The Eurovision fandom has been set alight by Mustii’s “Before The Party Is Over”, which has been chosen to represent Belgium in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö. Now let’s get better acquainted with him, shall we?

With an internal selection, Belgium’s national broadcast decided to send Mustii to Sweden with hopes of achieving a great result. It has been 38 years since Sandra Kim took the trophy home, and they want gold!

But who is Mustii behind the musician we see on stage? We’ve compiled facts you need to know about him. Let’s do this!

Belgium at Eurovision 2024: 10 Facts about Mustii

1. He’s from Brussels

Mustii, or by his real name Thomas Mustin, was born in the Belgian capital of Brussels on November 21, 1990.

2. He studied theatre

Mustii studied theatre at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Louvain-la-Neuve, a small town in Wallonia. He first appeared in the Belgian police series À tort ou à raison in 2012. He was then later in other TV series such as the operetta L’Auberge du Cheval-Blanc (2015) and the crime drama The Break (2016). Mustii also performed on theater stages, with roles in the play Débris by Dennis Kelly at the Riches-Claires in Brussels, and Romeo and Juliet. He took on more Shakespeare, performing in Hamlet in various theaters across Belgium. 

3. He also has an acting career

In addition to TV series and plays, Mustii has appeared in various movies. Some of his most notable films include the comedy Odd Job from 2016, Les Survivants in the same year, and L’échange des princesses in 2017. His latest movie appearances are in 2022 in the film You Will Not Have My Hate and in 2023 in the short movie Beyond the Sea. In 2024, a new movie in which he appears is scheduled, called La nuit se traîne. He received the prize for most promising male actor in 2019 during the Magrittes (film award ceremony in Belgium).

4. Mustii is a judge on Drag Race Belgium

In 2023, Mustii was selected to be a juror on the competition show Drag Race Belgique, alongside Rita Baga and Lufy. The show is modeled after the original American series RuPaul’s Drag Race. Along with the announcement of the second season, it was confirmed that Mustii would keep his position on the jury.

5. Mustii has achieved two Top 10 albums

He has released two albums so far, 21st Century Boy and It’s Happening Now. Both enjoyed incredible success in Belgium, reaching the Top 10 domestically. From this, he has been able to sell out numerous tour concerts. His debut concert at the Brussels Royal Circus garnered great feedback. In December 2016, he was honored with the prize for the most promising artist at the D6bels Music Awards.

6. David Bowie is his inspiration 

When discussing his musical influences, Mustii named David Bowie as a major inspiration, one that has persisted since his teenage years. Maybe this is where all the glitter in his video came from! He says Bowie continues to influence him in his work to this day. Additionally, he admires other great artists such as Lou Reed, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones.

7. He is part of the Belgian queer community 

In an interview with the queer magazine KET from Brussels, Mustii revealed that while he initially identified as ‘bi,’ he now prefers to avoid labels altogether. He expressed that he simply wants to believe that he likes ‘people, singular free human beings.’ Proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, he is a staunch advocate for queer rights and actively supports the cause.

8. One of his albums is a tribute to his late uncle

The album “It’s Happening Now” serves as a tribute to Mustii’s uncle. Tragically, he passed after battling schizophrenia. Through the album, Mustii feels a sense of connection with his uncle that he was unable to experience in real life due to his uncle’s illness. The album feels like a personal diary, delving into themes of loneliness, mental illness, and the journey to self-discovery.

9. His Eurovision song speaks about embracing who you are

The song ‘Before the Party’s Over’ was written by Mustii, together with Pierre Dumoulin and Ben Leclercq. The lyrics of the song were written by Mustii together with Arianna D’Amato, Charlotte Anne Clark and Nina Sampermans. Mustii wanted this song to be an optimistic, euphoric burst of energy and he declared:

Before it’s all over, you have to live fully and intensely, but also experiment with life and step out of your comfort zone. You have to take off your mask, fully embrace yourself, listen to your feelings and refuse to be chained and caged. In the song I draw a metaphor between a long evening of partying (with its height – and lows, its ups and downs) and life. Before the fall, before it’s all over, you have to live life to the fullest!

10. His song unites people through music 

More than a thousand people from all over Europe responded to a call to participate in the chorus at the end of the song and sing the final chorus together. It is an original way for Mustii to offer a truly collective song, more than ever in line with the slogan of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024: “United by Music.”

Come back for more exciting stories and facts about Mustii as national final season continues and we head towards pre-parties and Malmö 2024 itself

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1 year ago

Isn’t his CV similar to that of Olly Alexander? Good luck to both men.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

Mustii just told me to take off my mask. But… it’s purple! 😀 Anyhow, I’m more myself as a masked character than as a human being. This is probably why I feel a disconnect with the lyrics of “Before the party’s over”. We have totally opposite philosophies. In my life, the party’s only over when the mask comes off.

1 year ago

Correction: He “was” not the judge of DRAG RACE BELGIQUE. He IS one of the judges and has been from the beginning. He and Rita Baga are the only ones from both seasons.

Someone needs to check their facts before posting.

1 year ago

11. He looks like a character from ‘Zoolander’.

1 year ago

The 10 facts:
1.he’s musty
2.he’s crusty
3.he’s dusty
4.he’s rusty
5.he’s ugly
6.he’s fugly
7.he’s sugly
8.he’s rugly
9.he’s mugly
10.he’s dugly

Hope that helps yall xx

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesiah

He is NOT Mousse T, but he is a s e x bomb

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesiah

As long as he keeps creating masterpieces, I think he couldn’t care less of such comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jesiah

this response says a lot about you. it seems to me that you can’t stand yourself.
otherwise you wouldn’t react like that

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
1 year ago

I thought he reminded me of David Bowie!

1 year ago

He reminds me of Jake Shears.

1 year ago

Off-topic fact but hilarious: Edyta Gorniak came 18th out of 23 in the Polish internal selection. I guess she didn’t have the needed “freshness” of Blanka, which she admired so much as a juror in last year’s NF. She only got 5 points, all 5 from one person. The same person who was the only one to not give Justyna any point thus costing her 1st place. Kasia Mos from 2017 on the other hand was the only one who didn’t give winner Luna any points.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

I used to love Edyta. Not anymore. She is a cheater and a conspiracy theorist. Going all the way back to 1994. Sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Which conspiracy theory? Bill Gates and Satan’s freshness gave Ireland that victory? lol Poor Edyta.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

I can understand why coming second to a country on their third consecutive win might be annoying, but she has a paranoid mind. Paul and Charlie were on some European television show after the win, and Edyta was also a guest. They greeted her as an old friend, but she blanked them coldly. Sore loser, I guess. Completely forgetting the fact that it was SHE who cheated her way to second place by breaking the rules at the jury dress rehearsal. Hypocrite. She says the stress of the whole experience gave her her first grey hair.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Also of course her whole Covid paranoia and anti vaccine campaign.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

And yet she wants to return to Eurovision, presumably for more grey hair. I didn’t know that statement. Is there more of her funny Eurovision comments available?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

She says that the cold Dublin weather gave her a cold, which is why she had to sing in English at the dress rehearsal. Polish would have been too hard on her vocal chords. She expects us to believe this.

You can hear all of this straight from her own mouth on the Eurovision Legends podcast from a few years ago. She seems like a nice person, and made a great interviewee, but still… I would not trust her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

I love this. I’m gonna check it out. I think I even heard it already and forgot but it seems too hilarious to forget. The dress rehearsal sort of rings a bell but the ridiculous explanation didn’t. It’s fun to get such statements but I guess it’s less fun if the person actually beliefs their own delusions. I believe she also has this weird obsession with satanic stuff and Lady Gaga being a satanist. And obviously, if you have an obsession with Satan, you have an obsession with god. Another red flag. Someone should show her Bambi Thug.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

Here is is on YouTube. 45 minutes of Edyta. Probably still available on the regular podcast platforms too.

Some people say the cheating actually COST her the win, which would be funny if true.

1 year ago

I used to have this girlfriend known as Elsie, with whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea. She wasn’t what you’d call a blushing flower, as a matter of fact she rented by the hour. The day she died, the neighbours came to snicker… “well that’s what comes from too much pills and liquor”… but when I saw her laid out like a queen, she was the happiest corpse I’d ever seen. I think of Elsie to this very day, I remember how she’d turn to me and say “what good is sitting all alone in your room, come… Read more »

1 year ago

I knew I was right when I wondered why this unwarranted publicity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Milan

Huh… explain?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Seriously, does this need an explanation?

1 year ago
Reply to  Milan

Seriously, yes… I don’t know what you were right about or how this article is unwarranted publicity. There was one the very same about the U.K. act just yesterday. Every act will probably get one before May.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Probably. Let’s hope for equality.

1 year ago
Reply to  Milan

Oh. You mean cos they’re both LGBT? I doubt that.