Eurovision returnees Paula Seling and Ovi are the last to unveil their official video for “Miracle” ahead of the contest. Was it worth the wait?

It is not the first video for “Miracle”. The Romanian duo also released a live video and an acoustic one.

The new video starts with Ovi singing at the piano in a stark, derelict cabin. Then Paula comes in and everything starts to change. Two dancers dance around as the cabin comes to life in the rain, the place becomes a mini-paradise, complete with a (forbidden?) tree, and even the piano gets covered with grass. The shooting for the official video took 24 hours and, afterwards, the director decided that the grass that they used be planted around the studio, in an effort to save it.

Stormy weather seems to be a common trend this year, with Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and even Armenia bringing it one way or another. We didn’t expect Romania to jump on the rain bandwagon, but here it is.

Speaking of rain, since the first photos from behind the camera were revealed last week, many Spanish fans – and even Ruth’s dancer Giuseppe – noticed some similarities with the video of “Dancing in the Rain” and even claimed that the Romanian duo copied their idea. Oh, Dios mío, controversia!

We pointed out at the time that Ruth Lorenzo did not invent the concept of dancing in the rain, but what do you think? Is it a mere coincidence or are Paula and Ovi really emulating their Spanish counterpart? And what do you think about the “Miracle” video, does it elevate the song for you? Sound off below!

Bogdan Honciuc is a Romania-based correspondent for You can follow him on Twitter @stingovision. You can also keep up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

Hört auf solche dummen kommentare zu geben dass Ryan Ireland wieder rumänien kritiesirt war ja klar 🙁
Rumänien hat sehr gute sänger dieses jahr gebracht und jetzt schlägt ihr deren hoffnung weg was seid ihr für menschen der ESC 2015 in Bucharest kann kommen den wer so fenomenal singt der verdient den sieg. ausserdem von ruth das musik viedeo rumänien hat es nicht geklaut weil bevor von ruth dass musikviedeo veröffentlich wurde begangen schon früher die arben von paula und ovu (musik viedeo ) also schreibt keine scheiße wen ihr es nicht mal wisst

10 years ago

Stop giving such stupid comments that Ryan Ireland Romania again was kritiesirt yeah: (
Romania has brought very good singer this year and now you propose their hope away what ye can come for people of ESC 2015 in Bucharest the who sings so fenomenal deserves the victory. also by ruth the music viedeo romania it has not stolen because before that was committed by ruth musikviedeo published earlier the arben of paula and ovu (music viedeo) therefore does not write shit who you do not even know

10 years ago

who cares…i wanna see her again in the future…ALONE

10 years ago

? Official Twitter of RUTH LORENZO @RuthLorenzo1 ? (SPAIN) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest

10 years ago

for God’s sake….is about … THE MIRACLE OF LIFE … hmmm i guess they need that water for the life to grow around them…is not that difficult to understand it 😛

10 years ago

Julian, i agree with u.

Everyone who say Paula copied Ruth, look at this:

10 years ago

And the pumpkin is directly from “Desperate Housewifes”. It qualifies for a “What’s wrong with this picture” quiz.
What Spain claims is however ridiculous. Like dancing in the rain was invented this year. If anyone saw the franchise show “Dancing with the Stars” they even feature each year this “dancing in the rain” stuff as a dance style.
It is like complaining that more contestants than one are playing a guitar on stage.

10 years ago

I was expecting a unicorn after the switch to grass 😀

I like it — Nice to look at, not fully realistic, odd camerawork — Like a daydream.
Still meaningless of course.

As for the dancing. It was Tanya’s before it was Ruth’s, and will be again for the real thing.

10 years ago

the video made no sense at all and had nothing to do with their song. very disappointing.

10 years ago

Cute and enough.
It’s so good to see Paula & Ovi back.
It will be even better on that huge stage. I just have to say thank you very much for this, Romania! Really hope for Bucharest 2015, if it’s not Yerevan 2015.

10 years ago

Lame video, but who cares… Most of the voters won’t even hear their song before the final. And when Paula sings that high note it sounds like she’s having orgasm on stage…

10 years ago

Overrated piece of drivel. Far removed from playing with fire, though I think that over scored as well. This song is going know where fast, but of course it is Romania so will definitely qualify as to the final I see positions 10 to 15 for it on a good night. Good luck to Romania anyway, they do try

10 years ago

Living in the UK with not allow me to vote for Molly which is shame really ,but i will definitly vote for Sweden,Spain,Romania my opinion
romania are the ones with the best voices at Eurovision 2014 and for that im gonna vote .

10 years ago

Bucharest 2015, PLEEEEEEEAAASSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

I agreed with you Marcelo and of course i belleve that 🙂
And to not forget all the clips from Eurovision are made on a low budget ,so we cant espect someting spectacular from it . 🙂

10 years ago

LadyGaga ,Beyonce etc shoot a clip in months and if this video has been made in two or three days after its finished goes to editing so i think is a good work for such a short time .

Marcelo N
10 years ago

@ adriana_gabriela Muchas gracias… just common sense and a tiny bit of general knowledge, you know. Pero algo raro entre los comentadores, no crees?
Anyway, this is a grand music/broadcasting festival and we should be grateful we’re among the minority of the world population that can enjoy this in the safety of our homes/countries instead of running for our lives or suffering miserable existences struggling to survive. I guess a reality check is in order 😉

10 years ago

Spot on Marcelo,finally someone with a good brain in here 🙂

10 years ago

Spot on Marcelo,finally someone with a good brain in here :
Marcelo N
APR 27, 2014 @ 21:17:27

I may not particularly like the song or the clip, but hey! if this was made in a day, it is an accomplishment!! Obviously most commenters have no idea how tiresome and time-consuming shooting even a short commercial clip may be 😉

Marcelo N
10 years ago

I may not particularly like the song or the clip, but hey! if this was made in a day, it is an accomplishment!! Obviously most commenters have no idea how tiresome and time-consuming shooting even a short commercial clip may be 😉

10 years ago

APR 27, 2014 @ 20:55:04

Armenia wins. Romania suck!
One thing its for sure about romanian singers ,they always had great voices at Eurovision and im sure most will agreed with me.
Sana Nielsen
Is the only ones with the great voices there

10 years ago

This video is definitely better than UK’s ridiculous gypsy/hippie/witchcrafty video. Even though, I agree they copied a few things here and there, It’s still not a bad song at all. The girl has a strong voice and she overpowers the guy. Maybe it will be in the top 10. Who knows?

10 years ago

Armenia wins. Romania suck!

10 years ago


10 years ago

This is most powerful song this year and many people will vote for Romania because it will be the best song for them on eurovision this year.

10 years ago

If Ruth was makeng the video later and not Romania ,then people will say that Ruth was copyng Romania and just like that …Seriously some people need to grow up a bit.

10 years ago

I like it. Go Arm/Romania & UK!

Robert Danmark
Robert Danmark
10 years ago

It s verry easy to say bad words about a song that it is better than yours ! U hateeeeers ! Go Romaniaaa ! Denmark will vote for u , your song it s already on the radio here !!

10 years ago

Woz : So in your opinion you have to look good to qualify in the final not to sing good?Or your choices are based on how good looking you are?

10 years ago

I just love it, for me they are the best :X

10 years ago

Best voices at Eurovision 2014 are :
Molly UK
Sana Nielsen Sweden
Ruth Lorenzo Spain
Paula Romania
If you don`t like it ,dont read my coment ,end of full stop 🙂

10 years ago

Who cares about the video? Most of the viewers and voters on may 10th will never see it. It certainly looks like Ruth Lorenzo’s, but like she invented something…

However, Romania’s chances are null. They didn’t make it with their best entry ever (Tornerò), and they won’t make it this time either with this dated generic track and this uncharismatic ugly singer.

10 years ago

This is Eurovision Song Contest ,not Eurovision Video Contest so stop moaning people 🙂

Alexo Matei
10 years ago

Bucharest 2015..Piano Man & Voice of an angel

10 years ago

It seems that it’s all about water this year… Old shipyard as an Eurovision venue, water around it, water around the stage and water and rain on the stage… Even we have “Rainmaker” as opening act.

10 years ago

It makes sense for Paula & Ovi to have a lot of water around; we know they like playing with fire. Not sure what the wind storm was about though.
How funny people say this is a copy of Spain’s video as if Ruth was the first to dance in slo mo in water. And as for those who think did anything original, musically or performance wise, they need to get out more. It has all been done before.
Anyway, good luck to Paula & Ovi.

10 years ago

shameless copy of Spanish video!!
Romania 0 points

Dan RO
Dan RO
10 years ago

I still don’t get it: what is that miracle they are singing about?!

10 years ago

WHAT AN AWFUL VIDEO! The song is so tacky but I didn´t believe the video would be such horrible! WOW.

10 years ago

That piano would have looked nice in Georgia’s video

Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

I don’t mind this song. But it’s fan favour has definitely gone away. EVEN with Aram MP3’s chances virtually murdered. It’s pretty simple, either Hungary, UK or Ireland is now the fan favourite to win this year.

Sorry guys, we are not going to either Bucharest or Yerevan next year. I originally thought we were going to one or the other but not now. 🙁 🙁

Next year, Eurovision will be either in either Budapest, London or Dublin.

10 years ago

I doubt Romania will even reach the top 10 in the final. They will probably end up somewhere between 12-18. It will probably sound way too high-pitched live and the beat is not that good to be honest. Their entry 2010 was really good and this is not.

10 years ago

I wasn’t sold on the song in the first place, but after watching this I’m starting to warm up to it. I hope they don’t bring in the two male-female dancers to the stage, otherwise it’ll be just like Estonia’s, which is like Loreen’s… a vicious cycle isn’t it!

10 years ago

It’s not about copying Ruth Lorenzo’s music video at all. But it has something to do with a boy and a girl doing an Apache dance. Is it really this year’s trend to do an Apache dance? And what is so special about this dance anyway that makes the artists to have this on their live performance/music video: Ruth’s, Paula and Ovi’s, and Tanja?

Phanie Mane
Phanie Mane
10 years ago

Oh my God, but it is so difficult to be original and not to copy other ESC participant??? Why are they dance here, it’s totaly a mistake, the lyrics needs imagination, not an obviuos copy. I’am really dissapointed, Romania was my favourite, I was cracy with teir song, but after this lack of respect, Romania 0.

10 years ago

Amazing! <3

Sasha Dan
Sasha Dan
10 years ago


10 years ago

I like the video. Just watched also Ruth’s video to compare…Well, there will always be people to say this is a copy of this and so on…Ironically Spanish people first complained about Ruth being chosen, now they think she should win the competition and so on…I think both videos are great in their own way. I do think Paula & Ovi’s video is happier with all spring scenes…I definitely like more the video (meaning the entire package) than the song itself. Speaking of staging at Copenhagen…I doubt any water will flow on the stage in any of the shows. For… Read more »

10 years ago

It’s a M I R A C L E !!! Bucharest 2015 here we come.

10 years ago

Amazing video… Top class work!!!