Will Ferrell Rachel McAdams Netflix Eurovision Movie Fire Saga

Any classic saga normally has more than one film, but what about a Fire Saga? Well at least one movie site is reporting that the Netflix Eurovision movie won’t be an exception to the rule.

Eurovision movie: Will there be a sequel?

Citing its unnamed sources, WeGotThisCovered.com reports that a sequel to Will Ferrell’s Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is in the works. They point out that the same sources previously tipped them off that Netflix were developing a follow-up to Extraction and a prequel to Witcher, so they have a good track record.

It seems that any plans for the movie are in the early stages. The website explains that the new film would be based on “another Eurovision Song Contest”,  but admits that details remain “vague”.

Speculation about the sequel has been rife on social media — just as it always is for fan favourites from the world of Eurovision. But in this instance, there’s plenty of reason to see why a “return” would make sense.

Eurovision movie: Grammy nominee, Oscar contender?

Ultimately Hollywood is a business. And businesses respond to to numbers. While Netflix doesn’t reveal viewing figures, it’s clear the movie was a hit. It topped the Netflix charts in several countries and stayed in the Top 10 in the U.S. for weeks. There’s clearly an appetite for it.

Add to that the movie’s other accolades. It was recently nominated for a Grammy in recognition of its strong soundtrack, and it previously earned two nominations at the People’s Choice Awards — for Comedy Movie and Comedy Actor. None of this is requisite for a movie to get a sequel, but it all helps.

Netflix clearly believes in the film, as seen through Netflix’s “For your consideration”. The site is designed to highlight the virtues of what Netflix considers its best movies, targeting members of awards voting groups like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that presents the Oscars.

While an Academy Award for the movie itself looks unlikely, it seems reasonable that “Husavík” could land a nomination for Best Original Song. US website Vulture even pondered whether it could win the prize outright. After all, the song does everything a movie song should do. It stands alone, but it also ties together important elements of the movie’s narrative. Double Trouble, indeed!

What would a Eurovision movie sequel look like?

WeGotThisCovered.com says the sequel will be based on “another Eurovision Song Contest”. But…what exactly does that mean?

Warning: The rest of this post is wishful thinking. Several big questions arise from the end of the first movie: what’s next for Alexander Lemtov? How will the Fire Saga family grow? Will they try again for Iceland? Will Iceland’s television network even allow them to? Maybe those magical elves will even resurrect Demi Lovato’s ill-fated character…

In fact, there are endless possibilities based on the nature of Eurovision, which sees new contestants every single year. A sequel could well have different characters and new countries — earlier contestants, including Fire Saga, may not even appear. At the same time, there is ample opportunity to turn The Story of Fire Saga into The Story of Alexander Lemtov.

Or perhaps “another Eurovision Song Contest” means another contest of its own? Will the American Song Contest get a movie before it gets an actual edition of the show?

Nothing is written (as far as we know), so the Eurovision movie sequel is very much open to speculation. How do you picture it? Which storylines would you like to see developed? Which Eurovision star could become a new character? And what songs would you include in the next Eurovision medley? Share your ideas in the comment section below!


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4 years ago

I think it would have been cool to include Zeljko Joksimovic, Yulia Samoylova, Helena Paparizou, Ruslana, Robin & Bugge and Staysman & Lazz in the next movie. And maybe a fun Swedish girl group? But I would most of all see TIX (the one who makes the Norwegian russesanger) being the main character and taking part in the competition with a RUSSESANG!!! Or maybe Staysman & Lazz and Robin & Bugge coming together to win Eurovision for Norway with a Norwegian song?!?! 😀

4 years ago

I want to see Fire Saga returning to the contest

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago

Come on Purple, write a song for the sequel! 🙂

4 years ago

Well Loreen hinted in a TV-interview almost a week ago that she is working on an international movie project where she is also part of the production team…it was very confidential though so she could not say more about it…I wonder what type of movie that is… 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Edin

Well, she did book a role in the remake of Netflix Nordic’s Vinterviken. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  James

Yes but it was not that one she was talking about, because they had just talked about that when she mentioned the “international project”

Last edited 4 years ago by Edin
4 years ago

I really liked the movie but I feel like it works really well as it is and I don’t really want a sequel to it. If it is a pretty good movie though i’ll be happy that it exists, and it might provide another opportunity for people to learn about the contest

4 years ago

Hopefully the movie Will not be as long as the first one.

4 years ago

Can I hope for them to do more research for the sequel, hire the actual advisers from the countries they are gonna make the movie about, and give the characters proper names this time or it’s too much to expect from this team?

4 years ago
Reply to  Veta

Of course I don’t think they were trying to purposely make fun of Iceland or Russia, they just genuinely didn’t have a clue about those things. Which were not hard at all to learn about if they would just care to, at least about Icelandic name, it literally has a separate page on Wikipedia with all the info. For Russia maybe there were needed a cultural adviser to tell them Alexandr coundt’t possible come from Chechnya. Idk what kind of experts did they have (wouldn’t be surprised if some Swedish ones) but this apparently means their help was not enough.… Read more »

Fast Food Music Lover
Fast Food Music Lover
4 years ago

Eurovision purists gonna have another field day with this one.

Stian F
Stian F
4 years ago

1: Makes sense that a sequal would focus on The American Song Contest – as that would sound bigger and greater in the ears of a US audience. Concept could be based around the culture crash of Europeans trying to make the American version. 2: I would definitely prefer a European sequel, but without Ferrell… Though with story of Alexander Lemtov and a happy ending for him – and having Dadi Freyr as the actual Icelandic entry, under the guidence of Sigrid of course. 3: There are so much more of gimmicks and stereotypes to be picked from when coming… Read more »

4 years ago

The movie was a blast, seen it three times so far, high as a kite! It’s extremely rewatchable, thanks to the brilliant musical numbers and Dobkin’s overall direction. About the sequel though (should it come to fruition), perhaps it needs to address the American Song Contest development, I guess? Because they more or less covered all of the ESC mythos and staging cliches — at least, the parts which resonated with the uninitiated crowd.

Nobody Important
Nobody Important
4 years ago

Calling it now. It’s gonna flop, it’s gonna flop hard.

4 years ago

It’s on Netflix.

4 years ago

No it’s not

4 years ago

we seriously don’t need it, the only good parts were when they had a sing-a-long, and I also love Husavik (Molly Sanden’s version ofc). Otherwise comedy and writing, sometimes even acting wise the film was bad.

4 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

completely agree, the music was well done and Dan Stevens was great. But the rest of it was woeful. Just Will Ferrell playing the immature overgrown man child he always plays,

4 years ago
Reply to  CRAIG

No it was not woeful. It was great. All of it

4 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

The action was brilliant