Last month Sandro was confirmed as Cyprus’ act for Eurovision 2020. Now the American-Greek German singer has performed live on Cyprus television, giving viewers an example of his performance style — and perhaps the type of song he might take to Rotterdam.

Sandro appeared on the live music show Soundtrack of Love. The show combines live performances of popular love songs along with studio guests who talk about their own love stories.

Sandro performed two songs on the show, beginning with Shawn Mendes’ 2016 international hit “Mercy”.

Sandro at The Soundtrack of Love on Alpha Cyprus

Many thanks to Alpha TV and the Soundtrack of Love show for hosting #Sandro #Mercy #TeamCy #ESC2020

Posted by CYBC: Eurovision Cyprus on Monday, December 9, 2019


This isn’t the first time Sandro has performed from the Shawn Mendes songbook. On The Voice of Germany, he auditioned with “In My Blood”, showing an affinity for the music of the Canadian singer-songwriter.

Sandro also performed a song by another young singer-songwriter, Scottish star Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved”.

With both songs, Sandro was able to show off his vocal talent, bringing a slight gravelly tone amid the sweetness and expressiveness.

The song choices also suggest that Sandro is most comfortable performing male singer-songwriter contemporary folk-pop. This might be a good indicator of the type of song Sandro will be performing in Rotterdam and suggests we won’t be hearing another dance-pop track from Cyprus like “Fuego” or “Replay”.

Sandro’s goal for Eurovision 2020

Sandro also had a sit-down chat with the show host, switching between English and Greek. He spoke about his excitement about both going to Eurovision and also having the opportunity to represent Cyprus.

The German singer revealed that his current visit to Cyprus was essentially his first time on the Mediterranean island. But, he said, after previously being inspired by beautiful photos of Cyprus, “I said to my mom, we gotta go to Cyprus — and here I am!”

Sando also said that his Eurovision schedule will be super busy, with many rehearsals and some shootings scheduled — this is most likely to be the song’s music video and the Cypriot Eurovision postcard.

His goal for Rotterdam is all about emotional honesty and connection. He explained, “The most important thing for me will be to stay true to myself, be an honest person and sing the song from the bottom of my heart.” He added, “I will try my best to stand there on that stage and do my thing and just be honest and touch people’s hearts.”

Watch Sandro’s full appearance on Soundtrack of Love

What do you think? Should Sandro select a Eurovision song in this folk-pop style? What sort of song would you like to hear him sing? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Cyprus Eurovision news here

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5 years ago

Please Cyprus. Next year send a Cypriot singer or band. I know you are a small country but if San Marino, Iceland, Malta and Montenegro can send local singers, you can also do it. And those countries have even less than half of your population.

5 years ago

Got a good voice on him. Again, we don’t know his song yet. I don’t see the point in making a huge judgment call (or even guessing how high/low he’s going to place – I mean, jeez, thinking ahead much?) before we’ve even heard the song.

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

I agree…he is very young and I suppose new to the music business and performing. Lots of work and practice will be done before he gets on the Eurovision stage. He does look good, though, so that’s a plus.

5 years ago

If he is so proud and thankful for this opportunity, he should start working on his vocals (and on his Greek)…
I just hope he is given a good song. Otherwise, Cyprus will come back to the 20th spot

5 years ago

if he was on the british x factor he would be send home in bootcamp. He needs a good song to avoid being between 20-26th place

Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

I also said to Aly Ryan: ‘We got to spend at least half a day browsing through pictures of Cyprus on Insta.’ Gotta know the country you’re gonna represent in 2021.

5 years ago

He is amazing person with amazing voice !
Best of luck Sandro !

5 years ago

F*** he’s sexy

5 years ago

He has a good voice, but he lacks the artistic identity so I don’t expect anything special from Cyprus for next year . I wish them good luck, but I can’t see him doing better than Tamta.

5 years ago

yup, he has really great voice but i guess he’s going to receive song boring as beige walls and we will se him in finals but between 20-26th place ;.; hopefully im wrong because in few last years cyprus showed us really high level, we’ll find out

5 years ago
Reply to  xoxofromPoland

Or worse, Cyprus doesn’t qualify.

5 years ago

He immitates. He doesnt perform.

5 years ago
Reply to  esc1234

Well it’s a cover version what do you expect?
Some people just like to be a pain in the @ss

5 years ago

Well, well, well… I totally must take back what I said about Sandro in an earlier wiwi post. The guy can sing! Please, please Cyprus, does not fall AGAIN in temptation of bringing a bop and buy yourself a good ballad, for once. This is what this guys needs! His slightly husky voice is to cry for and he can indeed transmit emotions! Don’t put him to dance! Enough of that! Put him to sing, this is where he can score!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

one thing i’ve noticed about his singing style is that he always tries very hard to imitate the original singer. he’s pretty much a karaoke singer with no personality

5 years ago

Damn, he knows how to sing love his voice!