Photo: RTSH

Albania makes its ninth appearance at Junior Eurovision in 2023. Representing the nation in Nice will be Viola Gjyzeli with the song “Bota Ime”.

Scroll down for the “Bota Ime” lyrics

Albania in Junior Eurovision 2023: Viola Gjyzeli with “Bota Ime”

Viola earned the honour of representing her country at Junior Eurovision after winning the national selection Junior Fest 2023. Held at the Pyramid of Tirana, Viola emerged victorious from amongst 16 contestants.

This isn’t the first signing competition the young star has won. She first showcased her performing abilities at the age of seven when she lifted the trophy at a children’s song contest held in her hometown of Durrës. Voila moved there after being born in Italy to Albanian parents.

Outside of singing, Viola also enjoys playing basketball and table tennis. Her house is always full to the brim with life — she has six dogs (Zago, Era, Tomi, Zara, Boi, and Bora) and one pet cow (Dotty).

What do the “Bota Ime” lyrics mean?

“Bota Ime” translates to “My World”.

Viola creates a new mystical world in her daydreams and uses it as a safe place. The young singer escapes from the troubles of the physical world and the judgement of other people. In her own realm, she’s able to live however she pleases:

There I muse
My fantasy I build
Feeling real and taking risks
No-one judges me
Live the way I want

Some may think Viola is away with the fairies by daydreaming so much and that she should face her problems head on. But for many, a comforting place to shelter can often be an important thing to have, regardless of whether that is fantasy or reality.

Viola is resolute in her desire to create her own world where she feels free to be herself. She doesn’t want anyone coming along to ruin it for her:

No, No! No, No!
Back off!
Don’t fight me
I’m in my own fairyland
Mine is this world
Tiny, but fully-fledged

“Bota Ime” lyrics – Viola Gjyzeli (Albania JESC 2023)

Lyrics: Eriona Rushiti; Music: Enis Mullaj

Eriona has previously written two of Albania’s Eurovision entries — “Ktheju Tokës” (2019) and “Duje” (2023).

Albanian text

Jo, jo! Jo, jo!
Mos lufto!
E kam unë një botë
E imja është ajo
E vogël është ajo
E mbushur, e mbushur plot


Aty ëndërroj
Aty jam e vertetë
Askush nuk më gjykon
Aty unë rrezikoj
Në vendin tim, jetoj aty, unë

Më lini të jem e vertetë
Të jetoj si dua vet

Jooo nuk gaboj
Kur ëndërroj
E them unë çdo deshirë
E them se jam e lirë
Jam e lirë, jam e lirë , jam e lirë

Sa herë ëndërroj
Jo nuk gaboj
Se jam e lirë , në vend të lirë
Për çdo dëshirë, cdo dëshirë

Aty ëndërroj
Aty jam e vertetë
Askush nuk më gjykon
Aty unë rrezikoj
Në vendin tim, jetoj aty, unë

Më lini të jem e vërtetë
Të jetoj si dua vet

Jooo nuk gaboj
Kur ëndërroj
E them unë çdo deshirë
E them se jam e lirë
Jam e lirë, jam e lirë , jam e lirë

Jo, jo mos lufto!

English translation

No, No! No, No!
Back off!
Don’t fight me
I’m in my own fairyland
Mine is this world
Tiny, but fully-fledged


There I muse
My fantasy I build
Feeling real and taking risks
No-one judges me
Live the way I want

Let me be real
In my fairy world

I know, I’m not wrong
When musin’
My wishes I speak out
‘Cause I feel free
I’m free, I’m free, I’m free

Whenever I daydream
I know, I’m not wrong
Cause’ in my fairyland, I feel free
Every wish to fulfill

There I muse
My fantasy I build
Feeling real and taking risks
No-one judges me
Live the way I want

Let me be real
In my fairy world

I know, I’m not wrong
When musin’
My wishes I speak out
‘Cause I feel free
I’m free, I’m free, I’m free

No, no don’t fight!

Are you a fan of “Bota Ime” by Viola Gjyzeli? Do the lyrics resonate with you? Let us know in the comments below.

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1 year ago

I simply have to tell that the whole sound buildup (especially chorus) is really really similar to Radiohead – Creep

1 year ago

SIX DOGS AND A COW? That’s happiness forever!!!

1 year ago

I must be in the minority of this fandom but this song is in my top 5 of this year, and knowing that the fandom has no power or influence at the end, then their opinions have no importance… but really not.
Good luck Viola, you deserve the best. I find the song haunting and beautiful, and Viola vocals touched me.

1 year ago

This isn’t a junior song. The lyrics are ok-ish but so very taupe. Still, it’s all about the experience, so good luck to Viola!

1 year ago

I’ve seen this in every YouTuber’s bottom 3, and as much as I think Viola has a pretty vocal sound and the song has its hook… I can’t rank this high myself either, given the tough competition we’ve got this year. With most songs being on the slower ballad-y side, this one does too little to keep itself afloat amidst the crowd. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst entry of the year, but it leaves things to be desired, especially instrumentally. The song almost feels like one backing instrument gets more focus in the chorus than Viola herself, and the… Read more »