Unicorns are mythical beasts with a single horn, known for their magical qualities and unrivalled beauty. And on Wednesday evening Noa Kirel made the case that she too is a divine creature by sharing “Unicorn” — Israel’s Eurovision 2023 song.

This song is all about perseverance and unleashing your inner strength. As Noa sings: “I’m gonna stand here like a unicorn, out here on my own, I got the power of a unicorn.”

“Don’t you ever learn? That I won’t look back, I won’t look down, I’m going up, you better turn around. The power of a unicorn. The power of a unicorn.”

Noa Kirel reveals “Unicorn” — Israel’s Eurovision 2023 song for Liverpool

In a clever play on words, Noa chants “feminine” and “phenomenon” in quick succession, suggesting that women really do have that inner power. It’s feminine-feminine-phenomenonal.

In the video we see Noa scaling the ceilings to orchestral accompaniment before slipping into a fierce jump suit and later turning into a half-woman, half unicorn beast of beauty.

The song really comes into its own in the final minute when Noa and her backing vocalists chant Un-i-corn. The heavy beat and fierce rhythms are perfect for a dance break.

What do you think? Can Noa Kirel win it all? Let us know down below. 


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2 years ago

Um, it has to be noted that she’s not a unicorn, she’s a centaur. Rather basic fail there…

2 years ago

This year live performance and staging is key. Doron and Noas team had worked on this for 4 months already more probably then any other country this year as now was announced first litreally 3 months after the last contest. It’s gonna stand out and be pretty appreciated by the Televote which are the main pointers this year. This would finish high left part of the scoreboard for sure. But is this a winning entry? Really depends on others when it comes to live staging and performance as loreen would most likely have a diffrent staging in the contest itself… Read more »

2 years ago

Noa will answer her final word on the stage.
Whoever dont understand the structer of the song snd that it ment for live will get his anser on may.
I dont think people even realise how strong her live pergormance gonna be.
Wait, just wait(:

2 years ago

Please hear me out.. We are sooo used to hear songs in the same structures all the time. The melody elevates the songs but even in first listen , you know exactly what to expect. Not with this song. This time Israel gave us something to contemplate on. Noa and her team is insane!! and just like Fuego in 2018, her performance would sky rocket her song to number 1! We were given a well thought out product, give credit to the brains behind this production. My advice, listen to it once more and you will fall in love. Go… Read more »

2 years ago

This feels like a B grade Sia-lite song to me. Feels like autotune is getting a heavy workout on so many songs this year (Poland, UK, Ukraine and of course Denmark. Lets hope the live performances don’t turn Eurovision into a long episode of The Voice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Denmark’s chorus is using vocoder, not autotune. Rather different effect and perfectly valid artistic choice – vocoder makes a vocal line sing in chords, whereas autotune just tries to disguise an inability to sing.

2 years ago

so… I feel like it’s quite a grower. I didn’t like it too much on first listen, but I keep coming back to it now. I also thought the lyrics weren’t good initially, but now I feel like I’ve got it & they make sense ?

2 years ago

Considering she has a good voice, why not writing a decent song with proper Lyrics and not this cheap cr@p!

2 years ago

This will win the whole thing. Its not a strong year, and if she does a bit of Chanel dance near the end, she has it in the bag. None of the songs have winner vibes, and this comes closest to it.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago
Reply to  Robin

No, Ritoli, she ain’t winning

2 years ago

The chorus doesn’t do much for me and it feels like 5 different songs mushed into one, the dance break seems incredible and will definitely be a moment in Eurovision if they nail the choreography but I expected more.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vigo

I feel the same. It’s like I like the different parts but when put together it feels a bit disjointed. Whenever I see clips on TikTok I feel like I’m listening to different songs. Shame because she has a beautiful voice and can really pull off the dance break

2 years ago

It’s quite generic with a power ballad chorus and then the ethnic part and dance break to make it a bit less predictable and safe at least.
It’s not really for me yet it’ll have its audience for sure and Noa will probably have big budget for her performance so we can may see another Loreen/Tattoo situation. I don’t think it should be a contender for win tho. we’ll see

2 years ago

Party for everybody, sieben, sieben, ens twei,


I thankfully accept that you try to be crazy. Will probably be a classic.
But not enough people will vote for crazy.
It’s probably a grower. So in a few year we’ll be screming it when we loose our heads

2 years ago
Reply to  Erik


Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
2 years ago

Very loud and messy – I really expected a entry like this.

Israel 2 out of 12

2 years ago

There are a higher than usual number of songs this year whose video does them no favors. This is another one.

2 years ago

I think she’s 10x better than the song is which is.. disappointing. Another song and she could’ve been really hard to beat this year.

2 years ago

First part of the video up and down is mostly disturbing from hearing the song, which a bummer because her voice is good.
The lyrics are… Well… What is the power of the unicorn? Is it some general knowledge? Or is it the part she sings afterwards about her not looking back? And then she’s also a queen. So basically a queen with unicorn power.
She has a good voice and she sure can dance, but the dance break we got lady year so this feels like a Chanel-copy part of the song.
My summary is a big fat NO!

2 years ago

Who ever critisize this song probaly listened to it 1 time…this is a song to listen few times to get it right. Its ment for live performance, Noa will kill it on stage and there everything will make sense in the live performance.
This is what i call out of the box entry.
Mark my words, its competing for the win

2 years ago

And another mediocre song with form over substance. So, no complaints about 2023 being a snoozefest, more like a hysterical circusfest. With so many bops and bangers don’t be surprise if a bland ballad takes the trophy…

Oy oy
Oy oy
2 years ago
Reply to  L’oiseau

Yes, I know this is off topic but Switzerland surprisingly really stands amongst this years songs!

2 years ago
Reply to  Oy oy

Exactly! Or Italy.

Oy oy
Oy oy
2 years ago
Reply to  L’oiseau

Yes, let’s not forget Italy! (unless they change the song for something more up-tempo,- which would be unwise considering the other participants)

2 years ago

So I want to talk about Mrauv’s Siren Song for a second. Because Noa’s dance break sent me straight back to the dancing stilettos in the video art behind Maruv. Siren Song was the ultimate banger of 2019 and we all said it was robbed when its participation was ultimately denied. So what made it a hit? I mean the words there were just as cringe (“come to me,” “I’m so fine,” “love me boy”) and the melody was hardly original. The answer is showmanship, good staging, provocative dancing, and your basic banger. That your recipe for Eurovision and its… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  LawProf

But that is it. It’s only part of the song which has that kind of appeal.
Siren Song at least had a coherent music flow throughout the whole song. It doesn’t sound as if it’s bits and pieces stuck together

2 years ago
Reply to  LawProf

Norway will do much better overall in the end. Norway has all the female energy those previous entries brought. “Unicorn” wont do better than Eden Alene from 2021 for sure…

2 years ago

What a disappointment, lyrics are on the level of awkward and comical, song itself seems to be 30 songs broken apart and glued together and it kinda feels like a mess that is all over the place.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Try to listen to it more than once… It is actually geniously “glued” as you sayed. It builds up gradually till the climax in the end. And for the lyrics, I personnaly think there is more to it: it is not only about woman power- “you keep calling me names- we are not enemies, or do you wana check my DNA (I am not sure those are the exact words) it is about us all (the jewish/Israely people)

2 years ago

Cringiest lyrics of the year. Also, this is the kind of mess you end up with when there are too many different songwriters involved.

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
2 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian

The “Unicorn”-shouting near the end is very childish.

2 years ago

A nice song from Israel, but I must admit that I find her voice a bit annoying.

2 years ago

This was supposed to be a song with feminist view, but those lyrics make this seem more of a satire of feminism which refers it as a “Unicorn” which are make-believe.

2 years ago

Considering the hype there was about Noa, I thought the song was going to be a contest sweeping one. Too overhyped. Loads of better songs out there.

2 years ago

I don’t know the girl, nor her previous songs/career. She looks beautiful and talented. I expect it to go to the final because it has a lot of fans, but for me this is a classic cliche esc song and the worst so far from the first semi-final

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

I do not think it should be called ‘Unicorn’. Maybe ‘feminine’ would be a better title as that’s actually the catchier parts?

2 years ago

Call me underwhelmed. So much hype for a mid song?

2 years ago

Queen but she tried too hard and the product doesn’t come as genuine. It’s still very good tho

2 years ago

Overhyped, as I was expecting.

2 years ago

I mean I like the feminine feminine part

Oy oy
Oy oy
2 years ago

After feeling underwhelmed last night I gave «Unicorn» a new chance this morning. And hearing it without big expectations was actually quite refreshing! Then I listened to «Tattoo» afterwards and it really struck me that «Unicorn» is so much more innovative and exciting than «Tattoo». Maybe the juries might go with something fresh and think that Loreen with «Tattoo» is just spinning around the beats and performance of «Euphoria»? I expect a big sceneshow from Israel which might cancel Loreen’s? Any thoughts on this?

2 years ago

While I do like the song, the lyrics is just weird and incoherent. Wish her the best tho!

2 years ago

Pretty good song ngl. Apparently it’s written by Doron Medalie, that same arrogant unlikeable bald mf in hot pink/purple suit in 2018 that shooed Cesar Sampson away from congratulating Netta.

Miguel Soares
Miguel Soares
2 years ago

I love it, no matter what others say.
The issue is that we all got used to a certain melodi arrangement and any “out of the box” song structure is not for everyone.
Let’s remember – this is the creation of Doron Medali who expertises in fusion pop songs (Golden boy, Toy, Feker libi and others) which usually do very well at eurovision.
I expect Unicorn to do very well and to showcase Noa’s abilities.
This will definitely get my vote and hopefully bring Israel it’s best result since Toy.

2 years ago

It’s ok but it’s not in the running to win. Top 10 maybe with a good performance

2 years ago

It is a Bop, indeed. But honestly, the lyrics are ridiculous…

2 years ago

Hmmm… I like it but it definitely lacks identity. Don’t get me wrong with a good live performance this should sail through the semis but at the moment it’s not phenomen- phenomen- phenomenal for me

2 years ago

Absolutely nothing for me but it will do well

2 years ago

Finally , another good song !

2 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

How dare you!!??

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

I’m being sarcastic over the dislikes

2 years ago

it’s missing a final chorus to make it a complete song.. just like that it feels unfinished

Go_A Stan
Go_A Stan
2 years ago

This song is good, let’s get it said. It’ll look great on stage and the dance break especially is gonna be hype.
Although I’m not sure how much it holds up as a song for me. It’s great at building up tension but it doesn’t quite release it properly.
If I was a musician (believe me I’m not) I’d try having the dance break as the chorus and a shortened “Power of a unicorn” part as the bridge. (Would be fun/funny to hear the “you wanna see me dance” line multiple times)

2 years ago

Cliché chorus. I’m not particularly thrilled about the song. Give the choreo in the video, this will likely come alive on stage, but I won’t be really be listening to this.

I actually found last year’s entry much more fun and enjoyable.

2 years ago

Can anyone explain to me how come that the majority comments here are not liking the song, but in youtube most comments are positive?
My quest ion is serious!

2 years ago
Reply to  EscIL

yes. its weird….
according to the comments here , its the worst song ever.
but when you see the comments in YouTube its a winner.
i don’t remember such differences in previous Eurovision.

2 years ago
Reply to  confused

Clearly her fans on Youtube… she has a lot of fans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

I don’t believe that all these hundreds of comments from around the world are from her fans

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago
Reply to  confused

It’s a weird thing but it happens a lot, a subject being talked about in a different light from site to site

2 years ago

I know that song is not groundbreaking or anything, but as an Israeli, I can assure you that you are not ready for what Noa can bring into that stage in Liverpool. For those being harsh; you might need to gulp your words back

2 years ago
Reply to  rasa

“gulp your words back”?! ? You are talking as if Eurovision is a dance/ vision song contest. Maybe she will have the best dance/ visual performance, but I garantee you that if she had to stand there just singing, she wouldn’t go far… just look at the ridiculous lyrics!… Are you a fanatic fan?

2 years ago
Reply to  Moonstar

Well, I’m Spanish and I have to admit I didn’t think SloMo could be Top 5, and of course not get 3rd position, despite the good performance, because the song was not good enough.
I was wrong. So who knows.
Unicorn is not my cup of tea though.

2 years ago

oh Ritoli, dinners here!

2 years ago

people are saying “ohh it sounds like 4 songs in one” but i actually think it does it really well that will keep the audience interested and drawn in (we cant forget that Noa is a great ESTABLISHED performer whos going to bring it. I think Israel can get top 10. The songs that have been released recently are saving this year.

Ultima Thule
Ultima Thule
2 years ago

After all the hype, bookies giving this top 5 chances, I have to say – really? 😀

The song is ok, but I would put it somewhere in Cyprus/Netherlands overproduced generic pop entries.

I even like Austria more than this.

Maybe it is because of the hype, I don’t know. This can qualify for the final, but it needs amazing performance and staging to be anywhere close to top 10.

For ones who say this is winner material, no disrespect, but it is laughable.

2 years ago

Hmm, I was kinda looking forward to this due to all the hype. Well, tbh I’m disappointed. The chorus doesn’t sound like a chorus at all. Maybe its wrong of me to have expectations, but i thought there was gonna be a beat drop or something since it’s an uptempo song. It’s all over the place. It’s trying to be too many things. But who knows, the live might surprise me (or disappoint me even more!)

Frankie M
Frankie M
2 years ago

This song SAVES this extremely weak year! This happens when Slomo and Mata Hari make a child! Thank you Israel for making us think this year is absolutely amateur and rubbish and then you come and smack us in the face with this bop of a masterpiece!

2 years ago

This gives me unicorn vibes

2 years ago

I’m Israeli and i really really dislike the song. Sadly i also hate most of the others except perhaps Italy and Estonia. Ugly contest

2 years ago
Reply to  Igal

Does it matter you are Israeli? It was an internal selection by KAN11 and the artist. You simply don’t like it , Israeli or Japanes,you don’t like it and it seems that what you do like is very very little. Mmmm it’s…HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM. .. not with songs but with the listening ears.
Lots of good songs this year And UNICORN IS ONE OF THEM .
feminine feminine phenomenon sing girl