Hola, Wiwi readers. It’s me A.J.—the Panama correspondent for wiwibloggs. We are in the middle of the Euro Fever & España just released their four song choices for this year’s selection…
As we all know “El Sueño de Morfeo” (Morpheus’s Dream) is the selected artist to represent España in the next Song Contest in Malmö, and they’re known for their signature sound which is Celtic + Folk + Rock. I’m not very surprised for the four songs blend these genres. They sound very Sueño de Morfeo.
Each has a very optimistic vibe. Despite being the face of Spain in the big contest, they band is being very honest about their preference for Celtic sounds. So I listened to the four songs over and over again, and I make some conclusions, and of course pick my favorite… so here’s my review:
1- Revolución (Revolution)
My personal favorite, this song is to me the best of all the four. The message is really beautiful and I find it perfect for Eurovision. It’s not pop but not rock either…
The essence of this song reflects how young people can change the world in many ways, and that we should do it now, and as I said before, the lyrics of this song are pure art. It’s a great mix of Celtic sounds and Spanish rock. Raquel’s voice sounds beautiful! The only anthem in this selection. Check out these lyrics out my gringo friends:
“Somos los dueños del tiempo, ahora es el momento, hoy somos la revolución”
“We are the owners of time, now it’s the time, today we are the revolution”
2- Atrevete (Dare)
This song is just happiness everywhere, very optimistic, very “Love Shine a Light”, and I think is the fans’ favorite so far. This is the type of song that should be full of sun light, yellow and shining outfits. I really believe in the happy vibe, and as the group said: “this song is about the train of life and the great wonder of life.”
To me the only problem is that this song is just optimistic. Where’s the actual message? I don’t feel the WOW factor and I’m looking for a Potential Eurovision Winner. To me this song is OK. Good but not great.
“Salta, no tengas miedo, para ganar hay que aprender a perder… salta, es el momento”
“Jump, don’t be afraid, To win you have to learn to lose… Jump, it’s the moment”
3- Contigo hasta el final (With You Till The End)
In terms of Quality i think this is probably the best song. The melody is by far the best and it’s amazing the mix of voices and the bagpipes, which I think is something new for Eurovision. (Well, besides Mandinga’s bagpiper last year….). I don’t have a lot to say about this song. I think that probably this is the winning song. We have four interesting songs, and this is the “Strong Ballad” and it’s a different ballad… The lyrics are well done and they try to tell us a full movie in three minutes (that happens a lot in Spanish music).
“Eres esa luz que a través del universo, tú, me invitas a volar contigo hasta el final”
“You’re that light that across the universe, you, invite me to flight will you till the end”
4- Dame Tu Voz (Give Me Your Voice)
This is the weakest song of the bunch. It’s not bad, but isn’t great… I was reading the comments of the Euro Fans about this song and most of them have the same opinion: This would do nothing in Eurovision. The lyrics are about unity, send a good message to the world, but in terms of power I think Revolución is way better.
The group labels this song as the “risky” one, but I disagree because there is nothing spectacular about it. Obviously they continue the Celtic sound in this case with some electronic music, but I just think this is a “Filler Song in an album”. Not great for a single. I just don’t understand why this is in the Final and two better songs are in the Online voting… I don’t see this song as the winner.
“De aquí a la eternidad nada nos detendrá, vamos a contarle al mundo que es verdad que hay tantas cosas por las que luchar”
“From here to eternity, nothing would stop us, let’s tell the world the truth, that there are many things to fight for”
In conclusion I prefer “Revolución” as the Spanish entry in this year’s contest, but I do believe that “Contigo hasta el final” is the one that’s the most appropriate for Eurovision. I admit that it is the best song in this selection, and the only one that I can imagine competing against 38 countries in Eurovision 2013.
Asi que todos los españoles y eurofanes en general, let’s vote online before Feb 11th and don’t miss the final on Feb 26th… I’m sure that Eimear Quinn is gonna love the Spanish entry this year.
I think “flight will you” is meant to be “fly with you” (volar contigo)
It’s difficult to choose between them without understanding the lyrics and only basic music, only based on the melody and rhythm, so it’s a big help to know what they are about.