Tonight marked the first round of Estonia’s national selection for Eurovision in May. The Eesti Laul 2024 semi-final saw 15 acts battling for a spot in next month’s grand final.

Only five of them made it through, where they’ll join five automatically-qualified acts who broadcaster ERR chose to put straight into the February final.

The semi-final took place in Tartu, hosted by Tõnis Niinemets and Grete Kuld.

Eesti Laul 2024 semi-final


There were two rounds of voting. In the first stage, a 50:50 combination of jury and public votes determined the first three qualifiers.

Tõnis and Grete first revealed that the jury’s top three (in a random order) were: INGA, Cartoon & Ewert Sundja, Ewert and the Two Dragons.

However, once the public vote was added to the picture, the first three qualifiers were:

  • Ewert and the Two Dragons – “Hold Me Now”
  • OLLIE – “My Friend”
  • 5MIINUST x Puuluup – “(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi”

In the second round of voting, it was entirely down to the public. They could choose two other acts to advance to the grand final, and these were:

  • Peter Põder – “Korra veel”
  • Anet Vaikmaa – “Serotoniin”

Running order

  1. 5MIINUST x Puuluup – “(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi”
  2. INGA – “No Dog On a Leash”
  3. OLLIE – “My Friend”
  4. YONNA – “I Don’t Know About You”
  5. Peter Põder – “Korra veel”
  6. Cartoon, Ewert Sundja – “Oblivion”
  7. Traffic – “Wunderbar”
  8. Ingmar – “Dreaming”
  9. Anet Vaikmaa – “Serotoniin”
  10. Laura – “Here’s Where I Draw the Line”
  11. Sofia Rubina – “Be Good”
  12. Antsud – “Vetevaim”
  13. Silver Jusilo – “Lately”
  14. Cecilia – “FOMO”
  15. Ewert and the Two Dragons – “Hold Me Now”

What do you think of the Eesti Laul 2024 semi-final? Do you think one of these acts could go on to win the ticket to Eurovision? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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lasse braun
lasse braun
7 months ago

team talharpa here!
i was yesterday witness of one of the best NF semis ever – perfect show with very good sound and mostly excellent acts – that a masterpiece like oblivion is not in the final is a real shame – this silly 5 out 15 (with 5 for me lame ducks seeded) is against fairness.
i also think that antsud,cecilia and inga would have deserved a place in the final.
the broadcaster has failed to set more fair rules – the old rule with two semis with 5 of 10 was a way better.

7 months ago

I’m actually satisfied with the choices.

“Korra veel” and “Hold Me Now” were my favs prior to the show but I wasn’t sure about them qualifying. Ewer & TheTwo Dragons really delivered one of the best performances, very solid and classy. I think it needed some punch by the bridge or the chorus but it worked well on stage.

7 months ago

In this semi, I had 3 songs I liked a lot.

My opinions on them:

  • 5miinust & Puuluup –> The performance itself was fantastic. They only have to work a bit on the vocals and their camera interactions here and there.
  • Ollie –> Fantastic performance, but in my opinion it’s not smart to choose a piano as a prop the year after Alika’s Eesti Laul victory.
  • Cartoon & Ewert Sundja –> I am sad they didn’t make the finale, but they deserved to be a NQ based of how much of a mess their performance was.
7 months ago
Reply to  GojoSatoru

Fortunately, the piano was indeed a “prop” – that (video) part was pre-recorded (vocals were live I think) because he didn’t have any piano on stage.

7 months ago

Those who are angry about Cecilia not qualifying did you watch the live performance? It wasn’t vocally strong. To be honest Peter Põder wasn’t either, i would have switched him and Oblivion

7 months ago

Oblivion was my fave 🙁

7 months ago

Ollie has this in the bag, could’ve also been a internal selection tbh

7 months ago

My top three qualified, so am happy about that. Worried about juries in Estonia though. Between the pre-qualified finalists and the results here, they seem clueless.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago

Next year, please get rid of the semi final or at least the only 5 qualifiers! Estonia only really needs one final anyway!

7 months ago

This is one of the national finals where I’d most hate the field to shrink. I find some of the off-center NQ acts wonderful.

7 months ago

The point of so many songs is to give Estonian artist opportunity to get a large audience for their art. Estonia is a small country. Please understand it is used to benefit local musicians, not to make your life more pleasing.

7 months ago

I’m pretty happy here. I like four of the five qualifiers, and I accept the inevitability of the fifth. Thank you, Cecilia, Inga, Cartoon, and Antsud.

7 months ago
Reply to  Zanoni

I am a little surprised that Ewert and the Two Dragons made it. Good song, but more “album track” than “hit single.”

ESC Serg
ESC Serg
7 months ago

That thing with the prequalifiers just to hold one semi final instead of two went too far

Stian F
Stian F
7 months ago

Cartoon and Cecilia should have qualified instead of Peter (one of worst vocals this evening) and Anet (what a dull boring performance)…even Inga and Antsud would have been better qualifiers… i agree with Ollie, Ewert And Dragon and 5MINUST though.

7 months ago

meeeeeh Cecilia not in? the only one with a show that would stand out on Eurovision.
but im glad Ramo and Marko got in. it is a good anthropological study for Marko to explore the… Eurostuff

7 months ago

What has happened to Eesti Laul? There doesn’t seem to be any artistic vision behind the 5 pre-qualifiers other than “filler written by singers who peaked in 2016” and if they were choosing the most famous or celebrated artists why not the clear favourites 5MIINUST and Ollie who are well established? Why create a show with 2 of the spots virtually pre-decided and force 13 singers to complete for 3 spots only for some of the best songs to be cast aside for seemingly no reason other than not being in Estonian or written by Sven Lohmus. I hope ERR… Read more »

7 months ago

The results are both expected and unexpected, make that make sense :(:

7 months ago

Wait, Oblivion was in the top 3 of the jury? So then I guess the televote screwed this one up.

7 months ago
Reply to  Ari

No, Hold me now was

7 months ago
Reply to  Ethh

This article says: „Tõnis and Grete first revealed that the jury’s top three (in a random order) were: INGA, Cartoon & Ewert Sundja, Ewert and the Two Dragons.“

7 months ago
Reply to  Ari

Estonian televoting has always been problematic. The format for this year’s Eesti Laul is awful.

7 months ago

And the worst thing is that we knew this was gonna happen. Estonia ain’t Estonia if they don’t make wrong choices…
At least 5miinust x Puuluup and Ollie qualified. I’m happy about that.

7 months ago

I’m not particular excited with this year’s Eesti Laul and the format is really weird. All my favourites (Inga, Traffic, Cecilia, Cartoon) are out as well, so I’m probably skipping the final.

7 months ago

Pleasantly surprised by these results. I love Seritoniin so very happy to see that go through.

Peter Poder is the bigger surprise. That song has been on my playlist since it came out but it seemed low down in the polls, so it’s really nice to see that a lot of the public likes this song as well.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kosey

Peter Põder was my top5 before today, but this live was very weak. I was very surprised that he qualified. I would have preferred Cecilia.
5miinust ja Puuluup ftw!

Stian F
Stian F
7 months ago

Oblivion is out!?!??! That was my favourite in Estonia … that is disappointing. But overall a great selection so I understand some will loose out then…

7 months ago

well, 5/15 songs qualifying, that’d certainly disappoint many fans

7 months ago

Yeah, I hope we cancel Eesti Laul, it’s pointless. I think we should try internal selection from now on. What’s the point of doing a contest with a lot of mediocre songs, if we all know in Estonia that the budget is tight. Let’s save the money and just select an artist and a song.

7 months ago
Reply to  Heini

No, look at 5 finalists the jury chose behind the doors, they wouldn’t know who to pick. Fan favorites are all in the semi-final, showing that internal selection would be a fail.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sometimes

Well I actually don’t even care what we send. I just stopped rooting from my own country for a while now. It’s not that I can vote for my own country at eurovision and Estonia will never win Eurovision again so. Let’s send the worst song this year, 5 miinust. At least it’s in Estonian…

7 months ago

As an estonian i am disappointed Oblivion is out,
but i am happy for 5MIINUST & Puuluup, their song somehow makes me ridicilously happy.

7 months ago

Meh. Oblivion is out. Ewert is still there but I wanted Oblivion. So they decide half of the finalists themselves, leave only 5 spots for 15 entries and out of those 5, they also use a jury to decide some of them? Strangely undemocratic for Estonia.

7 months ago

Sven Lohmus needs to be put in to Eesti Laul retirement RIGHT now because how do his songs qualify every time

7 months ago
Reply to  Teddy

I voted for Serotoniin, really like the song and so does my whole family. Its in estonian and very easy to listen to. And we know its not gonna win so its easy to support it

Nikita Zhukov
Nikita Zhukov
7 months ago

Other than the predictable OLLIE and 5MIINUST & Puuluup qualifications, these results are lowkey unhinged haha
I’m upset about INGA and Cecilia going NQ, I was hoping they’d go through, I actually didn’t expect this at all
Oh well, I guess there’s that
The grand final will be very interesting with some big eurofans’ favorites out already

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago

Apart from Ollie and the Estonian folk dance song, these results are odd. I was sure Traffic and Cartoon, Ewert Sundja were gonna qualify, let alone Cecilia (which i’ll let off because of her live vocals)! Traffic and Cartoon had some of the best live vocals AND staging. Tbh, I dont really like this ‘only 5 songs get through’ format. Hopefully they wont have a semi final next year!

7 months ago

3 shock qualifiers,,,,

FOMO, Oblivion and Vunderbar you will be missed… Too many of the strongest songs were in the Semi’s while the Automatic Qualifiers are all total passes for me.

7 months ago

Wow Hold me Now actually qualified! That’s great I liked that song. Ollie was the best of the night for me.

7 months ago

Please stop it next year with the automatic qualifiers. It’s awful.

7 months ago

Surprise qualifier from ewert and the two dragons. Curious to see the last two although i am 90% sure traffic will be one of them. I’ve accepted the fact that cecelia probably won’t qualify it’s a bit jarring for the estonian public i feel like

7 months ago

Ewert+ Two Dragons, 5MIINUST ja PUULUUP and OLLIE qualified from the first round of voting

7 months ago
Reply to  Teddy

Two spots left in the televote only second round

7 months ago
Reply to  Teddy

Nice to know! Thanks!

7 months ago

I’ve been checking and waiting here but when comes the results?

7 months ago

5miinust, Ollie, Cartoon, Traffic, and Cecilia should qualify imo

7 months ago
Reply to  nope

I voted for these five songs.

7 months ago

Ok my qualifiers
5MIINUST x Puuluup – “(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi”
Cartoon, Ewert Sundja – “Oblivion”
Cecilia – “FOMO”
Antsud – “Vetevaim”
INGA – “No Dog On a Leash”

(Ollie is my 6th place, but we only get 5 here. He’s more likely to qualify than some of my picks so if the stans can be chill for a moment…)

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

As someone who didnt put My Friend first, I gotta say Ollie’s really improved.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 15 (Ewert and the Two Dragons – “Hold Me Now”) – This is a nice song. I love the guitar chords and the solid “double beats to 4”. Black-and-white filming is an interesting choice; not my personal favourite style. When it turns to colour in the end, I feel relieved.

7 months ago

I actually really liked the last song although I know it won’t have mass appeal. The three songs I liked the most are My Friend, Serotoniin and Hold Me Now. Now off to MGP (just in time 🙂 )

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

Thanks. See you there.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 14 (Cecilia – “FOMO”) – Dramatic presentation. Bravo, it’s one of the best we have seen tonight. This song requires a wide vocal range with agility and power; it’s almost there, except during some choreo moves. This performance had rough edges, but I appreciated the effort that was made. It made it feel like a bit more than “just another dark dance track.”

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

She needs to work on her singing first, then dance moves. I like how dark it is. When have Estonia ever sent a dark girl bop? I think it’s got a LOT of potential on the Eurovision stage if she can polish it. But i’m glad they listened to us regarding the staging. Queen’s chair and darkness was GREAT for it.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago

Okay, Cecilia fan here. Her song is my favourite out of ALL OF THEM and even I thought there were some pitching issues there. It sounded like there was either heavy playback or backing singers who were A) Out of tune slightly with her or B) She was out of tune with them! But only slightly, because she was able to get back to the notes towards the end. The end bit is always the best bit, but yeah the high notes were a bit off. I was expecting something much different. Like she even looks different to how I… Read more »

7 months ago

Song 14, this is good!!!!

7 months ago

If you can’t dance – don’t dance.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 13 (Silver Jusilo – “Lately”) – A lovely man, with an edgy song. The sound mixing wasn’t to my taste here; I would have preferred to hear more of his voice rather than the thumping beats. Plus there wasn’t really any staging here. Visual effects were an afterthought. Nice try, but it’s a “no from me”.

7 months ago

Omg I missed the whole thing! Going to read your commdnts guys…
Viva Ollie!!!!

7 months ago
Reply to  Eve

I didnt like venom, but i like my friend, somehow slightly more appealing to my more easy listening tastes

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

I prefer My Friend aswell! He brings so much passion! My winner <3

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 12 (Antsud – “Vetevaim”) – Another one I’m a personal fan of, so it’s hard for me to be non-biased. 6/4 time signature yaas. Sparklers at the end. I mean, I’d just send them to ESC for Estonia now if I could. But that’s just me.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Apparently it’s not a 6/4 time, I have been corrected! It is compound time signature (6/8 + 3/4). Sorry Antsud.

7 months ago

I’ll take 1 Katerina (Go-A) over whatever this is.

7 months ago

Why are the results not being shown yet, hurry up

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

there are still 3 acts to go??

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 11 (Sofia Rubina – “Be Good”) – Purple is my favourite colour to wear. Motown influences are in this song. Wearing the “I Am Soul” hat I see. Yeah, this was alright. I love a bit of soul. 🙂

7 months ago

Song 11, this is dreadful.

7 months ago

Coochie-Choohie, ya-ya — Lady Marmalade.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 months ago

Song 10 (Laura – “Here’s Where I Draw the Line”) – It’s wonderful to see Laura again. I’m always enchanted by her star power. Of course I enjoyed the performance. I can’t really fault it, except perhaps for some of the lyrics not reaching the TV audience; so that’s probably a sound mixing adjustment to be had. Perfect otherwise. 🙂

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

She’s actually SO underrated.

7 months ago

I don’t think I’ve ever liked one of Laura’s songs. This one is not helping her case

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
7 months ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

It was much better than expected despite all the negative attacks.

7 months ago

To be fair, her biggest problem is always that her songs are boring. She’s a good singer, and not bad on the performance aspect. But she’s never exciting