest on the outside.”
Circus Mircus – “Realizo” & “Lizard In A Fish Tank”
Circus Mircus are no longer attempting to hide their identities. Eurovision 2016 star Nika Kocharov is now very much present in the group’s social media posts. Instead, they’re focusing on new music, having recently dropped two new singles.
The first, “Realizo”, features Blolbrst and Tato Rusia. They sing from the perspective of a wealthy person and politician who is controlling the actions of others: “Anything you do you’re second tier / I’m pulling your strings like a puppeteer / Second guessing every sound you hear, honey, honey / Realizo my darling”.
Georgia’s Eurovision 2022 act have also released the quirkily titled “Lizard In A Fish Tank”. This second song features Qaji Todia.
Another progressive rock track, the lyrics here describe a person with some unconventional habits: “Got the mind of king / Got the curvy spine / Loves to dip his toes in marmalade, while getting high”.
Jurgis Did (feat. Erica Jennings & Pranas Emiljus) – “You Are Worth Saving”
This final track is a family affair. Jurgis Did (part of Eurovision 2010 group InCulto) wrote the song; then he brought in his ex-partner (and Eurovision 2001 star), Erica Jennings, and their son, Pranas Emiljus, to accompany him. The Lithuanian trio sing harmonies over soft ukulele and guitar strums. They discuss the darkness that can creep into people’s lives, but that we all deserve to find inner peace: “As you sink into your depths / The silent darkness pulls you close / I see the weight of the world heavy upon your brow / And the senselessness of it all pulling you down / You are worth saving”.
Which of these new songs is your favourite? Have we missed out on any? Do you have any artists you want to shout out to? Let us know in the comments.
Jurgis Did participated in ESC as well – in 2010 as part of InCulto,
“Ostatni Walczyk” (“The Last Fighter”) it actually means “The Last Waltz”.
Vincent Bueno with a Silk Sonic Vibe – Never Be–EQ2S04TWU
Pia Maria – White Noise
You’ll find PIA MARIA’s “White Noise” in the week 40 roundup from October (, and Vincent Bueno’s latest album, including “Never Be”, was covered in the week 26 roundup from July (
Thank you for doing this every week x2, Jonathan. I love your passionate and thorough weekly reviews and recounts 🙂
Thank you for reading 🙂
My pick from this week is – yet another – ballad: Maraaya – “Le Ob Tebi”
Elena Tsagrinou & Pes could do pretty well at ESC. It was so unfair with her last year, I hope she can come back some time in the future and get the good result she deserves!
Thank you for doing this every week, Jonathan.
You’re most welcome. Glad people appreciate it 🙂
It would be interesting if you included 3 debut songs by the new Hurricane girls!